Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info. Maybe it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome. We're going to do part two today of what we talked about yesterday, [00:00:30] signs that your body is heading towards diabetes. And what we talked about yesterday, it'll be part two and I think you'll find it interesting as we continue here. Now, I'm actually taking this... If you haven't got our book yet, The Metabolic Reset, I'm actually taking this from page 21, but there's a chart there.
That [00:01:00] chart is what Tony Jr. and I developed years ago in one of our teachings on metabolic storm and how you can tell if your insulin, if you're going into what we called yesterday insulin resistance, where your cells are going, "I can't stand you." Right? That pesky neighbor that you [00:01:30] can't stand. Well, that's what insulin resistance is. Because at the cellular level, your cells are going like, "I can't stand you. You've been around so much. You bug the life out of me." Okay? So that's what insulin resistance is.
Now, remember, remember, you have to know this, insulin has a job to do. It will do everything it has to to keep your blood [00:02:00] sugars within a certain range. They don't want to let you go too high, and insulin's job is to take sugar out of your bloodstream, store it at the cellular level. Your cells know insulin very well. But the more insulin is used, the more your cells resist insulin. We call that high circulating insulin or insulin resistance. [00:02:30] And at the end of the day, at the end of the day, if you think about this like, you know me, how I go through this.
At the end of the day, you can't control a lot in your life. I mean, if 2020... Here we are in 2021, but if 2020 didn't teach you a lesson, you know what it taught me? I ain't in control. I can control some things, but I can't control [00:03:00] the world. I can't control politicians. I can't control public health officials. I just can't. I can't control that. I have a different take on the virus. I'm a big guy, as you know, in building the immune system, and I think that that has been forgotten. But one thing you can control is what you put in your mouth every day.
[00:03:30] This is what we talk about every day. And I know it sounds simplistic, but it's at the root. Insulin resistance or high circulating insulin, we like that term a little bit better in the Martin Clinic, high circulating insulin is directly related not only to diabetes. Obviously diabetes is [00:04:00] insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes is food. It's carbs. It's not a lack of metformin. It's not a lack of medication.
It's amazing, and I've said this a million times, I'll say it another million times, it amazes me how little when someone becomes a diabetic and gets the official diagnosis, how little [00:04:30] emphasis is placed on food, a balanced diet. Imagine telling a diabetic that you need carbohydrates. No. Carbohydrates is what caused it. It wasn't bacon and eggs. It was the toast. And so I'd tell all my diabetic patients, "You see the toast? Pretend that you are eating toast [00:05:00] with your bacon and eggs. No more toast." "You mean none?" I mean none. You'll get used to it.
If you want to know the truth, that's the truth. So let's continue on, because yesterday I gave you three terms and I don't know if you found them funny or not, but I memorized them. It was the first lesson on diabetes that I learned and I memorized it, [00:05:30] polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. We talked about that yesterday. Those are signs, coming to a theater near you is diabetes if you got those signs. But there are other signs. We've talked about that. So let's go over a few more because I want to take that chart and develop it even more with you.
So the chart on page 21... And again, I just thank you folks. You're [00:06:00] the ones that have made this book that I have in my hands number one bestseller in Canada. Now, I want you to make it the number one bestseller in the United States. And it's only available on our website. We're not putting it in the stores. We're not putting it on Amazon. It's going to be available on our website, but you guys have already made it number one. Good for you. Now, [00:06:30] this chart is so incredible because we talked about belly fat yesterday.
We talked about the polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, going to the bathroom. Now, men, you know all about that. A lot of times you get over 50 and your prostate, but a lot of times that prostate will grow. Remember what insulin is? Insulin is a growth hormone. Let me repeat. Insulin makes things grow, [00:07:00] grow, grow. Cancer, grow, grow, grow. There are two growth hormones. I mean, you have a growth hormone inside of you, but two hormones that make things grow. Insulin gives you belly fat. Well, it gives you fat everywhere, but it gives you unwanted fat.
It gives you fat around your organs. Let me develop this this morning. [00:07:30] People can be skinny and very unhealthy. Because if you look on page 21 and look at the chart, one of the strong indicators is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis. Now, if you think of people like it... And there's always exceptions, but ladies, you're the ones that get osteoporosis more than men. Although [00:08:00] men can get it for sure, for sure, but mostly women and it's hormonal. Yes, but insulin's a hormone.
And lady, when you don't eat enough protein and enough fat and you live on carbohydrates, your bones get affected by that because insulin resistance, even if you're skinny as a rake, [00:08:30] will affect bones because it draws minerals. When you're eating sugar, it draws minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Draws it right out of your body. Osteoporosis, it's on the hit parade of strong indicators. You're on way to deep trouble with insulin. It's amazing when you change your diet.
And [00:09:00] again, you know me, I never talk about stop this without replacing it on the other side, because that's the key. Keto is cut your carbs down. Okay. I like that, but that's not the key to your health. Key to your health is not keto. Key to your health is not keto. A lot of people think I'm telling you about a ketotic diet. To some extent it is, but it isn't. I know I'm cutting [00:09:30] your carbs down to nothing just about, right? No sugars. No carbs. But that's the 30 day. But I am trying to implement in your habit of you when you do this and you bring your carbohydrates down.
