Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And once again, welcome to another live, and hope you had a great [00:00:30] few days of Christmas season. I want to continue this series, and I'm going to read you a headline, I looked this up. So, we are continuing our series, The Results of the low-fat Diet, the low-fat craze. Really what it is, think about it for a minute, it's the counting of calories. [00:01:00] So obviously not all calories are the same, but again, you got to go back to the history of this. It started in the 1950s, we explained that with really one hypothesis brought to you by a doctor, a researcher, his name was Ancel Keys. Now, let me read you this headline and then we want to go from here, and we see the shocking [00:01:30] results of a lack of science, so-called science, but we see the shocking results. Let me just read this headline to you, I looked it up this morning.
In 1973, the American Medical Association tried to suspend the license to practice medicine of Dr. Atkins. Okay. In 1973, [00:02:00] the AMA tried to suspend the medical license of Dr. Atkins. Who is Dr. Atkins? You guys know that. He was one of the first gurus that I studied under and Dr. Atkins was a high fat guy and a very, very low carb guy. One of the first out in terms of where it really hit was in the 1970s, the American Medical Association literally [00:02:30] tried to suspend his medical license. Now, this man was no dummy, he was a cardiologist. And by the way, by the way, I've said it in the past, I'll say it again, Dr. Atkins did not die from a heart attack. He didn't die from a heart attack.
He was coming out of his cardiology clinic in New York city. He slipped on ice, hit his head, never recovered. [00:03:00] He went into a coma, never recovered. And he was 70, I can't remember 71 or 72 years old, whatever he was, he was in his seventies, I remember that. Now listen. The significance of this craze, of the low-fat craze, we talked about it. We really emphasize one organ, you were given an organ, that is your gallbladder, and you use it or lose it. But, [00:03:30] I'm going to go into a little bit more detail, we talked about a few things. Just think about this for a second here, and it really is astounding. This is far worse than the virus. It's far worse for humanity. That's one of the biggest, biggest tragedies of the 20th century and now into the 21st. And that is, we [00:04:00] got it wrong on food.
We got it wrong on food, and it has been disastrous. Now let me talk to you about one thing that you and I would 100% agree on, and that is much more problematic for society in general. And I know that... I was just talking to my son-in-law, we were just talking about how things [00:04:30] have changed and how fast the world has gone into a lockdown and whatever it is. Okay? And we've all seen it with our eyes, it's incredible, but what, I emphasize this, what the world is missing is not the healthcare crisis of the virus. It is the healthcare crisis of a low-fat diet that 90% or [00:05:00] more of the population went for. They went for a lie. And what happened? This is incredible, where we have diabetes coming out both ears. It's worse than anything else because it's connected to everything else.
We have diabetes. What are they saying now? One out of three, are diabetics [00:05:30] in North America. One out of three. I've taught you over and over and over again. Diabetes is the last thing that's going to happen to you. I was talking to someone on Saturday I think it was, and I was telling him because he was telling me, "Well, Dr. Martin, my blood sugars are good." I said, "I don't care. I don't care about what your blood sugars are." I really don't [00:06:00] because the last thing to happen is when your blood sugars will go south. When you have high blood sugar, that's not the first thing to happen. Diabetes happens way before they diagnose it. I found out I'm a diabetic because my sugars have gone over, let's say, seven. No, you were a diabetic years before that. Your pancreas has an enormous capacity to [00:06:30] secrete insulin, but what causes all of this is insulin resistance.
It's yourselves finally getting so sick of insulin that now you become a diabetic, but way before that, way before that, is this pre-diabetic thing. We don't talk about that enough. Bring me to a mall with you, now we're all shut down, [00:07:00] but when it's open, I will tell you almost 99% accuracy who's sick and who's not. I'm serious. I look for bellies, even skinny people, don't mean they're healthy. They just don't make a lot of fat cells. See, your body's reaction to eating a low-fat diet is fat [00:07:30] cells. low-fat. People just don't understand that they can't see the concept of it because they look at fat... I'm telling you the other day about that steak I seared, and you see that white film afterwards. Oh, that must be bad. No, that white film will be oil in your body.
