Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon, everyone. Welcome again to another live this afternoon here. A couple of things I want to do this afternoon, I'm going to give you a couple of studies that came out, [00:00:30] but in Canada today, it's sort of mental health, they call it Bell Mental Health Day Call a Friend and don't let depression get you down. But I just want to talk to you a little bit about what's happening here because every year they have the Bell Mental Health, I think it's Call a Friend. I can't even remember exactly what they call it, but I thought I would give you a little bit of couple of things that [00:01:00] have happened.
I've sort of half-mentioned them in the past, but I'm quoting here, a physician. He said, "If the lockdowns were a medication, they would have been taken off the market months ago because of the negative side effects." Now, I think we would all agree, we would all agree that whether you are for the lockdowns or whether you are not, we'd all agree that there's been some pretty significant side effects [00:01:30] of it. These came out in the last few days, "One quarter of young people in North America, one fourth of young people in North America have contemplated suicide in the last 90 days."
A quarter of them, 25%, have contemplated suicide in the last 90 days. That's a North American statistic. Prescriptions since last [00:02:00] March, so here we are, what are we now 10 months, for antidepressants are up 600% since last March. That is very, very significant. Aristotle said a couple of thousand years ago that man, by nature, is a social being. You and I are social beings. We need each other. We need people.
I know, I know that some people are loners, but most people are not. [00:02:30] Some people keep to themselves, but they're not really loners in the sense that they're not happy doing it; it's just that they do it and for whatever reasons. But anyways, all I'm saying is that this is a big, big problem in our society. I called it the coming tsunami of anxiety because the Bible was written a couple of thousand years ago and if you go to Proverbs, Chapter [00:03:00] 12 and I think it's verse 25. It says, "Anxiety in the heart of man leads to depression." Now that was written a couple of thousand years ago and there's a lot of anxiety today. The longer the anxiety goes on, the more it will become depression and thus, we have seen the amount of depression.
You know what, folks? Again, this is just something very unusual. [00:03:30] We all understand that. The virus is unusual. It's been called a pandemic. All I'm saying is to you, be very, very careful. Be very watchful, especially if you have young people around. Really communicate with those young people in your family and friends because they need it. They might seem fine [00:04:00] and they're playing their video games and they're watching Netflix, but all I'm telling you is be very, very careful. In Sudbury, this is just our hometown, since March, they're averaging 30, that's one a day, suicides or overdose of drugs and drugs are an escape mechanism for a lot of people. Absolutely incredible. Now, [00:04:30] here's some things that you can do. I just made a couple of points for you not to become depressed. Remember, there's a huge gut-brain connection.
You have more serotonin in your gut than you have in your brain; 85% of it's in your gut. Only 15%, serotonin is your feel-good [00:05:00] hormone. Most people have very, very, very low levels of serotonin, especially these days. So what do you do for you personally and your family if you can influence them? Make sure that their melatonin levels are up. Now, melatonin, you get from the sun. Now I'm not talking about vitamin D, I'm talking about melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that your [00:05:30] body makes and it makes it two ways: sunlight. If you get sunlight, especially through your eyeballs, so don't put shades on right away, I know it's bright, especially if there's snow, but try and let your melatonin come, especially in the morning. Get your melatonin in the morning by allowing sunlight if it is sunny.
A lot of times you haven't seen the sun in a long time. [00:06:00] The other way you make melatonin is having a very, very pitch black room. So you know when they tell you to wear a mask? Now they're telling you to wear two masks or maybe three. But the mask that you want to wear to bed and I think it's a great thing, I use it, and that is a mask that you cover your eyes with in order to elevate your melatonin. Because if you elevate your melatonin, it is one of the factors in making serotonin, the [00:06:30] feel-good hormone, so that's one way. Here's another way, keep your vitamin D levels high. Look, if you can't get the sun and remember, you're going to get your vitamin D from your arms and on your legs. Well, good luck if you live in Canada or even in most of the United States at this time of the year, you're not getting enough vitamin D, well, this is the time to supplement with vitamin D.
