![THE DOCTOR IS IN Podcast](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0249/0975/files/Wednesday_-_The_Doctor_is_in_Podcast_f7302946-145d-4eab-9987-4f72b161f720_1024x1024.jpg?v=1606136466)
Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.
Some of today’s topics include:
- Olives
- Multivitamins
- Whey protein
- Teeth whitening strips
- Iodine & selenium
- Vitamin K2
- Amino acids in red meat
- Stressed kidneys
- Pre & post workout nutrition
- Blood viscosity
- Exercises for COPD
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great start to your day. Question and answer Friday. Always a lot of fun. Got some good questions here. Okay. Let's get going. Jim is asking about olives. "Are they good nutrition?" Yep. He's mentioning, "They're packed in water and sea salt. Zero carbs and zero sugar." Yeah. Olives are good. Olives are good. Absolutely. Now I'm going to ask you a question, Jim, what makes olives good? The fact that there's zero carbs? Yep. The fact that there's no sugar? Yep. But what is the oil? Olive oil. What is the oil in olive oil that makes them good? Now again, I like asking questions. Sometimes when you ask questions, people, they might not know the answer, but once you tell them, they never forget it. Okay. What makes olive oil so good for you? What is that oil called? Oleic acid. Now what makes bacon good for you? What oil is in bacon? Oleic acid. So olives are good and bacon is better. Okay. Jim, I'll tell you why, because olives are great. They have oleic acid, but bacon, see, has protein, amino acids, and a lot of good fat too like olives do. Olives have some very good fat. It's oleic acid. I live it. Okay. Good question.
[Deed 00:02:26], "What does Dr. Martin think of multivitamins and then creatine and BCAA whey protein?" We'll talk about each one. Multivitamins. Look, I don't like multivitamins per se. Even though I have one. I have a powerful multivitamin, multimineral, multi everything in a product called Blood Boost. That product is very popular product at the clinic, and the reason is because some people either they're anemic, they have no energy, they don't eat properly. I highly recommend that, but don't just take a multivitamin like a gummy or whatever. Guys, you're just going to pee that out. It doesn't do anything for you. You know me, I'm much bigger on eating food, eat food. If you eat the right foods, you don't need a multivitamin. Now look, if you don't absorb B12 or whatever, that's different.
I'm very specific and I want therapeutic doses. When you just get a multivitamin, there's no therapeutic doses in that. Now, Deed is asking about BCAA, do I like it? I'm not that big on it. How about branched-chain amino acids? You know, they make these things. Look, I'm not against it. I'm just telling you you don't need it. Now, if you want to make a Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie with some whey protein, the only problem with whey is a lot of people have trouble digesting it. Do I like whey protein? Yeah. I like it. But put cream in it. If you put cream in your Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, which I recommend, right? Heavy cream, you get lots of whey. You're getting creatinine in there and branched-chain amino acids in there. Now, not in a concentrated form like you can buy expensive supplements.
And guys, you know me, as far as a protein powder, I like collagen. That's why I love bone broth. So make it yourself, a bone broth, or we have bone broth. Okay. Thanks for the question. I like these questions because it's up to you. I'm not going to ever tell somebody don't have a whey protein, if you like it and you can digest it. Hey, put it in your Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie if that's what you want. Brenda, "Can you please advise what is good for hearing heart beat pulse in my ear? Not sure if it's high blood pressure or tinnitus." It could be, but get your blood pressure checked. And if it's not that, I don't know. But I'll tell you what often it is when you hear a pulse like [inaudible 00:05:51]. You're anemic. That's one of the signs of anemia. There's different forms of anemia. You can have low iron anemia or you can have B12 anemia. Check those things out, Brenda. Okay? Now, it may be a tinnitus.
Tinnitus is more, not a pulsing. It's a sound, it's a buzz. It's like you got a bee in your ear that's buzzing, that's tinnitus usually. It drives her anxiety up. Yep. Tinnitus can do that. Now, if it's tinnitus, I like Navitol for tinnitus. "It drives my anxiety up. My doctor is asking me to track my blood pressure." You know me on this. Okay. Brenda, look, I'm not going against what your doctor is saying, but I don't like tracking. I don't like you tracking blood sugar. I don't like you tracking blood pressure. I'm not saying never check it. I'm just saying that people drive themself insane. It's up one degrees. It's down one degrees. It's up another two degrees or whatever. I used to get patients who come in and they had a book for me to read. "I've been tracking my blood pressure for the last six months. Do you want to read it?" I got better things to read than your blood pressure tracking. I got to be careful what I say.
