Dr. Martin shares an interesting observational study about colorectal cancer in today’s episode.
The populations of India and Pakistan are known for having very high rates of diabetes. They share similar diets, but it turns out that India has 400% more colorectal cancer than in Pakistan.
Why is this you may ask? Indians generally eat much less meat than their Pakistani neighbours because of their religious beliefs. Pakistan is almost a 100% Muslim population and they eat more meat.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay, guys, we're going to do a little bit of hodgepodge this morning. Like I was saying to you the last time, I was thinking about doing a hodgepodge Monday, meaning studies that I read over the weekend, articles that pertain to our health I find, flag them, and let's talk about a few. Here's a couple. Now guys, I got to post this, coffee. Another win for coffee, another win. Okay.
The article is coffee byproducts, 500 times more powerful than vitamin C. See, that vitamin C the real one is coffee. You want to hear the headline again? Coffee byproducts 500 times greater than the other vitamin C. Haven't I told you that? Now you think I'm biased about coffee? Well, maybe I am. I was one of the original defenders of coffee, when believe you me, there was no one defending coffee. Coffee is acidic. Coffee is bad. Coffee is this. Coffee will dehydrate you. Coffee, blah, blah, blah. I used to be the defender of coffee, when there wasn't anything in it for me, other than to tell you how good coffee was for you.
Now, you guys, if you followed me for any length of time, know that that's true. What am I doing right now? Drinking my coffee, 500 times more powerful than vitamin C, the other vitamin C, ascorbic acid. I know a lot of people like ascorbic acid. Well, good for you. There's a couple of ways I like ascorbic acid, never on its own, unless you're putting it in an IV, and I got no problem with that. I wonder if we could IV coffee. It would probably be more effective, but isn't that interesting? And so, enjoy.
Now, don't ruin your coffee. Don't ruin it. Don't put milk in it. Don't put sugar in it. Don't put artificial sweeteners in it. You're ruining the coffee. You're ruining the benefits of the coffee. You have my permission, some cream, the heavier, the better. Okay? It just wins all the time, guys. You can't go wrong. I preach it, and preach it, and preach it. I'm telling you, the more research they do on coffee, the better it is, guys. It's from every kind of cancer to the benefits to your liver, and when you do this, when you're drinking coffee, it's like lowering your insulin response. That's why I've always said, "Drink your coffee with a meal. Enjoy."
Now for those of you who are tea lovers, I feel sorry for you. You get some antioxidants and whatever in tea. I like the teas. You know that, but the tea doesn't match up. It just doesn't match up to coffee, in terms of its health benefits. Now, for years, you always heard the opposite of that. Oh, yeah, you can have some tea, but you should avoid coffee, and I've been consistent, consistent, consistent about that. Okay? That's one that was flagged on the weekend.
This is an interesting one. I read a study. It was more of an observation paper. It talked about the difference between India and Pakistan. Now, both those populations have very high rates of diabetes. They have very high rates of diabetes, but you know what? The way I look at the world today, there's very few populations that have got low levels of diabetes, because people insist on loading up with carbs.
I, often, talk to my Indigenous friends, First Nations here in Canada. I did so many seminars and education for them. They found me funny. Okay? Because I would tease them all the time. You know me. I love teasing. I would say, "You know what? The white man is trying to kill you. We already took your land, so now we're trying to wipe you out." They'd look at me like I had two heads. "What? What are you talking about?" I said, "Well, you're eating our diet. Go back to the way you used to eat. You got bad genetics. You're very susceptible to diabetes. You need to live off the land again."
I would explain to them that when you eat, what I call the white man's diet, it really isn't just the white men, but it's true. When you eat the North American diet, look at African Americans. They got diabetes coming out the wazoo, but 80% of the population of the African American are higher is obese. It's food. Food, plus genetics, not good. It's a double whammy.
I was explaining to someone yesterday, I said, "You see this face? I look like my dad. It's scary to me." They didn't call me Tony Jr. for nothing. I look like my dad, but my dad went diabetic. My grandfather was diabetic. We got lots of diabetes in our family. So, guess what? Genetics is a factor. For sure, it's a factor. But, I've always said this, you can override your genetics. You may have weaknesses in your family tree. Look it up. Cancer, heart disease, whatever, diabetes, look it up. That's all right. I'm not against genetics. I'm not against that.
