Orthopedic surgeons were surveyed recently to see if patients having joint replacements had any common underlying conditions. 90% of the surgeons reported metabolic syndrome as the most common condition!
Join Dr. Martin as he unpacks this finding and explains why those with metabolic syndrome often have problems with their joints. He also discusses changes you need to make to improve your metabolic health.
Be sure to listen to this episode to learn more about joint health!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Oh, hello. How are you guys doing? Nice to be with you this morning. There was a survey done recently with orthopedic surgeons, okay? It was a survey. And the question was asked, "Was there an underlying condition to people that were getting ready to have a joint replacement, either knee or hip?" So the answer that the orthopedic surgeons gave, it was a survey, I think, of over a hundred of them at random, they answered a survey question. Here it is, "Was there a common underlying condition?" 90% of the survey of a hundred, almost all of the candidates for joint replacement had metabolic syndrome. Interesting, isn't it? Almost all of the candidates for joint replacement were suffering from a common condition of metabolic syndrome. Wow.
Now, it went on to say, this article that I read about this survey done with orthopedic surgeons, it went on to say that almost all of them gave no advice on how to fix metabolic syndrome. They just admitted that metabolic syndrome was a common denominator when it came to joint replacement. Well, does that surprise me? No, of course, it doesn't. And there was someone on this morning, and I'll... just going to just do a quick scan to see if I can read this to you. Paul, I'm not going to use your last name, Paul, but anyway, you put it out publicly, so I'm hoping that you won't be offended if I use this because you put it up on our Facebook group page. And by the way, you're the one who said, "What the hell?" No research, just somebody told him, word of mouth, about the Reset. He was bound and determined to do it, and he did it. Good for you, Paul. As a matter of fact, he says he's on day 29. Only got one more day to go.
But he talked about this, okay? By day three, brain fog had disappeared, and falling asleep at 9:30 on the couch disappeared. Joint pain disappeared within one week, including back pain that always throbbed and was always one tweak from it going out, completely gone. Joint pain, back pain gone after a week. Now, I'm going to tell you how that happens, why the Reset is good for your joints. And the orthopedic surgeons would agree with this. They might not teach it because they don't fully understand it, but they agree that it is an underlying common condition, and that is metabolic syndrome. What is metabolic syndrome? Well, metabolic syndrome is caused by one thing, that's insulin resistance. It's a food problem. Metabolic syndrome is a food problem. You can read all about it in the Reset. I go into great detail what metabolic syndrome is, characterized by high triglycerides, low HDL, sometimes high blood pressure, belly fat, diabesity. The twin towers, diabesity.
And this is what exactly the orthopedic surgeons agree. Now, they didn't give any dietary advice, and yet they should have. They should have sent people home. Let me make this very clear. If you need to have a joint replaced, have it replaced. You know what I mean? If you're bone on bone and you've got no way of getting around that and you need a new knee or a new hip, but at the end of the day, you have done understand the underlying condition to that. Look, you can have an old football injury. It's an old injury and whatever, but before it gets to the point of no return, I highly recommend a 30-day program to reverse metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance. Why does it work? Why does it help joints? Why does it help with pain? What has food got to do with that?
When you lower your insulin, you are lowering, one, marker of inflammation. And you never have pain without inflammation. Whenever someone says you have pain or you have pain, you have inflammation. It's a hundred percent. There's inflammation. So when your joint is sore, you might be bone on bone, but what causes pain? because some people are bone on bone and have no pain. They don't have any inflammation. But what metabolic syndrome does, because when you have insulin resistance, one of the side effects is inflammation. Your body, it can be silent. Sometimes you have inflammation around your heart, you don't even know it. Sometimes you have inflammation in your blood vessels and you might not know it, because generally... I mean, the way to find out is to measure your CRP, C-reactive protein. That is almost invariably high with metabolic syndrome, because insulin resistance creates inflammation. It's one of the bodies response to it. Disease without a fever.
You're not dying of a virus or a bacteria like we used to die of. That's what we used to die of a hundred years ago. There was very little chronic disease. You died of infection. But today we die from inflammation caused by insulin, food, because we're carboholics. And even orthopedic surgeons in a survey, a hundred of them, admit it. Without exception, people who were lined up to have joint replacement had an underlying condition of metabolic syndrome.
