A recent study has identified nearly 300 chemicals, many in consumer products, that could increase the risk of breast cancer. This isn’t anything new and is just confirming what we already know.
Dr. Martin says we live in a completely different world with estrogen coming out of both ears! Estrogen is a growth hormone that makes a woman, a woman, and it also makes a man a woman too. Oftentimes men have more estrogen than women!
Join Dr. Martin in today’s episode as he teaches on the connection between chemicals and estrogen.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Hey, guys. Hope you're having a great day. Looking forward to our little chat this afternoon, and a couple of studies came out. One of them is... I'm going to just read it here as I get to it. A study identifies, brand new study, really confirming something that we already know, but it's always interesting to look at it. Study identifies nearly 300 chemicals, many in consumer products, that could increase breast cancer risk. Now, guys, this is something we've already known, just confirming. We live in a completely different world. We have so much estrogen coming out both ears and estrogen is a growth hormone. It makes a woman, a woman. It makes a man, a woman too, and men oftentimes have a lot more estrogen than women.
Now, what is this study saying? I wrote about this 35 years ago. Oh, yeah, at least, that chemicals mimic estrogen. They're called xenoestrogens, and they're very dangerous and, by the way, you're never going to get completely away from them. They have found xenoestrogens on the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, and in the lowest point in the world in the sense that, I mean in our oceans, but deep within the oceans, but in placentas, when they test placentas.
I remember, this was 30 years ago, at least. Wendy Mesley... now, you might not remember that name, but she was with the CBC for years and years and years, and she did a special, and she was shocked that in the placentas, they were finding hundreds of chemicals and when she had her own blood tested, she found out that she had about 150 chemicals inside of her body that didn't belong there. She was shocked by that and, guys, that was 35 years ago.
And when I talked about chronic fatigue syndrome, way back when I talked about one of the factors, and these women, especially the chronic fatigue, were canaries in the coal mine because of all the chemicals, because of sugars, because of antibiotics. It was a perfect storm in chronic fatigue. And when a woman gets breast cancer, I'm telling you, it's a perfect storm. Way too much estrogen. And you see, the problem with xenoestrogens, there's the chemicals, and then on the other side, there's the phytoestrogens that are found in food. They can elevate your estrogens, and so you get a double whammo, and then in women, in breast cancer, I've never seen exceptions to it. There's always some kind of stress manifestation a few years before, maybe even up to five years before cancer. There was a very stressful, traumatic, can be long lasting stress, so you add cortisol, you add estrogen, and then you add insulin, and you have a perfect storm.
And the study is saying that several hundred common chemicals, including pesticides, ingredients in consumer products, food additives, and drinking water contaminants could increase the risk of breast cancer by causing cells and breast tissue to produce more of the hormones estrogen and the connection between estrogen and breast cancer is well-established.
Let me just say another thing here. I have never... and I know they do test and they look at cells when they do biopsies, and then sometimes they'll come back and say, "That's not estrogen receptive." Now listen, breast tissue is always receptive to estrogen. Breast tissue is always receptive to estrogen.
Now, you can have cancers that are even more receptive, I agree with that, but all breast cells, all breast cancer cells, always receptive to estrogen because estrogen is a growth hormone. It's a growth hormone. It's mostly a woman's hormone, of course, and men get prostate cancer, almost identical type of cancer as breast cancer. Men get prostate cancer. Too much estrogen, not enough testosterone. Too much estrogen from chemicals, phytochemicals, and the fact, here's a man. When a man loses testosterone, it's like a teeter-totter. If a man loses testosterone, there's not enough testosterone in men anymore, it's a big problem. Men don't have much testosterone. Every year, it's going down by a certain percentile. Men are very low in testosterone and that's not good because what takes over in a man is estrogen.
