Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Serrapeptase for inflammation
- Ozone water
- Healing of insulin resistance
- Allergy illumination therapy
- A2 milk
- Coronary calcification test
- Hand cramps
- Marijuana for cancer patients
- Uric acid
- Boron
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day, and we're looking forward to answering your questions. Here we go. Okay. Rafaella is asking about serrapeptase for inflammation, in my case for frozen shoulder and MS. I like Serrapeptase. They are enzymes, what they're called proteolytic enzymes. And I like that, Serrapeptase. Can I be honest, Rafaella? I like our inflammation formula better. Just because it has, I put eight anti-inflammatories in there that I find to be more effective. But I used Serrapeptase in the past and I certainly have no trouble with it. I do like it. They're called proteolytic enzymes.
No name. Well, I don't know who asked this question, but is it okay to drink ozone water? Yeah, I guess so. Look, the best water in the world is mineral water. Okay? Mineral water. So spring water, it has minerals in a lot of things in the market are what they call purified water. So they run it through a filter and sometimes they'll add some minerals back in it. But at the end of the day, nature's water is mineral water. If you're going to drink water from the tap, I recommend you do filter it. And the other thing I do recommend is put a little pinch of Himalayan salt in, because that'll bring its pH up. You don't have to spend a lot of money on what they call alkaline water and ozone water. And look, if you want, you can. But don't believe all the hype above it. Water is water and the best is mineral water, spring water. And I'm big on that, and you need two liters of it a day. Minimum, two liters of water a day. Okay? That's the spot of water. Okay, that's the sweet spot. How do I know that? 46 years of practice. That's the sweet spot, for 99.9% of the population. Some people drink more than that. But in my opinion, should never drink less than that. Okay? Good questions. We appreciate it.
Marni. Love to hear doc's thoughts on magnesium and healing insulin resistance. Okay. And then is or can needing less magnesium for overall wellbeing be a sign of increased insulin sensitivity? Well look, I like my magnesium. I talk about it a lot. It's important. It's involved in about 300 different metabolic functions. So magnesium's important. I'm big on. Okay? Now, if you're asking about what it does for insulin resistance, look, here's what I'm going to say first, Marni. You cannot out supplement a bad diet. So if someone is insulin resistant, 88% of the population, that's just the fact. 88% of population have some form of metabolic syndrome, which is caused by insulin resistance. It's food. So the first thing is you got to fix food. Now, I take magnesium. I like magnesium. Does it help in that area? Yeah. But again, if you're very well metabolically, you're part of that 12%. I think I am.
So yeah, sure, I supplement. But like I said, Marni, yeah, I like magnesium. I know there's gurus out there that talk about magnesium being be all and end all. I don't see it. It is really good though because you know that, I talk about it. Does it fix insulin resistance? No, not on its own. It doesn't. And if you happen to be very sensitive to insulin, is what our goal is with folks, when you eat well, you need a lot less insulin. Magnesium is part of that. But I wouldn't say it's the biggest part of that. I hope I answered your question, Marni.
Maxine, "What does Dr. Martin think of allergy illumination therapy?" Is it allergy elimination therapy or illumination therapy? Because illumination therapy I've never heard of. Okay? So Maxine, get back to me on the question because allergy elimination therapy, I agree with. Okay? With food. Do the elimination diet, be a doctor. Be your own doctor. Eliminate something. That's what I always say with Dr. Moms. Mom, you're the doctor at home. Your kid seems to be always stuffed up or ear infection after ear infection or whatever, start eliminating foods. See if milk is bothering them.
See if certain things bother them. Eliminate them. Here's what I found to be numero uno in terms of when people, this is one of the reasons the reset is so good because it's amazing that when you eliminate almost all sugars and carbohydrates, it's amazing how much better allergies get, food intolerances get. You know why? Because you're regenerating that gut. You're giving the gut the chance to heal and you're giving your body the nutrients it needs. So if it's elimination therapy, I like it. Illumination, I've never heard of it. Honest, in 46 years of practice. I'd never heard of it. I could look it up, but I want to know which one you were asking about for sure, Maxine. Okay?
Catherine, "Is A2 milk good for you?" Look, you know me. The only time I want you to drink milk is if you have a cow in the backyard, and even then. Human beings are the only animals that drink milk once they're not a baby anymore. And I'm big on why do you need milk? I like cream in your coffee. And if you're going to make Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, you know me, if you want to use A1 or A2, a little bit of milk, the only problem is A1 I believe is because it gets rid of casein, the protein in milk.