Now, they didn't do anything about it, but they admitted it was very common. Fixing metabolic syndrome is not complicated. It's not easy, but it's not complicated. So number one, you got inflammation. Inflammation, remember, over a period of time, the ambulance system in your body, it's off to a joint. It's bringing extra blood, extra enzymes, extra proteins. It's the ambulance system. Your body is unbelievably fearfully and wonderfully made. Unreal. Problem is, is if that ambulance doesn't take off and get back to the station and stays at your joint, it will eat away at the joint. One. Now the second way, and this is very significant, so generalized carbohydrates, crappy carbs, bad oils, one. Metabolic syndrome. Two, sugar. And as I explain in the book, The Reset, I talk about what we call glycation.
Oh, I hate big words. Okay, it's aging of the joint. It can age your skin. It can age your organs. It can age your eyeballs. Glycation. But glycation comes from sugar. Now listen, if sugar rots your teeth... There isn't a dentist in the world that wouldn't agree with that statement, right? If sugar rots your teeth, imagine what it does inside your body. Teeth, you can see. Your organs, you can't. Your joints inside, unless you got an x-ray or an MRI or whatever of the joint, you can't see what they call glycation. Glycation is aging. And the orthopedic surgeons agree with this, by the way. They look at a joint and they see what they call caramelization. Again, a big word. It's when that joint is deteriorating from glycation. So you have inflammation destroying joints. Inflammation that doesn't go away over a period of time will destroy joints. Inflammation loves to destroy joints. That's why you want to get rid of it.
And secondly, you have another process going on caused by the same thing called glycation. It's a double-edged sword. and both of them are caused by food. Glycation is specifically sugar, and metabolic syndrome creating inflammation is crappy carbohydrates and sugars. But sugar does a real whammo to everything in your body. And we've talked how many times about what sugar does inside the brain. Hey, you know what? Even your skin, okay? Even your skin. Sugar is so destructive. And you know what? In some sense, in some sense, I say this in all due respect. In some sense, what I've just said to you, it's too simple for medicine. It's too simple. What? Food? Meh. They don't look at food so much. Okay. That's for dieticians or... Doctors, they don't look at metabolic syndrome in the way that you and I look at it, because we look at the cause of metabolic syndrome. What causes it? They don't think of that.
Here's these orthopedic surgeons. I mean, you know how many years you got to go to school to be an orthopedic surgeon? Man oh man. 11 or 12 years. No shortcuts, a postsecondary education. They go a long time. Are they smart? For sure they're smart. But when you ask them about metabolic syndrome, "Yeah. I kind of read about that. Yeah, my patients have that, the ones that need joint replacement have it." But it stops there. And instead of going back another step and saying, "I should give some advice on nutrition..." Because you can't get metabolic syndrome without eating bad. But you see there's even conflict in a doctors mind because a doctor... Generally. Again, am I saying that all doctors are like that? No, I'm just talking in generalities. So please don't come back at me, okay?
I try and train doctors. I really do. I have a special interest to get doctors to be more conscious of carbs and sugars. But somebody comes into your office and they got high blood pressure, why do they have high blood pressure? Right? Even digestive issues. Why? Instead of just giving them Nexium for their acid reflux, why do they have acid reflux? They don't go back enough steps. There's a pill for that. Okay, you got acid... Here's a pill. You got pain in your knees? Here's a pill. You got a bad hip? Here's a pill. Until the pills don't work anymore, and then we'll do surgery.
And I understand that. It's their training. It's their training. But you got to bring it back to another step. You've got to get back to what causes it, just food. Sugar is destructive. A dentist will admit that, right? So it's interesting. When I looked at that survey, I felt like saying, "Would you invite me to your next conference, orthopedic surgeons? I would love to give you a little Nutrition 101." But you see, their Nutrition 101 is this. And again, it's a general statement. Here's their Nutrition 101. If you're fat, lower your fat, lower your calories and move more. You're not moving enough. Move more and eat less.
And they still have, in their brain matter, they still have the hypothesis of fat makes you fat and cholesterol is the boogieman. So when they think of food, 101 for them, it's, let's lower cholesterol and let's get your weight off by starving you and moving you. "Well, I got a bad knee, Doc. I can hardly move." "Well, then starve to death." Because when people do the Reset, the number one reason, it's not my number one reason, but the number one reason people do the Reset is to lose weight. Because that's what they see.
