900. Exercise and Mental Health


Dr. Martin wants you to get the real vitamin E… exercise because it’s good for your mental health. A recent article confirms this. 

The overarching principle of exercise is that it's all good. Dr. Martin doesn’t care what you do… just move. Doing some sort of activity is great for regulating blood glucose and for lowering your stress hormone.

Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he points out some of the many benefits that exercise has on your mental health!


Announcer: You're listening to the doctor is in podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be. It is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. I hope You're having a great start to your day today. I want to encourage you. I want to encourage you with vitamin E the real vitamin E exercise, because I read an article again on how good it is for your mental health. Okay. Your mental health. I was thinking about that and I agree by the way. Okay. Now let me give you a couple of bullets so that, you know, if you've got a pen and paper and you wanna take some notes, let me give you a couple of bullets. Here's the overarching principle of exercise. It's all good. 

I don't care what you're doing. It's good. Move. There was a study out the other day, just on blood glucose. If you are having a heavy meal and you get up for two minutes and walk around just two minutes, just walk around, go for a walk or walk around. It will help stabilize your blood sugar. That is very significant, very significant. And look, you can't out exercise a bad diet. I know that you should know that, but it helps for everything. And today, I just wanna emphasize what it does for your mental health. I have been spending a lot of time in the last few weeks on stories that have been coming out about mental health. And we talked about the fact that depression is not a chemical imbalance for years and years and years. And if you went and did a survey in your hometown, 90 something percent of people would say, if they knew anything about mental health, they would say, well, it's a chemical imbalance for depression. And I brought to you groundbreaking study that are showing that that's not true at all. 

It's not serotonin, and it's not SSRIs that are going to fix the problem. We've brought you the, so we've done stories on mental health in the last few weeks that have been really interesting. One of them was on Alzheimer's big pharma, fudged, their studies, so they could develop drugs for amyloid plaque. And it was never true. Uh, it seems to me that we've been talking about that for a long time, and I'm gonna tell you something. My friend, one of the keys to your mental health is insulin resistance because of the cascade of problems that are caused by it here today, though, we're going to talk about the benefits to your mental health and exercise. Okay? And again, the overarching principle is that all exercise, all movement is good for you guys. The case is closed in terms of the fact that it is beneficial and the more they study exercise, the more they realize that it is good for everything in your body, from your head to your toes. 

But today we're gonna talk about mental health because we're on the subject. And we have been for the last couple of weeks on mental health exercise. First of all, when you're moving, you're exercise, you're going out for a walk. I used to tell people, look, and this was proven and I'm talking 30 years ago, I used to talk about the benefits of exercise of just literally putting your running shoes on. And it was amazing because I said, when you put your running shoes on, okay, and then you're going for a walk or you're going for a run, or you're going to bike, or you're going, whatever, I guess you don't put your running shoes on. If you're going swimming, do you, but they showed. And I'm talking 30 years ago, studies that the beneficial studies to decreasing your stress cortisol cortisol was decreased. The moment you started exercising, what they were saying is this it's impossible for cortisol to be drip, drip, drip, drip, dripping. That's a big problem today. Cortisol is a big problem today. Remember, two hormones that want you dead. One of them is insulin that's food. The other is the stress hormone. That's cortisol. When you exercise, you are lowering your cortisol. 

You are lowering your stress hormone that has major implications for your mental health. Because remember, I've been telling you this for years. Anxiety is one of the biggest, biggest factors in depression. Proverbs 12 tells us that anxiety leads to depression, anxiety leads to depression. One of the major factors. And we talked about this because we know now it's not starting with a chemical imbalance. It doesn't start with that. Yes, there's imbalances. Yes, there's deficiencies, but it doesn't start with that. One of the big factors is cortisol. Another factor is insulin. So when you exercise, you're actually helping your stress hormone. If you help to regulate your cortisol, you are going to be better mentally. You're going to be better mentally. And here's another thing. It releases endorphins. You know what endorphins are. They feel good. They make you feel happy. 

It's amazing. You're happier when you exercise fat, now things around you might be falling apart at the seams, but when you exercise, it helps doesn't get rid of your problems, of course, but it helps you to cope with your problems. They could put vitamin E and I mean it, the exercise, not the other vitamin E in a capsule, it would be tremendous benefits for you mentally exercise. While I always said this about depression, the greatest anti-depressant is steak because of its high level of B12 elk, Carine, elk, carnosine steak, and exercise, sunshine, Viderma, vitamin D. You put those three together, my friend, and you got the best pill as an antidepressant. It helps your endorphins. It helps your stress levels. It helps your mood. It releases tension. 

