Dr. Martin reviews an article written by the Prostate Cancer Foundation. The article is saying that prostate cancer has a sweet tooth. Cancer needs sugar to grow, and it’s surprising to Dr. Martin that a cancer foundation is admitting this.
In today’s episode, Dr. Martin discusses prostate health and why men need to lay off the sugar. He also explains why he calls prostate and breast cancer, identical cancers.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Okay. Couple of things I want to bring to you this morning, a couple of studies. One of them is actually an article and the other one is a study.
But before I get to that, let me just finish off... Because we did a two part series on mortality, early mortality. You know that, we talked about vitamin D. We talked about cholesterol. You want to die young, then have low cholesterol. Okay? And we talked about different factors, including sarcopenia, which is a big factor. Vitamin D is a big factor, so the sunshine vitamin. And we talked about stress yesterday. So it was a two-part series, and if you want to review that, we will have those podcasts coming out very shortly. So always encourage re-listening to these things on The Doctor Is In Podcast that you can download on your phone.
One more thing, because I found a study yesterday on triglycerides, TG3 fat balls. Okay. It was fascinating, because it's exactly what I talked about. Proving that if you have high triglycerides, dangerous fat balls produced by the liver, your body produces it when your liver gets full. Sugar, fatty liver. Fat, not fatty liver. It's sugar. So when you're eating sugar and crappy carbs, your liver gets full. I talked about those compartments yesterday. Your body will store. Your insulin runs around your body and tells every cell in your body, "Open up, open up, open up. I got sugar for you. I'm going to store it. I'm going to put it in there, you can use it as energy." But if you don't use it as energy right away, it's stored, either in your muscles, in your liver, or your body's ability to make fat cells around your organ. And when your liver gets full, it sends the fat into the bloodstream as triglycerides. The higher your HDL is, the more trucks that hitch their wagon to those triglycerides.
But here's what the study said. This study concluded that the higher your fasting triglycerides were, it actually predicted the risk of diabetes and the mortality from diabetes. So put that, doc, in plain in English. Okay. So when your triglycerides are high... Remember guys, just remember this. The reset, the 30 day program in the first week. What are you doing? Overall you're lowering insulin. Overall you're fixing insulin resistance. It takes 30 days to completely fix insulin resistance. But listen to this. It only takes six to seven days to empty your liver of fat. When you do the reset, what happens in the first week? You're fixing one of the main issues because triglycerides are going to go down.
Because when you think of what diabetes is, diabetes is not just the pancreas and insulin. Of course it is, but it is the liver. The liver's getting full of fat. That usually happens is way before diabetes occurs, and this study concurs. So you just look at your triglycerides, okay? It's an important test. Doctors, I hate to be negative again by just telling you the way it is. Doctors don't look at triglycerides too much unless they're right through the roof. They forget the physiology of it. But the study is showing that the higher your triglycerides are, the higher your risk of diabetes. Because when your triglycerides get high, you're already starting down the road of diabetes.
Don't wait for your blood sugar, guys. I always tell you that. Blood sugar is the last thing that's going to go up. It's the last thing that happens. Because your body is so smart, it will keep that blood sugar in a very, very tight range as long as it can. Diabetes is the last thing that happens. Way before that you have physiological changes in the body that are dangerous. And you guys understand this, okay? You guys understand this. So I just wanted to put a ribbon and finish off on the mortality, because I saw this study yesterday afternoon. Okay. And it just confirms what we've been talking about. Okay. Let's put that aside and talk about two other studies I think you will find fascinating.
One of them is not a study, it's just an article written, but it's written by the Prostate Cancer Foundation. The Prostate Cancer Foundation article states... Okay. Here's the headline: Prostate Cancer's Sweet Tooth: A Match Made in Hell. That was the headline, Prostate Cancer's Sweet Tooth: A Match Made in Hell. What's the article about? Sugar. Sugar. Okay?
So what are they saying? In prostate cancer, but it's not the only one. All cancers, but prostate cancer has a sweet tooth. It's looking for sugar to feed it. Now that's not news to you guys. Well, here we have the Cancer Foundation, which surprises me. The Prostate Cancer Foundation is saying what we've been saying on this program for a long time. Sugar and cancer are bad actors together.