Now I can't tell you specifically how much to take. [00:07:00] I'm going to tell you how much I take. This is the dark months of the year. When you get into the Decembers and Januarys and the Februarys, March, you'll start to see some more sun, but the three dark months are December, January and February. By the way, this is usually the flu season. At the height of flu season is usually right now. It starts in November a little bit, but the main three months for the flu [00:07:30] are December, January and February. I guess it's all COVID this year, but anyways, one way to elevate your immune system and even your feel-good hormones, you need vitamin D.
It's not just for your immune system. It's not just for your bone, it's for your brain too, vitamin D, so remember that. Those are the thing. Here's another one, B12. Almost every patient that I ever [00:08:00] saw with depression had an enormous lack of B12. Now you might have normal levels of B12 in your blood work, but that doesn't mean it's good. You ought to have optimized the B12. 800 to 1200 minimum is what I used to look for. B12, you need your vitamin S. Eat more steak at this time of the year to get your B12. There's [00:08:30] not enough B12 in the plant kingdom to feed a mouse. If your grandchildren or your children or whatever, if they're vegetarians or vegans, pump them full of B12.
They need it and it needs to be sublingual. It needs to be methylcobalamin. It has to be the right form and it should be dissolvable in your mouth unless you're taking a B12 shot. But even taking B12 on a daily basis for those [00:09:00] people suffering from depression, it is a big, big, big help. Here's another one, magnesium. Magnesium is a very important mineral for depression. There are a lot of studies out there that show that. It's a sort of a relaxing mineral and so magnesium is important. So those are the things that I would tell you to watch for in that particular study. Let me just go through a couple of more studies [00:09:30] that took place.
You know what? Somebody asked me this the other day, actually, we did a little bit of teaching on flaxseed and you guys know I like that. I actually allow it on the reset as a supplement. What do I mean by that? Well, put a tablespoon of flaxseeds in your Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. You want to talk about a tremendous meal replacement, but listen to this study, flaxseed. Now I don't like [00:10:00] flaxseed oil. I like flaxseeds, whether you grind them up or not, like your stomach's going to grind up flaxseeds, so I think that's overrated a little bit. But hey, if you want to grind them up, good for you. I've got no problem with that. It's got some Omega 3. It's an ALA. It's not a DHA and it's not EPA, but the biggest thing in flaxseed is lignans.
Now [00:10:30] in flaxseed, you have a hundred times more lignans, L-I-G-N-A-N-S, lignans, that block estrogen. You have a hundred times more in flaxseed than chia seeds, because people were asking me, "Well, doc, what about chia seeds?" "Well, what about them? They're not flaxseeds. I want you to take flaxseeds." Like I said, it's the [00:11:00] only seed I'm allowing you on the reset and put it in a smoothie or whatever because I want you to lower your estrogen. It lowers your estrogen. Men after the age of 50, usually their wives have more testosterone than they do and men have more estrogen than their wives have. That's why you have problems with the prostate and you also have problems, ladies, with [00:11:30] breast cancer.
Men, we get prostate cancer and remember, estrogen, estrogen, estrogen is a growth hormone. Oh, here I've read it. Let me do something else that came up. Oh, listen to this. So just keeping with xenoestrogens, chemicals in drinking are forever chemicals. What do you mean by that? It'll take them about a thousand years [00:12:00] to disappear off the planet. So drinking water, guys, you must filter your water. If you want to use top water, add a little bit of salt to it, but make sure you filter that water to get the chemicals out because those chemicals are going to elevate your estrogen. Plastic elevates your estrogen. Anything that you can't pronounce will elevate [00:12:30] your estrogen.
So when you read a label of all these chemicals, air fresheners, cleaners, hand sanitizers, ooh, that's chemical city. You have to hold me back when I get to the grocery stores. I go to a store and I feel sorry for all the employees that are using that spray and they're spraying the counter, spraying and then [00:13:00] they're doing their hands 50 times an hour. Remember when they used to have that commercial on Excedrin headache? I get an Excedrin headache because all I can think of is, "They're spraying or they're rubbing estrogen-like, xenoestrogens is anything that you can't pronounce. You're putting it right on your skin." "I [00:13:30] know, I know all about the virus and I know that you've got to wash your hands." Yeah, wash your hands, but carry a bottle of oil of oregano on with you and just say, "I'm using my own."
