503. Consequences Of The Low Fat Diet Part 1

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good afternoon. Once again, welcome to another Facebook Live, soon to be podcast, [00:00:30] and our third afternoon session, I believe. Okay. What we're going to talk about... Yesterday, I talked to you about the radio talk show that I listened to on Sunday where a guy called into a radio show and didn't know what to do with his daughter who had become a vegetarian. [00:01:00] We talked about that and how that all started, how it really took off and now is... To me, it's a big issue in society. I'm going to develop that a little bit more today, but not so much. Just being you can be a good eater in terms of being a vegetarian and be a good eater. Vegan, I got trouble with it because I just can't... You're missing way too many things. Vegetarian, if you eat some [00:01:30] eggs and some dairy like cheese but at least you're getting some good nutrition there. I don't agree with it, but certainly better than being a vegan.

But today I want to talk to you about, I was just thinking about this, the consequences of the low fat craze, because let me tell you something, a huge part of this is the low [00:02:00] fat thing, because people have it in their head that that's got to be good for them. They look at fat dripping around bacon, for example, or they see grease, and in their mind, they just think "that stuff isn't good for me." You know, they might like the smell of bacon, but they say, "Well, I can't eat that stuff. It is not good for me." The same thing with a steak, "Oh, look at all the fat." And if [00:02:30] you cook up hamburger, you see all the grease. So the consequences are you're getting a whole generation now of people that are vegetarians or vegans, and they're being fooled, as I think I really went into some detail yesterday. But today I want to talk about just this whole low fat thing [00:03:00] and what that's done to our society today. The consequences have been deadly in my opinion of the low-fat craze.

So remember now we got to go back a lot of years for the low fat. Low fat didn't happen yesterday. You know, if you read the history of low-fat eating, it started somewhere in the '50s. Historically, if you look at it, one of the big events, I think Eisenhower [00:03:30] in the 1950s, President Eisenhower had a heart attack. Many of you might certainly not remember that. I was just a boy when President Eisenhower had a heart attack, and I think he died in 1960. You know, I didn't even Google it. I should have. But I know he had a heart attack because when I was doing my history of nutrition, that part came in because there was a fellow that [00:04:00] I'd mentioned before, I call him a serial killer. His name was Ansel Keys. He was a researcher.

He said that President Eisenhower... And he got lots of ink. As a matter of fact, in the nutrition circles was probably the number one guru of the 1950s, the 1960s and even into the 1970s. His [00:04:30] name was Ansel Keys. Now there was others that came after him like Adelle Davis. I remember studying under Adelle Davis, and their whole raison d'etre was fat makes you unwell, fat causes heart disease, but especially with Ansel Keys, because his whole premise was that [00:05:00] Eisenhower had cholesterol in his blood vessels at the site of his infarct, and that's what caused his heart attack was the cholesterol. And therefore, we need to cut out fat in our diet. And really guys, the rest is history. So you had this whole movement started mainly by one researcher [00:05:30] and the whole nutrition bought it. The whole nutrition industry bought it, hook, line and sinker. It's what made the cereals famous, right? Made the cereals famous. It made margarine famous. Crisco was already famous.

And so if you understand that, but I'm really adamant about [00:06:00] cutting out sugar in the diet. You know that. If you do nothing else, cut your sugars. That'll be a huge step, but I just want to explain to you what I've seen as a terrible, terrible consequence of not just sugar going up, because when you lower fat in food, you generally have to add something. Fat gives food generally [00:06:30] taste. Now we've talked about this a lot that as animal fat came down, then we saw vegetable oils going up. These are seed oils. They are very unhealthy. They elevate your Omega 6 compared to fish and steak and the animal kingdom, which gives you your high sources of Omega 3. Now [00:07:00] I'm talking about EPA and DHA. So there was a big switch in fat. The Omega 3s went way down and the Omega 6s went way up.

What have been the consequences of that? What has been the consequences? Till today, I bet you, if you did a survey, you would find that the vast majority of people still believe that fat isn't good for [00:07:30] you. They didn't get the memo from the Inuits, eating blubber, eating fat, and they're a much healthier population in general than we are. They don't know what heart disease is. You know when an Inuit get heart disease? When they eat McDonald's. When you introduce our way of eating into a culture, that's when they get sick. One [00:08:00] of the best examples, and I don't want to push this too far, but to our First Nations people, when they got away from eating off the land and ate white man's food, what you call white man's food, that's how they get sick.