And I might have told you this story before, but I remember talking to an oncologist, a cancer doctor. And it was a pleasant conversation. It really was. It wasn't too negative. She just couldn't understand my diet, because one of her patients and one of my patients... And what deep programmed her not to be upset with me is in the first minute of the conversation I sent to her, "Doc, I'm the one that sent that patient to you."
Oh, yes. I'm the one, because I was very suspicious that this woman had breast cancer and I was right. I said, "You need to see an oncologist." And then in follow up visits, she told this oncologist what I was recommending for her. And one of the things was absolutely zero, nada, none sugar, none. I even had this girl off fruit. No sugar.
And the oncologist called me and, "Why is it no sugar, Doc?" I said, "Well, you're in the hospital, right?" "Yep." "When they do cancer imaging, you have a new machine in there." And she said, "Yeah, it's called the PET scan." It's not for pets, by the way, it's a cancer scan. And she said, "Oh yeah, the PET scan." And I said, "Uh-huh. How does work?" And she said, "Well, I don't know. I don't know how it works. It's just great imaging. It's better than an MRI for cancer." And I said, "Well, you know how it works, Doc?"
I said, "Before they put you in the machine, they give you a cup of radioactive glucose. Either they put it right into your veins or they make you drink it. And if you have cancer from your head to your toes, sugar goes right to the cancer and you light up like a Christmas tree in the PET scan." And she said, "I didn't know that." I said, "Yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative)." And I said, "If that's the case, don't you think it's a good idea not to have any sugar?" And I said, "Doc, by the way, you got a breast cancer treatment center."
And I said, "You got a Tim Horton's there with donuts and muffins with eight teaspoons of sugar in it. Only the coffee's good as long as they don't put sugar in it." And I said, "The other thing you do that I 100% totally disagree with is you to send them home. Oftentimes when you give them cancer therapy, because they're not eating very well. They don't have an appetite. You give them Boost or Ensure." I said, "You are ensuring that the cancer is going to grow. You're going to boost the tumor, because tumors need sugar."
That was 101. And I was very, very respectful because she just didn't know. She never heard it before. And here we have the Prostate Cancer Foundation finally telling men that if you have prostate cancer, your cancer has a sweet tooth. I liked the headline, I did. It was catchy.
It was good, because it says prostate cancer and every other cancer... And by the way, prostate cancer and breast cancer, I call them identical cancers. Not that men can't get breast cancer, but one out of four men after the age of 50 will get prostate cancer. And ladies, I talk to you, it seems, every second program about breast cancer. Okay. And yesterday we talked about it because one of the biggest factors in breast cancer, we talked about cortisol, the stress hormone. Not so much in men, stress in men affects their heart. Not that there can't be overlapping, of course there can be. But generally this has been my experience. Okay? It's just my experience over the years. When women are stressed, it seems to add fuel to the fire of breast cancer more than any other cancer. And of course the perfect storm in cancer is sugar and estrogen. And even in men. That's why I call them identical cancers, because prostate cancer grows with sugar and the Prostate Cancer Foundation finally agrees with me.
And secondly, what they're not talking about is estrogen. When men's estrogen goes up, like I talked about yesterday, right? When your triglycerides go up, your HDL, your cholesterol, your transporting cholesterol... All cholesterol is good. Okay? When they say good cholesterol, and LDL is bad cholesterol, that's nonsense. There's no such thing as bad cholesterol. Your body's made up of cholesterol. Okay.
Anyway, remember what I said about the teeter totter? Triglycerides up, your good cholesterol is down. Good. Cholesterol is up your triglycerides, go down. And it's all diet. In prostate cancer for men, estrogen is up, testosterone is down almost invariably. And one of the precursors to cancer is the prostate becomes inflamed. Okay? The prostate swells. Why does it swell? Insulin is a growth hormone, remember that. And estrogen is a growth hormone, remember that. So men, when their testosterone goes down... I used to measure this. Men when they hit around their late forties and fifties in North America, it's incredible. They got more estrogen than their wives have. Because you see, women as they get into menopausal years, of course their estrogen is going down. Okay. It comes down. It's normal.
But in men, when testosterone goes down, estrogen goes up. They become more womanly than their wives. And that estrogen in a then makes a bee line for their prostate. In women, estrogen makes a bee line for their breast tissue. The perfect storm is a bad diet, sugar, crappy carbs that turn to sugar in nanoseconds. And that makes things grow and grow and grow. I'll use the illustration till I'm blue in the face.