You're replacing it with a very high fat and a high protein [00:10:00] diet, eggs, meat, and cheese. You're replacing. You know that I like intermittent fasting, right? It's a good idea, intermittent. I'm not a big guy on just fasting for the sake of fasting and then going long periods of time of fasting. I'm not for that, by the way. If you got cancer and you just get the diagnosis, I would tell you to fast for three days. Just clean [00:10:30] yourself. Don't eat anything if you can do it. But at the end of the day, that's not me. You know what?
Here's what I would tell you to do, no more sugar. Zero. Nada. If you got cancer, now listen to what I'm saying, I wouldn't eat fruit. I'd eat very little vegetable. I'd have some. And I would have steak coming out of my ears, eggs, meat, and cheese. Cancer hates that. [00:11:00] Now, I'm telling you, I know that goes against the grain. I know it does, but I don't care. You're not changing my mind. I got an open mind. You want to show me something? I'll read it. But I just been around long time, and I tell people, "I know. I know the gurus and drink this juice and it'll cure cancer and make yourself a smoothie."
I like smoothies, but my smoothie [00:11:30] with cream and bone broth protein, because it's high in collagen and all your minerals and everything you need. You see, I'm a big guy on that. When you take away your carbohydrates, I want to replace them. It has nothing to do with calories. Oh, Dr. Martin, calories. I don't care about calories. [00:12:00] I really don't. I don't count them. It's not important. It's hard to get away from that because that's been drummed into us and drilled into our psyche that calories, calories, calories. Who cares?
It's how much insulin you need to break food down. That's the key. That's the thing you can control. And our big [00:12:30] problem in all of society in terms of health is number one, heart disease. Numero two is what? Cancer. They're almost there. They're almost equal. Three is Alzheimer's, and four is diabetes. You know what? Last year I was looking at this statistic in the United States. We're actually down a couple of hundred thousand people compared to... In 2020 I mean. Everything has been the virus. [00:13:00] I haven't talked about the death.
Heart disease didn't go down last year. Read obituaries. Cancer hasn't gone away. Heart disease hasn't gone away. Alzheimer's hasn't gone away, and diabetes is like never before. But diabetes really, even if it's not officially diagnosed, diabetes really is involved in the top three. Heart disease is really diabetes. [00:13:30] I'm just letting you in on a little secret. Oh no, my dad wasn't diabetic when he died. He probably was if he had a heart attack. You just didn't know it, because the only way they diagnose diabetes is by taking your blood sugar.
And again, I've told you a thousand times, blood sugar is the last thing that will happen. When your insulin [00:14:00] is not working anymore, that's diabetes, according to medicine. But according to me, according to the number one guru in the study, he only died a couple of years ago, Dr. Kraft, not Kraft dinner. He was a guru of all gurus about diabetes, and he said, "You're already a diabetic way before your blood sugars reflect it." And that's why people send me their blood [00:14:30] sugar. You can't get me excited about it.
I don't mind A1C because that's a better indicator, but I'm more interested in your triglycerides. I'm more interested in your HDL. Because if those are out of whack, you really are a diabetic. I'm more interested in fatty liver. I'm more interested in belly [00:15:00] fat. We talked about skin yesterday. Let me pronounce this. Okay? I don't know. Acanthosis. I remember this when I was in school, acanthosis. I can't even say it, nigricans, nigricans, nigricans. Jeepers, I hate medicine, don't you? Why didn't they just call it patches on the skin?
[00:15:30] Have you ever seen someone with dark under the arm armpits patches or on their neck or on their elbows? You ever seen those like brown velvety patches? That is acanthosis nigricans. Why don't they just call them patches? Brown patches. I don't know. Keep you confused, I guess. [00:16:00] How about on the back of your neck? You ever seen somebody? It's called the Dowager's hump. Dowager's hump. Dowager's hump? I thought that had to do with the spine. Nah. It's a sign that you are already a diabetic and you just don't know it.
I guess pre-diabetic, but it's not really pre. You already are. Like Dr. Kraft used to say, "There's no pre. You're [00:16:30] diabetic or you're not. You're a carboholic. Put your hand up and tell people that you are. I'm a carboholic. If you're a carboholic you're a diabetic, whether you think so or not." Men, listen, men don't like to listen, but I want to say something. You got ED? It's not a lack of the blue pill. You got ED, men? Oh, I got ED. I better get that blue pill. [00:17:00] Nah, you're a diabetic. You got sleep apnea? You're a diabetic.
Listen to our podcast on fat tongue. Your tongue gets fat. That's sleep apnea. You need your tongue to shrink, shrink, shrink. I mean, some of these symptoms, how about carpal tunnel? Dr. Martin, I'm on a computer all day. Yeah, [00:17:30] I know that has an effect on it. But carpal tunnel, the inflammation comes from elevated insulin. These are hidden signs. That chart on page 21 is worth the price of the book. Clinical experience, my son and I. There's some funny ones there. You know? I talked to you yesterday about the kidneys.
