American President John F. Kennedy said at his inauguration that it’s “time to fix the roof, when the sun is shining.” Same goes for your brain. Dr. Martin wants you to fix your brain before it’s in trouble.
One of the biggest fears people have is that they’ll end up with Alzheimer's. At the Martin Clinic, we’ve been focusing on brain health recently, and specifically in the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia.
Join Dr. Martin in this important teaching about protecting your brain!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Welcome to another live this morning, and hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. Okay. You know what? I'm going to start off with a saying. We're really going to go into some detail on how to protect your brain. Okay? We have been writing emails, the last two or three emails on brain health, and specifically protecting yourself and prevention of Alzheimer's, dementia. Okay? So, I think this is important teaching. Get your pens out. Okay? For those who take notes, but here's a statement that was part of John F. Kennedy, American President said this on his inauguration. You know what he said? "Time to fix the roof, when the sun is shining.” Time to fix the roof, when the sun is shining. That's true. Time to fix the brain before it's in trouble. Okay? That is what we've been trying to emphasize in these teachings, because the biggest fear that people have, and it's not a bad fear, let me tell you that, is Alzheimer's.
I'm telling you guys, I know it existed, but when I graduated in the 1970s, nobody talked about Alzheimer's, and I mean it. Nobody. In medicine, they didn't even talk about that stuff. Didn't talk about losing your memory. It's become a huge factor. In the United Kingdom, it's the number one killer. In North America, it's number three on the hit parade that kills you. Alzheimer's. So, let's look into it, but more particular, what I'm really interested in is teaching you how to prevent it. We don't want it in the first place. Somebody asked me the other day on Facebook, if someone already has Alzheimer's ... That is very, very difficult to reverse. I've seen people get better, but you ain't reversing it. From anything that I've seen and tried, you want to prevent it. Okay? You want to prevent it. Folks, you know how important your memory is. Right?
You know how important that is. So we're all in the same boat. Now let's get into a little bit of detail. First of all, what research is showing in terms of what are the causative factors? And then I'm going to break that down, even simpler for you. Okay. Future problems with the brain, according to research, have to do with whether you have, and they're talking specifically when you're in your forties, fifties, or sixties, those seem to be the key years to predicting Alzheimer's and secondly, preventing Alzheimer's. Okay. So let's look at that. What did they notice? One high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure in your forties, fifties, or sixties, you're in do, do, when it comes to your brain, we'll get into that obesity big factor. Okay.
Here's what research has shown. Obesity is a big factor in your forties, fifties, and sixties. Type two diabetes, well, of course. You know what they called Alzheimer's, and I think it should still have its name? Type three diabetes. It's actually one of the names that they give to Alzheimer's. Type three diabetes, because it's so related to blood sugar. Type two diabetics are much more likely to get Alzheimer's, and we'll get into some detail on why that is. Inflammation. Ah-ha, Yes, siree. Inflammation, the fog of war, and we'll talk about why in the brain, inflammation is not a good thing. You don't want brain inflammation. But where they went with this, at least in the studies, is people for example, that have rheumatoid arthritis, any kind of autoimmune disease, where there's a lot of inflammation present, in their forties, fifties, and sixties, there seems to be a link to Alzheimer's later on.
One of the number five, smoking. Hello? What does smoking do? Well, it destroys, over a period of time, your blood vessels, and you need circulation in your brain, and the formation of a lot of free radicals. We'll go into that a little bit too. Oxidative damage to the brain cells when you smoke. Nah, that doesn't surprise us too much. Right? Smoking, there's nothing good about smoking. Okay? Nothing good about smoking. Here's one that's interesting that they threw in here as being number six. Future problems with the brain is if you have hearing loss, hearing loss, and there seems to be a connection to future Alzheimer's. Okay?