And the saying at the Martin Clinic is a lot of men, when they hit 50, have a lot more estrogen than their wives. You got belly fat, you got estrogen, and you combine that with insulin and that prostate's going to grow, grow, grow. 300 chemicals that they've identified, a lot of them are in our food. A lot of them are in our houses, in the kitchens and the bathrooms, and the sprays. Not good. So that's one of the headlines that we'll look at this afternoon.
Here's another one. I wanted to look maybe two or three this afternoon. Here's the headline, a new study on candida. I like it because there's very few in medicine that looks at candida. Okay, here's the headline. How candida hijacks the immune system? How candida hijacks the immune system is the headline, and then they go into a little bit of detail looking back into the 1970s when doctors... Well, let me just tell you this. I remember being put on the quack watch. I didn't know if you ever guys have ever heard of that. I counted it a privilege. There was a guy, Barnett, Dr. Barnett or Burnett, or I can't remember his name now.
He started this quack watch and I was on it. He didn't like me because I had a radio show. He said this and I'm quoting him, "Imagine this, that Dr. Martin believes in candida." Now, not that he didn't believe in candida. He just didn't believe you could ever get sick from it. Candida was something that was on your skin. You have some in your gut. It never makes you sick according to this guy. But it's funny now, you know how I have been vindicated because I was big, big, big, big. I talked to you about chronic fatigue. I was one of the first guys to tell people that the adrenals were exhausted in chronic fatigue syndrome, and one of the factors was candida albicans. It got into the bloodstream, it spread from the brain to the toes, and it gets fed by sugar. Crappy carbs speed candida and candida invades. And it's exactly what this study is saying.
This study is saying, how does candida or fungus hijack the immune system? And what they're talking about in this study is autoimmune, autoimmune, how the body turns on itself because you have an invasion of a species. It's called candida albicans, yeast. You know what I call them at the clinic? Bears. Don't feed them.
So just a little bit of teaching again, so I repeat, repeat, repeat. How do you get a yeast? Well, ladies, you know how you get a yeast infection, right? You take an antibiotic for a bladder infection then you get a yeast infection. How often does that happen? Quite often. Women get yeast in the privates. Why is that? Oh, moisture. Remember now, candida is the first cousin of mold. Where do you find mold in your home? Oh, in the basement. Wherever there's been water damage, in the bathroom, you'll find mold. In the human body, it loves moisture. So what does candida do? It travels to the sinuses.
Loves sinuses. Loves lungs. Loves the bladder. Are you talking with a woman today with a UTI bladder infection? I said, yeah, but just hear me up. Do you have a lot of burning? No. Well, how do you know you have a bladder infection? Well, because my doctor took a test and I said, "Well, look it, I know your urine probably has the E. coli, but what will give you the infection is candida. So if you take an antibiotic and you don't need it, you actually make that worse."0 You make it worse. It might even give you a day of relief, but then it comes back with a vengeance because you're killing the friendly bacteria and yeast only stays a day when you have enough friendly bacteria. This is why antibiotics, as wonderful as they are, as wonderful as they are, have created a cascade of problems. Autoimmune.
You see, I went, in 47 years of practice, I always did questionnaires. I wanted a questionnaire. You needed to answer it. Have you been on antibiotics as a child? Yep. Yep, yep, yep. Yep. Okay. That can set you up for disaster down the road. It's not going to happen the next day, but if you always had ear infections or throat infections and you were given antibiotics, you were being set up for autoimmune disease later on because it killed your friendly bacteria. And then go back 30 years or so, they didn't even talk about friendly bacteria. They didn't even realize that there was an invisible war going on within your system between good and bad bacteria called your microbiome. I was screaming 30 years ago about probiotics and the effectiveness of it, and I don't mean yogurt. Candida and the studies are showing it's absolutely because candida, yeast or fungus, call it what you want, gets into the bloodstream.