Fact helps your mood. I gotta encourage you. I was talking to a senior yesterday. I said, you know, cause they were really slowing down in whatever, but we're making an effort not to stop moving. I said, that's one of the biggest problems. One of the biggest problems in seniors is a lack of motion, a lack of movement. And of course they're joints and whatever. I get all that, you know, you get hips problem, but you know what? Even if you need a Walker, get out and move, get in the sun, eat steak and exercise, release attention increases your endorphins, lowers, cortisol facts, guys. One of the best things for your memory, it helps your memory. 

Memory is important. Isn't it? Yeah, boy. Oh boy. Today. What an epidemic we have and you know what? I don't want to outlive my brain. That's for sure. I want my brain exercise helps your gray matter. Because you know what exercise does. It literally helps with connections in your brain. Okay? You've got a grid up there and exercise helps the grid. It helps to develop more neurons and more connections. Your body has a capacity guys to unreal, but you gotta help it out. Don't be sedentary. It increases your memory. And one of the reasons it does it too, is blood supply vascular. One of the problems in dementia is vascular dementia. Vascular means blood, those little small vessel blood supply to the brain. You gotta keep those highs and byways of your blood vessels. Functioning vasodilation, let your blood vessels open and not hardened. 

That's what exercise does at the brain level. So it really helps your hypo campus. It helps your hypothalamus, the hormone control center in your brain guys. Here's another one. It helps to develop character. You see exercise guys. Exercise is repetition. Okay? I gotta tell you. I learned the benefits of exercise when I was a young man, very young high school. Now I always tell people I majored in recess in school. I loved recess. You know me. I did. Okay. I wasn't a bookworm. I like reading, but I wasn't a bookworm. I was a move doc. Okay. Cause I love sports so much, but I told you the story of my dad who became a diabetic when he was 40, I was a young P you know, 15, 16 years old. And my dad started jogging nobody in the world, jogged just my dad. 

He started running on the spot the day after he got the diagnosis. I'm not getting you, my mother kicked him outside. You're gonna ruin my carpet. What are you doing? I remember my mom. Are you crazy? And my dad, cause my dad was wise and I said, Dan, what are you doing? You know, I'm going to high school. He said, well, I'm a diabetic son. I've gotta take care of myself. What's that mean? Well, he said, that's why I'm he didn't call it jogging. Cause nobody called it jogging. The only time you ran was the police were chasing you. You know what? You're going for a run. Now that's very common today. But in 1968, that wasn't common. So he started jogging. I love my daddy so much. Wasn't even about a month later, cuz he'd get up early in the morning. 

I said, dad, wake me up. I'm going with you. And I remember I couldn't even walk a block. When I being out of breath. When I first started, nevermind run. I said run. He said, come with me, come on with jogging. Like I said, I don't think he even used the word jogging. Keep up with me. You know, I wasn't a bad athlete and I would Huffin and puffing. Like I had been smoking for four packs a day, which I, I never did by the way but I felt like I was a smoker. The way I was I gotta run. What are you talking about? But you know what? Like anything else? It develops character. The reason it does is because you developed discipline exercise and discipline. Nobody said it was easy, but it gets a lot easier. Why? Because you feel better. 

You know, when I hit the gym, I always remind myself, number one, why am I doing it? Think of the benefits. Look at the long term plan. That's why gyms are full in January. They all advertise in January. You know, come, come to the gym, come to the gym, you know, part of your new year's resolution and then they're empty in February. Cuz people go, well, I didn't know it was gonna be hard. Anything that accomplishes a lot in life is never easy. But you see how it develops your character and actually helps your character exercise. I used to tell this to my patients years ago, the problem is always compliance. Okay? Because I used to tell my patients, look, I'm gonna give you a plan. I'm never gonna make it impossible to succeed. I'm gonna give you a plan to succeed, not a plan to fail a plan to succeed, but you need to do your part. When you go home, whether it was food or exercise, here's the plan. I never made it impossible. I made it very possible. The problem always was, or sometimes was wasn't always, obviously is compliance. Meaning that doc, I didn't know it was gonna be tough. Well, of course it's tough. Of course it's tough. Discipline is tough. 

Determination is tough. I could read people pretty good in my office. No, but seriously I could read people pretty good. I knew when I should have been talking to the wall instead of a patient, their eyes would sort of glass over angle. You know, now I got fooled a few times, people that I thought for sure, weren't going to listen to me and did. But most of the time I could tell, you know, 99% of the time, I was pretty good at figuring the person out because I could tell by their reaction to what I was telling them and by their body language and whatever, whether they were going to comply or not. I told you guys now one of the biggest problems in implementing the fix for depression, not easy is compliance. Not easy. If they would do the reset in food 30 days, I used to tell 'em you trust me. 