So the consequences have been dire, guys. They really have. Low fat diet has been a disaster [00:08:30] health wise. Now I want to talk to you about a few things that first of all, that you might be surprised. Maybe not so much if you've been listening to me, but you would find this surprising when you eat low fat. So when you eat vegetables, they're wonderful. You eat fruit, they're wonderful, but that's low fat. They're good. I'm not saying they're no good. I'm just telling you [00:09:00] they don't have animal fat and they don't have cholesterol. Let's say I was to give you a test. Here's a question I would ask you. Where is cholesterol found? All you have to remember is cholesterol is found in the animal kingdom. It's not in the plant. There's no cholesterol in plants. Okay? That's Nutrition 101. It's amazing how [00:09:30] dieticians and things, like they forget that.

But when you think fat is bad, that fat is, oh, you don't want to be eating fat. You know? And then some fat, for example, like avocado, it's got fat in it. I'm not saying avocados are no good. I'm not saying that, but it's not animal fat. It's not animal fat. You eat some [00:10:00] peanuts, and there's fat in macadamia nuts and peanuts. It's not the same. It's not DHA and it's not EPA. There's none of that in there. Those are in the animal products, those fatty acids. The consequences have been dire. Let me give you a couple of ones that you would find maybe a little bit, I don't know, off the normal things that you would read on the internet. [00:10:30] Okay? I made a list here and I don't want to spend that much time on every one of them, but what we have today.

As a matter of fact, in Ontario, I was reading the press release of the government. Okay? Because they shut down the whole province yesterday, even though there's no COVID in Northern Ontario, whatever. Anyway, I don't want to get into the politics of it. You know, shutting down in my opinion is not [00:11:00] the best thing. That's the worst thing, but that's just me. Okay? That's me. If you want to go private, I'll tell you privately. But I read the press release and they were saying, well, you see, we got to catch up on surgeries and people are coming in to the hospital with COVID. Then we're not going to be able to catch up on all the surgeries that we put off because of COVID. They put all these surgeries off. One of the surgeries they mentioned, gallbladder. [00:11:30] Now, once again, you heard it here. The reason we see so much gallbladder problems, especially amongst the women, it's 90 to 10 because women bought the lie that salad was better for them than a hamburger.

If you were to take a survey today, I bet you [00:12:00] dollars to donuts. If you did a survey and you put, "Okay, what's better?" "Oh, Dr. Martin, it's a Caesar salad." I don't care. You're not a rabbit. You put salad, and then you put a hamburger. You put salad, or you put bacon, and I guarantee you that it'll be 95% to 5% what's [00:12:30] better for you, and you will get the salad. "Yeah, but Dr. Martin, it's spinach." Well, Popeye lied. Popeye didn't get his muscles, ladies, from spinach. He didn't. He lied. Now, am I saying spinach is no good? No, I'm just saying it's not as good as a hamburger for you. It's not as good as bacon for you. [00:13:00] That's all I'm saying, but the reason you lose your gallbladder, ladies, is because don't use it. And you use it or lose it.

Why would you lose your gallbladder? Because your gallbladder is a little reservoir for bile. You know what bile does? It emulsifies fat. You ever use dish soap before? My wife sends me to the grocery store and she said, "Get the one that removes grease." " [00:13:30] Okay, dear." So I looked for one that removes grease, the dish soap that removes grease. Well, that's what your bile does. It emulsifies fat. Your gallbladder is just a little reservoir for bile. Your gallbladder doesn't produce the bile, your liver does. But your gallbladder, if you don't use it, that bile sits there. And guess what? Now you start forming sludge and [00:14:00] stones.