And this is why it's so important. Prevention, not detection. Prevention is more important than detection. Okay. Am I against detection, early detection of cancer? Of course I'm not. But I want to explain to you again that prevention is more important than detection and I'm going to illustrate this to you.
I take out my ballpoint pen. Now, many of you, you're probably tired of me saying it, but that's me. I'm a repetition guy. We have a ballpoint pen. For those listening on a podcast, I'm showing a ballpoint pen and now I got my fingers showing just the tip of a ballpoint pen, very small. For cancer, it takes five years for cancer to grow to the size of a tip of a ballpoint pen. Now listen, like I said, I'm not against detection, early detection. I'm not. Okay. But by that time they find a tumor the size of a ballpoint pen, it's been there at least five years. Now, ladies, you got a tumor this size in your breast tissue and you feel it. You're doing a self examination in the shower and you go, "Ah, that little thing wasn't there that I noticed the other day and I feel something."
That thing has been growing slowly. Cancer guys grow slowly. Okay. And we have this idea that some cancers are very aggressive. Yes, but they weren't to start. They weren't to start. And even to get to this size, guys, you have to feed a tumor. It's looking for fuel. And we know that it's looking for sugar and it's looking for insulin and estrogen. Look, there's so much in cancer. You can study cancer forever, but I'm trying to break it down because very few talk about food and cancer.
And this poor oncologist that I talked to, God love her. She knew nothing about nutrition, and she was an oncologist. What? Eight, 10 years of medical school? It's not that they're not smart. It's just that they don't get taught. I said, "Well, you can't send them home with Boost or Ensure."
As I was reading the article, I was chuckling a little bit, because I brought this to you a few months ago on the P13K. Do you remember that? P13K. That is an enzyme that signals that insulin is present. And even in this article, it talked about that enzyme P13K. It was interesting, because I talked about that. Insulin turns on the glucose transporters, and it just feeds the cancer in prostate cancer and every other cancer too. Okay.
Tumors, guys, need fuel. And when they start growing... I'll just with this before I get to the second study that I wanted to talk to you about. When a tumor's growing, it looks for fatty acids. It looks for bad fats. And one of the things it looks for is omega six fatty acid. Where do you find that? Vegetable oils. Artificial, I call them. Artificial, not intelligence, artificial cancer-producing fatty acids in omega six. And they thrive, tumors thrive with that stuff.
And that's why when you get fast foods, not only are they loaded with carbs usually, but they're cooked in the wrong oil. McDonald's used to cook their fries in lard until the geniuses of the food industry got after them. And they made those fries cancer-feeding because of the bad oil, and reheated oil, hydrogenated oil, and vegetable oil. They're terrible. You can run your car on synthetic oil, but don't run your body on synthetic oil. Your body needs healthy fat. Your body wants omega three. Give it healthy fat. Okay. Fruit oils are much better. Olive oil is a fruit. It's a fruit oil. Olive oil, bacon. They both have oleic acid. Tremendous. Cancer hates that stuff. Hates it. Okay.
So we got it? What do you do? What's the takeaway for the prostate cancer? Men lay off the sugar. Get your testosterone up. One of the ways a man gets his testosterone up. Couple of ways, eating. You eat a lot of vitamin S. What's vitamin S? Steak. Why? Because it's got high levels of lots of good things. Zinc, and zinc elevates your testosterone. That is why zinc is so good for the prostate. It shrinks it. So eat your steak. Okay. That's why I have zinc in our prostate formula. But I want you to eat it. Steak.
Can I make the general statement? I've said it before. I'll say it again. Cancer hates steak. It hates it. It doesn't feed it. As a matter of fact, it's a therapeutic against cancer, vitamin S. You're not going to hear that much. Like I've said to you, there's an agenda out there. It's a religion. It is indoctrination getting people to get away from red meat. It is absolute nonsense. And I have to go on even on our private Facebook group every once in a while, you guys usually do it for me, but every once in a while, I'll go in. That's fake news. That's fake news. Okay. The Prostate Cancer Foundation agreeing with Dr. Martin. Okay.