How does it do that? You take an antibiotic, you take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like Advil or Aleve or over-the-counter pain killers. Ladies, you're on the birth control pill, hormonal, and they're usually giving you estrogen, by the way. And you're setting yourself up for yeast, for fungal. It affects the microbiome. And now you don't have enough good guys. You have an overgrowth of bad bacteria and then you get the invasion of that third army called candida albicans, and I'm going to tell you something. When candida gets into the bloodstream and they used to laugh at me. That's why I was on the quack watch. I don't even know if they have it today because if they do, I'm on it, okay?
Doctors used to want to shoot me because I said, "Well, it's in your bloodstream." "Oh, you can't have yeast in your bloodstream. That would kill you." Eh, well it will kill you, but it'll be slow because they're thinking a fungal infection, full out, that can kill you. And that's true, it can. But there's a slow process and candida is a slow process. This is what this article is talking about. How it hijacks the immune system. You get autoimmune. Your body overreacts to it. In the meantime, it's traveling. It's getting into areas of moisture. It can cross the blood brain barrier and thus, you have MS, you have Parkinson's. I have no doubt in my mind that people who get Lou Gehrig's disease, that terrible neurological disease, in my humble opinion, it's a yeast infection in the brain. MS, a yeast infection in the brain. Not in the privates, in the brain. How did it get there? It traveled through leaky gut, leaky brain.
And then you feed it. It'll call your name every day, several times a day. It's like having a bad little pet that wants to be fed and it don't want eggs, meat, and cheese, let me tell you that. The enemy of yeast is eggs, meat, and cheese. The friend of yeast is sugar and bread and noodles and rice and cereals, and they'll feed your yeast big time. And I'm going to tell you something else too.
When this autoimmune went into quite a bit of detail, they're talking about ankylosing spondylitis. Have you ever seen that called the bamboo spine? A very disabling arthritis. And then there's rheumatoid arthritis, how it is affecting the microbiome. All in this article. Very, very good. You don't want that. This is why, if you know me, I have been so consistent about antibiotics, okay? I was light years ahead of the curve about not taking antibiotics unless you needed them. I often plead with patients. I pled with patients. "Are you in deep pain?" "No." Well, I said, "I wouldn't take that antibiotic. I know doctors want to put you on it," and now we got super bugs from C. difficile to many other supercharged bugs that are resistant to antibiotics, but it wasn't even that. It wasn't even that. I know medicine talked about that and even medicine was trying to get doctors to be more cognitive and conscious of not giving out so much antibiotic.
Let me tell you something. Almost every ear infection, listen to what I'm going to say mommy, grandmommy. 99% of ear infections are viral. They're not bacterial. Look, you ever have a baby crying with ear pain? It ain't no fun. But I love what my son-in-law emergency physician, 1-800-SAM, I call him. He'd just say, "Look, I'm not giving you an antibiotic. I'm going to give you an antihistamine for the child to take some of the pressure out of the ear and then a painkiller for a couple of days. I'm not giving out antibiotics. It's viral. 99% of colds are viral. You think, and I got a sore throat, man, 90 something percent of those two. Now I'm not saying you can't get streptococcus. I'm not saying that. But if you can... I'm not saying antibiotics are no good. I'm telling you they're very good.
The problem is they kill friendly bacteria and if you don't replace that... At a pharmacy, you know what they should be doing? Oh, we're giving you a prescription of antibiotics for a five days. First of all, the pharmacist should tell you what the CDC says, and that is only take it as long as you have pain and then stop. But they don't do that, they tell you to finish the dosage. That was 50 years ago they come up with that. It's not right. Anyways, what they should do is, "Here's your antibiotic. Stop it as soon as the symptoms go away, and here's your probiotic. Okay?" No, but seriously, that's what they should be doing. I worked with physicians in Sudbury, a couple of GI doctors, and they were right up-to-date on probiotics. I mean, I was more than impressed and they said, "Oh doc, I tell patients, go see Dr. Martin, because I got to give you an antibiotic, but you better get on a probiotic." Yeah, absolutely.