I'm not telling you you shouldn't have a look at your blood pressure, but don't have a look at it a hundred times a day. You're going to have a heart attack from the anxiety, not from your blood pressure. People do that with their blood sugar, brought to you by the pharmaceutical companies that make the little pens and the devices to check your blood sugar. I'll tell you what, if you quit eating crappy carbs and sugars, you'd be surprised how your blood sugar is going to go down and even your blood pressure. But when it comes Brenda to that pulsing sound that you hear, make sure you're not anemic. Okay. Amy, "What did Dr. Martin think about teeth whitening?" I like white teeth. See? Now she's asking about teeth whitening strips. Well, I'd be careful about that. I'd be careful about that. I haven't seen any major studies or any, but are they natural? Well, I don't think so. You put that in your mouth, you're absorbing that.
One of the fastest ways to absorb anything, this is why we have a B12 sublingual. You're absorbing that. Why not use baking soda if you're going to do that to clean your teeth? But anyway, I don't know. The jury is out, but I'd be very careful about that. [Rekai 00:09:06]. How are you, Rekai? "How much iodine should we take per day? How much selenium?" Well, that depends. If you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you don't have to worry about iodine. You don't have to worry about selenium. You're going to get it. I'm not going to tell you how much to take. It depends. You got a thyroid problem? Well then, okay. I don't give a recommended dosage unless I know all your symptoms and whatever, Rekai. Because what's good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander. Everybody's different. But generally what I want is people to eat that food. Now, if you got a thyroid problem, I got a thyroid formula that's the best on the market, in my opinion.
Selenium and the right amount of iodine. It's a good question, Rekai, but I have trouble answering specifically because it depends. Richelle, "Why do I get hot flashes when taking vitamin D?" Because you got horror-mones, Richelle. It ain't normal. Hey, by the way, the Swiss government just came out yesterday and recommended people over 65, everybody over 65, listen to what happened in Switzerland. They said everybody over 65 should be taking a supplement of vitamin D. Holy moly. I almost fell over. I almost passed out on the importance of vitamin D, and the Swiss have got it right. Because when you get older, you don't absorb vitamin D like you used to. Now, the best way to get vitamin D of course is through the sun. But let me share this with you, Richelle, that is very unusual that you get a hot flash when you take vitamin D. Now like I said, I guarantee you got horror-mones. Your hormones are not balanced. So it's weird. It's weird. It's not normal by any stretch of the imagination.
I mean, hundreds of thousands, if not, millions of people take vitamin D every day don't get a hot flash. I wouldn't stop the vitamin D. Now, if you can get out in the sun and get it, probably better for you than the supplement, but depending on where you're living. Good luck with that. Okay. Now, what did Dr. Martin think of Wilma, ozone therapy? I like it. I actually use it in my office. There was a time I used it in my clinic. I liked it. Was it revolutionary? No, but I found with mold and chronic candida, it could be somewhat effective. Okay. Connie, "Can taking vitamin K2 cause high blood pressure?" Just the opposite, Connie. Now let's do a little bit of vitamin K2, what it is. Vitamin K2 is only found in the animal kingdom. You get K1 mostly in plants. K2 is found mostly in butter and cheese. It's found in meat, it's found in eggs, but in higher doses in cheese and butter, especially cheese curds.
Now what does vitamin K2 do? What is it? It does a lot of things. But the main thing that vitamin K2 does is it takes calcium out of your blood vessels where they don't belong. Calcium doesn't belong in your blood vessels. Calcium belongs in your teeth and in your bones. K2 transports that. That's why. And I made this argument so many times, but I'll make it again. When people tell you to be a vegetarian or a vegan, it's fake news because you are going to miss out on vitamin K2. Now vegetarians might have a little bit of butter, hopefully. Vegans, no, that they don't take any dairy. That's craziness, guys. You see, God put vitamin K2 right in food. Okay. In perfect balance, because I'll tell you why. When you have a piece of cheese, let's just say you're having cheese. In the cheese, you have a lot of calcium. Do we know that? Yeah. That's 100% true, Dr. Martin. Then is that calcium, is that good for you when you eat it? 100% for sure.
