![THE DOCTOR IS IN Podcast](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0249/0975/files/Wednesday_-_The_Doctor_is_in_Podcast_f7302946-145d-4eab-9987-4f72b161f720_1024x1024.jpg?v=1606136466)
Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Skin itchiness
- Ear wax buildup
- Allergy illumination therapy
- Lean red meat
- High blood pressure in mornings
- Overactive bladder
- Sodium bicarbonate for cancer
- Probiotics for newborns
- Bruising in legs
- High lymphocytes
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, question and answer Friday. We appreciate all the questions that came in this week and we'll try and get to all of them. [Noelene 00:00:40], "I get itchy ears all of a sudden. What's going on? And what can I do?" Well, ordinarily, if they came on all of a sudden, you might have developed an allergy. You're going to have to figure that out. It's possible. Allergies can come of nowhere and start all of a sudden. Could be that. The other thing I've seen over the years, a mild fungal infection in the sinus, and finally, sinuses and ears, ears get really itchy. Oftentimes a fungus. Don't feed the bears. Don't give them sugar. Oh, by the way, somebody asked about that, feeding the bears.
Let me get to Elsie too. "What do I do about ear wax, a buildup of it?" Well, you can look at different washes or whatever. I don't know. It wasn't my area of expertise. But again, I was always one to look at an underlying condition. What causes that? And this is where I come from: fungal. The overlooked condition of the body is candida, yeast. It loves moisture. It loves sinuses. It loves the ear canal. And when nothing else works, I tell people, "You ought to look for candida or yeast. It's gotten in there. It loves that moisture." And one of the things, don't feed it. Make sure you're taking broad spectrum probiotics that help to kill the fungus. Candida formula, that kind of thing. Don't put oil of oregano in your ear, although oil of oregano is very antifungal, unless you really dilute it.
But one of the ways to help is oil of oregano sinus spray. I think it's called SinuCleanse, and I call it spray and pray, because you're going to have to pray after you spray. But you spray it down the sinuses and it's a really, really good way. I find it to be very effective even against the common cold. You feel sort of coming on, I like oil of oregano. and I like it for candida too. It's really, really important.
Maxine's asking, "What does Dr. Martin think about allergy illumination therapy?" I talked about it last week, but I thought it was elimination. Maxine, you got to send me what it is, because I even Googled it. I couldn't find it. I don't know what allergy illumination therapy is. I really don't. Now I know about allergy testing. Okay? And the best way to test allergies is do the elimination testing. I used to tell people, "Look, if you want to give me 500 or 600 bucks in the office, I used to have kits you could send off to these labs for allergies. They'll tell you what you're allergic to." I was to take a little blood sample and saliva and I would send it. And I said, "If you give me 600 bucks, I'll do it." And then, you know what? Those labs would send me $200 back. That was my fee. I said, "Do you want to do it? Do it. But I don't recommend it. I would rather that you find out through the process of elimination, what to do."
But Maxine, send me a little bit of a blurb on what it is. I can't even find it on Google. When I did allergy illumination, it brought me to a Twitter. Okay. I guess there's a Twitter account called allergy illumination. But therapy, I don't know. I really don't. But illuminate me. And then I'll be able to pontificate a little bit on if it's worthwhile or whatever. I don't know. I really don't know. I've never heard of it. Honest to God, I've never heard of it.
Andrea. It's a good question because it says, "I know birth control is not ideal to ingest." Okay? So obviously birth control pills. Well, there's a lot of side effects, Andrea. You're right. Down the road. They don't happen necessarily right away. They certainly make you more susceptible to stroke. They make you more susceptible to cancer. But who am I to tell a person not to take birth control? Now what Andrea is asking, if we choose this method, is there a better choice? Well, look. You might want to talk to your doctor about progesterone birth control as compared to estrogen birth control. Because most of them are estrogen-based.
And I talk about estrogen all the time. We got too much estrogen in the world. Estrogen is a growth hormone. Estrogen is dangerous because we have too much of it. It's part of estrogen dominance in the world, and estrogen dominance is why we see so many breast cancers, so much ovarian cancers, so much uterine cancers. Women's cancers are through the roof, and one of the culprits is estrogen, xenoestrogens that are every chemical your body thinks is estrogen. It says, "Okay. Give me. Give me. Give me. I like that stuff." But those are called xenoestrogens. And then you have phytoestrogens, soy and others that elevate your estrogen levels.