I don't know if you can see over my left shoulder there, our family tree back there. Now, I don't know how far diabetes went back on the Martin side, but I know my grandfather and I know my dad, and I look like my dad, and I got to be careful, but listen to this study. Even though Pakistanis and Indians, they're both high in diabetics, in terms of their genetics, but big difference, and here's the study.
India has 400% more colorectal cancer than Pakistan. They have 400% more colorectal cancer than the Pakistanis. Now, a little bit of a quiz, close your books, and I'm going to ask you a little test. Why? Why does India have 400% more colorectal cancer than people living right across the border in Pakistan? Let's see. I'm waiting. It's interesting, the correlation.
Like I said, both populations have a very high diabetic rate. Janet Rice, yep, to some extent, I think you're right. I'm going to give you something else. Annette, high carb diet, yes. India has a very high carb diet, low vitamin D, very good. It's not the exact answer I was wanting to give you, but all of that is true. Sugar, bad oil, and Theresa, you got it right, meat-eating. Meat-eating.
Guys, listen to this for a minute. I want you to unpack this in your brain. India, Indians, by and large, and because it's their religious thing, generally, eat much less meat than their Pakistani neighbors. Pakistan is almost 100% Muslim population. Muslims eat meat. They're very high on meat. It doesn't mean they don't get diabetes, because they have high rates of diabetes. They eat too many carbohydrates.
But compared to Indians, in terms of colorectal cancer, because you guys are going to hear this over and over and over again, it will not stop, you're going to hear this over and over and over again, do not eat meat, especially red meat, when it comes to your colon, because red meat is acidic. No, it's not. Red meat is so good for you. You don't digest red meat, and it's bad for your bowel, and you need fiber, fiber, fiber, fiber. No, you don't.
It's fake news. Pakistanis eat much more meat than their Indian neighbors, not just chicken. They eat a lot of red meat from mutual, the lambs. They do. They have much less, 400% less colorectal cancer. Think about that, and look. Both those populations have very low levels of vitamin D, not good. I'm not saying they're healthy people, but as far as colorectal cancer, and guys, I've been saying this for so long about colorectal cancer, which is, it's a cancer that's going in a graph like this, like up, up, up, up, every year, colorectal cancer. And, at one time, colorectal cancer was unheard of in young people.
The good thing about being my age is, I've been around a long time. I can tell you, in the 1970s, the 1980s, maybe even into the 1990s, colorectal cancer doesn't mean we never heard about it, and of course we did. It was a rare cancer, compared to what it is today, and today, what's so scary about colorectal cancer is the amount of it in young people. It's frightening, but what's happened? We're carboholics. We're carboholics, and we don't eat enough meat.
Now, that may not be popular, but that's true. Now, there's environmental factors. There's other, but colorectal cancer, I've said it since the introduction of high fructose corn syrup, especially in the bowel, let me say this. The worst sugar, it's not only high fructose corn syrup, but the worst sugar is when you drink sugar. Drinking sugar is the worst thing you can do, not only for diabetes, not only for obesity, not only for fatty liver, not only for high triglycerides and low HDL. Drinking sugar is the worst thing you can do. You're not meant to drink sugar. You were meant to eat fruit. You can eat fruit. Don't drink it. Don't drink manmade sugar, high fructose corn syrup. It's unreal what that does to colorectal cancer.
Now, one of the antidotes to it is eating meat, and not just chicken, red meat. What have I said? What do I say? What will I keep saying? Cancer hates steak. It hates it. Your body loves it. It loves it. Why? The amount of power-packed nutrition in red meat, power-packed. Remember, high DHA, you know how big I am on omega-3, especially the DHA. Study after study, I sent a study last night, red blood cell DHA, I'm reading you the headline, red blood cell DHA is inversely associated with the risk of Alzheimer's and all cause dementia, high DHA. Where do you get DHA? In the animal kingdom, fish and steak. Fish and steak. Steak and fish.
When you eat a cow, when you have cow's meat, cows are vegetarians, so that you don't have to be. Got it? Cows are vegetarians, do you don't have to be. Cows eat grass to make DHA. You got a lot of omega-3, and listen to what it's saying. Red blood cell DHA, measuring it, the higher your DHA level, is inversely associated with the risk of Alzheimer's and all cause dementia. Hello, my dear fathead friends. I'm not insulting you. I'm giving you a compliment. Hello, my dear fathead friends, my audience. I'm doubling down.