Hey, I'm just the messenger. Don't attack me. Okay? These are the six things that seem to be prevalent in future Alzheimer's. Okay? Now, why do we lose our memories? Okay? Now I'm just going to go into a little bit of biochemistry, physiology, what happens in the brain? Okay. I'm not going into a lot of details. Okay? Now, the thing that medicine has focused in on is what they call beta amyloid proteins. Okay? Beta amyloid proteins. Because what happens is in medicine, big pharma, they have tried to reduce beta amyloid proteins plaquing in the brain. They've tried to develop medications. It has been an abysmal failure.
Medicine has come up with really zero. They advertise certain medications that the FDA approved, but believe you me, when I tell you, they have not even made a dent, because they're trying to fix the problem as it happens. You got to prevent. The way to help Alzheimer's is to prevent Alzheimer's. Meds will do nothing. There's not a medication in the universe that prevents amyloid plaquing of the brain. Okay? As we get older, as we get older, you have less ability to get rid of these plaques, as we get older. Time to fix the roof while the sun is shining. Is your brain working good? Good. Take care of it. Okay? So, one of the factors is brain amyloids. It's not the only factor, but it's the one medicine really focuses in on. Okay?
The other is another protein called Tau, T-A-U, and these proteins are present in the brain, but they accumulate. When they accumulate, they're not good. Another one is neuro-inflammation. Of course, we talked about that. The fog of war. Okay. Now, let me just explain this real quick. In your brain, you got brain cells. Okay? They need to communicate not only with each other, but with other neurotransmitters and that, that are coming into the brain. Okay? There's a communication that goes on. Unbelievable guys, how fearfully and wonderfully made you are. Look, I don't want to get too much into evolution or whatever, but when you look at your brain, how it works, how your brain is so different, a human being's brain is so different than an animal's brain.
It's much larger. We're made in the image of God. Like we got a brain. We can think, and it's not instincts. It's actual brain chemistry is completely different. You got these brain cells that communicate with each other and synapses and neurotransmitters. What happens in inflammation is there's a fog. I call it the fog of war, inflammation. The cells can't communicate with each other. Now, what causes inflammation? Okay? Remember, what is the saying at the Martin Clinic? Inflammation is not Houdini. It just doesn't appear. Medicine, they don't disagree with inflammation by the way.
You'd get, most doctors would agree, yeah. Inflammation's not good. Chronic diseases, there's always a connection to inflammation, but that's not what started it. Okay? So, you've got amyloid plaques accumulate in the brain. You've got these other proteins. You have neuro-inflammation. Then you have, okay, vascular disease, meaning a decrease in blood flow, a decrease in blood flow to the brain. Okay? We're going to tell you why, but these are factors. Okay? Now, let's talk about why. Why would we develop amyloid plaque? Now, remember something. This is really important, and I'm going to come back to this when we talk about, your brain has a self- cleaning oven. When you think of your brain, unlike anywhere else in your body, okay, your brain, it's not like your body can't detox itself.
Okay? But your brain has its own detox system. The self- cleaning oven. Just press the button. There's a reason for that. Your brain is an energy hog. It's the manufacturing center in your body, and it needs a lot of energy. Well, when you create a lot of energy, you have debris, right? I don't know too much about manufacturing, but there's a lot of waste, and you've got to get rid of it. The problem is, is when you don't get rid of the garbage, garbage in the brain, the amyloid plaques, the proteins that accumulate. The inflammation. Okay? Now, you with me? Fix the roof while the sun is shining. Okay? You got that. I know you got that. Fix the roof while the sun is shining. Guess what? I got damage in my house, and now its too late to fix this roof. Right?
Fix the roof while the sun is shining, and you got no problems. Get ahead of it. This is the key to your brain health, guys. Okay? Let's talk, okay, because we have factors, and I brought them to you. High blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and inflammation. Apart from smoking. Let's put smoking over here. Everybody got the memo about smoking. Whether they did something about it or not, well, that's another issue there. Isn't a person in the world that says, "You know what I found? Smoking's really good for me." Eh, no, no. If you think that, I can't help you. Okay? I need to smoke, because it's good for me. Eh, 99.9% of every smoker I've ever met said, "I wish I could quit."