Oh my word. It drives me crazy, but here's the headline. "Chemicals in drinking water, they are called [00:14:00] forever chemicals," because they're never going to get rid of them in our lifetime. We're looking at 1,000 years. Now, a couple of other studies that I just wanted to touch on, now this week we did leaky gut. I was telling you that I was a guest lecturer. Dr. McEwen from the University of Tennessee asked me to do her nutritional psychology course and I [00:14:30] really had a good time. I taught them, first lesson was leaky gut. Of course, I used the headline leaky gut, leaky brain; leaky gut, leaky lungs; leaky gut, leaky skin; leaky gut, leaky heart; all these things, leaky gut, leaky sinuses.
I was teaching them about bacteria, about that invisible war. I was telling [00:15:00] them, of course, they're in psychology, that you got more hormones in your gut, like I just mentioned a few minutes ago. You got more feel-good hormones in your gut than you have in your brain, but there's a big connection between the brain and the gut. Yesterday, I believe, I spent some time with you talking to you about two barriers. There's your gut blood barrier and that barrier is made up of primarily bacteria, [00:15:30] but there's a little single lining of epithelial cells that are there, but they only are healthy and they only will block garbage from coming into the blood if your microbiome is good.
Then I talked about antibiotics being one of the things that destroy your good bacteria, more than anything. It's the number one reason that people get leaky gut. Then I talked about another barrier that is in your body [00:16:00] that we discovered probably, I don't know, 30, 40 years ago. We didn't even know it existed, I think, before that, I don't ever remember reading about it, probably 30, 40 years ago and that is your blood brain barrier. But what we know today is that your blood brain barrier is connected to your gut blood barrier.
Those bacteria that protect your [00:16:30] brain, they're on guard. They're the border guards. They don't allow any heavy metals in your brain. They won't allow any toxins in your brain. Even mycotoxins like mold or whatever, they're there to keep the bad guys out. The brain is headquarters. You don't want any garbage in your brain. The problem is, let's say you just took an antibiotic. You had a urinary tract infection or you had a sinus infection or [00:17:00] you had a bladder infection or whatever infection, antibiotics are wonderful. They are. You'll never get me to say they're not wonderful.
They've saved millions of people's lives and they do it on a daily basis. If you're going to have it surgery, man, you need antibiotics. Antibiotics are wonderful. The problem is, when you [00:17:30] take an antibiotic, you are wiping out your gut blood barrier and your blood brain barrier. They're wiped out. We didn't know this before. We didn't know it. I'd been saying this for 20 something years or more. I said it with chronic fatigue syndrome, that it was amazing how many women that were diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, that when you looked [00:18:00] at their history, they had been on antibiotics either as children or even later on in life and for bladder or for sinus or whatever and then they started having all these problems.
I'm telling you guys, here's the study, by the way. So for that was a long introduction to the study on here's what the headline said, as I go over some of these studies that just came out this week and probably, [00:18:30] I guess, we could do a whole show on them. But this is just reinforcing something that I've said and that autism, this is the study, here's the headline. "Autism is an auto-immune disorder." Auto-immune. It is. I agree 100%. I've been saying that for so long, it'll make your head spin. Autism is leaky gut. These children [00:19:00] that are autistic, they're canaries in the coal mine. I was discussing this with you in the last few days that children, either they take antibiotics early in their life. If you've ever had children, one of the things that happened to children almost invariably within their first year, almost invariably, is they're going to get an [00:19:30] ear infection.
Now, when a baby gets an ear infection, wah, wah, wah. It's no fun, the poor baby and you don't know what to do, right? I get it. As a parent, I get it and you just hate to see that baby, if you have ever had an earache, they're no fun. They hurt and baby doesn't know what's going on, but you get to the doctor. Here's the problem. [00:20:00] It's usually viral, 95% is viral. It's not even bacterial, but you get an antibiotic because you'll do anything to stop the crying. I love my son-in-law, who's an emergency physician because he doesn't like to give antibiotics. So he said what he does is he gives them an antihistamine to take away the pressure from their ears and a little bit of Baby Tylenol or whatever. He doesn't [00:20:30] like to give them antibiotic because he knows they're viral.