You came to see me. You waited months to see me now. I'm telling you what to do. Are you in, are you out? I can't go home with you. I can't make you do it. I can't make you discipline your body. You might have a desire, but do you have a determination? You know me and my three DS desire, determination, discipline, determine the meaning that's a transfer by the way, that goes 18 inches from your yeah. I think I'll do it to your heart saying it's a transfer. 18 inches going, you know what? Come heck or high water. I'm going to do this. Now. I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I wanna fix this and you're offering me Dr. Martin hope, and I'm gonna do it. You know what guys are you on our private Facebook group. If you are there, there's tens of thousands there. Now listen, read people say I'm gonna start the reset tomorrow. And I like when they tell us that, because we wanna pump their tires, we wanna give them encouragement. We wanna pump up the desire, but they better transfer now to determination because it's not easy. What do you mean no carbs? What do you mean no sugars? Well, do you wanna fix, do you wanna get better? 

And some people, they get discouraged so quickly. It's another discouragement. And by the way, you know what I love about our group? We're encouragers. We pump tires. I used to coach, you know, a lot of hockey. I coached a lot of baseball in my lifetime, personal coaching. I coached personal coaches. How to coach, cuz I know how to pump tires, my friend, but you gotta see the end. You have to look forward in exercise. Same thing you have to look forward. I know that if I stick to this, I'm going to feel better mentally. What a character builder. It is. It's a character builder. It's a discipline builder. I used to tell young people, this will help you in every aspect of your life because you will never be successful in anything in life without discipline and determination. You just won't be at your job at your marriage in relationships, discipline and determination. I want to be healthy. Believe me folks, that exercise is worth it. And if you got a bad hip and bad knees or whatever, then find some way you can move, get strong. And by the way, look, I gotta do this because people ask me every day, this, what is the best form of exercise. Remember the overarching principle is any exercise is beneficial. Any it's better than a crossword puzzle. 

You know, cuz I, I get seniors telling me, well I do crosswords. Uh, that's good, but it's not as good as exercise. Move, move, end up the best movement. The best thing you can do is steal. It's get strong. If someone calls you muscle head, take it as a compliment. You know me fat head compliment muscle head, Hey meat head remember aren't you bunk used this call. Everybody meat head, especially his son-in-law. If they call you meat head, take it as a compliment. Meat's good for you. And so is vitamin E exercise and especially steel. 

The more muscle you have, the better your brain operates. Did you know that? Especially your legs, get your legs strong. It'll help with your back. That's what I tell people with back problems. Get your legs strong. Don't worry about exercising your back, exercise your legs and you'll get the benefits of brain activity. Steel man, steel be strong. I like to tease my grandchildren. You know, we have a lot of fun. My grandchild. I say, Hey, feel these puppies right here. These are guns. I have to register them with the government. I'm teasing, but I work on it, guys. I work on it. And now if I don't exercise, if I miss a day or so, you know, and by the way, here's this secret sweet spot of exercise, just repeating three to four days a week. Okay? Three to four days, a week, 15 to 20 minutes a day, get strong. 

If you have muscles, I always talk about insulin resistance and muscles. The more guns you have, the bigger guns, the more you can store glycogen that takes big time, pressure off your liver and your liver and brain, by the way, have a big connection. People don't think about it, but it really is connected because of triglycerides and HDL come outta your liver. They have a big effect on the brain addiction, recovery. Here's another benefit, addiction, recovery. And again, this is one of the reasons I was telling you about depression. They often get addicted to their SSRIs. They can't get off of them and I try and get them. Even while they're on medication to exercise, it's gonna help you. It'll help you not get back into the trap. Drug addicts, alcoholics carbos it helps. I'm telling you. I've seen it. You know, my name is Tony and I'm a carbo and I'll tell you when they get disciplined with exercise, it really helps with that too. It really helps to stick to the plan. It really helps in that area. Oh, here's another one. It does help with higher pain tolerance. Exercise helps with pain tolerance. It does. 

Okay guys. Now the sweet spot three to four times a week. Look, you can go walk in every day. That's all right. I'm not against that at all. All I'm saying is do three or four times 15 to 20 minutes and you hit the sweet spot for exercise. Do resistance training, do weight lifting. If you can. All of it is good. Some of it is better and some of it is better. Okay. We got a great week lined done. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon. 

Announcer: You've reached the end of another. Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. And senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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