And the problem with estrogen is the balance between estrogen and progesterone because if your estrogen is high, it'll affect your thyroid. It won't allow the proper conversion of T4 to T3. T3 is what your thyroid needs to function properly, and that can mess you up. And that's why we got horrormones, ladies. Estrogen. So these birth control pills, one of the things I do recommend, make sure you're taking a probiotic. It will help with the side effects of it, seriously, because it'll help mop up some of that estrogen. Make sure you're taking DIM hormonal formula. I love Navitol because Navitol protects your cells and your blood vessels from the effects of estrogen. Powerful, powerful antioxidant. Okay. Andrea, thanks for the question.
Anonymous, "A study sent," I've read this study, "300 grams of lean red meat," Why would you want lean? Okay, let me finish this study, "a day for four weeks, one month, increased levels of a biomarker that is linked to cancer development and progression, but consuming 40 grams of resistance starch," okay, so low starch, high fiber foods, "along with the red meat, completely negated this increase. What are thoughts?" Well, I don't think much of it. I don't think much of it. That 400 grams of red meat would increase a marker of cancer. You know what cancer hates? Cancer hates steak. Hates it. Hates red meat. When you're talking about red meat and cancer, it's propaganda. It really is. It's propaganda. It's not science. There is an indoctrination taking place. It's been going on for a lot of years.
I gave you the history recently of the world's number one serial killer. His name was Ancel Keys, a pathologist out of the University of Minnesota. Started the whole craze on cholesterol. And now they want to link red meat to cancer. Look, folks. Cancer hates steak. It loves sugar. Cancer loves sugar and starch. Anyway, it gets me going when I hear or I read studies like this. It makes news and headlines and people get duped. Don't get duped. I tell people if you want to prevent cancer, eat red meat. And if you have cancer, eat red meat, but it don't feed it. It doesn't feed it. So to me, it's propaganda.
Look. You can start off with any study on anything. And if you have a preconceived response, you can make statistics do anything. A lot of science has been really debunked, so-called science, because people are on the take. People are making money to produce results, scientists. So I'm telling you, the number one food in the universe is red meat. I'm sorry for those who are offended by that. You know me, I've been consistent about it. I've written a book, Are You Built for Cancer? I told people in there, if you want to avoid cancer, then live on protein and healthy fat in the animal kingdom, eggs, meat, and cheese. It's the sugars. It's the carbohydrate. It's those bad, crappy industrial oils that they cook fast food in. The middle aisles of your grocery stores are full of hydrogenated and hexene chemicals in order to take canola oil, for example. It's done in a vat, industrial oils. You can run your car [inaudible 00:12:49]. I don't mind the questions because I like it. Send it to me. I want you to think.
I'm trying to educate you from a different perspective because I know. Go online. Google red meat. Just Google it. Red meat causes cancer. Some people would say eliminate it. Well, I am completely the opposite of that. Completely the opposite. I am the farmer's best friend. Farmers, you owe me money. Send check. But seriously, I always talk about our First Nations, our indigenous people in the north. They only get sick when they eat our Western food, fast foods and sugars. Damn. Good question.
Carol, "For morning blood pressure," It's only in the morning that you get high blood pressure. Well, what that is, Carol is probably your cortisol. Cortisol goes up in the morning. It's going to elevate your blood pressure. It's going to elevate your blood sugar temporarily. So I wouldn't worry about it too much. But if you're worried, I would be on cortisol formula. And you're taking your blood pressure in the morning, the rest of the day, it's normal, you got nothing to worry about, honey. I wouldn't worry about it. And when you say your blood pressure is high, Carol, you send me numbers because if your second number is not over 90, then you don't have high blood pressure. But send me the numbers and I'll give you my opinion on.
Marilyn, "What do you do for an overactive bladder?" Well, remember, one of the reasons that a bladder becomes overactive is this hormonal imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Your bladder is a smooth muscle. And a lot of times, what happens is the bladder can descend a little bit. Women's gynecology is different than a man's, obviously. And a little descent can affect the bladder. A yeast infection can cause an overactive bladder. You don't even realize it. You have candida or fungus in the lining of the bladder. That can make it overactive. That's why I love broad spectrum probiotics. That's why I love candida. Get rid of it. And don't feed the bears. That's important. And elevate the progesterone. Dim out your estrogen. Estrogen can cause that, an overabundance of estrogen. Remember to always compare. Estrogen is always compare. A woman needs balance.
Men don't need balance. Men need testosterone. Men need testosterone to be high. One of the ways of making your testosterone high, men, is to make sure your estrogen is down. But ladies, estrogen and progesterone have to be equal. It needs to be balanced. And I don't care how old you are. It needs to be balanced, right? So you get these hormonally what we call traumatic changes. Okay? There's three in a woman. First time, menses. Your periods start. And I've seen young ladies, young girls, eight years old, so much estrogen that it's coming out their ears, and they get horrendous periods. They can get PCOS, polycystic, ovarian disorder, and they got bad skin, they got bad periods, and they got PMS driving them crazy.
