In the last couple of years, the prescribing of antidepressants for kids is up some 600%. The Journal of the American Medical Association is reporting this finding as well as saying that antibiotics can do more harm than good in children!
Join Dr. Martin as he ties these two crucial studies together in today’s episode. The overuse of antibiotics has been well documented to cause problems in the gut but it’s also linked to the mental health of children.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well good morning everyone. And welcome to another live here this morning. How are you? Hope you're having a great start to your day. Okay. What we're going to look at this morning. I sort of mentioned this yesterday. This is two studies done on children. Okay. One of them coming out of the Journal of the American Medical Association. I'm going to actually tie these two studies together. And I'm going to give you a little bit of context on why I believe this to be true. We're going to talk about mental health this morning in kids. Okay. Now, I don't know if you heard me say this, but if lockdowns were a medication, it would've been pulled off the market because of the side effects, especially in kids. Well-established. And this study tells us that prescriptions for children of antidepressants are up 600% in the last couple of years. 600%. Okay. And that is the prescriptions of SSRI's to affect the serotonin levels in kids.
Now, let me unpack this a little bit. I'm going to show you another study and I'm going to talk about this. This is the headline of the second study, and then I'm going to tie this in with the first one. Antibiotics do more harm than good for kids. Now guys, I didn't say that… this is what this article in the Journal of American Medical Association is saying. Antibiotics do more harm than good. Down the road, that's what they're saying. Interesting, isn't it? They're not talking depression here. When you take an antibiotic as a kid, they're looking at mainly digestive issues and the possibility of getting some really bad bacteria like C-difficile, for example, for kids. And what they're saying is what I've been saying for almost 50 years. Antibiotics will save your life. They will save your life, but the overuse of them is dangerous because of what happens down the road. Now this study, like I said, was looking more at digestive issues. Guys, I can tell you something about digestion. Sometimes it's years later. You take an antibiotic as kids. Ear infections, throat infections, they're the most common.
And the problem is down the road you've changed the gut. Five days, five days of antibiotics. Look, it kills the bad guys, the problem is it's friendly fire because it's killing the good guys too. And yeah, but I got rid of the infection. Well, if it was ear infection, 98% of them are viral. It's not a bacteria, even throat. It's not bacteria. It's virus. And oh yeah, but they got better with the antibiotic. I know, but they would've got better anyways. Give them something for the pain. And with the ears, I like what my son-in-law likes to do. An emergency physician. Give them an antihistamine for a few days, just to take the pressure away from the ears and said, I don't like to give the antibiotics because it's a virus.
Now let me tie this together, the two studies on kids. One of them coming out of the lockdown for kids has been super, super hard. And again, guys, I told you that. I said the coming tsunami of mental health. The coming tsunami. But I know mainstream media and the mainstream medicine, eh, they don't listen very well because they have a narrative. But the prescriptions for antidepressants are up 600%. Now, what do antibiotics have to do with depression? That is where I'm going to tie things up together here today. And it's just something that if you go back and read almost every book that I've written, I've talked about the side effects of antibiotics. Now what should be taught in every medical school? Every medical school. Is the condition called leaky gut. Leaky gut. Now you guys know this well. Because I talked to you about it, man, you know what? Three times a week or more. Repeat, repeat, repeat that's me.
Well, because it's so significant. Hypocrites said that all diseases start in the gut. Well, he was pretty smart. He was light years ahead of his time, the father of medicine. But it was never taken seriously by medicine, to this extent. Medicine and I, God love them, okay? Please don't... When you need a doctor, you need a doctor. Okay? I'm not against them. They're smart people. The problem is they've been duped, hijacked, in a lot of ways. One of the problems in medicine is they specialize. They specialize, right? You got digestive issues, you go to a GI doctor. You got mental health issues, you go to a psychiatrist. You got heart issues, you go to a cardiologist. You got cancer, you go to an oncologist, right? They all specialize pretty well.
As a matter of fact, I was reading the state of Canadian medicine and family doctors have had it up to here. They don't like it. They're overworked and really what they are, they're sort of the middle person. They got to refer everybody out. Because medicine has become so specialized. Anyways, here's the point. What's the connection between the gut and the brain. What's that connection? There's a huge connection. Your microbiome, your bacteria, it's an ecosystem, it's supposed to be very well balanced. You see medicine. Here's the problem, what are the problems that they have?
What they're taught in medical school. They're not taught leaky gut. So what do they think? Blood. Now they know blood's very important, right? The Bible's right. The life of the flesh is in the blood, right? Found in Leviticus. And medicine a couple of hundred years ago and they did it for centuries, they used to blood out of the body. Thinking at that time, well, if blood is toxic, you have an infection. Let's take blood out. And they found out that wasn't very smart, took them centuries to find it out. But then they realized it's better to give blood, right? But here's the problem in medical school. They look at blood as never being toxic, unless you have sepsis, which is an infection in the blood that travels and it's very deadly. So if you don't have sepsis, there's no big problem.
