Dr. Martin looks at two different studies in today’s episode. The first about vitamin D, or VitDerma as Dr. Martin likes to call it, and the second on high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Any study on vitamin D is a good study, and this one is saying how sunlight energizes special cells in your immune system called T-cells. Dr. Martin has spoken previously about these little antenna receptors on your T-cells looking specifically for vitamin D. They energize your cells and help strengthen your immune system.
The second study on fructose consumption, and specifically high-fructose corn syrup, the Frankenstein of sugar, is warning of serious changes to the liver even in the absence of obesity. The study is basically saying you can be skinny and still metabolically unwell, and that’s a dangerous combination.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Oh, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live and hope you're having a great start to your day. So a couple of studies have come out. It's interesting, like even this week I had to flag a few of these things, now this is from WebMD. Yesterday, here's what they're saying WebMD two years late to the party, but better late than never. Here's what they're saying about VitDerma, vitamin D, the sun. Here's what they're saying. Let me quote them "Sunlight VitDerma." I have a trademark on that name. So don't steal it off of me VitDerma. Here's what WebMD is saying. Sunlight may energize special cells in your immune system called T-cells. Wow. It shocked me. I had to flag this article in WebMD and like, hello? Yes. Do you remember me? 18 months ago or more? When I said we ought to put every Canadian for the amount of money we spent.
And I said this way before we were spending all that money, I said we should put them in transports. Those big planes and bunch up all us Canadians and send us to Florida and get in the sun, VitDerma [inaudible 00:02:26] out of this guys, the way out of this is what I've been preaching metabolic health. You want to be in good metabolic health because people that go to the hospital, people that get sick, generally are unwell metabolically.
I haven't just said that. There's no argument about that. That's what's happening. You're either very old or you're metabolically unwell to, and you lack vitamin D3, but you lack vitamin D, you have low levels of vitamin D. That's just facts. And here's WebMD saying sunlight specifically activates T-cell, haven't I told you that. That what happens is that your T-cells let's go over this again. T-cells specifically, where do they come from Doc? Your lymphatic system. Oh yeah. And how are they energize? How do they become the ever ready bunny? Well, they have a little re-antenna little up top of their T-cells and they're looking for sunlight VitDerma. It activates their battery packs. They have a little solar pan along and they only really work when you get in the sun.
I've been screaming like John, the Baptist from the root talks, prepare the way for the son. He said, the son of God, I'm saying the sun up in the sky. WebMD. I just about passed out yesterday. It's true. You need the sun. You need VitDerma. And of course, if you live anywhere, these are the dark months. What I call the dark months, December, January is a coming and February. There's three months in particular. Unless you live in Florida, you're not going to see enough of the sun and you're not going to get enough VitDerma. The then you have to take a supplement. So there's three ways to get vitamin D. One the sun, it's the best and you can never overdose. Did you know that? You can never overdose on the sun. Now you can burn from the sun and I'm not suggesting you ever do that.
But what I am suggesting don't you put anything on your skin that blocks the sun if it's chemical, don't do that. Let the sun come and then cover up or get in the shade. But VitDerma is the best way to get vitamin D. The second way is to eat vitamin D. And let me tell you how you can get that. Eskimos. I know I can't say that anymore. Inuit live up in the North with Santa Claus. How do they get vitamin D? Well, they eat, but every day. And vitamin D is only found in food in the animal kingdom, eggs, meat, and cheese. You get vitamin D in there. Now you don't get a lot of it, but if you eat it every day, your vitamin D levels will be all right. And then the third way is take vitamin D3 as a supplement.
That's how the three ways you get vitamin D. Food, if you're going to do it food, you have to eat it every day. Every day, every day, seven days a week. The sun in 20 minutes you get 10,000 IUs, 10,000. Now I shared this yesterday with a few folks. This is a good story. I'll actually post it. An 83-year-old lady. I'm just telling you this actually came out in a medical journal, inadvertently took 50,000 IUs. She didn't realize she was taking that much. Inadvertently took 50,000 IUs of vitamin D3 every day for 10 months. Not only was she not toxic, her pancreatic cancer tumor was shrinking. And the doctor said, what are you doing? Well, she said, I don't know.
