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Join Dr. Martin as he talks about one of his true loves… walking. If you’ve followed the podcast for some time you know that true vitamin E is exercise!
Dr. Martin discusses a study on people walking 10,000 steps a day. The study shares 9 major benefits to walking and what it does to your body.
Dr. Martin also talks about weight resistance exercises and how those are even more important than walking!
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live. We appreciate you guys very much. Guys, thanks a lot. Okay. You gave me lots of love yesterday, on my 70th birthday. Yeah, born in 1952, you gave me lot a love, thanks so much for all the birthday wishes, I appreciated it very, very much, okay. Love you guys dearly. Thank you very much. All the support, watching us over the years and listening to us, Linda, over the years, we appreciate it. The books over the years and the podcast, you name and we thank you so much. Okay. I don't take that for granted guys, I don't, and I mean that. Okay.
Here's a new study that came out in the last few days I flagged it on walking, walking, we're going to talk about vitamin E this morning and I will share with you again, my expertise on vitamin E exercise, the real vitamin E, the other vitamin E who cares? But the real vitamin E, exercise and it's showing here, okay, this is a study on people that are walking 10,000 steps a day. Now, I don't have one of those watches or whatever, I can't stand. Okay. Telling me to breathe too often. "Hey doc, take a deep breath, you're going on a rant, you're are too excited." Okay. I don't want one of those, I don't want to monitor that all the time. But the study here says that 10,000 steps, here's the benefits of walking. I love walking by the way, I do, ask anybody that know me, I love walking.
In 1969, I started jogging because my dad started jogging in '68, I believe. So it might have even been the year before 1969, 1968, I started jogging. Nobody jogged the word wasn't even invented as far as I know. My dad started running because he found out he was diabetic, he said, I'm going to get in shape, he changed his diet. And I talked about that a lot about my daddy. I look like my daddy believe me. I saw a picture myself again yesterday and I said, "Oh, my word," my wife says I married my father-in-law. They didn't call me Tony Jr. For nothing. And when I look at Tony Jr. Junior, my son, I don't see me in him, I see Moore's mother in him, but some people say, yeah, they can see the resemblance between it, but I don't see it. But I'll tell you between my dad and I, big resemblance.
And this is why I talk to you all the time about being very proactive in taking care of yourself, I learned that from my father, he found out he was diabetic, he literally changed his life overnight. And he was the biggest vitamin S eater in the world, there was no one, I mean it, that ever ate as much steak as my dad. I said, "Dad, don't you get tired of that stuff?" "No," he said, "I'm a diabetic." And so my dad, he started jogging, I jogged with him. I love my dad so much I wanted to go with him. But you know what? Today I do a little bit of jogging, not much I walk. And you know what I think about resistant exercises, intensity getting strong, and we'll talk about that a little bit this morning, but generally I just want to give you this study on moving, walking.
It doesn't talk about fast walking it just talks about walking 10,000 steps. Look, I like about a 40 minute walk, for me, I like 40 minutes. And I'll tell you one thing that I like to do is I like to walk after supper. I walk during it eight, but I like to go for about a 10 meter just to move after eating because I want to control my insulin and I find that's very helpful to control insulin.
So is there anything negative about walking? No. Nothing negative at all. Now listen, if you got joint problems, knee problem, hip problems, a lot of people they don't do well walking. And I'm going to show you what you can do if you've got knee problems and joint problems. And walking, you just can't do it. But for those who can walk, this study is based on 10,000 steps, and I suggest to you, that's close to about a 40 minute walk for those who'd monitor that, maybe give me an answer to that from your experience has been.
Now here's what happens? They listed nine things, nine benefits to your body of walking. They set every day, 10,000 steps. Now some people do that in their workplace, they walk. I don't know if that counts because some people walk, but when you're stressed and I don't know. But I do know if you get out and you know when it's minus 35, not always easy, but you know what? I used to run in the winter too, there wasn't anything exposed, I'd wear a face mask and even on the real cold days, I'd put goggles on, and I used to do a 30 minute of jog, I'm a creature of habit.
