832. A Love/Hate Relationship with Aspirin


Dr. Martin has a love/hate relationship with aspirin! He loves it for acute conditions like if someone is having a stroke, but not for long-term use.

Aspirin was once recommended by doctors to reduce strokes as it's an anti-clotting medication. But over the last 20 years, it’s been discovered that the benefits of aspirin are far outweighed by the risk of taking aspirin.

Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode to learn why taking aspirin daily may cause more harm than good!


Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. How are you doing? Hope you're having a great start to your day. Sunny here in Sudbury. I don't know about you guys. So we're getting some VitDerma today. Maybe just on the face because it's still pretty cool. Couple of things I want to do this morning and one of them came out yesterday. Interesting, yesterday. Here was the headline, nations in the US, nations leading panel of preventative health experts has now reversed course, recommends most people not start taking daily aspirin to prevent heart attacks or strokes. I did a video on this. I can't even remember. It's got to be five years ago at least, where I talked about reversing, thinking on aspirin. Let me just say this first of all. I have a love, hate relationship with aspirin. I do. I have a love, hate relationship with aspirin and here's my love of it. If you see someone, a loved one or whatever, and it looks like they're having a stroke, even a heart attack and you got aspirin in your pocket or wherever you can find it, it's close to you, give that person aspirin.

I love aspirin for that. Acute. If you're suspicious, no, I think we might be having a stroke. Now, most times you don't get any warning or whatever, but aspirin in an acute condition is excellent. It's an anti-clotting medication. And I love that, but I thought over a million, I think a million and a half views of the video that I did, like I said about five years ago, what I talked about what I hate about aspirin, is it shouldn't be taken on a daily basis because I mean millions and millions and millions of people do. Look, I mean, sometimes it comes right from their doctor, but I've met a lot of people that came to my office and said, no, I heard it on the news 20 years ago and I started taking aspirin every day like a baby aspirin or an 81 milligram aspirin coded or whatever.

And look, I can't tell you what to do, but I used to be, I don't like that. That is a drug you can get internal bleeding and lots of time with internal bleeding you have no idea that it's happening till it's too late. That was one of the reasons I talked about. Secondly, what it does for tinnitus, for example, it's a common cause of tinnitus, ringing in the ears. Don't shoot the messenger. Some people they get really irate about this because doc, it's preventing things. No, it doesn't. And this is what this panel of experts looking at long term studies of aspirin have said, no, it doesn't. Long term, not good. The benefits of aspirin are far outweighed by the risk of taking aspirin.

And again, don't shoot the messenger. Although I was a messenger years ago when I gave my opinion, I did a video on it because so many people wanted me to talk about it. And like I said, I think we got a million and a half hits on that video. I remember while I was doing it, I scrolled afterwards. And some people were really upset with me. I mean, you are a quack. I got a lot of that, but I got a lot of good feedback too, of course, and when you do something controversial like that, of course you're going to get pushback and that's all right.

I gave an opinion on my experience and I was recommending at that time, doctors don't do it for a long period of time. You weren't meant to take as it's not a vitamin. Oh, I need a vitamin and I'm going to take a vitamin aspirin. Nah, it's not a vitamin. It's a medication. It's a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Google it. There's a lot of side effects to it. And again, I love it in an acute medication. Stroke, heart attack, throw a bottle of aspirin down the person's throat. You don't have to do that. But seriously, I like that. I got no problem with that, but not long term. And what the experts are saying now, I don't know how much is it going to really change things.

I don't know. People get into habits, doctors get into habits and they have a hard time changing habits. Well, it's safe. Eh, it's not safe. Not long term. Here's what they're saying. The very thing that it does. The very thing that it is so helpful for and an acute stroke right before your eyeballs, aspirin can thin your blood, prevent clotting, acute all four. But here's what these panel of experts have said. When you use it a long nine, it increases your risk of stroke. That's why, when they looked at it because listen, aspirin's been around long time. We got long term studies of it. We got long term studies now. We've had them for a while. And that's why with me, even five years ago, I did that video.

I'll see if I can find it and maybe put it on the private Facebook group. Can we run a video there? I don't know. Don't ask me. I'm a dinosaur when it comes to tech. People ask me, "Hi doc, how do I download your podcast?" I don't know. Wow, yes and no. But here's what it's saying, guys. If you use it long term, aspirin increases your risk of stroke. So these panel of experts are saying, we don't recommend it long term. Short term, okay. Long term, no. So I had to bring that to you because it came out yesterday and I said, well, I bet you know people that take aspirin. I bet you do. Now, I'm going to give you a little secret. You want to keep your blood thin on a daily basis?