That's why you see so many women that lose their gallbladder. It was amazing. We talked about the gallbladder, I don't know, three or four weeks ago. After the program, I went down and I scrolled down to say hello to all our listeners, and it was amazing how many women said, "Doc, you're right. I lost my gallbladder. Doc, you know I lost my gallbladder. I lost my gallbladder." I heard it about 50 [00:14:30] times. Use it or lose it. Somebody said this online. Actually, I think I tried to answer the question Friday, if my memory serves me right. Somebody asked on question and answer Friday. By the way, question and answer this week will be Thursday because it'll be Christmas Eve. We're going to do that Thursday. We're going to do the question. So if you've got questions.

But somebody asked the question, because I think they saw it online [00:15:00] that if someone had gallbladder problems, that was a doctor who said, "Well, just stop eating eggs and your gallbladder will clear up." It might clear up temporarily, but you have to understand the function of your gallbladder. You need a gallbladder. God gave you a gallbladder. You know why? Because he wanted you to eat fat, animal fat, bacon, steak, [00:15:30] cheese, eggs, cream. Now just by the way, you know when you haven't used it and then you get on the reset, and the reset is eggs, meat and cheese. Well, doc, what about...? I said it's eggs, meat and cheese. Well, what about...? Nah, I said, it's eggs, meat and cheese. What is it about eggs, meat, and cheese that you don't understand?

For 30 days, trust me. That's all I tell people. [00:16:00] Just trust me for 30 days. I'll prove it to you that the more fat you eat, the better your fats in your bloodstream will go down because your triglycerides are not formed from eating fat. Your triglycerides are formed from not eating fat and eating carbohydrates. That's how your triglycerides go and as your triglycerides go up, [00:16:30] your good cholesterol goes down. You know what your good cholesterol is? Your HDL. That's why in a nutshell, in a nutshell, why we have so much not only gallbladder problems, but we have so much heart disease. By the way, what I didn't tell you in the story of President Eisenhower, he was a smoker. He smoked four packs a day. What is the new smoking? [00:17:00] Sugar, crappy carbs. Kids are being weaned on crappy carbs. And you know what? They got fatty liver coming out of their ears at a young age. They're starting to destroy their blood vessels at a young age. "Oh doc, I'm not a diabetic." "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you are."

Yes, you are. You got high triglycerides? [00:17:30] Yeah. Well, you're really a diabetic. You just don't get the diagnosis of diabetes because the last thing that will happen in your body, not the first thing, the last thing that will happen in your body because your body knows what to do with sugar. You know what it does? It takes it out of your bloodstream. That's insulin's job. Out, out, out. Remember the traffic cop get the sugar out of your bloodstream. "So, you know doc, I need a little bit of sugar." " [00:18:00] No, you don't." Sugar is so toxic that your pancreas know to get that sugar out of your bloodstream immediately, can't stay there. You parked in the wrong spot in the blood. No, you don't sugar. You cannot stay there. People don't realize that.

Let's say you had 14 teaspoons of sugar. I know a lot of people in [00:18:30] one Pepsi have 14 teaspoons of sugar, one Pepsi. My granddaughter is... What do they call them at Starbucks? A barista? She's the cutest barista I've ever seen. She said, "Grandpa, you wouldn't believe the sugar they put in. You wouldn't believe." When she's making a drink, it's almost nausea how much sugar they put in those. You know, kids are having these lattes and what... [00:19:00] I don't know what they drink. Okay? I've never had one in my life. I don't even know what they really are. If I'm going into Starbucks, I'm having a vitamin C coffee, black. But your blood guys, even if let's say you have a Pepsi with 14 teaspoons of sugar... I remember doing a commercial one time.

I wrote a book. It was Medical Crisis: Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share With You. [00:19:30] When I wrote that book, we actually did a commercial in the United States for the book. It was just a short little infomercial commercial. It was very short. I remember on the set, we had a can of Pepsi. It might have been Coke. I don't remember. Same difference. I was putting the amount of sugar right in the commercial. So, but you have one of these. See? Because that was part of the book. I talked about that in Medical [00:20:00] Crisis: Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share With You. That was a very popular book, and I talked about sugar. But even if you had those 14 teaspoons of sugar, you know what would happen to your blood? Well, temporarily sugar would go up. It would spike up fast.