But that's not the issue. It's the lactose. It's the amount of sugar when they eliminate the fat. But your kids, your grandchildren, wean them on water. They need water, they don't need milk. They need mommy's milk. They need breast milk. And when they're finished with that, they need water. I understand the farmers. They want people to drink their milk, and I'm the farmer's best friend. Okay. But if you're going to have a glass of milk every once in a while and it's full fat milk, well go for it. But I'm not big on that. I'm not big on it. You can't make me.
Andrea. Melatonin for sleep. Well, look, your body makes melatonin. Okay, Andrea. So just understand that. Here's how your body makes melatonin. You see the sun, viderma, your body makes melatonin. That's why I tell people don't put your sun block. It's a sunny day in the middle of winter, it's 40 below zero, your body makes melatonin when it sees the sun. Your body makes it. Okay? It comes out of your, what? Your third eye, your pineal gland when it sees the sun. Now the other time that your body makes melatonin, interesting isn't it, when it's pitch black. So when you go to bed, no lights. You got kids? Don't let them be scared of the boogeyman and you keep a light on, because they're not making melatonin.
You wean them on water and you wean them on a very, very dark room. When they get used to it, they'll sleep better because they're going to make melatonin. Now, you asked me a question, Andrea, about melatonin as a supplement. I'm not that big on it. I'll tell you why. Look, for some people, melatonin, they find it to be good. It helps sleep, as a supplement. And then, okay, and this has just been my experience, it sort of has a shelf life, meaning that after a little bit, it doesn't work so much anymore. So you're much better off getting in the sun. You make melatonin whether it's 40 below or 80 degrees, Fahrenheit. Okay? Because if the sun's out, you make melatonin as long as you let your eye, don't look in the sun, but just the sunlight and then dark room at night.
So you actually make it on your own, and that's important. But again, if you want to try melatonin as a supplement, I got no problem with that. Can I be honest? I like our cortisol formula for sleep better because it really goes at the root issues of people that have insomnia. It's usually because their cortisol's too high. And cortisol will affect your melatonin. Okay? We talked about that the last few days, and what it does to your sleep. Good question, Andrea. Thank you.
Betty. "Why does everyone recommend liver to eat when it's the filter system of junk, and then we eat junk?" I like that. Betty, you are thinking, I like you. You are smart. Okay. Because I always talk to you about the liver being filtered. But you don't eat human livers. You wouldn't want to eat a human liver today. Why is that? Well, look, you have this idea that all those toxins stay in the liver, but they only stay in the liver in a fatty liver.
See, you got a filtering system in your body. You have toxins coming through, like heavy metals and garbage, but they'll only stay in the liver if you fatty liver, because the fat is what attract the toxins. But a cow, for example, if you're going to eat calf liver or whatever, they don't have toxins in there. The body eliminates that because they don't have fatty liver. Human beings get fatty liver, and they're not supposed to get fatty liver. And human get cirrhosis of the liver. Animals don't. We get it because we drink too much alcohol. And actually, fatty liver is very similar because it's called non-alcoholic fatty liver. And the reason we get that is because of fructose high, fructose corn syrup. And even kids have. But we're not eating, Betty, human livers. Okay? Don't eat that. Because human beings are eating the wrong things and they get fatty liver and fatty liver is what holds on to toxins.
I was reading an article yesterday on, I actually might pontificate on this. What tribe was it? I can't even remember the name of the tribe. And someone followed them as a research project for months and months, lived with them, I think 13 months or whatever. I'll do a little bit deeper dive on it. But it was interesting. The first thing they eat, if they get a deer, if they get an antelope, and they were eating a lot of baboons. They're still primitive, but they're very healthy. The first thing they do, and this guy was saying, the first thing they do is they get the liver of any animal and that's the first thing they eat. Then they eat the heart, then they eat their brain. I couldn't handle that. But you see what I'm saying, Betty? Their livers are clean because they don't eat what we eat, garbage. Okay, good question. Betty, I'm glad you're thinking like that.