You don't want to lose your memory, do you? Well, then eat more steak. Let the cows eat the grass, so that you can have their steak. Don't feel bad about it. Don't listen to the propaganda, because that's what it is. They're not aiming so much at you. They're aiming at our children and our grandchildren and my great grandchildren. "Don't eat meat. Don't eat red meat. Don't eat meat." They allow you some chicken, but even then.
Guys, I know. Okay? Because some people I know, if I scroll down, some people are going to come back at me based on this. "Well, Dr. Martin, it's what they put in the meat." Here's what I tell you every time. I'm not saying we live in a pristine world. We certainly don't. But, I don't care if you eat organic vegetables or whatever. You ain't getting away, my friend. You ain't getting away from the chemicals, the pesticides, the herbicides, all the things you can think of. It's better, I agree. It's like, get me a grass-fed cow in a pristine environment, but we don't live in a world like that. That is make believe, that world, now.
I'm not saying we shouldn't do our best, but I'm telling you, and I'm doubling down on this, the best thing you can do for yourself is to cut out sugar and eat more meat. Let the cows be the vegetarians. Okay? They're meant to eat that grass. They're meant to. They regurgitate all day long. Cows got four stomachs. You don't. It's interesting, because it's going against everything pretty well on the internet, everything in mainstream media. Don't eat red meat. Don't eat red meat. You don't need to eat it. We'll make you our fake burgers, brought to you by Bill Gates and friends.
It's the way the world is going, guys. You got to push back. I'm going to push back as long as they allow me to push back, because it's not true. It's not true. You need red meat. There's things in there. I talk to you about DHA, but again, just always repeat, when you look at a piece of red meat, you look at a steak, for example, and I know liver is even a little bit better, but I'm not spending time on liver. I'm sorry. My wife likes it. I don't. Very good for you. Okay? I'm telling you what I like, and the vast majority of people, "Yeah, I like steak, but my doctor told me..." Why didn't you go to your plumber? You would've got better nutritional advice. I guarantee your plumber likes your steak.
No, but guys, B-12. We talked about it every day, the importance of B-12. It's only found in red meat. Vitamin A, it's only found in meat and eggs. Your amino acids, the most bio available. You need them. Remember that. Okay? Remember that. When you eat a steak, and I'll give you chicken, too, as long as you promise me to eat the skin, what happens when you eat that? Your insulin is taking a break. It really is, and it's not that you're not using it, but you'll never get insulin-resistance from eating a steak, ever. You won't get it, and so we talk about that all the time.
One of the things that's happening, you guys know me. I always talk about these chronic diseases that have been left on the wayside with all the talk of this virus over the last couple of years. We certain forgot about chronic diseases, but when you look at the cancer rates, heart disease is still number one, but believe you me, when you look at the statistics that cancer is coming right up its tail, as far as the numbers of people dying. Heart disease is still number one, but believe you me, cancer rates are right on its tail, and guys, the vast majority of chronic diseases come to you via food and choices you make in food. Don't be duped. Don't be duped. You can't control everything in life. I understand that. The statistics are pretty clear. All of us are going to die. I get that, but you got to understand nutrition, and you got to understand nutritionally dense foods. Your cells love it, and cancer hates it.
Insulin-resistance, high-circulating insulin, is a huge, huge, huge factor, and then you have two populations, getting back to that original study on India and Pakistan. You have two populations that diabetes is high, but what seems to help is the consumption of meat in the Pakistani population. Interesting, isn't it? Take your vitamin S. It's anti-cancer. Vitamin S, steak and any red meat. Okay? You guys know me. I keep it simple stupid. Me, I'm stupid. I got to keep everything simple, for me. When I classify steak as a vitamin, I mean it. I mean it. Okay. A little bit of hodgepodge Monday, oh, that vitamin S.
Okay, guys. So, we got a good week coming up. We got some interesting studies that have come out that I want to talk about. We'll spend some time on it. Okay? It's going to be fun, I promise you that. Now, housekeeping, are you a member of The Martin Clinic Facebook group? Why not? Join in. You should see some of the testimonies on the weekend. Unreal what the reset does. Okay, one. Two, are you getting our emails? Martinclinic.com, if you're not getting them, make sure you sign up for our emails. We'll put out two this week. Three, Friday is question and answer Friday, so get your questions in. Always, always a popular time with us, and we thank you guys for that. Share this, guys, or remind people they can get on to The Doctor Is In Podcast. Thank you for the success that it is. It's you. It's not me. It's you. Okay. Love you, guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!