It's sugar. It's [00:08:00] carbohydrates that will turn to fat. Carbohydrates, turn to fat. I don't care if it's whole wheat, triple wheat, 12 grain, 17 grains, grains, grains, grains. It doesn't matter. It will be sugar and sugar will be fat, rapidly. Where especially? Where? [00:08:30] In your liver. So the first step, it has been a dramatic shift from the 1950s, and even in the 1960s, people were small. And the biggest reason that they were unhealthy, the biggest, there was very few diabetics. There was some, but we have a whole industry. Do you think for one minute, think about it, if you are the [00:09:00] CEO of Pfizer or of whatever, do you think for one minute, you're looking for a cure for diabetes. No. You're looking to manage diabetes and thus, you get all these drugs that come out, from Metformin to glyburide. Metformin's an older drug, but they're all [00:09:30] made to keep diabetes, to manage it.
They pump out sugar out of your bloodstream. Something that your pancreas is supposed to do from insulin. All these medications. What they need is not a medication. What they need is a diet change. They got to go high fat. It's not calories. It really isn't, don't even think about it. [00:10:00] That's why most diets fail. They're based on calories. They're based on faulty mechanism. So what do we have in our society today? Well, you can live without a gallbladder. Okay? You should have a gallbladder, but you can live without it. That's a tragedy though, by the way, this diet caused us, especially women, [00:10:30] to lose their gallbladders. And to develop stones, but the main tragedy has been diabetes, and pre-diabetes, and obesity. We've developed a couple of generations now of obese people, and I've shown you in our book, The Metabolic Reset, I talk about it. I said, "What is this diet? Does low-fat have to do [00:11:00] with everything?" Everything, in medicine.
It increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease would be almost eradicated if people stopped smoking and ate eggs, meat, and cheese again. It'd be eradicated. We wouldn't be hardly talking about it. It would be about, probably [00:11:30] 10% of the population. Today it's 50, 60, 70% of the population, have cardiovascular disease. See, cardiovascular disease doesn't happen in a hurry. It's because people don't think. They think what I ate yesterday has no effect on me today. Yes, it does. It creates a cascade of problems and cardiovascular disease [00:12:00] is caused by, primarily, by sugars, crappy carbs. All of it. From high blood pressure to atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, hardening of the arteries around the heart because we don't eat enough fat. We eat the wrong fat. We eat the omega six fat that is found in your crappy carbohydrates.
You get a double whammo with a bad carbohydrate. You [00:12:30] get crappy oil and then you get crappy sugar. It increases your inflammation, changes your teflon layer of your blood vessels, and you start getting hardening of the arteries. I remember reading articles 25 years ago, 30 years ago, even. Kids, kids with atherosclerosis, hardening of the arteries. Children, you see a child with a belly, it's a sugar belly. They're already starting [00:13:00] a cascade of symptoms, so cardiovascular disease, cancer. We have today... And I got to breathe. Okay? Because Rosie has one of those smart watches. I don't want one. You know why? Because it's always telling people to breathe. I don't want my phone to tell me to breathe. No, but seriously, because I think of stuff like this. Cancer. We haven't won the war on cancer. [00:13:30] It's all nonsense. When we think all of the advancements in cancer, the advancements.
Yeah, there's been some advancements in cancer research. I admit that, but generally we're not getting the big picture. We're looking for love in all the wrong places. You go get a PET scan, a PET scan's not for your pets. It's a cancer test. [00:14:00] They give you sugar. Radioactive, and you'll light up like a christmas tree wherever you have cancer if you get a PET scan. It took us years in our hometown to get a PET scan. The government didn't want to fund it. It's one of the best imaging that you can get for cancer, much better than an MRI, much better than ultrasound, or any of it, but they're expensive. [00:14:30] The advancements in cancer... I liked that PET scan. I do, but how does it work? Sugar. Well, hello. And then I go tell doctors, "Hello." Well sir, that's not a factor in cancer. Jeepers creepers.