Debbie, "What about the coronary calcification test?" Yeah, if your doctor orders it, good. You shouldn't have to tell your doctor to order a CAC test. Okay? Because if they're worried about your heart and your coronary arteries, ordinarily, they're doing it. But I'm going to tell you something. The best test that you can get, way ahead of time, way before things at calcified around your coronary arteries, the best thing is to find out what your triglycerides are and what your HDL is. That's the key. Okay? That's the key. Now, am I against that coronary calcification test? No, not against that test. But if you have that, you better start eating butter with vitamin K2 in it to get rid of the calcium out of your arteries. Good question.
Tina, "What do I do with hand cramps?" Well, if you're getting hand cramps, you're dehydrated. And when I say dehydration, it's not just water, it's electrolytes. Magnesium is an electrolyte. Potassium is an electrolyte. That's why I like Himalayan salt. You know what's a real good thing too, that I really like? Pickle juice. Pickle juice. It's very great an electrolyte drink. I find it to be very effective. So if you're getting spasms and cramping, it may be in your hands. A lot of people get them in their legs. I have to be very careful because I dehydrate very quickly. When I work out, I don't sense myself as being a guy that does a lot of sweating. But oh boy, if I don't keep up with my electrolytes.
And you know what I don't like? I don't like Gatorade. I can't stand that stuff. It's full of artificial everything. I don't like it. Okay?? I would rather you take some pickle juice and it really makes a big difference with dehydration. Because people think of dehydration as only water. Yeah, water's huge. But, if you're getting crampy and you need electrolytes, and I like pickle juice for me. Okay?
Vicky, "How to get rid of tinnitus?" Well, look, it's not easy, first of all. You always want to find out why you got tinnitus in the first place. Do you have vertigo with it? And a lot of time, this is what I've found over the years, two things, with tinnitus. Two things. One, it's glycation. What do I mean by that? We call it glycation end products. Leave it to medicine to confuse people. But what it is, it's too much sugar. Tinnitus ordinarily is your body telling you, you're a carboholic and a sugarholic. Now listen, you can get tin tinnitus to you work in a factory or whatever and you've got loud, loud noise over a long period of time, whatever can give you tonight. Okay, yeah.
But even then, I found when I tested these people in the office that often times, they were insulin resistant and they had glycation. Glycation is glycation end products. When I wrote the book on the reset, I talk about glycation and how it affects joints, how it affects your skin, how it affects your middle ear. Glycation, get off the sugar. Now the other thing, the second thing I mentioned, and it's part of glycation too, is the blood supply to the middle ear. And I love Navitol for that. I found it, but you got to do two things. You got to get off this sugar, get off the carbs, do the reset. A lot of people have found that tinnitus has really got a lot better with the diet. Okay? Okay. Thanks Vicky.
Robbie, "Can advance nerve damage with neuropathy." Well usually, where you see neuropathy, not always, but usually neuropathy comes from diabetes. Because remember what I've said a million times. Your body don't need a lot of sugar. If you don't believe me, eat 20 donuts. And within an hour, your blood sugar will be back to just about normal. Why is that? Because your body knows that sugar is destructive. Now, the first thing that happens with sugar, if it's left unattended and in your bloodstream, will start to damage blood vessels. And blood vessels feed nerves. Okay? Your nerves don't work on their own, they need blood. The life of the flesh is in the blood. Medicine should have read the Bible. The Bible talks about where the life is because for years in medicine, what were they doing? I'm talking a couple hundred years ago. They took blood out of people because they said, "Oh, if we got to get rid of toxins, let's take their blood out." The only time you want to take blood out is when you got too much iron. Okay?
Coming back to the question on neuropathy, in neuropathy so now you get numbness and tingling and pain, usually in the peripheral joints, meaning in your feet. It's so common with diabetes. Here's what I found really helped. Numero uno, the reset. Diabetics have an allergy to carbohydrates. No sugar, no carbs. That's what they should do. Secondly, vitamin B12, because most diabetics take Metformin and Metformin gets rid of your B12 in a nanosecond. They need B12. So you give them B12. Okay. And then Navitol. I put the two together because Navitol, what it does, it increases your nitric oxide. Nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels, gives you more blood supply that are going to the nerves. Okay, got it? You guys are unreal, asking these beautiful questions because you're thinking. I like it.
Can taking too many supplements, [inaudible 00:22:24] damage the liver? No. Look, I'm not big on you taking supplements for no reason. I'm a big probiotic guy. You know, I got the fabulous fine. Okay. Just because you're not going to get enough probiotic, you need probiotic, whatever. This is brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry. Well you took too much vitamin, it's going to make you sick. Nobody is in the waiting rooms of the hospitals, waiting, sitting there, because I'm sick like a dog and I just happened to take too many vitamins. You know what? It doesn't happen.