Nine things that they found. On this study of people walking every day and this is based on 10,000 steps. So let me give it to you and then we'll talk about some alternatives that you would look at. Walking, 10,000 steps a day, burns body fat. Now let me put a little asterisks here, I'm going to put a little asterisks because you know my scenes and this is one of my scenes, you cannot out exercise a bad diet, you can't out exercise a bad diet. You just can't.
So don't fool yourself, don't be deceived walking is always good, always good, exercise always good, there's nothing negative about exercise. But when it comes to weight loss, when it comes to your metabolic health, you can't out exercise a bad diet. If you insist on being a carboholic, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at supper time, for a lot of people, that's what they do. And you can't out exercise that, exercise helps but it don't fix, it won't fix a bad diet guys, it just doesn't.
And I used to tell my lady patients, first of all, they got horror mones, and they go to the gym, and they get on the treadmill, and they be on it for an hour, I said, "Stop doing that, let's fix your diet." "Yeah, but Dr. Martin, I hardly eat, yeah." But you're eating the wrong fuel, you're carb loaded, you got to change fuels, eggs, meat, and cheese.
So I'd flipped that around and I said, "Don't go to the gym and spend an hour on the treadmill, don't do that." Because I wanted women to get into weight training. Now you can do a little bit of the treadmill if you want, but anyway, here's the research. They said some burning a body fat increased energy for sure, strengthens muscles a little bit, walking's good for you, it strengthens muscles, but not much.
You got to do more than not. And especially ladies with osteoporosis and men, when you got low testosterone and you're getting sarcopenia, you're not strong, you're in trouble, you're in trouble. Now walking helps but it's not the panacea for that, it's not going to fix osteoporosis.
Increase in your memory, oh, good move. How does that affect the memory? Well, blood supply, Numero Uno to the brain, good, helping insulin resistance because when you move, it does help with some insulin resistance, good, that'll help you with your memory. This is from the journal of American Medical Association in Alzheimer's research, and I'm going to read you the headline. In Alzheimer's research, glucose metabolism moves to center stage, glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's. The headline is in Alzheimer's research, research shows glucose metabolism moves to center stage.
Remember what I told you, Alzheimer's is type three diabetes. The journal of the American Medical Association agrees with me in sugar. Now, glucose metabolism in the brain is not just a marker for Alzheimer's according to this study, but a maker of it, I mean, it's fascinating, fascinating walking helps, helps to stabilize, but again, you cannot out exercise a bad diet.
It elevates your mood, for sure, it helps mood go for a walk, it helps your mood. When I see stupidity, it's a good thing to go for a walk and try and settle me down a little bit. It relieves stress obviously we talked about that yesterday in cortisol and the way the world is right now, I mean, it is cortisol on steroids, they're secreting so much of that stress hormone every day, and people are being affected by it, anxiety is through the roof, through the roof.
See, the problem is when people go through mental health issues, anxiety, depression, they don't feel like walking, they don't. And you can't guys, I'm just telling you something in your life, God gave you emotions, but don't live on them. You got to have some basics in your life, your foundational things, you have to have that.
And you know me and discipline, the three Ds, desire, determination, and discipline. I used to be able to read people in nanoseconds in my office, I mean it, I was good at. I could tell, I talked to men, I'd say, "Now, listen, you got 30 days, you need to trust me, I'm putting you on a program."
It was almost like their eyes were glassing over. I had contact and I'd look at them and I said, "Are you ready for this 30 days?" I never let a patient leave my office without a plan, I never let a patient leave my office without a plan. Because if you don't plan to succeed you already have a plan for failure.
I said, "Look, I am going to help you get into some good habits, eating, exercise, if you want." I would always encourage that. I mean, my expertise was with food and I said, "Look, this will change your life, this program for 30 days will change your life."
Part of the reset is setting habits. I said, when you go home, look in the mirror and talk to yourself for a minute and admit who you are. My name is Tony and I'm a carboholic, oh yeah, okay. And we're going to change that. I said, talk to yourself in the mirror it's not a bad idea, admit it.
