Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information as awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Good morning to you. Hope you're having a great day. Good start to it, at least. We're going to continue a two-part series [00:00:30] we started yesterday afternoon for those who were able to come on. We talked about the long-term and sometimes very surprising effects of a low-fat diet. Yesterday afternoon, I gave to you the history of it, how it started. Started with really one guy, his name was Ancel Keys. If you read anything about him, you'll find out that he was a researcher, not a stupid guy [00:01:00] at all, very smart. But he was a researcher and had done a lot of research and work on cholesterol, and pretty well a one man show. For even up to his death, I think in the mid '80s, if I'm not mistaken, he never gave up the hypothesis that he had that cholesterol was at the root of heart disease.
It started actually in the 1950s [00:01:30] with the heart attack of the president of the United States. Now you have to understand something that heart disease in the 1950s killed about 10% of the population. Today it's the number one killer in society. But President Eisenhower, who was president of the United States when I was a little boy, had a heart attack. He apparently had several of them. I think he died, if I'm not [00:02:00] mistaken again... I should have Googled this for heaven sakes. I said this yesterday, 1960, I think he died. But when they did the autopsy on him, he had a lot of plaque in his arteries and there was cholesterol in his arteries. That's where cholesterol is by the way. Cholesterol are FedEx trucks on the highways.
But actually, years later, [00:02:30] not at the time of Ancel Keys, but later they showed that in particular LDL... which has become the bad cholesterol according to medicine. That's why you have statin drugs. Statin drugs lower LDL, and they work for lowering LDL. But they don't do anything for heart disease because they're looking for love in all the places. Not [00:03:00] true. The whole premise wasn't true. Yes, cholesterol is present in plaque, but cholesterol is what your body makes. 85% of it comes out of your liver. Only 15% comes from your diet, and cholesterol is not the bad guy. Do you blame the fireman because they're at a fire? Of course, you don't. Do you blame the police because they're at a crime scene? Of course, [00:03:30] you don't. They're not the bad guy. Yeah, they happened to be there. Firemen are going to be at a fire, but they're not the bad guy. They're trying to put the fire out. That's what cholesterol does. Cholesterol is on your side. Quit trying to get it down.
This is facts. The lower your cholesterol is the shorter your life span is. But I say [00:04:00] all of that to give you the theory that really took off. Then you saw the food industry, take it and run. They took that theory and they ran with it. "Don't eat bacon. And don't eat too many eggs because that's bad for your heart." Everyone in medicine, and dieticians, [00:04:30] and the whole industry of medicine, and the pharmaceutical companies they've made kazillions of dollars on that whole theory, but it was never right. It was 100% wrong. The proof in the pudding is we got more heart disease than ever. We have more heart disease than ever. That's the proof in the pudding.
Here's what Ancel [00:05:00] Keys did know about president Eisenhower, he was smoking four packs of cigarettes a day. But in the 1950s they didn't even know smoking was bad for you. Everybody smoked. You were the exception if you didn't smoke. Everybody in our house smoked, my mom, my dad. I grew up, you go into our house and there was a puff of [00:05:30] smoke. There was a cloud over top of every room. I just lived like that. Everybody smoked just about. I remember when my dad got the memo to stop smoking. He came home one day... I remember it. I don't know I was probably about 10 years old. I remember it was a ceremony. He took his cigarettes, his [00:06:00] Buckingham's without a filter. I didn't like his, I liked my mom's cigarettes. She had Peter Jackson's, they had a filter on it. But my dad said, "Nah, I'm not going to smoke anymore it causes cancer." We're all looking at him like, "What?" He put his last pack of Buckingham's in the garbage, and my dad never had another cigarette in his life. My mom, she never stopped smoking.
But you see that's what happened it was [00:06:30] the cigarette. I've talked to you about this in the past. What does cigarette smoke do? Of course, it creates a lot of free radical damage, and aldehydes. Aldehydes are very damaging to your blood vessels. Nevermind, what they do to your lungs. But Ancel Keys, he had fat in his head. "It's fat." So the whole [00:07:00] world just about, went for it. Everything became low-fat. Low-fat yogurt. Can you even buy a full-fat yogurt anymore? I guess you could, but it's a hard one to find isn't it? Everything's low-fat. "And don't have butter, have margarine." Right? "Why do you want to have any coconut oil? That's bad [00:07:30] for you? It's full of fat." So the whole world went for it.
