Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is in Podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And once again, welcome to another live this morning, and it's question and answer Friday. Lucy [00:00:30] asked the question, I like it because it means you're thinking. So, when we go on the reset or you're eating low carbs and you're not using insulin, what happens to it? Well, it makes me laugh in a way, because that's exactly what you want to happen. Because the problems occur when you're using too much insulin. The reason that is because when you use too much [00:01:00] insulin, and remember Lucy, I don't know if you've been listening, but I talk about it's an illustration about a bad neighbor. You know what a bad neighbor is? A bad neighbor is someone that comes to your house all the time and drives you crazy. Insulin will do its job, right up to the moment that it can't and that's diabetes.
But insulin resistance is when your cells at the cellular level say, "You know [00:01:30] what? Insulin you're around me all the time." And remember, the more carbs you eat, the more sugar you eat, the more you need insulin. That's when you get a bad neighbor, and insulin resistance occurs. And that's the start of all the problems with food. A vast majority of problems with food is insulin, too much of it. So, when you're not using it, what does it do? What do you think the reset [00:02:00] does? It sends your insulin on a holiday, and your pancreas goes on a holiday to Hawaii, and it gets refreshed and gets rebooted. Plus yourselves, at the cellular level on the reset, your cells get rid of insulin resistance. Now, if you go back and become a carbo-holic all over again, well you're going to start it up again. But that's how your body [00:02:30] works, Lucy.
So, appreciate the question. Okay. Let me get to a few more. I don't know if it's the same Lucy or not, but how much flax seed? I talked to you the last few days about the importance of flaxseed, because it has lignans and lignans get rid of estrogen, too much estrogen. Ladies, don't worry about not having enough estrogen. I mean that. I know that, "Oh, doc. I'm in menopause. I don't have enough estrogen." [00:03:00] Yeah, you do. You've got lots of estrogen. It's an imbalance that occurs in menopause, and we start getting menopause symptoms, that's an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. I never see women with too little estrogen. Remember everything we talked about yesterday, what we call forever chemicals. They're going to be in our environment for a thousand years. What planet do you think you can go live on [00:03:30] to get away from it? You can't.
So, what you do is you've got to protect yourself. This is why, even on the reset, I'm allowing flaxseed to be used like a supplement. So, put it in Dr. Martins perfect smoothie. I like it. One to two tablespoons a day. Men, for prostate, get that estrogen down. Get the estrogen down. Terry's asking about magnesium oxide [00:04:00] or citrate? Well, it's a good question. Let me explain the difference. Oxide has more magnesium in it. It's a bigger molecule. So, when you see on a label magnesium oxide, it has more magnesium in it. Problem is, you're not going to absorb that magnesium, not as much. You'll absorb some it. The best form of magnesium is citrate. Citrate is the most bioavailable of all [00:04:30] magnesium. And I mentioned this to you before, our citrate is already chelade, meaning that it's already been broken down so that your body absorbs all of it and rapidly.
That's what chelation is. It's not spelled with a K. It's C-H-E, chelation. So, it's chelated. I love magnesium citrate, that's my favorite. Kathy's [00:05:00] asking about, "Well, if I'm a diabetic, can I take magnesium?" Of course. What are the deficiencies in diabetes? Type two diabetes is magnesium. And then someone was asking about, José's asking about cinnamon. Well, the reason I'm bringing it up is because of diabetes. Cinnamon acts just like Metformin, Jose. And we use it in our insulin formula. Cinnamon is [00:05:30] fabulous. Like if you want to sweeten up something, use some cinnamon. You can put it in your coffee if you want. It actually helps... or coffee actually works like Metformin. Metformin is a diabetic drug. That's why I always tell people, drink coffee with your meals. It'll lower your insulin response.
Cinnamon is good. It's a spice, it's natural, and I love it. Nothing [00:06:00] negative about it. Andrea's asking a question. I never heard this before, but apparently Andrea, when she was a little girl, used to suck on coffee beans. I never heard of that. First time, Andrea, for everything. And that's the first time I've ever heard of anybody sucking on them. Do I have to tell you how much I love coffee? I promise you next week, we are going to do a show [00:06:30] on coffee, because there's a new study that came out, I want to teach it next week. It is fabulous. And then I'll go over why I love coffee so much. It's the real vitamin C. And by the way, I'm not joking when I say that. You guys think I'm joking because I eliminated vitamin C, the other vitamin C, and in the Martin Clinic alphabet I put coffee there, the real vitamin C.