Viderma, a study out yesterday. And where did I see it? In the Journal of Nature Communication. Okay. Now listen to this. They were studying COVID, okay? So studying the virus. Okay. So listen to the headline: Vitamin D and the Gut in COVID, in the Journal of Nature Communication. Okay. Here's what it says: In severe COVID, the gut's immune system...
Remember what I've told you. Okay. So let me give you a little test and hopefully you won't forget this. Okay. Just a little test, and then I'm going to give you the answer. But I just want to know if you know this, because I say it a lot. You have endothelial and epithelial. Okay? Endothelial cells, epithelial cells. So do you know the difference between the two? Endothelial is found... It's the Teflon layer of your blood vessels. Endothelial. Okay. Epithelial is the little single cell layer in your gut. It's a barrier between your gut and your blood. Epithelial. Endothelial, Teflon. Just remember that. Teflon. Your blood vessel should be slippery. That is why good oil is so good for you. That's why butter is so good for you. It makes you slippery. It makes your endothelial layer, your Teflon in your blood vessels slippery.
And what does triglycerides do, by the way? They damage your endothelial. They're fat balls. They get caught up and they make your endothelial Teflon layer of your blood vessels less slippery. The epithelial, E-P-I epithelial levels are little single cells, part of your microbiome. Here's what they found. Again, to me, fascinating. Another reason for Viderma. Here's what they found in the little epithelial levels, that little blood gut barrier. You got to have a barrier there, because if you don't, garbage is going to get into your bloodstream. Viruses are going to get into your bloodstream.
So they know this about COVID. What happens in severe COVID? While that microbiome, that little area of your immune... 80% of your immune system. Listen, it's not just your lymphatics and your T-cells. Very important, but you got T-cells in your gut too. The Navy SEALs of your immune system. Here's what they found. Okay? When you have severe COVID, you know what they found? Dysbiosis. What's dysbiosis? Dysbiosis is when you got a lot of bad guys versus good guys. That's called dysbiosis.
And remember what I've told you. Remember this. It's really important you understand this. You got good guys, you got bad guys in your gut. Okay? We call it your microbiome. But when you don't have enough good guys, not only do your bad guys take over, but then you get an invasion. That's what dysbiosis is. Dysbiosis is you got too many bad guys, not enough good guys, and then you get an invasion of yeast, candida albicans. It gets into your bloodstream in severe COVID. They finally said it. Yeast, fungus. It gets into your bloodstream. It travels.
And here's the study. It's said not only that. Okay, you have dysbiosis. Why didn't they ask me? I would've told them a long time ago that the gut played a big factor. But you know what helps keep that single layer of epithelial cells healthy and your border guards are keeping yeast out of your bloodstream? You know what does it? Vitamin D. Now we know sugar feeds the bad guys. But also they found this in this study, the higher your vitamin D levels were, the better your microbiome, that little barrier between your gut and your blood performed. I've been shouting from the rooftops from day one, 18 months ago, vitamin D, vitamin D. I even made up a name, Viderma. Even in the immune system, in the gut. It helps that layer. It helps that little epithelial layer. Vitamin D feeds the good guys, like a probiotic. Wow.
Now guys, I don't know about you, but that blew me away. When I read this study in the Journal of Nature Communication. Wow. That is exciting. I hope you get excited too. Okay. Viderma, vitamin D. It's such a therapeutic. Why aren't we talking about it more? If vitamin D was a drug, there'd be companies making billions of dollars on it if they could patent it. But because it's not, you're not going to hear much about it. I got to go scour to find these studies. And this is a brand new one that came out. Incredible. Okay.
Guys, thank you very much. We appreciate you. You have no idea. Thanks so much. Tomorrow is question and answer Thursday. Okay. Not Friday. Friday, no program. Friday and Monday, it looks like, no program. Okay. Take a little break, a little Christmas break. But tomorrow's question and answer, so send in your questions. We love question and answer Friday, now Thursday for this week. Okay.
And are you a member of the private Facebook group? No? Well then join. Okay. Sign up for that. Sign up for the podcast. We appreciate you guys. We love our little community, and we are very thankful for you. Okay. So hope you'd enjoy today's program. Share it. You can share it all on Facebook. Okay. And give us some feedback. Okay. We love your comments. We do. Okay. And thanks again for watching. Love you guys.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!