Then in the pharmaceutical industry, well-established... I mean, they have made billions and billions of dollars on statin drugs, that have unfortunately done nothing. Haven't even put a dent in heart disease. But biggest seller of all time in terms of pharmaceutical, biggest seller of all time: [00:08:00] Lipitor. But the premise is wrong. So now we have a low-fat diet and that's been going on since the early 1960s, somewhat into the '50s, but mostly into the '60s. By the '70s margarine outsold butter by about 10-1. People, "Oh [00:08:30] man, margarine, got to be good for me because it's low in cholesterol." Even today, if you go talk to a butcher, most people, most will choose lean meat. Talk to butchers. I have. Lean meat. You can't even get full fat hamburger. You can, [00:09:00] but it's hard to get. People will take turkey hamburger instead of beef hamburger, because it's low in fat.
So you can see what I'm up against because I go against that. It ain't fat, that makes you fat. It ain't fat, that gives you triglycerides. [00:09:30] Which is your bad lipids. It's not fat that does that. I was looking last night, I cooked this steak. Okay? I cooked the steak last night and afterwards I was looking in the pan. There was this white film because I seared them. Okay? That's how I love my steaks like that. Anyway, I seared it [00:10:00] then afterwards in the pan... I should have kept it because I should have taken a picture. I don't know. I think about these things afterwards. But there was a white film of fat in the pan. You know what it had me thinking of? Ancel Keys. Because if I showed that to... not to you guys as much, because you're educated. But if I showed that to the world, they'd look at that and go "You see why you should eat steak? [00:10:30] Look at the fan. That looks like hardening of the arteries to me."
Seriously guys. But that's not what happens when you eat the steak, and eat the fat around the steak that fat doesn't turn to triglycerides. Did you know that? No, they don't. That fat turns to good oil in your body. Do you want [00:11:00] to oil? Yeah. You want to lubricate your blood vessels? Eat fat. You want healthy eyeballs? Eat fat. You want a healthy brain? Eat fat. Because your brain's made up of fat. You want skin to be healthy, eat fat. Because it lubricates, gives you a nice collagen ladies. So when you look at your chicken and salad, I'm not saying it's not good for you. [00:11:30] It's just not near as good as fat is for you. Because you got duped. You've been swayed.
The consequences, I elaborated yesterday on this, I talked about the gallbladder. Do you know why you should be eating meat? Because God gave you a gallbladder. That's why. You know why you should eat eggs? Because God gave you a gallbladder that's why. You know why you should eat cheese? Because God gave you a gallbladder. A [00:12:00] cow doesn't have a gallbladder. A cow eats grass. They give you beef. Then we eat the beef and we need a gallbladder. The reason why 90-to-10, 90% women, 10% men lose their gallbladder has to do with use it or lose it. If you get a gallbladder attack, it's not that you're eating [00:12:30] too much fat it's because you didn't need enough fat, and you weren't using it. Use it or lose it.
I say the same thing for your brain. What happened? Think about it. When we lowered our fat levels to make food palatable so that people will want to eat it. What did they do? They made cereal. Kellogg's. Do you know Dr. Kellogg was a real doctor. [00:13:00] Not a dummy, he was a real doctor. But he was a vegetarian. He didn't believe in eating fat. So what did he do? He created Kellogg's Corn Flakes. "They're great." Oh, that's Tony The Tiger, Frosted Flakes. You see what happens when you don't have any fat in food? What are you adding? Sugar. Because [00:13:30] the food industry, Oh, I don't know if they knew it or not, but they had to make food better. So what did they do? They added sugar to it. So instead of people eating off the farm, like they were used to, and it was very little heart disease. It would have been zero heart disease in the 1950s is if it wasn't for smoking.
I had sugar as a kid too. I always tell my grandchildren [00:14:00] that. "Grandpa had some cookies. You know? Ice cream." They look at me like I was born in the first century. Because they always know what I think about sugar. I said, "Well, it's not like grandpa never had any sugar." It's just that today we've gone from 25 pounds... This is just a history of sugar. I'm going to give it to you. 1950, 25 pounds, the average in North America, 25. [00:14:30] All my four children were born in the 1970s. They went from 25 to 50, see. Because of the fat craze. Fat-free fat-free, fat-free. My four kids all born in the '70s. They went through that, and now they were up to 50 pounds of sugar a year. Guess where it is today? It's 200.
Here, the new generation's, 200 pounds. All these hidden sugar, they don't even realize [00:15:00] it. From crappy dinner to whatever. It's amazing the amount of sugar, because it's still today even vilified, even today, is fat. The vast majority of people don't realize that that fat is good for you. There's been a whole controversy about coconut oil. Really people have asked me about it because they're still, "Don't have that stuff. Coconut [00:15:30] oil." Why not? It's fat. Your brain needs it. But your brain needs animal fat more than coconut oil. That's why you have a gallbladder. There's the memo. You have a gallbladder. Because you're meant to eat eggs, meat, and cheese. That's why you have a gallbladder. Bile is not made by the gallbladder, [00:16:00] it's a reservoir for bile. So even if you lose your gallbladder, ladies, you still make bile. Your liver takes over. The liver always made it, but now it just doesn't have a reservoir.