What vitamin will do that for you? There's two. You want to keep your blood thin on a daily basis? Two vitamins. Let me hear. Let me see. Little test. Grace, you are so smart. Annette, you are so smart. Rita, you are so smart. Water? Vitamin W, John, you're smart. Dave, you're smart. Oh, we got the smartest audience in the world. We do. Sue, you got the other one. You got vitamin W. Sue, you got keto. Cheese, I talked about cheese. K, Alicia. I got that. Maybe water and DHA. Well, you know what? You're not far from the truth there, Anna. Linda, Marcy, Vitamin D. It probably does do that too. Water, yeah. Water. And Vicky said vitamin D because you know me. You probably say Vicky, Dr. Martin always said vitamin D. Water and B12, Annette, I'm telling you that's a good answer.

What the two I was really looking at, water and vitamin D, Liz. You guys, I'm telling you the smartest in the world. Jerry says vitamin W. Yeah, we made water a vitamin. Dan says vitamin A. Cindy, you got it. Lynn, you got it. You guys are unreal. I love it. And Carol says ginger. To some extent, I guess. It wasn't really what I was looking for. K2, pine bark extract, DHA. Yeah you guys are smart. Let me come back to this for a minute, okay? Let me come back to this. The number one thing that affects the viscosity of your blood, the thickness of your blood, if you do not want molasses for blood, aspirin ain't going to help you in the long term because it's not fixing the problem. You need water, vitamin W, and only water's water. Remember that. You got no Dr. Martin, but I eat fruit and it's got lots of water in it. Watermelon got a lot. I know, but it takes a different route.

You want water delivered to your bloodstream in nanoseconds. That's how good water is for you. And if you want to keep your 60,000 miles of blood vessels, one and a half times around the equator, you need vitamin W. I'm telling you it's a major factor in clotting, in stroke. I'm telling you. I mean, there's other factors, but vitamin K2 is the other one. K2, when you eat cheese. Oh, when they go against cheese. When they go against butter. It's craziness guys because that's where you get your vitamin K2, the vitamin K2 that helps you from not clotting and putting calcium where it belongs in your bones and in your teeth, not in the bloodstream. I'm telling you. Anyway, I had to bring it to you this morning because my generation, my parents' generation, they love aspirin.

And I'd like to have bought shares in Bayer. They did all the advertisements on TV and even today, they still do, but they got to be careful. When you do a commercial in the United States on medication, it's funny because the speed of the announcement goes up like you're watching the commercial and they say, ask your doctor if this is good for you. They're so smart marketing, I can't get over it. Ask your doc. What do you mean? If you had a heart attack, well doc, should I be taking an aspirin? I guess it's a good question. But your doctor is the one that should know all these things and telling you what to do. But anyway, let's not get into that. But then they give you, if it's a one minute commercial, you get 20 seconds on how good it is for you and what it does.

And then you get 40 seconds on the side effects. I was watching one the other day and I started chuckling. It was for rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis in the United States. It's a commercial. And the first 20 seconds was, wow. I can walk. I can do this. I can do that. Then the next 40 seconds were, oh yeah. And tell your doctor if you're allergic to this medication. Well, how you going to know if you're allergic to this medication until you take it and you die? They even had death, but it'll help your arthritis, but you could die. You guys know me enough to know that gives me a migraine. This is controversial because my generation, especially, and my parents' generation aspirin was the go to, from a headache to pimples on your nose. Aspirin, right? When I was a kid, aspirin. I mean, but they're saying long term, not good.

Don't take it every day. And I've been saying that for a long time. Don't take it every day. But anyway, I'm not your doctor so if you've had a heart attack and you've talked to your doctor, come on, I can't get you off medication. It's not my job to get you off medication. I'm giving you information. Interesting, isn't it? Now we got a few minutes. So let me bring this to you. I posted it this morning. So if you didn't see it, I guess I could repost it. Glyphosate detection in wheat, grain and bean samples by the Canadian food inspection agency. What they're saying is the headline is there's glyophosphate in almost all of either what's on the shelf for wheat, grain, powders, beans.

And this was put out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Now, did you get our email today? You didn't. Well, you make sure you sign up for our emails because the study that we did yesterday on the three Amigos, I like that the three Amigos of cancer that really help with cancer according to this exhaustive study of thousands and thousands of people with vitamin D, vitamin E, exercise and omega three. We did that yesterday. And we wrote the email today about it. Just to give you a little bit more background in the email, but what we talked about was the credit card size. So again, I bring it to you. I got a credit card right here. See the credit card? Every day, you are surrounded by chemicals, plastics in the microbiome of your body especially in the gut, a credit card size of plastics of chemicals and of fertilizers.

And they're all what we call xenoestrogen. So what point am I making? We live, guys, in a very fallen world. That's a fact. Don't get me started spiritually, but chemically from Mount Everest to mummy's placenta, babies, plastic is everywhere. I think I brought it to you one time. You know what? Walk around especially in the spring in Northern Ontario, because I love walking. I go for a walk. You should see how many discarded plastic masks are in the side of the streets. Apparently in the oceans, it's crazy. The mass just started. Guys, here's my point. You ain't going to get away from it and look, do everything you can to minimize it. I agree, but you're not going to get away from it. It's like a virus. You know, everybody trying to get like in China right now, they're trying to get to ground zero. No more COVID.