But I mean [00:07:00] it. And I'm going to show that to you next week. So, can she chew on coffee beans? I guess so. I don't know, I've never done it. I drink coffee beans, I don't chew on them, but maybe I'll try it, see. Can't hurt you. Okay. This is a question I think. and Sherry is asking. This is for a friend who has gut issues for years and [00:07:30] she thinks probiotics won't get into her gut, but will go into the bloodstream. Well, look, your body is unbelievable, how it works. So, when you take bacteria, you're taking 50 billion or whatever, let's follow our capsule of probiotic. You take probiotic. What is it doing? It's replenishing the bacteria, especially in the small intestine. See, that's [00:08:00] the problem with probiotics. They've got to get past the stomach. You want them to get past system. Although some probiotics, some of the bacteria will be in the stomach.
There's nothing wrong with that. They're on your side. So, if you can convince your friend that different strains of bacteria do different things, some of them are healers, some of them are anti-inflammatory, ones like L. Reuteri, L. Rhamnosus, they [00:08:30] go after candida, they kill your Candia. I can't emphasize enough, give her the teaching on probiotics. So, what if they go into your bloodstream? They're friendly bacteria. But that's not what they do. They're going to help patch up leaky gut so nothing gets into the bloodstream that doesn't belong there. Friendly bacteria will help to cure leaky gut, that's why [00:09:00] I'm so big on probiotics and even the reset, because the reset what it does when you have nutrient dense food, when you're relining your gut, it's not getting garbage and this helps to heal the gut. So, look. She's asking a good question, but she's mistaken in the sense that [00:09:30] don't avoid probiotics because you've maybe read somewhere that...
Of course you're always going to see stuff on the internet or whatever, and I get people, "Well, probiotics, don't do that." Well, look. It's usually brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry and their minions, and they'll tell you, "You don't need supplements." Well, look. Obviously I [00:10:00] don't agree with that, but I mean, I want to bring you common sense. We live in a day and age where we're stripping away all our good bacteria from all these stupid chemicals, we got a hundred thousand new chemicals since World War II. Anything that you can't pronounce, not only is it a Xenoestrogen, but it's in the water, it's in the air, it's in everything. You need probiotics. Antibiotics [00:10:30] kill all your friendly bacteria in five days. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal. Antiinflammatories, a bad diet of sugar feeds, feeds the wrong bacteria.
Do you know that sugar actually feeds bacteria in your mouth, the bad guys? And you produce from bad bacteria what they call calcium glutamine. It's a reaction to a bacteria being fed sugar, [00:11:00] and that can start a whole pile of bad things happening in the body. That's why sugar is so toxic, because one of the things it does, it feeds the bad army. That's why you need to replace probiotic all the time. Not millions, billions, because you've got trillions of bacteria. Good question. Lorraine, on the reset, freezing at night on the reset, [00:11:30] or low carb. Lorraine, I always am careful when I say this, because I want you to know that I'm teasing you. You're weird. The vast majority of people. But again, I always explain this. Look. Everybody's different. When you have a certain thing for you, Lorraine, that's not common, by the way, that people are freezing on the reset at night. Your metabolism, [00:12:00] whatever, does that mean that you shouldn't do the reset?
I can't tell you not to do the reset, because everybody should do the reset, and everybody should be eating eggs, meat, and cheese. Because there was discussion this week, let me just bring this up. I've talked about it in the past, but I'm going to bring it up again. There was a book out there, and it's still popular. The guy's not crazy, he made a lot more money. I think I told you the story where I introduced the [00:12:30] book in the 1990s on chronic fatigue syndrome, and we happened to be at a big, big, the biggest natural health show in Anaheim, California. It was done every year except last year, because of COVID. It's always in March, and that year, I think it was 1999, it might've been 2000. I think it was 1999. I gave a presentation on my book. I was one of the featured speakers there and it was well-received.