A lot of people after they have a gallbladder removed... I'm not... Look, if it's diseased, you don't want one of those stones going into your pancreas or blocking that up. I mean that can kill you. But I'm just giving you the history of it. [00:16:30] I watched it. I watched it develop. I watched it, screaming blue murder. Who told you bacon was no good for you? "Well, look at the grease. Dr. Martin look at the grease." Yeah. Well take out a bottle of olive oil and take the grease from bacon, it's the same oil. [00:17:00] Oleic acid. I like olive oil, I think it's tremendous. I like bacon better, tastes better to me. So you're never going to get me to say bacon's bad.
"Well, Dr. Martin. What about those nitrates?" You know how many times I hear that? "What about those? How are they preserved that bacon. They put nitrates." Well, nitrates come [00:17:30] from vegetables. Sodium nitrate is from a vegetable. They make it from celery and stuff like that. That's where it comes from. So are vegetables bad for you? No. So why are you against nitrates? But you see that gets caught in the internet, "Man, Oh man. Well, I would never eat lunch meat." Well it's a heck of a lot better eating that stuff, then having a carb. [00:18:00] Better to have bacon then to have yogurt with sugar in it. Better to have beacon than to have cereal of any kind. "Oh Dr. Martin, I got to have my oatmeal." No, you don't. Get used to not eating it. It's not good for you. "Oh, what about my bowels?" What about your bowels? [00:18:30] They'll get used to it.
I'm not kidding you, nutritionally it's because... I mentioned this yesterday. Steel cut oats, your sugars are going to go up to 21 after you have a bowl of steel cut oats with skim milk. Oh, whenever I see skim milk, my blood pressure goes up. I'm in the grocery store and my blood pressure is up. [00:19:00] Why? Because I just read a carton, it's skim milk. Ooh, that old industry. The poor farmers. I've never milked a cow, but farmers have told me when you milk a cow, it's really like cream. It's not like skim milk. Skim milk is manmade. That's white Pepsi. Remember? What I'm saying is only controversial because it's [00:19:30] the food industry that duped the world, and they took scientists and they put them on their payroll and the pharmaceutical industry. Look, they do wonderful things. Okay, please. Don't say I'm against the pharmaceutical industry, please. I'm not.
But the number one selling medication of all time happens to lower your cholesterol. Ooh, well [00:20:00] then I just got to talk about it. We have a whole whack of diseases today that a huge contribution was because of our low-fat diet. I talked to you about the gallbladder. I'll talk to you, but Alzheimer's. You see the substitution was let's bring the fat down and the sugar went up. They don't call Alzheimer's type three diabetes for nothing. It's one of its names. [00:20:30] There's nothing that will destroy your brain like people that will go on the low-fat diet, does nothing to destroy your brain like that. In cholesterol remember, remember, remember, Nutrition 101. If I was to give you a test, here would be the first question on it. Where's cholesterol found? In what kingdom? Animal kingdom it's not found in plants. [00:21:00] Cholesterol is not found in plants. Cholesterol is found in the animal kingdom. God doesn't even trust you. He gave you 85% comes out of your liver. Your body makes cholesterol. He doesn't trust you to eat the amount that you need.
You're supposed to make 15%. What if you're a vegan? You don't make it. You're not making up that 15%. Your brain is starving [00:21:30] because your brain is looking for fat. Now, if you give it sugar the brain will take it. But that's toxic to your brain. If your primary fuel is carbohydrate, your brain will accept it because it needs fuel, it's headquarter. It's the worst fuel in the world for your brain, is sugar. Even online, I get a few, "Oh Dr. Martin, if I don't have a little bit of"... Here's what I hear. Here's what I hear. " [00:22:00] It's all in moderation." You know how many times I heard that in the last 40 something years? "Just eat in moderation." I don't believe that. I'm not on moderation. Your body don't need any sugar.
Now, if you give it sugar in nature, like in fruit, okay? But don't live on it. Fruit are God's candies. [00:22:30] They're not meant for you to live on. Like Steve Jobs that formed the Apple company. He was a vegan, fruits and vegetables lived on it. What was that actor's name that played him in the movie? I got to look these things up before I talk. He did what Steve Jobs did. You know what he did? Because [00:23:00] you said, "Well, if I'm going to act"... So it took about three months to make the movie or whatever. He just did what Steve jobs did. You know what happened to him? He ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis because all he was eating was fruits and vegetables, and mostly fruit. He ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis.