And they miss a whole area that ought to be very important to them. And that is leaky gut. Leaky gut. When there's things in the blood that don't belong there. Undigested food, I'm letting you look over my right shoulder and for those on a podcast, it visualizes, I've got a very expensive microscope right in behind my right shoulder there. You see it? I believe that every doctor in the universe ought to have a microscope in his practice. And for the first two minutes, you don't need much more than that. Every patient that comes in, take a little drop of blood and put it under a very powerful microscope.
Why? Well, you going to see stuff. I, you see red blood cells and you see white blood cells and you see platelets. And, but what you should never see in blood is yeast. Candida. And I used to see it on a daily basis. And if I saw candida in the blood, I knew one thing that patient had leaky gut. And when they talk about antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century in medicine, that and insulin. Antibiotics save millions and millions and millions of people's lives. And they still do today. God bless antibiotics, but it's a two-edged sword.
The number one cause, follow me here. The number one cause of leaky gut is antibiotics. And guys, I have been consistent about that for over 40 years. Over 40 years. Leaky gut. Let's go back 30 years, 25, 30 years ago. I talked about leaky guy in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in one of my books. I remember talking to a few physicians, some of them right on TV or radio, because I did a lot of that. Thought dr. Martin is, woo-hoo, woo-hoo. You know, he's wearing a tin, foil hat. He's living on another planet. He's communicating with extra terrestrials. He's got sparks coming out his ears, that guy. Looking at me with a disdain. What's he talking about? Blood is sterile and if you ever have yeast in your blood, you are going to die. Because you're going to get sepsis. You never see yeast in blood. Never get fungus or Candida in blood. You dummy.
I said, "Yes you do. And you wouldn't even knew it." But if you take an antibiotic and you don't take a probiotic, you're in doodoo, coming to a theater near you will be problems. Yeah. And maybe not digestive, maybe. This study is saying antibiotics, let me read the headline, do more harm than good for kids. Wow. They're starting to see it. But they're not talking leaky gut, they're talking digestive issues. And the possibility of C-difficile and setting themselves up for a fungal overgrowth is my point. Not in that article. A fungal overgrowth. So what am I saying? What's that got to do with prescriptions of SSRI's in children? Ritalin, Ativan. Now, if you want to see something interesting, you could Google this.
I saw it over the weekend. Tom Cruise, as you know, I liked the first Tom Cruise movie. And his new one, right? It's a huge, huge hit. So they, somebody Googled something he said about mental health. Right? An interview with Matt Lauer. You remember him? Was he on NBC? Or I can't remember. But this was 17 or so years ago when he was talking about mental health and kids and Ritalin and all this and that. Google it, it's interesting. And Tom Cruise is, I don't have to tell you about him, but like really big. Again, because of his new movie out. Now, let me connect the two, I got off on a little sidetrack. Let me connect the two. Mental health and antibiotics. You have to understand for me, okay, just understand my clinical experience. I talked to a young lady yesterday because somebody was asking me about mental health issues with her daughter.
And I got to ask questions because that was me, asking questions. Tell me about their childhood. Oh, big time trouble with their ears. Oh look, mental health isn't just antibiotics guys. It's not just that. But I'm telling you one of the biggest keys to your brain health, listen, Linda, listen is your gut health. Antibiotics, antibiotics, they destroy your friendly bacteria in kids. And that can affect them down the road, their mental health. Why? Because you get a low grade infection of the bloodstream. Candida albicans, yeast travels through the blood and can infect the brain. It can cross the blood brain barrier. By the way, what we know about the blood brain barrier today, it's bacteria. The blood brain barrier. It's a microbiome too. It's bacteria and it protects your brain.
It doesn't allow foreign invaders to come into your brain. Nothing can get in that doesn't belong in your brain. Guys, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have a barrier, invisible. You can't see it, but it's there nonetheless. But what happens if it gets compromised? What could compromise it? The same thing that even medicine is talking about today, antibiotics. Wipe out the blood brain barrier. And you got garbage, it's microscopic, you can't see it, getting into the brain. And let me give you a perfect example of it that is well-established today. Parkinson's, neurological. Happens in the brain. Here's what they know. Here's what they know in Parkinson's. Neurological, yeast. They really have a fungal brain. I've said that about MS. Autoimmune. You know what they found in Parkinson's? Candida yeast, fungal brains plus heavy metals. Mercury, lead, cadmium. How does that get into the brain? Leaky gut, leaky brain. And it gets transported. Yeast is a transport.