I talked about chronic [00:13:00] fatigue and a lot of people didn't realize what it was all about, whatever. But this guy, Dr. Dudamel comes on and he's talking about eating for your blood type. I don't know. He sold about five million bucks. Is he stupid? He's not stupid. But let me tell you something. That's not science. It's not science. I'll tell you why, because there isn't anyone, anyone [00:13:30] on the planet, anyone that doesn't need B12. So, follow this with me just for a second. If there's no one on the planet that doesn't need B12, everyone on the planet needs B12. And if B12 is only found in red meat, well then everybody should eat red meat. True or false? True. No, seriously guys, [00:14:00] think about it. So, if there's a book out there that says, well, red meat, if you're type O, you need red meat. No. Everybody needs red meat. I don't care what type of blood you have. I know, some people say, "Well, I tried that and I felt real good." Well, good for you. I've got no issue with that, but it's not true.
You've got to eat for your blood type. No, you don't. You don't even have to eat for your metabolic type. [00:14:30] Here's what I'll tell you is consistent with everybody. It's consistent with everybody. You need to eat from the animal kingdom. Now, if you decide not to, for whatever reason, you're a vegetarian or you're a vegan or you have religious reasons or whatever reasons you want, it doesn't mean I don't respect you. The only problem you're going to have with me is I don't agree with you. " [00:15:00] No, Dr. Martin. I don't eat anything with eyeballs." I feel sorry for you. Cows eat grass so that you can eat their meat. And I always use the example of God gave you a gallbladder. Why do you have a gallbladder? Not for avocados, although yes. No, but seriously. Think about it. Why do you have a gallbladder? Well, a lot of you women don't have a gallbladder.
You know why? Because you were [00:15:30] living on chicken and salad. You didn't use your gallbladder. Use it or lose it. A lot of women lose their gallbladder, men a little bit, but they don't lose it. They use it more. No, but seriously guys, that's me. And I'm not going to change that. Like that's nutrition 101 guys. You've got to figure that out. And I know, listen, I'm preaching to the choir this morning, and I always [00:16:00] tell vegans and vegetarians, well look. If you're not going to eat it, then you better take a supplement. You're not getting those B vitamins, especially B12. You get a little bit in cereal and all this and that. That's for mice. That's for mice. They're good questions though. I like it. I like that. On our private Facebook group, people are putting stuff up and I read this book, Eating For Your Blood Type. [00:16:30] I know, but you're not going to get me to agree with it. And if you're an exception, there's always exception.
Lorraine is on the reset and she's freezing at night. Why is that? It's your thyroid, but why? Because somebody asked this on thyroid. Lori's asking. Almond milk on thyroid. Can I say something, Lori? Why are you drinking almond milk? [00:17:00] Don't drink almond milk, drink coffee and water and some cream. You need dairy. Almonds don't have what dairy has in them. Now, listen. You know me and milk. Cows milk in the grocery store, I don't like it, it's white Pepsi. But fat in dairy, dairy fat cream is good for you. Not almond milk. [00:17:30] Why do people drink stuff like that? You know why they drink it? Because they can put it in their cereal. Ooh. Because they can't have milk, dairy bothers them, so they have almond milk. If you can't drink cream, then drink water. Get used to it. Why do you need almond milk for? I don't understand it. I'm teasing a little bit. Just understand that. Okay.
I go to [00:18:00] the grocery store and I see soy and I see almond milk and I see coconut milk I liked better. But don't drink unless you're putting it in a smoothie. And even then, you know me and my Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. It's perfect. I guess I'll allow you to have almond milk, not on the reset though. You've got to have cream, but if you can't take cream, there's some people that can't, I feel [00:18:30] sorry for them, but some people can't. But these are all good questions. And Lori's second part of the question, can you reverse hypothyroid or Graves', which is hyperthyroid, or Hashimoto's or whatever, those are auto-immune? Yes. A lot of times you can. Remember your thyroid is a puppet. The thyroid doesn't act independently, there's a lot of things that go on in your thyroid.
Your liver has got to be healthy for your thyroid to work properly. [00:19:00] The hypothalamus in the brain, don't feed it bad food, because that can throw your thyroid off. Your gut can throw your thyroid off because of conversion of T4 to T3. Remember, T3 is the thyroid hormone that your thyroid needs. You don't make a lot of it. It's a finicky thing. So, there's a lot of things that can throw your thyroid off. Lots of things can throw your thyroid off. But remember, thyroid is [00:19:30] made and carried in the body with cholesterol. Cholesterol is only found in animal, eggs, meat, and cheese. You need cholesterol for your hormones. Wante, I don't know if I pronounce that right, asking about Bell's palsy. Well, that can come after a viral, and you get a semi [00:20:00] paralysis in the muscles of the face. It's often after a virus has attacked the cranial nerves and immune system.