But you see, how good? Put it in the right formula because he put it in cheese with vitamin K2. Got it? Then vitamin K2 takes the calcium and puts it where it belongs. It hitches its wagon to calcium and puts it where it belongs. That's why I love vitamin K2. Do you have to take it as a supplement? No. Well, I put it in our vitamin D in the perfect dosage, by the way. But the key is eating it. Don't avoid butter. It's got K2. Don't avoid cheese. It's got K2. Don't avoid meat. It's got K2. Don't avoid eggs. It has vitamin K2. To take the calcium and put it where it belong. Answering your question, Connie, think about this. How could that elevate your blood pressure? It would be just the opposite because plaque in the arteries, calcium in the arteries, atherosclerosis is calcified arteries. Now that will elevate your blood pressure. Vitamin K2 is to fix that. Okay, Connie, thanks for the question.
Diane, very good question. "Are the amino acids, the building blocks, found in vegetables and nuts as beneficial as those found in red meat?" Now Diane, no. It's a good question. Now I like peanut butter. Okay. On my jar it says it's got eight grams of protein, per I don't know. I didn't even look. Per tablespoon or whatever. I don't know. But eight grams of protein from peanut butter is nothing compared to eight grams of protein from steak. There's no comparison. Because the amino acids and the protein is much more complex in meat, much more bioavailable. Look, I like peanut butter. Okay. I like the taste of it. I'm a big peanut butter guy, but not for protein. I don't take it for protein. I just like it. But you can't compare it to me because it's not near as complete. You just don't get the complete profile of amino acids. You get some but not much.
The plant kingdom. I'm sorry. We were not meant to live on plants alone. We're not. I don't care what Netflix says. I don't care what your doctor says. I don't care what your guru says. I don't care. It's not true. You'll learn that day one in nutrition 101. Then religion takes over. The indoctrination takes over. Meat is bad for you. Cows, environment, bad, bad, bad. Don't eat anything with eyeballs. Bad, bad, bad. But it doesn't make it true. I don't care how often they say it. It doesn't make it true. It's not true, guys. I'm consistent. I'm consistent. Eggs, meat and cheese. Eggs, meat and cheese. Eggs, meat and cheese. EMC. EMC. That is me. I'm sorry guys. I ain't changing my mind. Okay. Good question. Now Connie, I want you to ask those questions. I mean it. Ask those questions. I love it. Okay.
Rosa, "I know we need to have high cholesterol. What raises LDL?" Well look, 85% Rosa. Okay. 85% of your cholesterol, you make it. You can't live without them. That's how important it is. Now, the 15%, you are responsible for. How do you do that? Well, cholesterol is only found, here I go again. Cholesterol is only found in the animal kingdom. You don't want to get your cholesterol down. You want to get it up. LDL, who cares? Rosa, who cares? I don't care. You can't make me care. I don't want you to raise your LDL, I mean, just for the sake of raising your LDL. Raise your HDL which is the cholesterol that hitches its wagon to triglycerides. That is all you have to remember. And if you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, you're doing that. If you lay off the carbs and the sugars, you'll lower your triglycerides. It's as simple as that. Now you might want to kickstart a little bit with high DHA. I like that. Okay. Even exercise helps to lower your triglycerides, but you can't out-exercise a bad diet. Triglycerides are foods. It's sugar, babe. It's fructose. That's why we have a national international crisis, and it's food. People are being duped. Rosa, thanks for the question.
"What raises creatinine levels?" Well, Glenda, look, when you have creatine levels going up, that is a sign that your kidneys are stressed. What stresses your kidneys? Let's go over a little bit of lesson. Numero uno, numero uno is a lack of water. Your kidneys are Niagara Falls. Go to Niagara Falls at three in the morning. What do you see? Well, it's water. It's moving. It's always moving. Your body needs water. You're like planet earth, you're 75% water. That's planet earth too, by the way. You need water. Water, that's one. If you don't have enough water, that stresses your kidneys, it elevates your urea and you're not going to get rid of your toxins like you should. That's one. Numero two is sugar. There's nothing that damages kidneys and stresses kidneys like sugar does. Sugar is terrible for your kidneys, not salt, sugar. So eliminate that.