They're hooked. They're addicted. Okay? Fine. But here's what medicine says. When you have high blood pressure, when there's obesity, when there's diabetes, when there's inflammation, those four things. Aha. But they need to go one step back. Inflammation is not Houdini. What causes obesity? What causes high blood pressure? What causes diabetes? It's food. Food. It's a food problem. Now, there's a couple other factors. One of them smoking. I'm going to talk about two more after, but you got to get this one. What do we say at the Martin Clinic? One of the root causes of all chronic disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's cancer, heart disease, your big four. Your big four. What do we say is the cause of that? High circulating insulin. Food. Insulin's only used when you eat. Okay?
Insulin is only used when you eat. If you don't eat, you don't need insulin. Okay? Insulin is activated when you eat, and as you guys well know, it's what you eat that counts. Not the fact that you're going eat. Eating doesn't hurt you. It's what you're eating. Okay? So, when you get beta amyloid proteins, you get tau protein, T-A-U. And when you get neuro-inflammation, and you get a decrease in blood flow, vascular, what they call vascular dementia, you better look primarily at what you eat. Fix the roof when the sun is shining. Get the memo. When the sun is shining, while your brain is still working, and you can reverse the negative factors in the brain.
You're rarely ever going to get any teaching like this, because they wait till you get sick. They wait. Oh, you got Alzheimer's, let's give you a drug. It doesn't work. They have been nothing but bad news in terms of medication, but big pharma, they're only interested in medication. It's what they do. They make meds. They're not into prevention. There's no money in prevention. The smartest cookies in the cookie jar are you guys, because you are interested in prevention. If we're all honest, we'll say, "Yeah. If I'd known that I can take care of my brain ahead of time, and so that I don't lose my memory, that would be a good thing." We all agree with that. It's one of the greatest fears in our society today.
This is people outliving their brain. People tell me, "I want to live till I'm 120." You do? With a diaper on, and don't even know what planet you're living on? You want to live to that? I don't. I want to be healthy as long as I can be healthy. I want to be able to think. I want to be able to use my brain. You? Yeah, I think you're with me on that. It bothers me when people say, "My grandfather lived till 105 and he smoked and drank and he cursed and whatever." Okay. "And I got good genetics." Well, I got news for you. Good luck with that. Genetics have nothing to do with it.
We live in a different world, my friend. There are too many factors that are out to kill you. Okay? One of them is the food that we eat. We got lower insulin, because high circulating insulin is bad news for your brain. I'll tell you why it is. The cascade of things that happen in your brain. When we insist on eating sugar and crappy carbohydrates, listen, mention this before, but get it again. Your brain is headquarters. It's the federal government. It wants its tax money. Every time you eat your brain demands 25%, a quarter. It's the tax rate for your brain. It demands a quarter of all that you eat. Says, "Come here. You owe me before anything gets food in the body. Nutrients, the brain says, "Come here." If you insist, and when I say you, I don't mean you. People you're thinking of your loved ones, your friends. Okay?
When they insist on eating sugar, and they live in the middle aisles of their grocery store, your brain will just take what you give it. If you're eating crap, your brain will take in crap, 25% of it. But that's the problem, because when your brain takes in sugar, glucose and crappy carbs that turn to glucose in a nanosecond, your brain takes it. Okay? That's, you insist on feeding me that? You want to have a soda every day? You want to drink orange juice and apple juice? You want to drink grocery store milk? You want to eat bread, and you want that? Okay. I'll take it. Give me 25% of it. Friend, the problem with that is, insulin. In order to metabolize that sugar in the brain, insulin's got to come in the brain in order to metabolize it, attach to it, and if it's too much, get it out.