Get that elevated. It's like COVID. All the stuff that they're talking about with COVID, you know me, I've talked to you folks about your immune system. They're talking about washing your hands and wearing a mask, and wear two [00:20:30] masks or wear three masks. Social distancing, and all this stuff. But I'm talking to you personally about you take responsibility, get your immune system working the best it can. And any virus, any virus, can attack your body, and it's important to keep your immune system. And the number one, number [00:21:00] two, cut your sugars down. Sugar literally slows your immune system to a crawl. And secondly, vitamin D, get it up. There should be not even a question about it anymore. The research is so significant. The research is so overwhelming that vitamin D and virus, COVID, but [00:21:30] there's no money in vitamin D.
Oh, it's terrible. They just put it to the side. It should be, everybody should be taking vitamin D for this and all viruses. There's a gout medication to treat COVID. How does it work? Well, I'll tell you why they're using it. It's probably... Well, I know it is. It would be because when they give you the gout medication it's an anti-inflammatory. And [00:22:00] the biggest thing that happens in COVID when you get a real bad side effect of the virus itself, is your body overreacts. It's called a cytokine storm. And I guess a gout medication helps. Yeah. But so does vitamin D. So does vitamin D. Very anti-inflammatory. But I have read that. I have read that. Fay is asking about Tens machine and osteoporosis. [00:22:30] Not really. I mean, if you had osteoarthritis a little bit, would it help? Maybe. But with osteoporosis, the biggest thing is you need healthy gut to absorb all your minerals.
You need to eat protein like it's coming out both ears, protein, protein, protein, protein, protein. And you want your muscles to be strong in osteoporosis. [00:23:00] The problem with osteoporosis in the vast majority of people is sarcopenia, which is muscle weakness. Keep your muscles strong. Ladies, you need to do resistance training. And I don't care how old you are, that is what your bones want. Plus good food, eggs, meat and cheese. Why? Because you get all your amino acids. There was a study on sarcopenia that came out, talked about leucine. [00:23:30] Leucine is an amino acid. Guess where it's found? Not in plants. No, it's found in eggs, meat and cheese. You want strong muscles? Eat protein. You want strong bones? Eat protein. Protein and fat and lay off the carbs. There you go. There's your answer. Another question. Sarah asks about ruptured disc without any [00:24:00] injuries. Well then, ordinarily what's happening, collagen.
Your discs are made up of synovial fluid, collagen, ligaments, that hold those discs. And when they're weak, without injury you can rupture them. Again, it comes back to diet. You're not absorbing your minerals. Probably could be leaky gut, starts with that. Fix the leaky gut and eat the right foods, protein and fat [00:24:30] and cholesterol. Oh, doc. My cholesterol is high. Good. Every day when you send me your blood work, "Doc, my doc said my cholesterol is high." Well, that's what I'm aiming for. "Yeah, but my total..." That's what I'm aiming for. The only thing you want to be low is your triglycerides. And your triglycerides only get high if [00:25:00] you're a carbo-holic, it's as simple as that. It's food. You want cholesterol to be high. Oh, what about my LDL? What about it?
The biggest scam in medical history, the biggest scam in medical history has been this whole cholesterol hoax. It is a complete scam, because nutrition 101, your body don't even trust you to make enough cholesterol. [00:25:30] God gave you a responsibility to eat 15% of it. Now you're not going to drop dead immediately if you don't eat cholesterol, but you're on your way to be very unhealthy. I'm sorry to tell you that, because even your fat soluble vitamins, think about it, think about this. You know what they do with vegan children? Here's what they find. They're low in vitamin A. They're low in vitamin D. They're low in L. Leucine. [00:26:00] We just talked about that, the importance of muscle and bones and connective tissue and all the things you need. They're low. They don't get the fat soluble vitamins like vitamin K2. You don't get it. It's in the animal kingdom. It's in butter. It's in cheese. "Oh, Dr. Martin, what about cheese? I thought it was no good for me."