The problem with that in the first year or whatever, is it changes their microbiome. You're not thinking of giving a baby probiotics or whatever. They change. Now you wiped out their good bacteria and listen, you've wiped out the blood brain barrier. You don't do it on purpose, but now they're saying that this is auto-immune. Sometimes it's mommy [00:21:00] who takes the antibiotic. What choice does she have, if she's got a bladder infection while she's pregnant or even up to a year before? The microbiome gets changed. The leaky gut syndrome starts. Leaky gut, leaky placenta, I've said. One of the phenomenons in modern society today, and again, it's a double- edged sword. The good thing with the C-section [00:21:30] if the baby is breech or whatever complications you get it, C-sections.
But the problem with the baby is the baby was meant to go through the birth canal. It needs mommy's poop to gross you out. Isn't it amazing how even babies need bacteria, [00:22:00] feces to get into their gills? Do you know what I'm saying? They're showing now that babies are more susceptible for autism when they have been C-sectioned. Another factor in autistic children is mommy is often gestationally diabetic. Her blood sugar [00:22:30] roars during pregnancy. That affects the placenta and insulin and a lack of good bacteria. Look, I'm going to make a blanket statement. There's many exceptions to it, but I want to make a blanket statement. Autism is auto-immune for sure, but you don't get auto-immune.
Listen, auto-immune means your [00:23:00] immune system is flagging things that shouldn't even bother you. It's overreacting to antigens. Things that are coming in, it overreacts to it. That's what auto-immune, but why is it doing that? Why is your immune system supercharged, overcharged to react to antigens coming into the body that ordinarily [00:23:30] wouldn't bother you at all? That's what auto-immune is. That is what they're saying autism is. I agree, a million percent, because you have to take auto-immune one more step backwards and you have to talk about what causes the immune system to go wonky like that. It's leaky gut. [00:24:00] You see, things are getting into your bloodstream that turns on an inflammation process. It shouldn't have got into your bloodstream. It should have gone into the toilet.
So when you see MS and you see Sjogren's and you see lupus and when you see autism, it's leaky gut. The number one reason for that, [00:24:30] the number one reason for it is antibiotics. The ones that save your life, friend, the ones that save your life. They save your life. You're not hearing Dr. Martin say, "Let's get rid of antibiotics," of course not. But remember, a woman that was going to have a baby and they say, "Doc, what should I be doing?" I said, "Take lots of probiotics. You want your baby to be healthy? Probiotic, probiotic, [00:25:00] probiotic." Then, of course, I'd talk to them about augmenting the baby's brain with high DHA oil. I said, "They need fat. Don't eat fat-free. They need animal fat. That's what their brain is made up of. They need cholesterol."
I said, "Eat lots of it and take DHA if you want a genius for a kid. [00:25:30] It'll help develop their brain." I mean it. See how I get a workout just talking about some of these studies? There was a brand new study on coffee, but I think I'm going to take a whole section to do coffee. It is so fascinating what they just found out. Oh man, it's exciting. So I think I'll just wait to do that. Now, let me do a little bit of housekeeping. [00:26:00] One, if you're not a member of our private Facebook group, we're almost 9,000 strong in that little group, but it's not that little anymore, but it's a tremendous group.
Nicole and Jeanette and Brandy, they do such a great job in that group. Sometimes even me, moi, I go in there when I see something that I want to comment on, but usually, I leave it to my very [00:26:30] capable girls. They're so good and so patient with their patients, which is great. No, we love that group and invite your friends and family to come in because it's a great group. Next Wednesday, we're doing a Zoom webinar, a Zoom webinar. Seating is limited. It's going to be at 6:00 PM Eastern, the live one. Of course, we'll [00:27:00] record it and then if you can't get at it, but we'd love for you to come on live with us.
It's all about cortisol and this is going to be tremendous. Guys, the teaching on this is worth the price of admission, which is free. No, but really guys, you'll love this teaching. I mean it. Tony Jr. and I went over it and it'll be very, very, very educational. You need to hear this stuff. [00:27:30] Tomorrow is Question and Answer Friday, so it's not too late. You can send your questions in. If you want me to answer those questions and take them up on our program, we'll do that tomorrow. So guys, thank you very much for watching today. We appreciate it. You guys are great and I mean that. Thank you for all you do for us and I mean that. Love you guys.
Announcer: [00:28:00] You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.