How come it's shrinking? And this is actually in study. And they said, we need to investigate this further. What did vitamin D at that high dose for 10 months. So folks, let me just say this. When they scare the living life out of you for taking vitamin D and they tell you it's fat soluble, can I just this repetition, the waiting rooms are not full of people in North America, sitting there and going. I'm here because I took too much Vitamin D. No, it's just the opposite. Folks, nature always wins. That could be the headline from WebMD. Nature always wins. VitDerma. I'm telling you, look, I don't want to talk about anything else in that sense.
We're not talking vaccines or whatever, pros against whatever. I don't want to talk about that. And I don't want you fighting on our private Facebook group. Don't fight. I don't want that. That's our group. And people feel strongly on both sides of the issue. The forum is not for that, but I'm going to tell you this, that vitamin D will help no doubt about it. Your immune system and that is what from day one, this guy, your friend, Dr. Martin has been telling you, you need VitDerma. I don't care who you're, I don't care how old you're, I don't care. Because it's true. It's the truth. And even WebMD, like I said, I feel like passing out. I'm so shocked. Said yeah, even your T-cell they need the sun. That was one story. Two years late to the party. Now let's do the second one. Vitamin E. What's. Vitamin E? Exercise. Specifically weight training.
Now you guys know me and for those who are new on this podcast, I want to tell you something. Here's what I love in exercise. Move. Any exercise you do is beneficial. The best exercise is weight resistant exercise. I'll repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. Ladies, pick up weights, make yourself strong because here's what many of studies have said, but I'm going to give you another study that I flagged yesterday. Vitamin E weight training, vitamin E being exercise, not walking. Walking's good. Hello. Walking is good. You like jogging, good for you, but it's not the best. You get on a treadmill. Ah, good for you too. It's not the best. I'm giving you the best. The best is weight training, resistant exercises, bands, stretch, make yourself strong because again what the study is saying, listen to the headline. Weight training exercise muscles can help prevent the development of fatty liver.
Hello? Are you listening? Vitamin E specifically weight training. And before I finish the headline, let me just finish about the best exercise. So like I said, weight training 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week. You want to do more, knock yourself out, but here's the science 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a week, weight training. And this study says, remember it helps to prevent the development of fatty liver, the headline in this study. Isn't that something. Now listen. I'm going to make an overarching principle here that you will understand because I've constantly said it. You cannot out exercise a bad diet. What this study is saying, you can cheat a little bit. Because exercise is very helpful. It is. But you can't out exercise a bad diet. So you know me on the foundations, the foundations is food and the key is getting rid of sugar and crappy carbohydrates.
But exercise. Now we wrote an email just coming into the holiday season. How do you not shipwreck your body during the holiday season? One of them is we recommended fasting, you've a supper and maybe you're out with your family, whatever. Come on. I understand that. I'm not asking anybody to leave the planet. We have to live on the planet and maybe it's your birthday or it's Christmas or it's New Year's or whatever, I get it. I never give anybody a recipe for failure. I give them a recipe for success. I want you to be successful. And form very, very good habits. But you're in the holiday season. Come on. Some stuff that you ordinarily wouldn't eat, in one of the ways to help yourself obviously is exercise, I just said it.
You don't want to pack up your liver fast, intermittent fasting. If you know you're going out for a big supper, with all the family and friends and whatever, maybe have some bacon and eggs in the morning and just protein and fat and no carbohydrate zero until you get to that supper. It helps. And then when you finish eating go the next day and maybe don't even have breakfast, if you can do it. So you can cheat a little bit. You can reward yourself a little bit, come on, exercise, weights especially because remember the more muscle you have, the more place you have to store glycogen, which is stored fuel. You need bins and the last place you want to bin it. The last place you want to store, it is in your liver. Because if the liver becomes full, like the Costco parking lot, you're going to make fat around your liver.
And that happens rapidly too by the way. But isn't this study interesting. I'm going to give you another one that just came out. I flagged it. This is important fructose consumption. So now we're going to talk about fatty liver for a minute here. So we talked about fatty liver in exercise and it really helps. But you can't out exercise a bad diet. You just can't do it. So don't fool yourself. Oh, I'm going to go to the gym and eat anything I want, nah, this study is not saying that by the way. Exercise is helpful. It will delay the process to some extent, but you're not going to get away with it forever. So here's the other study that coincides with this. This has to do with fructose consumption, even in the absence of obesity.