It is a ruse, it's a red herring. It is nonsense, first of all. But I'm not telling you to take too many vitamins. Okay? I'm not telling you to do that. You know me? I want you to eat properly. Okay? But you can't out supplement a bad diet. Okay? You can't. Because people would come to my office and, "I thought you were going to give me something. I thought you were just going to give me a vitamin so that"... No, it's not going to be as easy as [inaudible 00:23:44]. You've got problems, you better fix them. And you got to start with the diet. You got to eat every day. Now eat the right foods. Oh, yeah, but I find that hard because I like my chocolate and I like my cereals and I don't want to change that. And I go, okay, but then I'm not going to be able help you if you don't help yourself.
But let me just say this. People are not filling the waiting rooms, Robbie, with hypervitaminosis. I think there was one case in Canada, one, that the media couldn't help themselves to pontificate on when someone, according to the hospital, had kidney stones because they took too much vitamin D. That's not what happened. But one person, geez. There's people in Canada drink too much water. I've never seen it, but I guess it could happen. And I don't like to be facetious, but I can't handle it because I see it on a daily... "Oh my God. I've taken too many vitamins." No. The chances are you're not taking enough and you're not eating them properly. Okay. But I'm not specifically talking to you, Robbie, I'm answering your question.
Janine, "Does inflammation formula that make you urinate more?" I don't know. Look, everybody's different. Right? We all got to from fingerprints. There's a reason for that. Okay? We're all different. And I don't like to use, well do, I use the word weird, but I mean unique. We're all unique. I tell people don't donate your body to science, you'll confuse them. You're weird. Okay. Enough. Now, look, I hope you have a sense of humor Janine. I'm not specifically talking to you, I'm answering the question in a general way. Some people, it's just we're all unique. In that sense, aren't we? You got a different fingerprint than me. That makes you different than me. Even identical twins are not identical. You know what I mean? Because everybody's different. So generally, I would say no, inflammation formula doesn't make you urinate more. But maybe people can maybe answer you and say, "Oh, that happens to me too." I just never heard that before, to be honest. Okay? But it's possible I guess. Okay.
Faith, "What are Dr. Martin's advice on making flax meal bars with nuts and pumpkin seeds for a diabetic?" Look, not the end of the world. But keeping in mind, Faith, the diabetics have an allergy to carbs. Now, seeds and nuts, you know how much I love flax seed. I love flax seed because of lignans. I was reading an article yesterday on, they find all this toxins now plastic and microplastics right in the bloodstream now. I've said this for a long time, you are never going to get away from it. So flax, what it does, it's got 100 times times more lignans than any other seed or nut. And what it does is it takes that estrogen, the extra estrogen out of your body, xenoestrogen, phytoestrogen. So yeah, I'd be careful Faith because there's some carbohydrates in there. But Hey, it's certainly better than eating a chocolate bar, that's for stinking sure. But if they're diabetic, they've really got to be eat eggs, meat and cheeses and living on that. Okay?
Doreen, "Can I get out contrast after doing an angioplasty?" How do you get rid of those contrast? You know, the dyes they put into you, right? Well, one of the best ways. Okay. One of the best ways Doreen, is to keep that liver clean. I talked about it earlier in the program. The liver is key, and your kidneys too. Flush, water, diet. Your body knows how to get rid of that contrast. It really does. As long as it's firing on all cylinders. And your liver, keep the fat out of your liver. Now what puts fat in your liver? High fructose corn syrup, crappy carbohydrates. That's what creates fat in the liver. Remember, it's the Costco parking lot. Empty it. Empty it and then your body will do it.
Here's another way to do it. Very good question, by the way. Another way to do it is probiotics. That's why I love broad spectrum probiotics. You know why? Because different strokes for different folks. Different bacteria, like L. reuteri and L. rhamnosus. the reason I like those two in particular, one, they go after candida. And yeast in the body is what holds onto toxins in the body. That's what brings heavy metals into the frame. So when you get rid of candida, how do you get rid of candida? L. reuteri, candid formula, and don't feed the bears. Now you'll get rid of contrast. Guys, your body knows how to do it, with a little bit of help from your friends. Didn't The Beatles make that song? Anyway, drink water, flush the kidneys. Niagara Falls, 24 and 7, you want water over those kidneys to clean out the filters. Your kidneys are filters. Flush them and only water is water. Flush them out. Okay?