So you have this amazing study that, at one time, would've been severely controversial is telling us how candida hijacks the immune system. And let me just say another thing, okay? I'm going to tell you something else, and I found this clinically to be very true. Whenever someone came into the office and I used to test them for this so it wasn't like it was a surprise. I did a urine test, and they had lead. They had mercury. They had cadmium. You know what I used to tell them? I'd show them the urine. "Well, see that color there? You got lead." "Doc, how did I get that?" Well, who knows? The environment. Were you drinking gasoline as a kid, when there used to be lead in the gasoline? When I was a kid, there was lead in the gasoline.
And you know what, anything out of China, I used to tell my lady, patients, "Do you use lipstick?" Oh yeah, I use lipstick." But if you're putting on lipstick, I said, "They tested 300 different lipsticks out of China and all 300 of them had lead in it. If it comes out of China, it's got lead in it. I don't know why they put lead in it. I think maybe to make it more sol... I don't know. I have no idea why they put lead in. But I said, if you're putting that on your lips, that's getting into your bloodstream in a hurry and, children, in high fructose corn syrup.
Oh, I used to get a severe migraine thinking of children consuming high fructose corn syrup and the amount of lead that was found in high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is bad enough on its own. Nevermind when they add lead to it. I used to scream because I could test them. These kids come in with lead and mercury, craziness.
But I didn't finish the point because I was going on a rabbit trail. Now, I'm going to finish the point. The point that I wanted to make is guess how heavy metals get transported to the brain? They hitch their wagon to something: yeast. Mm-hmm (affirmative). So now you eat sugar and you're feeding the yeast or the candida, you have some heavy metal in your body, and instead of being chelated out of your body, taken out of your body... You see, lead and mercury or whatever should never be able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Your blood-brain barrier is a fabulous barrier, but it's the same type of barrier that you have between your gut and your blood.
What if it's not there? What if it's been compromised? Then you get yeast into the brain, MS, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's. You see so much of that today. So much more than we used to see. I call them autoimmune because it really starts with leaky gut, and then that yeast, heavy metals hitch their wagon to yeast, to candida. No wonder the immune system goes crazy, overreacts, overreacts. I haven't even talked to you about candida in the skin. There is almost no skin condition that doesn't have a fungal base to it.
Almost no skin condition that doesn't have a fungal base to it. Again, guys, I'm not telling you to leave the planet, okay? I'm not. I'm not trying to be so pessimistic. I'm not. Where are you going to go? With Elon Musk to Mars to get away from all the chemicals? Well, don't hold your breath, guys. You have to live in this world with all the chemicals. Now, it doesn't mean you have to go and spray and over-clean. It kills 99% of all bacteria, right? You ever see commercials for stuff like that? It kills 99% of all bacteria. Yeah, good and bad ones too. Why do we have such an overgrowth of yeast today? We over-clean. We don't get dirty like we used to. Get down and dirty. Get your hands in some dirt and don't over-wash. Am I against washing hands? No, but don't do it a hundred times a day. And for heaven's sakes, don't use what they got in the grocery stores.
I watched somebody today, triple cleaning their hands with a hand sanitizer, like... and then... and three masks on. And I felt like saying, "You're driving me nuts. You won't die of the virus, but you are going to die of breast cancer 100% for sure." I wish I could go say that to people. No, I'm serious. Like I said, you don't have a stitch, a friendly bacteria laugh map. You've destroyed it all. Oh, people don't think. They don't.
Anyway, have I told you lately that I love you? Guys, I really do. Are you going to get your questions in for question and answer Friday? We're doing that tomorrow, okay? We're doing that tomorrow. Dr. McEwen just queued me up for teaching. We're going to have fun with Dr. McEwen tomorrow at the University of Tennessee. I can't wait to blow those students' socks off, and tomorrow's question and answer. Do we always have fun? Of course, we have fun. Question and answer Friday. Okay, guys, send your questions in. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!