And then when a woman has a baby, okay, am I offending anyone? Women have babies. Okay. That can be very traumatic for a woman because what happens is once the baby is born, all the progesterone, pro-babies, progesterone, is left in the placenta. And then your body is supposed to make the progesterone. But what if it doesn't make it fast enough? Then you can get all sorts of trouble because without progesterone, enough of it, your thyroid slows down. That's why so many women gain weight after a baby. Nothing's changed eating-wise or they get postpartum blues. They get horrormones because of that traumatic event and the progesterone didn't come back to its normal level.
Now a third traumatic event, I call it turbulence, is when women come in to menopause, perimenopausal. I describe it as you're in turbulence. You're coming in for a landing. The plane is... right? And you can get mood swings and hot flashes and cold flashes. And your thyroid is off and you're not sleeping properly. You want to kill your husband. You want to murder him. And the only reason you don't, because you're not sure if you're going to get away with it. And then you can gain weight then too. And it's turbulence. It's hormone turbulence. And most doctors, even endocrinologists, for heaven's sakes, you almost got to teach them. "Oh, your blood work is normal. Why do you want to get your estrogen checked through your... You're going into menopause. Of course, I'm going to blah, blah, blah." Okay? Horrormones. And you want to balance some up. Dim out the estrogen and our menopause [inaudible 00:19:32]. Okay. So Marilyn, thanks for the question.
Katherine, "Does Dr. Martin support the use of sodium bicarbonate to help with those with cancer? More helpful than chemo?" Well, look. I'm not huge on sodium bicarbonate to ingest. Okay? Can I tell you why? Okay. And I know it's out there and I'm not saying I'm against it. I want to give you why I'm not that big on it. Okay? Because it's a very good question, Katherine. I used to tell my patients, if I thought hanging you upside down from this building would help, I would go and hold your feet and hang you upside down if I thought it helped. When I hear about sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, I always remind my patients, and I will remind you, your body makes sodium bicarbonate. Your body has it. It does. It's meant to buffer acidity and keep you alkaline, slightly alkaline.
Remember I was saying yesterday, your blood sugar's going to be tightly regulated. Okay? You don't want it high and you don't want it too low. Right? But the other thing that's tightly regulated in your blood is your pH of your blood, very tightly regulated. And one of the things that keeps you regulated is sodium bicarbonate. Your body makes it. So if you ingest it, I'm very careful about that because I'm saying it's not getting to its intended destination, because you're trying to make yourself more alkaline. You're better off with digestive enzymes, in my opinion, because that will help your sodium bicarbonate inside your body already. Your body's so fearfully and wonderfully made, and only food that's acidic is not red meat. Okay? The only food that's acidic is sugar.
Honey, look. I get it. I understand it. I understand the thinking of sodium bicarbonate for cancer. I do. I would rather you turn your body's ability to fight cancer, the immune system that God already gave you, crank it up, a lot better than sodium bicarbonate taking it, ingesting it. Because you're just going to alkalize your stomach. You don't want that. You don't want your stomach to be alkalized. You want your stomach to be highly acidic, like a furnace, burning everything down, breaking it down. I'm very careful about sodium bicarbonate, baking soda. It's all right, I guess. But I'd go at it from another angle, for me. Good questions. I appreciate them very, very much. Yeah. Sodium bicarbonate for kidney disease, Katherine, no. I don't think it works. Not when you ingest it. It's not going to get to your kidneys. Not going to help there. Okay?
[Farida 00:23:24], "15-month-old, take probiotics after three rounds of antibiotics?" For sure. Put it in an apple sauce or whatever a 15-month-old is eating. Tough to put it in a bottle, but absolutely probiotics. Give them a little bit of a Greek plain yogurt. Put a little bit of honey in it for the baby and natural, unpasteurized, honey, if you can do it, and then put a probiotic capsule in there. They won't even know they're taking it. Okay? Absolutely, Farida, especially if they've been on antibiotics. Three-week round of antibiotics. Woo. That's a high, high dose. High dose. You got to take probiotics.
"What causes bruising, especially in the leg?" Well, that can be a circulatory thing. It's more has to do with the capillaries. Look. I mean, bruising, if it just come all of a sudden, you got to be very careful about that. You want to make sure you don't have any blood cancer or anything like that. But if you easily bruise and that's been the way it's been with you in your legs especially, you're looking at the little capillaries. I love Navitol for that because it really helps with the little capillaries in the legs, okay, Susie? Thanks for the question.