And another thing that helps too, and I talk about this quite a bit is glutathione. Glutathione. You know what's glutathione? It's Velcro. Your body makes it, by the way, when your liver is empty. And glutathione goes through your blood vessels and it's like Velcro, the dye will stick to it, heavy metals will stick to it and your body gets rid of it. How do you make glutathione? Navitol. It even increases your glutathione. Okay? Good question, Doreen.
Monique, "What are your thoughts on drinking water or coffee during a meal, especially coffee during a meal." One, because it acts like Metformin. Actually, there was a study, came out this week saying, "You know that Dr. Martin, man, oh man, he's been talking about coffee for years the study." No, they didn't say that. They just said what I said is true, it acts like Metformin. It helps with your insulin. Coffee. Coffee, with your meal, acts like Metformin without getting the drug.
Water. Well, I would drink a glass of water before you eat, not with your meal. Take a little bit of water if you have to with your meal. But before you eat, it'll fill you up. You won't eat as much. Okay. Coffee is the best, man. Coffee is the best. What would cause high vitamin D in your blood? If your liver or kidneys are in trouble? Well, if your liver and kidneys are in trouble is what causes high vitamin D in your blood. Here's what they've shown. Okay? Here's what they've shown, Mary. And Monique was the one that I asked drinking water or coffee during the meals.
Now, Mary, what would cause your vitamin D to be high? When you got kidney stress and liver, fatty liver, your liver's gunked up. That'll elevate your vitamin D levels. Not for everybody, but for people that get high vitamin D, it's not because you're taking too much vitamin D, by the way. It's not. You know why? Because the vitamin D research has show this, in order for you to even get any kind of toxic levels, you would have to take 50,000 International Units a day, every day for six months. Now who the heck does that? The best way to get vitamin D, by the way, is from the sun. Okay? Because your body will never take more than it needs from the sun.
But I know that vitamin D is a supplement, it's fat soluble. Dr. Martin I'm going to get toxic. It bothers me because they don't know what they're talking about. But if your vitamin D levels are high, I like them high by the way. But if they're too high, let's say, in the 400s. Okay. In the United States some hundred and let's say 50 or whatever, Vitamin D. Well, then you've got kidney problems, you've got liver problems. You better fix that. It's not the vitamin D, it's you. It's you. Okay. Good questions. I love you guys.
Angela, "What are your thoughts on legal marijuana to help relax cancer patients?" Well, don't take a trip without leaving the farm. Marijuana, right? Look, if I had cancer and I had pain and that worked, I'd have no trouble with that at all. Get higher than a kite, I don't care. No, but seriously, if it works, I tell people, look, that's not really my specialty. Today, I was saying to Rosie a little while back, I said, "Maybe we should get stoned, man." The way the world was, the only thing that was opening up were marijuana shops. All the other stores were closing and marijuana shops, people are getting stoned, man. I'm just joking. Okay, don't come to me. You guys got to know what I'm teasing. No, but if it works for you, hey, I got no problem. It's probably a lot better than taking a lot of the opioids and whatever else they're giving you for pain. If that's what it takes, man, and it's working for you, go for it.
Brenda, "What causes stye in the eye?" Styes are usually a bacterial infection, can be caused sometimes just by rubbing your eyes and your immune system is not maybe right up to snuff and this kind of thing on styes. I remember getting them a few times when I was a kid. I don't think I ever got one as an adult, just when I was a kid. And usually, I probably didn't wash my hands properly. I don't know. Okay. Brenda, good question.
Theresa, "Regarding the adrenal gland, it associated with vasculitis?" No, it's not vasculitis. It's more to do with infection in the veins or the arteries. And it's usually the immune system and recurring infections taking too many antibiotics. And I think that's what makes people prone to different problems like vasculitis. We see a lot more of that today. I think it's the overuse of antibiotics, personally.
Gloria, "What causes urine to smell?" Well, asparagus. A lot of times antibiotics will really change the smell. If you don't have enough friendly bacteria, your urine can smell. If it's strong and concentrated urine, you're not drinking enough, dehydration, not getting enough electrolytes. A lot of those things could bother and at least change that. I would look at all those things, Gloria. Okay?