Steel cut-oats. "Dr. Martin, I got to have oatmeal because I won't go to the [00:20:30] bathroom if I don't have my oatmeal in the morning." You know how many times I heard that in my 46 years of practice from sweet little old ladies and some men, but mostly old lady. "Dr. Martin, if I don't have my oatmeal in the morning, and I have bowels. You know my bowels?" "No, I don't know your bowels, but I know one thing. Your sugars are going up to about 21." Now you're going to need a massive amount. So can you imagine what a Pepsi does? If [00:21:00] steel-cut oats bring your sugars to 21? But your body, you see, it reacts to it. So what happens if the body senses that right away your sugar has gone up to 21? Now the amount of insulin that your pancreas will secrete, because you know what's insulin job is? "Sugar, come here. You can't stay in the bloodstream. You parked in a non-parking spot. You cannot [00:21:30] park there. You must come with me."

And then the traffic cop, insulin takes it and sends it to your liver, to your muscles. Or it'll make fat cells because oh, your muscles are full. Oh, your liver is full. It knows how to make more parking spots around your liver. What do you think belly fat is? I'll tell you. I went [00:22:00] in the 1970s, I can hardly think of one woman that I ever met that wasn't pregnant that had a belly. Women just didn't have bellies. Now they might have packed some weight on around their hips, but even then that's estrogen. I should do a whole thing on that, isn't it? I tell Rosie, "See that lady there? That's estrogen. [00:22:30] She got a belly. Well, that's insulin." That's your sugar belly. You don't get sugar belly. You don't get sugar fat on your thighs, ladies. You get estrogen there.

But you see what your insulin does? Your insulin will not allow for sugar to stay high in your blood stream. It will destroy your blood vessels. That's how toxic sugar is. So guys, don't wait till you're a diabetic. [00:23:00] You know what diabetes is? It's not when your blood sugar is over seven like medicine will say. You're a diabetic years before that, years before that. You're a diabetic when your triglycerides are going up because your body is producing more fat. We'll continue this tomorrow. But one of the consequences of a low fat diet [00:23:30] has been the gallbladder. The other one has been the liver. The low fat diet has destroyed the health of our livers because liver is a parking spot for carbohydrates, more particular sugar. And the worst sugar in the universe is fruit toast.

You know how a bear gets fat? [00:24:00] How does an animal prepare for hibernation? How does an animal protect itself against starvation? They do it instinctively. They eat fruit toast. I understand even fruit. They go, "Dr. Martin fruit, fruit." Yeah, but not too much. We live in a different world today. We're not out on the farm like we used to be. We live in [00:24:30] a crazy world where we overeat big time and very, very much undernourished. One of the things that's missing in most North American diets is animal fat. When you go fat free, when the world went for it, they went for it, hook, line and sinker, it started to destroy our [00:25:00] health because the biggest causes in the 1950s and the 1960s of heart disease and cancer had nothing to do with food. The biggest factors in heart disease, blood pressure had nothing to do with salt. It had nothing to do with that.

It had everything to [00:25:30] do with the fact that people smoked. Now, it's not smoking although some people didn't get that memo, but today it's the biggest factor in disease, all of it, including the virus. All of it is a lack of fat in our diet. Tomorrow I'll touch on [00:26:00] it. I'll talk about the immune system and how we got duped, how we got swayed by the lack of science. They call it science, but it's far from it. We'll talk about that tomorrow. So I gave you an introduction. Okay. Again, thanks so much for watching today. Big crowd on. [00:26:30] Fantastic. We appreciate that big time. You have no idea. Yesterday, I was talking about invite your friends and family to join the Martin Clinic Private Facebook group. Don't ask me how to do it, just do it. I wouldn't be able to tell you. It's a great club.

It is. It's wonderful. Good, good conversations in there, and it's fantastic. If you're not listening to our podcast, sign up at martinclinic.com. [00:27:00] We appreciate that. If you get a chance that even that really helps in the podcast is give us a review of the podcast. It really makes a big difference because the podcasts are sent out even to more people. That's how it works. Okay? Don't ask me too much detail. I'm going to mess it up. Okay. Now seriously guys, we thank you very much for watching. We appreciate it so much. And we [00:27:30] talk to you soon. Love you guys and I mean that.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.

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