Get your insulin down. That's really important. Insulin resistance well, really affect the kidney. Those are the things that are the most important to look for kidney stress. Now I'm going to tell you another thing that will elevate your creatinine. Oxalates. Oxalates stresses your kidneys because they're calcium oxalates and they love the kidneys. That'll stress your kidneys. And guess where you get oxalates? Veggies. We did a session this week. When you have any kind of kidney stress, oxalates really, really are big problem. Okay? I want your kidneys to be restored and you'll do it in 30 days on the reset. Because you're going to get your sugars down. You're going to be drinking lots of water, and you're not going to eat any oxalates at all, which are very hard on your kidneys. People look at me like I got two heads, but I'm telling you, there's a reason I do that. There's a reason I do it.
It's not popular in terms of the general population. How can you eat eggs, meat and cheese for 30 days and no vegetables? You're going to die. No, you're actually going to get a lot better. Okay. And then you can have some veggies after. Okay. Good question. Thank you for it, Glenda. Patricia, "Where do cancer cells go with weight loss?" Well, hold on a minute, Patricia, because I think I know where you're going there. But weight loss, like a lot of people, you're sick and you lose weight, or you're healthy and you're losing weight. Because a lot of people are losing weight but they're sick already. Right? You ever see a cancer patient. They're losing weight. Where do the cancer cells go? Well, if you got cancer and your immune system can't keep up, those cancer cells aren't going anywhere. They're multiplying. But I think you're asking Patricia, when you lose weight on purpose, where do cancer cells go?
Your body's immune system, your body's immune system. You're fearfully and wonderfully made, Patricia. Your body, it's got an immune system, especially, look, especially T-cells. They will eat them up. Your Navy SEALs of your immune system will eat them up. They'll have them for breakfast and spit them up. Your body will metabolize that and break them down and eliminate that. That's why you have a lymphatic system. This is why it's so important. Okay? To have a good immune system, because your immune system will eat them up and spit them out. Your body is a wonderful detox machine. It is. We talked about it yesterday on when you sleep, your brain detoxes. You got a self-cleaning oven in your brain, only when you sleep though. Okay? But the rest of your body guys, your liver, your kidneys, primarily, they're the wonderful detox organs, but you better have them in good shape.
I hope that answers your question, Patricia. Because if you're saying, where do they go when you're losing weight when you already have cancer and you're losing weight because of cancer as your body is taking on itself, well then they're not going anywhere. They're multiplying. But if you mean in healthy weight loss, where do cancer cells go? Well, they go where they always go. Whether you have weight loss or not. As long as you have a good immune system, your body breaks those down. Google white blood cell going after a bacteria or a virus and chasing it. It's unbelievable. We used to see this in the office all the time, the chase is on. Then we'd see a white blood cell actually catch a bacteria. Unreal, fun to watch. I mean, I never got tired of watching that. But cancer cells, the body will rid the body of it if your immune system is good. That's why even the Swiss are telling their 65 year olds to take vitamin D. There's nothing better to kill cancer cells in my opinion than vitamin D. There's no vitamin like Viderma.
Michael, "What nutrition-wise should I eat both pre and post?" Well, pre, depends. Post, I'll talk to you about. Pre depends, Michael. Okay. A lot of times people workout when they're fasting. They haven't eaten yet. It's a good way to empty your storage bins of glycogen, your liver, your muscles. But some people because of their fluctuations in blood sugar and they don't feel quite as good, I recommend Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, to have about four or five ounces. I like collagen. I mean, you can use whey, the heavy cream in a protein powder. If you want to put a few berries in it, put a few berries in it. That is a tremendous pre workout. It is. For people who have trouble with blood sugar. Don't have a banana or nothing. That's all nonsense. Now you're spiking your blood sugar for nothing. What goes up must come down. It'll come down. Now you're going to fluctuate your blood sugar. Don't do that. Have protein, protein, protein, pre if you need it.