[00:18:00] You're going... But kidney stones... Somebody asked me yesterday about kidney stones. I said, "Well, there's only two reasons for kidney stones. You're dehydrated." And remember, you become dehydrated when your insulin is high, because it draws salt out of your body. You become dehydrated, and kidney stones is dehydration [00:18:30] big time and too much sugar in your diet. The stones, whether they be oxalate or uric acid. Gout. Gout is insulin. I know they say purines. I know they say, "Well, gout, the king got gout."
[00:19:00] First time they wrote a gout was couple of thousand years ago. I mean it. That king used to get it. The peasants never got it. The king got it. "Oh, Dr. Martin. He was eating all that meat. You see him with a big bone there, and he's eaten it, the king." Yeah, no, it wasn't that. He was drinking too much wine and too much beer. It's sugar. It's insulin, insulin resistance. Some people are going to be affected in [00:19:30] different ways. Not everybody's the same.
But a lot of science, like when you get kidney stones and that happens to be your weakness, I'm telling you that is brought to you by your insulin and dehydration. Kidneys. Gout. Uric acid. I know it's uric acid. "Oh, Dr. Martin, you get uric acid and that must come from meat and purines, [00:20:00] like gravies and stuff." No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. I beg to disagree. It's you're a carboholic. You're a carboholic. I know there's exceptions. There's always an exception to everything. I know that. But in generalities, that's what it is.
It's amazing when you change your diet. Remember, you're going to do this. You're going to lower your carbohydrates. Beautiful. Wonderful. [00:20:30] But you better replace it with the right food, nutrient dense food. Let me see if there's one other one that I really... Oh, high blood pressure. High blood pressure. It's not salt. Oh, salt. My doctor said salt. I love your doctor. Okay? You can tell him or her that. Say, "Dr. Martin said I love you." I love [00:21:00] you, but you're wrong. It's not salt. Now, salt can elevate your blood pressure if you're dehydrated.
So you need vitamin W, because blood has everything to do with volume. Okay? Remember, it's a river. It's got to go through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. And it is true, if you're dehydrated, then salt will elevate your blood pressure. But it's not [00:21:30] salt that elevates your blood pressure in 99% of the population. It's sugar. Don't blame salt for what sugar does. You can't live without salt. Did you know that? Your tears are salty. You cry salt. Your blood is salt. You need it. Every organ in your body needs salt.
But you don't need sugar. You don't, [00:22:00] especially in this day and age. What other ones that I... Psoriasis, well, that's skin. Psoriasis is leaky gut. 100%. Psoriasis, even eczema, it's leaky gut and insulin. Hidden symptoms, weird symptoms that you might not relate to your diet [00:22:30] because... Be honest now. Sleep apnea. When I was a kid, I'm not saying there was never any sleep apnea. But holy moly, I never heard of it when I was in school in the '70s. Sleep apnea. What? Today it's like an epidemic. Sleep apnea. I am, but Doc, come on, that's a lack of oxygen.
[00:23:00] Yeah, no, no. You got to go back another step. I'm not saying oxygen's not involved. It's your body screaming at you, "You're a diabetic and you don't even know it, because you got a fat tongue, and you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain." But it's not oxygen. You can use the machine. I get it. I understand that. They'll pull your license if you don't. They can monitor that. Amazing. [00:23:30] They'll pull your license if you don't use the machine. Someone yesterday was I think in our private Facebook group talking about the machine, and they don't like it.
Well, fix it. It's your body telling you in a weird way that you're a carboholic. That you and carbs don't get along anymore. That your cells at the cellular level hate insulin coming around. [00:24:00] They're just tired of it. You need to change your diet. See how much fun we have? I'm a very simple person though, by the way. I'm a simple guy, and I try and break medicine down, which can be very complicated, into simplicity. And like I said at the start, you can't control everything in your life. You can't, but you can certainly control the food that you put in your mouth.
Not [00:24:30] easy. We're surrounded in this day and age especially. It's carbohydrate central. Carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs. And then the lies that go with it, balance, balance, balance. You need a balanced diet. You only need a balanced diet of eggs, meat, and cheese. Balanceto. You can live on. Every nutrient. High density. Nutrition. That's what you can [00:25:00] control. Did you have fun? So remember, question and answer Friday. Send your questions in. We're going to do one afternoon session, Thursday. I'll make it an afternoon session.
Okay? Seem to be good feedback on that. Join the Martin Clinic Facebook private group. Now, by the way, Tony Jr. wrote an email this morning on DHA. Did you get that? Put your hand up. Did you get [00:25:30] it? If you don't get our emails, you got to get our emails. Just talked about the difference between DHA, EPA, we could do another teaching on that, and ALA, which are fatty acids. But it's a great teaching on the importance of DHA. We at The Martin Clinic love DHA. It's mean I don't like EPA. I like it.
But DHA, I'm telling you, and I've had the fight with some people over this, [00:26:00] but DHA... First of all, your brain's made up a DHA. But if you didn't get that email, make sure you sign up. Where do you sign up for the email? What do I know? I don't know much, but I know this. If you don't get that email, sign up for it at, and you can get our book at or somewhere else. I better find out. Okay. You guys are great. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: [00:26:30] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.