Well, you want to know why there's so much pancreatitis today? It's when people think that fat is bad for them and especially cholesterol, [00:23:30] because cholesterol is found in the animal kingdom, so they don't eat it. "Cholesterol. That's bad! Man." Nah. Especially for your heart, you need cholesterol. The higher, your good cholesterol is... What's your good cholesterol? Question number two on my little quiz. Do you ever go to school and all of a sudden, the teacher says, "Okay, put your books away. I'm giving you a quiz"? You see, for [00:24:00] me in school, I was a crammer. I needed a little bit of a heads up because I could cram. Man oh man I could cram. I was famous for it. I didn't like no surprises though, because then you don't cram. You know when the teacher said, "Put your books away. You're getting a quiz right now."
Guys put your books away here's your quiz. Okay? [00:24:30] Here's your quiz. Number one, where's cholesterol found? Number two, what is the name of good cholesterol? You guys know this. Right? Number three, what is a bad lipid? So when you look at blood work, what are you looking for? What's a bad one? That's question number three on the quiz. [00:25:00] Okay, hand in your papers I'm going to look. Time's up. Question number one, where's cholesterol found? In the animal kingdom. It's not in the plant. Okay, never forget that guys. So every time you eat a steak, every time you have egg... Somebody asked me the other day online, "How many eggs can I eat?" 100. I don't care. An egg is like, nature's perfect food. [00:25:30] I only put it on number two on the list because of steaks, I had to.
Okay, so where's cholesterol found? What is the name of good cholesterol, especially? HDL. Oh, you guys are getting it, George you're a smart guy. I'm going to give you prizes, animal kingdom, HDL. The third one, the bad lipid. You got it Annette. You got it Annette, and you got [00:26:00] it, George. Triglycerides. Here's the exciting part. Are you excited? Okay. Here's the fourth question on the quiz. Here's the exciting fourth thing. How would you like to have me as a teacher? You'd be telling me., "Okay, relax. Relax." No, but here's the fourth one. Okay? What [00:26:30] gets your blood work within normal limits? Fourth question on the quiz. Drugs? This is a multiple choice you pick the right one. Drugs, lowering your fat, or lowering your sugars? You know the answer to this.
It's [00:27:00] not fat because fat doesn't end up as fat in your bloodstream. Sugar ends up as fat in your bloodstream in triglycerides. If your triglycerides are too high, guess what happens? Your HDL goes down, your good cholesterol. That's why you can fix cardio with your [00:27:30] diet. That's the answer, it's diet. Diet directly affects your triglycerides. Now I've proven it to tens of thousands of people. By the way, we're going to go into the new year and we are going to do together, anybody that wants to do the reset together. Hey, we get over Christmas and then we'll do the reset. Anybody going [00:28:00] to join me? We'll do the reset.
Anyway, we'll talk about that. Isn't that amazing? Guys, then there is Biochemistry 101. Biochemistry. That's how your body works guys. We've gotten so far away from the truth. It's not part of the narrative from very powerful [00:28:30] forces in the world. I'll tell you, there's three big things that run the world today. I've said it to you in the past and I'll say it again. There's three big conglomerates that run the world today. The food industry, there's only about seven or eight big companies left. That's it. From Coca-Cola to Pepsi Cola. They bought everybody out just about. There's not many. [00:29:00] Two, the pharmaceutical industry. You go against that, you're going against a huge, huge conglomerate. Thirdly, the Big Tech from Facebook to the internet. All the stuff that's on there, like these big, huge, Twitter. I mean, these are some of the biggest companies in the world. Apple and all this and that. [00:29:30] They're the biggest.
They sing, most of the time from the same song sheet. That why it's hard to undo anything. It's hard to undo it. It's hard to get people to change their thinking. I thank you guys and I mean that. When I left private practice I said, "I want to educate." Now I don't have a university, [00:30:00] but I have a soap box. I appreciate you guys listening. You know what? I challenge your thinking. I don't mind doing that. I challenge your thinking. Okay. Now tomorrow is question and answer. Send in your questions, we'll do that tomorrow morning. Okay? I really appreciate your attention. I mean that, and the feedback we get is tremendous.
If you're not a member of the Martin Clinic, [00:30:30] private Facebook group... Hey, that's into the thousands, and thousands, and thousands. We thank you so much for that. It's a great group, so if you're not part of it or your friends are not part, of your family invite them to join. Okay? Again, we'll happen to announcement about the book, the relaunch of the book coming up very shortly, by the way. Okay? So we thank you for just making that book a number one seller, we really appreciate [00:31:00] that. Okay? We love you for it. Okay? Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another, Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.