If you don't need it, if you can actually exercise on fasting, you haven't eaten yet. If you can do it, don't bother you. It's better for you because you're going to empty your bins. That'll give you more room for glycogen afterwards. Okay, Michael? Good question. Second, post, I would do the smoothie. There's nothing that will rebuild the body quicker than the perfect smoothie. It'll replenish your amino acids. It'll give you good nutrition. It'll give you a healthy fat, which you want and high protein. That's what I recommend. Okay. Or have a steak. Good question, Michael. Thank you. Sylvie, "How can we manage candida and mold if we are allergic to nuts?" Well, why are you eating nuts? You know what I think of that, Sylvie? Because if you're trying to lose weight, don't eat nuts. That's what squirrels do to gain weight. Don't eat nuts and don't eat seeds. You don't need them. I like flaxseed though because that's different, because that's going to lower your estrogen.
Now, most cleanses have some nuts in them. Well, not mine. You know, nuts can have mold there. Okay. I'm not saying never, you can't ever eat that. But the best way to manage candida is not to feed candida. Don't feed the bears. Don't give them sugar. You can have a hundred cleanses and that'll do nothing if you're still feeding candida. Candida loves sugar, it wants rapid sugar. They're teenagers. They want to eat immediately and they're always hungry. You ever had a teenager live in your house? I have. My son was like he was back in his breastfeeding days. Like it was every couple of hours when he was a teenager wanting to eat. Like I said, gee, you just had a big meal. How can you be hungry? But he was always hungry. Okay. Tony junior. Now, candida needs to be fed so don't feed it. Then use a Candida Cleanse, probiotics. There's L. Reuteri, L. rhamnosus that are specific bacteria that will attack your candida. There may be mold in nuts.
Some people get uptight about that. I'm not big on nuts anyway. Why are you eating that stuff for? That's for squirrels and chipmunks. Okay. That's how they get fat. That's how you get fat if anybody wants to know. Travis, "Would blood viscosity affect triglyceride readings?" No, not really. It'll thicken your blood and it can affect your platelets, but not your triglycerides. Triglycerides are from the liver and they are manufactured when your liver is full. The Costco parking lot is full when the minivan is full and you got no more room to put one more suitcase. Or as my grandson, I watched him pack his carry-on. I said, "Josiah, you're never going to get that stuff in your suitcase." He said, "Watch me, grandpa." And then he sat on to close it. But that's your liver. If you pack your liver with carbohydrates and sugars, you're going to develop triglycerides and high triglycerides.
"How much salt in a day?" Well, Jenny, I'm not going to tell you. Everybody's different. Everybody's different. If you are eating low carb, Jenny, you won't need quite as much salt. Like a lot of people, what sugar does, it really, really messes up your salt and your potassium and your magnesium because it really has a major effect on the kidneys. Once you've gone through the reset, you'll realize salt is good for you. The reason I'm not giving you the answer in this way, Jenny is this. Because it only depends, salt will only become negative in the absence of water. Salt only becomes negative in the absence of water. If you're drinking enough water, Jenny, then salt ain't going to bother you. Okay? Now if you're eating fast foods and there's salt in that, but that's not real salt. That's sodium chloride. It's not salt. It's not Himalayan salt or kosher salt or sea salt. You need salt. How much? It depends how much water you're drinking. Okay.
Mary, gabapentin, what do I think about it? Well, that is an anticonvulsant. It's got a lot of side effects. Now, I never could tell a person not to take that medication if they need it. I couldn't do that. How could I do that? But one thing I know, and this was written up in the 1920s, by the way. When it comes to the high, high, fat diet, low carbs, actually putting a person into ketosis was one of the ways they used to cure convulsions and epilepsy. I'm telling you, you can Google it and read about it. Came out in the 1920s, and then they got [pupu 00:34:24]. But as far as the medication, well, it's the medication, Google, it's got a lot of side effects. But if you need it, you need it. Louise, "COPD, what exercises are the best?" The best exercise you can do for COPD is weightlifting because it's the best exercise to do with anything. It is. It's been proven. Lifting weights is the best vitamin E you can get. You know me, I'm three to four times a week.
This is what I recommend. 15 to 20 minutes resistant exercises, weights, bands, get strong, get muscles. Muscles are good for everything. Everything. Not only just your bone, not only just osteoporosis, your insulin and your brain and your everything gets better. That's why I love vitamin E. 15 to 20 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week. Now you can walk. Walking is good. You want to go biking? Biking is good. You want to go swimming? Swimming is good. Any movement is good. But the best is you getting strong, Louise, even for COPD for your lungs. You getting strong, that's important. From Rita, "What age is recommended to start omega-3 supplementation?" Well, look, if you suspect your child has got ADD or ADHD, look on our website and look at a liquid, high DHA. We have it in a liquid. I love it for kids. You can start that when they're little babies, okay? Because it's so good for them.