Jesus used these words, unless you repent, you shall likewise perish. You know what repentance means? It's agreeing with God on who you are. Like I used to tell people, I want you to repent. What's that mean, doc? Well, it's 180 degrees turn, you're going this way and now I want you to come this way, that's repentance.
It's not regret, regret, what does that lead to? Oh, I wish I could've, would've, should've, ah, do it. I don't like walking doc, I don't care. I don't like water, I don't care. I don't like water. Who said you had to like it? I said do it for 30 days, you'll like it, I promise. You need to form habits. Half of my job was psychology.
I always tell my psychology professor, Dr. McEwen, I don't know that much about psychology but I got 70 years on the planet of watching people. I learned in Psychology 101 about the habits of people and changing habits. Exercise, for some people they just don't like exercise. I know you don't but you will. And I always used to give them a plan and the food plan. It's a big change, I get it, I understand it. And a few days in, for some people, I still see it on our Facebook page. Oh gee, doc, help. Like I'm into the reset for three days and my body is turning upside down. Yeah.
You change fuels. Your body is saying, what did you just do? I promise you, you have to trust what's going to happen inside your body. Tens of thousands of people have tried the reset. Well, thousands did it way before I even wrote the book on it. Tens of thousands were probably up to 30,000, 40,000 people that have done a 30 day program that changed their life to lower their inflammation, to get rid of fatty liver, to lower their triglycerides, to up their HJDL. All significant because it fixes insulin resistance, and one of the ways it helps is when you walk.
I'll give you something else that's even better but I'm doing the study on walking this morning, your mood, your stress levels, they get better, they get better. Posture, yeah. Insulin resistance, I'm talking to you about it now. Everything gets better.
Is it worth it? 100%, in most people today, most people today, the problem, what drives me crazy is what I call the Netflix Syndrome. People are happy to stay home and do nothing. When they close the gyms down, I get a headache. The very place that would be helpful. If you want to build your immune system, go to the gym, don't close the gym, open the gym.
They could have saved money, I'm telling you saved money, billions of dollars. You go to the gym, you get a tax break. They'd save billions of dollars, even for kids, get them moving, get them off Netflix, get young people off Netflix and get them moving. Your immune system needs it, everything needs it, every part of your body is going to benefit. It was just bad, bad science, bad science. So focused in on a bug, so focused on that.
Nothing else counted, nobody talked about the immune system, nobody talked about mental health. I never seen such shortsightedness of my life, frustrated me forming good habits, so good for you. Now, let me give you Dr. Martin's plan for weights, for resistant exercises.
If you have weights, use them. Now, remember this is the key, this is based on 50 years of experience. Here's what I found. Measuring insulin, blood sugars, cortisol, hormone, here's what I found with exercise. The best exercise is 15 to 20 minutes, 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week of resistant exercise, you don't have to do it for a long time, what do I mean by resistant exercise? Guys, get strong. Ladies, get strong.
You can build muscle, listen to what I'm going to say, you can build muscle when you're 80 years old. Lightweights, you don't need heavy weights, you don't. You can use bands, I have my bands here, but I'd have to go off screen to show you. Bands, you can in order them, they're cheap, resist chest, upper arms leg exercises.
When I do leg day, I'm thinking of my brain, 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week, strengthen your body. Shoulders, arms, legs, there's nothing better than that. I don't care if you walk till the cows come home. And I like walking, I'm a Walker, I like it, but it's not the substitute for what I just mentioned.
Three to four times a week, I'm telling you, I've seen it, I've seen my patients do it, and I've seen the results of what it did physically, mentally for their bodies. Antiaging exercise is 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week, you do not need to go to the gym for an hour, you don't, you can do this in your home. If you got a gym, go to the gym, I got no prob- I love the gym.
I mean, they should have hired me to scream at government that were shutting the gyms down, that was the craziest thing in the world is what happened there. You knew it was never science when they closed gyms, you can go to McDonald's but you couldn't go to the gym. Oh, you don't want to get me going on that.