Here's the problem. When you have insulin resistance, I talk about that all the time. Insulin resistance is an issue, when you have eaten carbs for a long time. Bad eaters have insulin resistance, and the cells. It's a bad neighbor. They go, "Eh, insulin, I'm so sick of you," but insulin don't care. A bad neighbor don't care what you think. They're a bad neighbor, and they insist on coming over and they come over and come over, but your cells resist, resist, resist. So, please don't come. Please don't come. But they come, come, come, come, come anyway. You know what happens in your brain? The blood brain barrier, invisible barrier made up of bacteria, just like your gut blood barrier, you have a blood brain barrier. Guess what happens when your blood brain barrier is compromised, because of insulin resistance and leaky gut?
I'll get into that in a minute. You know what happens at your thing? Insulin can't go in and get the sugar. What happens to your brain when sugar is unintended? It shrinks the hippocampus. Now, remember guys, if I ever give you a test, all you have to remember about the brain is it has two areas. One is called the hippocampus, easy to remember, right? School, campus, right? The memory center. Then you have the hormonal center. Okay? The hypothalamus. That's all you have to remember to get 100% on my test. Okay? Two centers in the brain. Hippocampus. This is key, because when the brain accumulates the sugar, and remember crappy carbs or sugar in five nanoseconds, your brain cells are drowning in sugar, and the insulin, which is coming the traffic cop, right?
I've taught you that. It's trying to say "Sugar, come here," but it can't get in the brain to do it. There's nothing, guys, nothing more destructive to your memory center than sugar left unattended. Now, if you get that, you're in the 1%. You're in the 1%. 99% of the folks, 99% of medicine, 99% of nutritionists, 99% of anybody in the healthcare field, they don't even know that, because they're into, Oh, you got Alzheimer's. Let's see if we can do something. Man, no, let's prevent it. Let's prevent it. Change your fuel. Your brain hates sugar. It likes it, like a teenager. Give me something sweet, but it's not what your brain needs. It likes it, because it's rapping. You're having a ice cream cone, whoopie-doopie, but it's so destructive. Sugar destroys the memory center, your hippocampus of your brain cells. It creates amyloid plaques. It changes your neurotransmitters. It creates inflammation in the brain.
It's food. It's food. You can't control everything in life, but you need to control food. I'm not done. Well, I'm going to be done for today, but I'm not done. We're going to revisit this, because I have a couple of other things that I want to emphasize on prevention, and I don't want to do it too quickly, because I really want to cement this into our thinking. So, today's message is what happens in the brain. The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining. I think we all understand that. Fix it now. Prevent it now. Now, in the next session, we've talked about food. We're going to talk about leaky gut, leaky brain. I want to explain that to you, because that's a factor too. Okay? Oxidation. It's a factor, but they're connected. You'll see the connection when I put them together for you, and now we're going to look at what we can do.
Obviously, change your fuel. Well, we'll look at some other things are really, really important for the brain that we could do our forties, our fifties and our sixties. You know what? If you're in your seventies, like me, ain't too late. Medicine says it is, but I don't agree with that. If you're doing good in your seventies, let's continue to protect the brain. It's essential. It's not too late. It's not too late. Okay. Now we're going to skip the teaching till Monday. Why? Well, because tomorrow is question and answer Friday. We can't miss that, can we?
No, we can't. So, we're going to do question and answer Friday, tomorrow, and then we'll be back on the brain on Monday. Okay? Now listen, guys, we really appreciate you guys. We look at the numbers of the doctors in podcasts. We look at the numbers of Facebook live. We look at the members that we have in our private Facebook group. We're just overwhelmed at the Martin Clinic, I can tell you that. Overwhelmed at the Martin Clinic. We thank you for your support. We thank you, guys. We really do. We love our audience. Okay? I wish I could reach out and touch every one of you. I'm a hugger. I want to give you a hug. Okay? I want to give you a hug, because we appreciate it. Okay? Okay. So, not too late to send you questions in, by the way. You can ask questions about the bringing if you want. I got no problem with that. Okay, guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!