Shirley, "What does Dr. Martin think of testing the pulse?" Let me check mine. Of course, it's certainly a factor, it's an indicator. And I don't talk about it too much. I talk about checking your blood pressure, but I used to test people's pulse all the time. Here's what I found. When it was really, really low, almost invariably, they were having trouble with their thyroid. Sluggish thyroid often will do that. Shirley, good question.
Noelle, "It is better to have large fish or small fish for the best DHA." Small fish, usually, like sardines are very high in DHA. Okay? Now I take DHA every day. Did you know that? I eat fish every day in a capsule. I'm not a big fish either. I wish I liked fish. I take therapeutic doses of DHA. I do. If you saw the research that I see, it's incredible what DHA does. Your brain's made up on DHA. And you only get DHA from the animal fat, not from plants. It's not in there. Okay? Remember that. It's really important. So if you have family that are vegetarians, you have family that are vegans, you make sure they're taking a supplement of DHA, because they're not getting it. They could fool themselves.
There's no button on the top of your head says, "Low in DHA. Low in DHA." I wish there was, but there's not. But they are low in DHA, 100%. It's impossible they get it unless you're eating from the animal kingdom or supplement. Okay. Good question. Thank you very much, Noelle.
Aida, "Can you discuss alcohol?" Well alcohol, look, I don't talk about alcohol too much, but I'm doing a big, deep dive and I promised to bring this to you on uric acid. Alcohol is a big factor on elevating uric acid. Okay? And fructose, alcohol, because someone said, well, just eat everything in moderation. I'm not big on that because you don't need carbs and sugars. You really don't. I'm not saying you'll never eat them, but don't say eat everything in moderation. That comes to you from the food industry. Now alcohol, be very careful. Okay? Be very careful. Don't fool yourself. You got to be careful with it because it goes straight to the liver in a nanosecond. That can be carcinogenic. But I got to tell you to be careful with it, that's all. Okay? I'm not telling you to be a teetotaler. But be careful. Okay, Aida?
Melanie, "What does low blood sugar have to do with metabolic syndrome?" Well, listen, listen, listen. Very good question, Melanie. Let me do this quickly. Whether you have high blood sugar or low blood sugar, you got a problem with insulin. Now, I talked all week about what stress does to you. Because cortisol, what it does, elevates blood sugar, because you're tight inside your body and it elevates blood sugar and then your insulin starts taking over and it brings that blood sugar down and sometimes into the area of hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. And you don't feel good. Up, down, up, down. And what these people tend to do is to eat more frequently and little snacks. I'm not big on that. I would rather you fix the overarching principle, and that is of metabolic syndrome, if you get that right. That's why the reset was created, to fix metabolic syndrome, to fix your insulin resistance. And then your blood sugars will level out. Now it doesn't happen overnight if you've had trouble, especially with adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, blah, blah, blah, things like that. So it might take you some time. Okay?
Susan, "What about the mineral, boron?" Well, I like boron. I put it in our hair formula. I don't like boron on its own. People sometimes ask me that, "I'm going to go get a supplement of boron." Good luck with that. On its own. I like it in a mixture. So I have it in two formulas. I have it in my hair formula and I have it in my blood boost. I put boron in there. It works really well when you put it with other minerals. Okay?
Mark, "After the reset, should we stay on keto?" Doing the keto, stop for a week then going back to keto causing problems. Mark, look, you know me. I'm not big on keto. Okay? I know the term. I know what it means. I understand it 100%. But I'm not that big on keto because keto means you're going into ketosis. And I would rather, once you come off the reset, stick to the plan of really making the vast majority of your food, eggs, meat, and cheese. See, the problem with keto is keto very low carb.
But it doesn't necessarily mean it's nutrient dense, because you get keto foods like go to Costco, go to the grocery stores, keto, keto, keto. And then you look at the nutrients in there, there's not much. And a lot of times there's soy protein, there's stuff like that. I don't like that stuff. But if you want to eat low carb the rest of your life, which you should, and implement some vegetables after the reset and some fruit, limited, I get no problem with that. Yeah, I wanted to make a lifestyle. And you'll find out, but like most people do, me and carbs don't get along that well. Now that I know the difference, after I've done the reset and I've found how much better I feel. Okay? So, good. Good question.
Okay, guys, I'm going to stop. There's a couple other questions, but I'll touch them on them next week. Okay. So, guys, thanks for watching. We appreciate it and share this with your friends and we'll see you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!