What? But when you're ignorant in nutrition, it's hard to change people, but the results of the [00:15:00] low-fat diet have been catastrophic. Catastrophic. Guys, the proof is in the pudding. Catastrophic. Diabetes. When I hear somebody has cancer, this is me. Okay? This is me. When I hear somebody has cancer, any kind, you know what I say [00:15:30] in my head, you got to understand how I think. You know what I say in my head, "But they're a diabetic." What? Well, they might not be diagnosed with diabetes, but they're a diabetic. Now I understand in cancer, there's environmental things, and we live in a different world today with 100,000 new chemicals since World War II and all that. I understand all that, and there's an effect on that, but you can control that. Where are you going to go live, in Costa [00:16:00] Rica? On your own? No, come on, you can't control everything.
There's chemicals everywhere. Oh, when I think of these people using every minute of every day, oh I saw it when I was in the store the other day, they spray the counter, and they spray, and then they clean their hands 75,000 times a day. Oh, with these antibacterial, that's cancer in a [00:16:30] tube. It's cancer in a tube. I hate that stuff. The virus, the virus, the virus. Yeah. I see people walking around with a mask and I'm not kidding you. I came out of the grocery store the other day and a lady had her mask just over her nose. It looked like... I said, "Well Jesus, is she from outer space or something." But you know why? Because she was smoking.
I felt like going over to her [00:17:00] and say, "Ma'am, can I talk to you just for five seconds? Why are you even worried about the virus? If you're still smoking? What's worse." Oh guys, I'm telling you. See, if I had that phone on me, it would be telling me to breathe. I don't want that thing. But think of where we are today. The fat-free craze. [00:17:30] And by the way, you should have seen this lady's grocery cart. Now I don't mean to judge. I don't. But she was very unhealthy, and then she's smoking, and then you should have seen her grocery cart, 99% carbohydrates, and junk, and whole wheat bread. I always laugh at that. Oh, it's whole wheat doc. I don't care, it's going to be sugar [00:18:00] in five seconds. I don't care if it's whole wheat.
So what have we seen? Well, I'm going to name you three cancers that have just exploded since this fat-free craze. Colon cancer. I'll tell you when sugar gets into your gut, it messes up your microbe biome. It feeds candida in the gut, and in young people [00:18:30] getting colon cancer today, is a direct result of the low-fat craze. Now, I don't know if you've heard that anywhere else, but you heard it here. Number two, pancreatic cancer. Used to be rare, not rare anymore. Not rare anymore. Why? Fat-free craze. Third, [00:19:00] ladies, listen. Breast cancer. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar. Plus, estrogen. Sugar plus estrogen, disaster for women. We haven't even made a dent in breast cancer because all they're worried [00:19:30] about, here's medicine. God love them, but here's what they're up to. Mammograms and let's find cancer. Okay. Okay. How about we start cancer prevention? Let's prevent cancer. It's detection, detection, detection, the PET scan.
And look, I'm not against it. All I'm saying is, we got to get it way before it's there. [00:20:00] Breast cancer is a growth as a direct result of estrogen and sugar. Carbs. It takes two hormones to get breast cancer, and men, we're no better. Prostate cancer. In the seventies, breast cancer, you know what it was? One out of 20 women in North America, one out of 20. It's one out of five or six today. [00:20:30] Whenever I get in a room and do a seminar with women, I count. I go, "One, two, three, four, five," and then maybe I'll go up to six. One, two, three. And then I say, "You see you, ladies here, you see you ladies? One of you is going to get breast cancer, according to the statistics." But let's reverse engineer these things and... Why, why, why? Why [00:21:00] so much?
Prostate cancer in men. How does that happen? Estrogen, instead of testosterone. See, men battle from an early age to keep their testosterone levels optimized. Most men, they hit about 50 and their testosterone... Their wives have more testosterone than they have. Plus they got more estrogen than their wives have. [00:21:30] You know how many times I've seen that. They've got no more testosterone left. And when you don't have any testosterone men, there's a hormone waiting to take that place, and it's called estrogen, the womanly hormone, and it makes things grow, grow, grow, and they'll grow, grow, grow your prostate, and breast cancer ladies. Hope you don't mind my singing.