It'll take heavy metals into your brain that don't belong there. So this is significant guys. This is why if you have children or grandchildren, please get them on probiotics. It's so important. Everybody and their dog should be on probiotics. I'm sorry, but I don't apologize. How stupid is that? Well I can't help but tell you the truth, guys. Because again, I love medicine, but don't wait until a doctor tells you to take probiotics, it'll never happen. Well, maybe it will. If you got a doctor that thinks outside the box, well good for you. Buy him or her a Christmas present every year, please. You got a good one. But I always tell you guys take care of yourselves and take care of your family. But mental health. Now there's other factors, I understand that. But it's a big factor I'm telling you because they never, ever, ever take histories. I'm interested in the childhood. What happened? I've talked to you in the past about the C-sections.
Gynecologists. Obstetricians. C-sections. Look again, modern medicine, wonderful. A C-section can save a baby's life. Can save mommy's life. I'm not against C-sections if you need them. But even the obstetricians, the College of Obstetricians have told their members quit doing so many C-sections. Want to know why? Because the baby was meant to travel down mommy's birth canal and get all the mucus and the bacteria, mommy's bacteria. Yes. It's good for that baby. And there's a big correlation, I've written about this. Between C-section babies and natural birth babies, in terms of autism. I've written extensively about it because when they don't get mommy's bacteria, they're meant to go down that birth canal. And get a bath of bacteria. How do you like that? They need a bath of bacteria. And they need to get it in their body and especially in their sinuses and their ears.
And that bacteria is good for them. But take it a step back. And again, please don't misinterpret what I'm saying. But when you have public health officials, we saw it. We were in a laboratory for two years, a medical laboratory, and we found out how medicine thinks. You got a virus. Stop the presses. The only thing that matters is that virus. No more mental health, no more worrying about cancer. Don't worry about your heart. Don't worry about anything. Let's just get rid of that virus. And they took over. True or false? It's a hundred percent true. Good luck.
But that's what medicine say, they can't look. What's going to happen down the road. What are we doing to ourselves? And when they finally have a look at it, like I'm telling you, prescription meds are up 600% in children. And guys, I'm going to just say something about SSRI's or antidepressants. They're band aids. And listen, this is how old I am. Antidepressants like SSRIs came out in the 1970s, because I watched it happen. I was pontificating back in those days. And on their label, for temporary use only. Temporary use only. Well, they didn't get that memo. And people were put on SSRIs, antidepressants and left on.
They were never created for that because any doctor worth his salt will tell you they're temporary. We're going to try and balance out some of that chemistry in your brain, between serotonin and dopamine and norepinephrine. We're going to try and balance those out. And SSRI's are specifically for serotonin. But I bring people back even further. Because I want to know what happened in their childhood. And then you get oftentimes with mental health, you get a perfect storm, perfect storm. You get antibiotics that start leaky gut that start a fungal infection. It's low grade, but every autoimmune, listen, Linda, every autoimmune. That I ever saw from rheumatoid arthritis to Sjogren's to ulcerative colitis, to Crohn's to you name it. Psoriasis, eczema, you name it. Starts in the gut. It starts in the gut. And again, it's not the only culprit, but it's the main culprit.
It's antibiotics. It's antibiotics in the absence of probiotics. See, if you're going to take an antibiotic, you have to take a probiotic. And some studies have shown that once you derange your microbiome, it can never return in the absence of probiotics. Probiotics. They're the answer. They're a big answer to mental health. I always tell mommies you had a C-section, okay, now give that baby probiotics. You'd start taking them and breastfeed and the baby will get that bacteria. I've even had mums open up the capsule, put a little bit of powder on their breath. Baby will get that bacteria. Going to get mom's bacteria there might, as well get them probiotics.
I know, I know. It's controversial, but see the connection? See the connection? And when Candida gets up into the brain, it can play habit to the neurotransmitters up there and the consequences are often dire. Okay. I like to look in behind the scenes guys. It's just the way I'm built. I'm a history guy. I learned that from my dad. History, history, history. Listen to a patient, they have inside information. Listen. Linda, me. I had to be Linda and listen. And listen to patients. Because they'll tell you a story. That's one of the biggest problems in medicine today, in my opinion. They just don't listen.
Patient told me the other day, former patient, told me the other day they went to their doctor and he never even looked at them. Ever. He just had his head on the computer and talking, he never turned around. I said, "You're kidding me." Nope. Okay guys, are you having fun? Are you having a great day? Okay. What's Friday? Question and answer. I was thinking yesterday because we did a hodgepodge. I thought about maybe what we'll do on Mondays is call hodgepodge Mondays. I've been thinking about that. Okay. Question and answer Friday and hodgepodge studies go through a lot of them, on Mondays. Well, think about that. I might do that. Okay. Did you get our email this morning on cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL? Did you get that? Very good teaching. Cholesterol's not the boogeyman, in case you didn't know. In case this is the first time you've watched our program. Okay. I'm breathing. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!