But for me, the Reset was never created for that. It wasn't. That was a byproduct of getting your metabolism working properly again, getting rid of insulin resistance. You wonder what makes me tick. That's what makes me tick, getting rid of insulin resistance. And when you do that, your inflammation goes down. When insulin goes down, inflammation goes down. When insulin goes down, glycation goes down. When insulin goes down, free radical damage goes down in joints. It's unreal. It's unreal. But when you get to the root of the problem, it makes a huge difference. And that's why this survey was so fantastic.
Now let me bring in another story that came out in the last few days. Where is it here? Oh yeah. Because I saw that survey... I was going to talk about it anyways. But when I saw the testimony, I decided to bring that up. But here's another one, has to do with insulin resistance. New study, just came out, hot off the presses. Here's what it says. When you lower... Okay, this is the study. When you lower fasting insulin, get your insulin down, you decrease the risk of colorectal cancer by 33%. Insulin resistance, cancer.
Somebody asked me on Friday, Question and Answer Friday, I guess it was the Mayo Clinic saying that Dr. Martin is fake news. Well, they didn't mention me, but they should have because they said that sugar causing cancer is a myth. Sugar causing cancer is a myth. Now, let me just see if I can get you this study on colorectal cancer. I got to bring this in. 50% of your bone... Okay? People don't think of it. When they think bone, they think calcium. And sure enough, calcium's important. But do you know what 50% of your bone is? Protein. Protein is king.
And doctors, orthopedic surgeons should know that. They don't, but they should know it. Well, they probably know that your bone is made up of protein, 50% of it. You want to regenerate a bone, you better be eaten protein. Okay? Now fasting insulin, here's the study, is associated with colorectal cancer. And by the way, colorectal cancer, two things about it. One, it is very prevalent in our society today. It's incredible. And two, it's happening in young people. That's what's shocking medicine, colorectal cancer increasing like 300% in the last 20 years. And two, young people getting colorectal cancer, like 40 and under. It's shocking. That was a rare cancer. Why is that happening? Let's put it together. It's insulin, okay? And every 30 seconds in the USA... This came out on the weekend. Every 30 seconds in the USA, someone loses a limb because of diabetes.
Now, remember what metabolic syndrome is. At the basis of it is insulin. And it really is diabetes without diabetes. You don't have to have the diagnosis of diabetes. If you have metabolic syndrome, it starts in your liver, but you really effectively are diabetic without the name. Every 30 seconds, amputation in the United States for diabetes. Guys, all the tea in China is not going to pay for our healthcare system if we don't turn the ship around. All the tea in China. Okay, so I talked to you about joints. I talked to you about colorectal cancer. And by the way, sugar feeds cancer. So a study that was done on the effects of having a low carb... and the study said very high protein, low carb, shrinks tumors. I posted it on the Facebook group the other day. Low carb, high protein shrinks tumors. And at the start of the study, it says, "It's well known that sugar feeds cancer cells." Hello, Mayo clinic. Hello? It's not fake new. It's very true.
Okay guys, enough ranting for today. One thing you ought to do, if you have chronic joint pain, change your diet. Get rid of sugars. Do the Reset. It's worth it. It's worth it. And read the testimonies on the private Facebook group. Testimony after testimony, people. One of the things that leaves, you have brain fog and a lot of good things happen. Weight loss. Yeah, a lot of good things happen. But one of the things that's been a common denominator is because inflammation goes down and glycation goes down, joints get better. Okay? Joints get better. The proof's in the pudding.
Okay, and take in a deep breath, and that private Facebook group. See, even this guy came on and got into the group, and you guys encouraged him. You guys did. You encouraged him to keep going. And all of your comments and that community in there encouraged him. I didn't know him. I never talked to him. It was you. See what we're trying to do? Having a Facebook group, it's encouragement. It's discussion. It's don't quit. Don't quit. Keep going. You guys are famous. Thank you. You have no idea the impact you make. That's why we want you to join the Martin Clinic Facebook group.
You know what I would tell you? I used to tell my patients, "I'm going to encourage you. I'll be your coach. I can't go home with you, but I want to encourage you, and I'm going to keep you accountable." Well, how do you do that with 50,000 people a week? Well, you can't. But you can. It's amazing. Okay, so join that group if you're not in it. Get your friends to join, get your family to join. And it can change their lives. Okay, now, Friday is what? Question and Answer Friday. You guys love it. I answered some of your questions yesterday. Because I didn't get to them all on Friday. Okay, so we love you guys and we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!