And I never wanted them to close McDonald's either I'll drink their coffee, I don't have to eat their food, do I? I like coffee, you know me, the real vitamin C. But that 15, 20 minutes, nothing better than that. And that's why if you have joint problems, people that can't walk very well, you can do resistant exercises, half a pushup, whatever you need, just make sure you're getting strong, it's amazing.
Even grip strength, little grips, where do I have that? It's over there. I have to get off screen again and get your grip strength, you know what they were showing this is studies that really unbelievable. Can you get off the floor? If I put you down on the floor, and lay flat on your back, could you get up on your own without any help? I've read many a study on that, that'll tell you how strong you are.
If you're 80 years old and they put you on the floor, can you get up on your own? It's not easy as people think it is, but it's a great measuring stick, it's a great measuring stick muscle, muscle. Here's another thing, you know what your muscles need, they need resistance, even if it's lightweight, go to you can do another one.
So if you're doing arms, or shoulders, or whatever, you can use five pounds, two pounds, I don't care. Go till you can't do it anymore. And it, Ugh, Ugh, even though two pounds or five pounds or yeah, but that's resistance, it doesn't have to be heavy or use bands, I love bands and you get strength, strong muscles. And by the way, food wise, you know what feeds your muscles, protein not carbs.
Now the bigger your bins, the more you have room for carbohydrates, that's why weight lifters can eat some carbs, bodybuilders, they can have carbs. Why can they have carbs? Now, I'm not suggesting they do it because they can have insulin resistance too. But bodybuilders can eat more carbohydrates, they have big bins to store, they've got big muscles.
The more your muscles are, the more storage space you have. One of the places that insulin takes sugar out of your bloodstream and stores it is in muscle. But if you got no muscle, it'll store it right in the liver in two seconds. The key food for muscle is protein, protein is king. You know how I say that all the time. And the best protein is animal protein, there's nothing like it. Vitamin S, muscle, feed them, feed them they need protein, they need amino acids, the building blocks.
So exercise is good you know me, vitamin E I love it. Sun steak and steel, I love that. So do that and you'll get a lot of benefits from it. Remember the three Ds, desire like this morning, I planted a seed, did I with you? I planted a seed. Yeah, you know what? Yeah, I need to do that, okay. Determination, oh, that's the second D.
Now you go from head, head knowledge, here's in my head, I [inaudible 00:27:24] you know what I should be doing that, I should change my diet, I should, I should, I could have, I would've. Desire is good guys, desire is good. But the second step is determination, determination.
Now I'm going to do it. You might have missed your new year's resolution, you might not have joined us on the reset on January 1st, but you can start any day you want. Make today, the day you start, I want to change my life, I don't feel good. My energy's not where it should be. My weight's not where it should be. I don't feel that good, I'm taking too many medications, I'm not healthy.
Determine, determine, because that's the transfer comes from the head, goes into the heart and you've determined. And then the third one is discipline. Every day when your friends around you discourage you, friends are supposed to encourage you. But some people think they have the gift of discouragement.
Well, don't listen to that, that's the third D, it's discipline every day. What is it the bible say? A man without discipline is like a city without walls. Remember the old cities and the ancient times, I mean their biggest protection was those walls. No discipline, no walls, I like that. If I rant it enough for you, 15 to 20 minutes, don't have to do it more than that, three to four times a week.
I've proven it to thousands, and thousands, and thousands of people, that's all you need to be very strong to be in the best shape possible and go walking. Add it to your regimens, good idea. If you can walk. Tomorrow's question and answer Friday, did you know that? It is, we're going to have fun tomorrow because we always have fun on Question and Answer Friday.
So send in your questions for me, happy to answer them. I might even go on a rant or two it's possible, it's highly likely. That's tomorrow, Question and Answer Friday, send those questions in, happy to go over it. Oh, the Martin Clinic Group so much fun, okay, great. Okay. And the Reset, the book available at martinclinic.com. We love you guys, we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!