[00:22:00] You see why I got gray hair, cortisol stress. Guys, when I see this stupidity of our world, I hate to be negative, but my word. Like I said, it's crazy because we have now the sickest population. North Americans, 88% of North Americans. [00:22:30] Not according to me, not according to me. Because I think it's above 88%, but let's give the CDC credit and the National Institute of Health where it first came out, they said 88% have metabolic disorder, but if you have metabolic disorder you're on your way to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's. Guys, can I say something? You know this family history, [00:23:00] boy that was a big thing, that was a big thing in medicine, even today. Oh yeah, but my dad. Look diabetes is coming out both my ears, genetic wise. I've told you this a lot. I even look like my father, kind of scary.
I don't have to worry about who my parents were believe me. I looked like my dad at this age. My dad was a diabetic. [00:23:30] I understood that way back in the sixties. I got the memo. Me and sugar don't get along. Some people get away with it a little bit more, but they get other issues. Maybe it's not diabetes, but they get cancer. They get cardio and you go, "Yeah, but my dad had a heart attack." Yeah. Okay. That makes you a little bit more susceptible. Maybe 5%. I give five. It really is a little bit less than that, [00:24:00] but nobody wants to talk about that. Oh, we're just going to put you on statin drugs because your dad had a heart attack, or your mother had a heart attack. Yeah, but it only makes you a little bit more susceptible and you can override your genetics. With what? Diet.
Somebody asked me the other day, what's your expertise? I said food. [00:24:30] And they're looking at me, "Well there's no doctors in food." I said, "They're not many of us." I'm a doctor of food. Yeah. You can't control everything in life, but you can control what you eat. You can control what you eat. So yeah, got my workout. Okay. So [00:25:00] I could go on, I could go on about other factors. One of the biggest things... Did I talk about this the other day? I can't quite remember. You know what's a major scourge today due to our diet? It's kidney disease, chronic kidney disease. Kidneys really, really don't like sugar. They really don't. Your organs don't like sugar. They love fat, [00:25:30] but they don't like sugar. They don't like the bad fats, but they like good fat. Eggs, meat, and cheese.
"Why do Dr. Martin always talk about eggs, meat, and cheese?" I do not negotiate with terrorists. I don't negotiate. Eat eggs, meat, and cheese, and trust me. Why? Because it's what you're meant to eat. You need that healthy fat because it doesn't turn to fat in your body. [00:26:00] It lubricates. It takes inflammation out of your body. What do we see so much of? So much of because of our diet today? We see kidney disease. We see fatty liver. We see heart disease. We see cancer. We see Alzheimer's. The fat-free thing, we could spend a whole week talking about the effects it's had on the brain. [00:26:30] And Alzheimer's, and dementia. Not getting enough cholesterol up in the brain, and your brain needs it. Anyway. Okay. Let me stop pontificating. Okay. Now we got some good things coming here. A couple of new studies. Oh man, oh man, oh man. Couple of very interesting studies that I flagged and I want to talk to you about, so we'll go into that.
[00:27:00] Okay? Now, a couple of housekeeping. Get your friends and your neighbors and your family to join the Martin Clinic private Facebook group, a great group. And we thank you for that. It is thousands upon thousands of people. We thank you for that. Get them to join. Secondly, this week it'll be Thursday because of the new year. Question and answer, Thursday coming. Okay? [00:27:30] That we'll have question and answer again. We really enjoyed all your questions. Don't be shy. Ask your question, give us your comments. We appreciate it. We really do. Be nice, but listen, you might not agree with everything that I've just said. That's all right. I love you anyways. I mean that, I'd still love you. I heard a radio talk show, the guy said "I'm right. You're wrong, and it's settled." [00:28:00] I like that. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr., and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.