Your brain is made up of DHA. You need DHA. I'm big on DHA. Kids need DHA. The problem with kids today is they get so much omega-6 and so little omega-3, that ratio creates inflammation even in a child. It's silent. You might not see it, but we have so much brain dysfunction in children. There's ADD and ADHD and autism. You name it. Boy, healthy fat is good for the brain. So how much? Well, look, therapeutically, it depends. I hate to give an amount specifically for Rita. Okay? I'd rather you email me, our staff, and we'll guide you more personally because I don't want to just throw a number of there. It depends. I know why you're sick. You're taking too much omega-3 and no. The only problem with children is trying to administer the DHA. Not easy. They don't like swallowing a big pill of DHA, right? Not easy. Liquid, but make sure it's quality. Okay. Good question for Rita. "What are the signs of a good immune system?"
I like that question, but it's not a short answer. Because some people think, well, I never get sick. Does that mean I have a good immune system? Well, that's one of the reasons. Because if you're always getting a cold and every bug that travels you get, well, you know your immune system is no good. But people that brag to me that they never get sick and that means that they're the healthiest people in the world, I said, I don't care. You might not get a virus or bacteria, but you can't tell me your immune system. If you're eating sugar, "I never get sick, doc." Yeah. Well, cancer is coming to a theater near you. They'll catch up to you. You better not be eating bad. What I'm going to do, if you don't mind, Claudette, is I will do a whole teaching on it. We'll look at all the nuts and bolts of having a good immune system. I think it's a great topic. But if you're not taking vitamin D, you don't have a good immune system. You need vitamin D.
Now, if you can get it from the sun, go for it. Okay, Claudette. But we're going to do a program on that. I appreciate the question. Marilyn, "Why do I get nose bleeds and lightheaded when donating blood?" You're weird. Marilyn, I just was teasing. Okay. Well, some people do that. People are lightheaded and they get blood and nose bleeds. One thing about usually when you're giving blood, they won't take your blood if you're anemic. I check for, Claudette, make sure your B12 level. They won't check that, but you make sure your B12 levels are good. Because that could be a factor there. John, "Can you speak about vitamin B3, niacin?" What do you want me to tell you? Do I like it as a supplement? No. I never given niacin. Well, I did a few times. Okay, B3, but not on its own. I'm not big on its own. I'd rather you eat your niacin. If you are eating eggs, meat, and cheese, you're getting lots of niacin. Okay.
Now, therapeutic doses of niacin they've used for cholesterol. Why do you want to use that? Why are you trying to get your cholesterol down? I used to tell people that. Yeah, but it gets cholesterol down. Why? Why do you want that? You don't want that. Okay, John. I'm not big on it. I think you're asking me about a supplement. Now let me get to the last question here. "Does it help with arthritis or natural antihistamine?" No, not on its own. I never find it to be that effective on its own. Eat it, John. Okay. [Hermi 00:40:40], "What's the normal range for estrogen for menopausal women?" I don't know and I don't care, Hermi. I don't know and I don't care because it doesn't matter. You can't rely on a blood test to tell you where your estrogen is at. You can't, because symptoms are more important than the lab.
When doctors realize that, they'll get a lot better at treating menopause. Oh yeah, but your estrogen is low. Yeah, but it doesn't matter if your estrogen is low. It all depends on your estrogen, progesterone. It has to be the two of them. It's not numbers. It's balance. It's symptoms, Hermi. It's symptoms. I told you, I taught endocrinology to endocrinologists. They would rely on the lab and they weren't getting people better. They're giving estrogen. I said, what are you giving them estrogen for? Gynecologist, what are you giving them estrogen for? You want to give them cancer? They got lots of estrogen. No, it's low, doc. Yeah, but it's not low compared to progesterone. It's higher than progesterone and they should be equal. Hermi, good question. Okay. Guys, thanks for the question. I got them all answered, I think, unless I skipped one. If I did, I didn't mean to. Okay. So guys, love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!