What? You know what just came out today? Guess what's fact, measles. Big uptake in measles. Why? Well, we're so focused in on one virus and it split our society. It split people. People are angry. I've never seen anything like it. And I've been screaming like John the Baptist from the rooftop. Hello? We're always going to have viruses. Always. It'll be one. And when we focus in on one, trying to get down to ground zero on one of them, the other one's going to take off because they're not emphasizing the immune system. You always live with viruses. You'll always live with bacteria. You can run off the Costa Rica. I don't care. It's not your environment, it's you.

Our environment's polluted. Sorry, plastic. Do you think we're getting rid of it? No, Dr. Martin. I drink from a non-plastic bottle. Yeah, me too. So what? Look, here's the point. Because what the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said, even in organic food. Now, you know me. I always go on rabbit trips. Point I was trying to make, one, you can't get rid of it until you leave this planet. We've all heard of Elon Musk now. He bought out Twitter. And he likes traveling to other planets on his private rocket ships. Imagine having that much money. And if you want to go with Elon and live on the moon, well good for you. Or Mars, man. I'm on this planet. It's better that I try and get my immune system even for plastic. Better to get my immune system because your immune system recognizes anything foreign that don't belong in your bloodstream, that doesn't belong in your tissue.

If you have a good immune system, your immune system knows what to do. So another point because this came up the other day, this comes up the other day. Well, Dr. Martin, what about nitrates in cubed meat. And what about this? And what about that? Well, I'm going to tell you something and this is my philosophy. Now I'm giving you philosophy 101 from the Martin Clinic. If you're on the Titanic, don't worry about rearranging the deck chairs. Some people won't do the reset because eggs, meat, and cheese. Well, what kind of eggs and what kind of meat and what kind of cheese, doc? They're good questions but you're on the Titanic. Don't worry about the deck chairs and rearranging the furniture.

I don't want you to hit the iceberg and some of you already had, and I'm trying to provide a light boat for you. I was always fascinated by the way with the Titanic, always, April the 15th. I should have done this story on April the 15th in 1912. The biggest ship ever built. Was the arc bigger? Probably not. Anyway, but it was on its maiden voyage and people were so complacent love. This is the biggest ship in the world. They kept telling them ships around that, hey you there Mr. Titanic, you're heading into iceberg territory. Be very careful. And what happened? The rest is history, 1,500 and something souls perished because of neglect, because of complacency, because of arrogance. So what am I saying?

If you get a credit card of plastic in your body, it's in your lungs, it's in your tissue and everything you eat to some extent got some contamination to it. Doesn't matter what you eat. If your address ends with planet earth, you're susceptible to living with chemicals. In the air, you're breathing them. In your water, you're drinking them. Does it keep me up at night? Nope. It doesn't. Do I wish it was a more perfect world? Yes, I do. But in the meantime, take care of yourself. And that's why I'm saying, the reset. Now look, you know me. If you got a cow, I'm the farmer's best friend. They owe me money. Tell your farmer to send Dr. Martin a check for all the publicity he gives them. I can't stand the meatless graze. I can't stand the stupidity.

People will not eat meat because they say pop. Meat has got antibiotics and they got this and they got that. But so do vegetables. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is saying, even in the organic, you can't get away from all of it. It's better. I'm not saying it's not better. Don't get mad at me. But what I'm trying to do is get people who are on the Titanic, the metabolic syndrome ship. I like that. I just thought of it. They're on the metabolic syndrome ship. They got insulin resistance. And it's the cause of cancer. It's the cause of heart disease. It's the cause of Alzheimer's. It's the cause of diabetes. So what do we do? And don't worry about the deck chairs. If you're in that 88%, don't worry about the deck chairs. Change course.

I think it was the California, they did it by Morse code. And Morse code, they were telling the Titanic, "Hello, click. Be careful." And the guy from the Titanic turned it off at 11:00 at night because he was tired of, he told him to Morse code shut up. Arrogant. Point of the story, fix your body. Get your body ready for plastic. There's nothing better than doing the reset. That's why I'm such a big guy on probiotics. Do you know that probiotics help to take that garbage out of your body? Yeah. You got bacteria that are on your side.

Okay. Was I excitable? Yes. Now, what's tomorrow? Question and answer Friday. So it's not too late. Get your questions. Tomorrow's always a fun day, right? We answer your questions tomorrow. We love you guys. And we mean it. When I say that, I mean it, you know that. You have no idea how much I appreciate you guys. And I will say it again. The smartest audience in health anywhere is you guys that I've been around a long time for laid people. You guys I'm telling you, you know more than 99% of the population and 99% of every doctor I've ever met. You know more. Okay, I'm leaving it at that. I'm too controversial today. Nice, and I'm stopping. I love you, guys. We'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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