I'm reading to you the headlines. Fructose consumption even in the absence of obesity causes serious change in the liver. Fructose. Now, am I talking about fruits a little bit, but I'm not talking about that so much because what I'm talking about is high fructose corn syrup, which is the sugar of the day. It's the sugar since 1980, I think about 1982 it would be specifically high fructose corn syrup. When it was approved by the FDA has been the curse of our society, because high fructose corn syrup gets metabolized differently than just sugar. We always say it bad, but when I say sugar is bad, I really mean the sugar that we're using today in its high fructose corn syrup, it's in soda, it's in your cookies, it's in anything sugar added by the food industry and the reason they do it, it's cheap. It's addictive. The food industry hires food scientist. While I'm a food scientist, they never hired me.
They didn't hire me because I'm the bad news bear to the food industry. But they hire people who specifically make food addictive. And what they found was a bonanza, when they discovered and they manufactured high fructose corn syrup. They said, man, oh man, we got it. It's cheap. And it's addictive. And guess where they aimed at kids because that's what they put in cereal. And they hooked a complete generation of people, hooked them from Pop Tarts to Frosted Flakes are great. They hooked them. And what this article is saying? What this study is saying? Fructose consumption even in the absence of obesity. Now, did you see what I posted a half an hour ago on our private Facebook group? What did I post there? I posted a picture of a fellow.
Let me get his name because I've got it here. He's in the circus. His name is Chauncey Morlan in 1890. Go look at that, I posted it in the private Facebook group. Look at this guy's picture. He's in the circus 1890 in barn in Barnum and Bailey Circus. Because, he was the fattest man on the planet. The world's fattest man is the headline beside his picture. Now I tell you something guys. The reason we see so much of this, go look at that picture and then go to your malls. You don't have to go far. Observe. People are so much bigger today. Why did that happen? It's not the air we're breathing nor the water we're drinking. It's not that. It's high fructose corn syrup. It's one of the greatest factors in obesity, but remember obesity, there's a lot of things that go on and anyway, I don't want to get into that. We'll get into it on another day, but I want to finish this study.
And the study says that fructose, even in the absence of obesity. So you look at your kids, your grandchildren or your neighbor's kids and you see a skinny kid running around and maybe in our heads, we're going well metabolically that kid's all right. No. It depends on what he's eating. Because even in the absence of obesity, this is what study is saying, which I really appreciated because if you guys have been listening to me, I've been telling you this for a long time, changes occur in the liver. If they're consuming lots of sugar and they could be skinny as [inaudible 00:23:10], their liver is changing in three ways. Here's what the study says. One fatty liver. Oh, but doc they're skinny. Yeah. But it don't matter. They're damaging their liver with fatty liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is something I'm am telling you.
When I was in school in the 1970s, there was no such thing. You had cirrhosis of the liver. That's what I studied. And that was due to alcohol. But now you have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is they're estimating 40%, 50% of the population that they even know about. You see the problem with non-alcoholic fatty liver is there's not necessarily any symptoms. They might not even know it. The damage is being done. One, two. Here's what the study said. It creates problems even in kids, even without obesity it says it creates problem. It's called dyslipidemia. Oh I hate medicine for their big words. Oh, by the way you got dyslipidemia.
What does that mean? You know what it means? You got bad triglycerides. Even kids you've got high triglycerides and low HDL. That's what dyslipidemia means. How to confuse the world? And number three here's what's it saying? So they get non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in kids, fructose consumption, high fructose corn syrup. Two, they get dyslipidemia, which means they get high triglycerides and low HDL. The cholesterol's not high enough. And number three, this is more important than the other two in my opinion. They get, even in the absence of obesity, they get high circulating insulin or another name for it insulin resistance. And you know what the study is saying, this is dangerous.
Very dangerous. Kids are not healthy. And guys, it ain't the virus that we should be worried about with kids. It's their eating. And nevermind they're mental health and everything else is okay. I had fun again today. You guys are great by the way. Much appreciated. Now go and look at the guy that's in the circus. What was his name? Chauncey Morlan 1890. Go look at that picture, maybe I'll post it again. But seriously guys. Now Friday is question and answer. So send your questions in. It's always a fun time. You're not a member of the private Facebook group? Why not join and get your friends to join. And if they can't watch this live, you can share it with them or get them to download The Doctor Is In Podcast. No more advertising. I love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!