[Faye 00:24:55], "How would a person transition from one year as a vegan to the reset?" Well, look. The transition might be they're starting to do some meat and things like that, and they've been living on strict veggies or vegans, usually vegans. They don't even eat cheese. Vegans don't even have eggs. And so they might slowly start to introduce that. But at the end of the day, when they understand, when the light goes on and they understand that they've been duped, they might have duped themselves. There's a lot of vegans, they see the animal kingdom on par or higher than the human kingdom. Okay? It's their worldview. I don't agree with that.
But especially young ladies, and yeah, men too. But I get them in the office they were vegans. I said, "Why?" "I can't eat, Dr. Martin, anything with eyeballs." Okay. I said, "Close your eyes and eat it." I said, "You can't live." Your brain and everything else in your body... I know you didn't drop dead right away, but you need animal kingdom. You need eggs. You need meat. You need cheese. Otherwise, you're not getting the nutrients that you need. Don't be duped.
And sometimes they get duped by indoctrination in the schools, on the internet. And they're duped. They're deceived. You're just not going to get all the vitamins. You're not going to get all the amino acids. So Faye, it's a good question. What I would say is they got to be taught why they need the animal kingdom. When they get it, their transition... Listen, I talked to a couple last week have transitioned. But the transition had to take place in their mind first. They were being duped. And I said, "Okay, do you like meat? Well, let's find out." They love it. Eggs, they're good for you. "Oh, Doc, how many eggs can I eat?" 100. Okay. I know I'm a little crazy, guys.
Donna, "my lymphocytes were flagged as high. What would that mean?" Well, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You could have a mild infection going on that you don't even know about. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. And you might have an infection without any symptoms at all. And your lymphocytes [inaudible 00:27:58]. Your white blood cells coming out of your lymphatic system. Your immune system just doing its job. Now, if they're constantly high, you got to be careful about that. I mean, you got to watch for leukemia, for example. But if they're just flagged high and your doctor didn't call you and you're feeling good and whatever, your immune system is doing exactly, Donna, what it's meant to do. Okay. Couple more.
[Cherylyn 00:28:26], "Eye health. What about lutein and zeaxanthin?" yeah, I like them. The best I found supplement-wise for eyes, Navitol. I'll put it up against anything. And I've proven that to thousands of patients over the years with their eyes. High [DHA 00:28:44], fabulous for the eyeballs. And Navitol. I mean it. Now there's eye formulas out there with bilberry and all these zeaxanthins. I got no problem with that. But like I said, for me, you're asking me, this is what I like. And by the way, where do you get lutein for your eyes? Where do you get lutein? Eggs. Very high lutein. Eggs.
Terry, "What foods are good for energy before a hockey game?" Okay. This is good. Now can I tell you a little story? I told you this story before, but you might have forgotten. Put your hand up if you watched the movie Concussion. [inaudible 00:29:35] really became big time news this week or last week. No, Sunday. This week, right? The slap that was heard around the world, Will Smith. True of false? Big in the news, right? Wasn't he? I got to do a podcast on this. Okay. No. But Will Smith played the doctor, the pathologist in the movie Concussion. Now, Concussion was all about a friend of mine, a good friend who died. Exactly my age. Died years ago. He's in the NFL hall of fame. Mike Webster. Now that name may mean nothing to you, but he was a Pittsburgh Steeler. And the whole movie Concussion is about him, while he was in my home and I was in his home.
And I remember back in the '80s, they used to load up with pasta before the game. Okay? Because there was a craze that came out in the late '70s, probably early '80s about carb loading, they called it. Terrible way. I used to scream blue murder. Have a steak, not spaghetti. You're choosing the wrong fuel. And I think because of this Will Smith whole episode, I got to do a podcast about it and bring it into nutrition. But it's a very good question, Terry. Okay? Very good question.
Okay guys, did you have fun? I was having fun. Okay. And by the way, for you movie buffs, Concussion in is not about football. It's not a, "I don't want to watch a sports movie." Isn't even about that. It's about concussions. It is a really good movie I have a hard time talking women into watching, but watch it and say, "That was Dr. Martin's friend." Seriously. True story. Okay. We love you guys. We do. Questions? You know what happens. Send them in so that we can answer them.
Tell your friends about the podcast, The Doctor Is In Podcast. If they can't watch these, the podcasts are there. Okay? They can sign up. It'll come right to their smartphone whenever there's new podcasts out. How do you do that? I don't know. I think you go to our website, martinclinic.com, as far as I know. Or if you have an app for podcasts, you can just put in The Doctor Is In and I think you can sign up. I don't know if you have to sign up. I'm going too deep. Okay. We love you guys. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!