Who told you that? How can it not be good for you, when the highest [00:26:30] source of vitamin K2, which takes calcium out of your bloodstream, puts it into your bones, osteoporosis? It's not a lack of calcium, it's a lack of vitamin K2 and vitamin D, which are found in fat, soluble, cholesterol based foods. Get it? [00:27:00] I'm going to have to go for a walk again because I don't have a phone that tells me to breathe, but it would be telling me right now. Now I get uptight guys, but I can't help it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Wendy's asking, how do I increase... Like stomach problems. Most of them are caused by low acidity in the stomach. How do I increase my acidity? Well, change your diet, number one. Usually [00:27:30] with low acidity, now you might be missing enzymes, your pancreas might not be working properly.
Your gallbladder needs to work properly to emulcify the fat. 95% of the time if you just change your diet, get off the crappy sugars and the crappy carbohydrates, you get rid of acid reflux. I've done that a thousand times, more than that with patients. Now, when you don't make enough acidity, [00:28:00] I've got no problem with taking a little bit of Apple cider vinegar or whatever, before a meal. I love digestive enzymes. Because I think even Steph was asking, since the reset she'd been burping a lot, getting a lot of gas. I think in there, I'm just going to suggest Steph, with you, that you have activated maybe an H pylori, which is a bacteria that sits in your stomach with everyone really, and then it can get activated, and just stick [00:28:30] to the plan. Maybe up your probiotics a little wee bit.
And you're going to kill that thing off because a lot of times that's what happens. You get a parasite or a bacteria that gets activated. And that can give you some massive reflux even, as your body tries to fight that off. Up your probiotics and up your enzyme. Up them to fight that off. Oil of oregano is in our digestive enzyme. I put it right in our digests enzyme, because [00:29:00] oil of oregano, you guys know me and oil of oregano, it is tremendous. And it's the greatest natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, anti parasitic that you can get is oil of oregano. Nothing on the planet is as strong as that. That's why I love it so much. It's clinical experience over the years. So, look for that and then... Yeah. You can up your [00:29:30] acidity if you want a little bit, Wendy with taking a little bit of apple cider or balsamic vinegar, just a little teaspoon or whatever, a couple of times a day.
Sandy's asking about triglycerides and soap, she makes soap with tallow. But that's not going to elevate Sandy, your triglycerides in your body. So, you see the word triglyceride, you think that's bad. It's only bad if it's circulating in your bloodstream. [00:30:00] And that comes as a direct result of all the carbohydrates that are being stored in your liver, and when you get the liver gummed up, your body will send that fat that comes from sugar, sugar, crappy carbs, fat in the liver. See, fat, let's say you have a hundred eggs this morning. Three, you have eggs, that don't make fat in your liver. [00:30:30] Sugar makes fat in your liver. And when you make too much fat in your liver, it sends it into your bloodstream as triglycerides. Fat doesn't convert to fat in your liver.
Sugar does. Fat don't make you fat. People don't get fat eating eggs, meat, and cheese. They just don't. They might not lose weight, most do, but some don't. I never made the reset for weight loss. I know it's one of the great [00:31:00] results of it, but that's not what it's for. It's to fix metabolic syndrome. I made it to get rid of insulin resistance, to lower your triglycerides, to up your cholesterol, your HDL, that's a 100%. Get rid of your visceral fat in your body, empty your liver, that's metabolic syndrome. 88% of the population are unhealthy. Let me go through this. Sheila, [00:31:30] easy bruising. Usually, usually... Sometimes it's platelets in the bloodstream. A lot of times it's a sign that you're borderline anemic. You do not have enough blood. Iron rich red blood cell rich, blood. Okay. That's why I love blood boosts.
Christine is saying she had [inaudible 00:31:57] in her hip. That's a bacterial infection [00:32:00] in the hip. Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics, oil of oregano, probiotics, oil of oregano, big, big thing. Get rid of that. Up your vitamin D. Okay, guys. Next week we've got some great things coming. Next Wednesday, I think it's the 3rd of February, we're having a live Zoom webinar [00:32:30] on cortisol. You want to join in on that, please. It's going to be great teaching. I think it's eight things that cortisol kills in your body. So, you want to get this, it'll be a great teaching. Tony Jr. And I are going to do that next Wednesday, 6:00 PM Eastern. Sign up for it. Sign up for it so that you get the pass to get into the Zoom. [00:33:00] Don't ask me how it works, please. Ask the girls, don't ask me. I don't know. I'll be lucky to be on with you. I don't know anything. Guys, love ya. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is in Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. And Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.