Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info maybe, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And welcome again, to another live this morning and hope you're having a great day. We're going to have a lot of fun today. This teaching today [00:00:30] is going to blow you away. Okay. Are you all paying attention? So yesterday, I went to the grocery store and I picked up something that I never pick up. Okay. I picked up something that I never picked up. I picked up some M&M's. Put your hand up, if you've ever picked up M&M's or whatever. Do you know what M&M's are? Okay. And, I [00:01:00] actually put them in a little plastic container here this morning to do an illustration. Okay. So, anybody like M&M's? I can tell you that I've been to the grocery store a lot, and I'd never pick up M&M's but I did, yesterday. Because, I want to show you something.
If this don't blow you away, guys, nothing to blow you away. Okay. So now, what is probably the favored fruit [00:01:30] for most North Americans? Okay. I think this is number one. Now, it could be number two, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so apples or whatever. But today, I'm going to use an illustration that you got to get this, because it's really important. And, I know my audience is very well informed. But, I'm just going to... Like I said, "This is craziness." Okay. See, what I got to here, [00:02:00] a banana. Okay. So, pick that up at the grocery store. Okay. A banana. It's one of the most popular fruits by far in North America. Okay. And, I like bananas. I do. I love the taste of it. Like, you give me peanut butter and bananas, I can live on that. But I don't have a lot of them, because these are called God's candies. Okay. Don't live on fruit in this day and age. I'm going to show you why. [00:02:30] Okay. So for one banana, you know how many M&M's are in there? Okay. One banana equals 49.
We counted them this morning, 49 M&M's. So, you probably have never in one sitting, sat there and said, " [00:03:00] I'm eating 49 M&M's, maybe you have and maybe you haven't. The movie theaters are pretty well... Nobody goes anymore. But a lot of people, they get popcorn and M&M's, because they want some candy. And, I always tell my grandchildren, "Grandpa used to have ice cream and cookies too," it's not like there was never any sugar, but we've gone from 25 pounds to 50 pounds when [00:03:30] my kids were born in the 70s, 25 in the fifties. I've done studies on this and how much sugar. And, now we're up to about 200 pounds of sugar a year, because people don't realize they have a banana. And, I'm not even talking about bananas, in terms of their 200 pounds of sugar a year, that's extra.
But in this banana, as far as your pancreas is concerned, as [00:04:00] far as insulin is concerned... Remember insulin's job, you eat a banana or you eat 49 M&M's, insulin's got a job. It has to take that sugar that you ate now sitting in your bloodstream, and it must... Insulin's job is the traffic cop, remember my illustrations. It's a traffic cop saying, "You sugar, [00:04:30] you 49 M&M's or a banana, same thing, same amount of sugar, come here, I'm going to park you either in muscles, in the liver." Those are the parking spots and fat cells. Now, when insulin can no longer make fat cells, now you've got diabetes because sugar is going to stay in the bloodstream. [00:05:00] And, your body, unbelievable, has an ability to keep you away from diabetes. Diabetes is the last thing that happens, not the first thing. It's the last thing. I would venture to say, I'm just going to say it, because I think I'm right, "90% of the population, 90% in North America are on the Titanic, [00:05:30] they haven't been diagnosed with diabetes." "In all intents and purposes, they are already diabetic."
I'm saying, "90% of the population." Because what the body does, like I said, "Diabetes is the last thing." The first thing is your muscles, and that's why we like exercise. And especially weightlifting, because the bigger your bins, the more place you have to store sugar. [00:06:00] And then the liver, the liver has a limited capacity. And, it's very dangerous that you store glycogen, too much of it in the liver. Because what ha`pens, it goes into your bloodstream once it's full. It goes into your bloodstream, is triglycerides. oh, Dr. Martin, but bananas are good for me. They have potassium. You want to know how many times I hear that. They have potassium. [00:06:30] So, what? Steak has potassium. And, steak is not like eating 49 M&M's, your body doesn't know the difference.
And, for folks listening on a podcast at a later time, I am actually lifting up to the camera, a banana and a plastic little [00:07:00] container with 29 M&M's. Your body doesn't know the difference between that. Insulin doesn't care, whether you had a banana or you had M&M's. No, let me continue with the illustration. And by the way, I will post this on the Martin Clinic Facebook group. Okay. I will post this. Now, I've got a bigger container here. In this container, [00:07:30] got it? There's 96 M&M's in there. Now, what food do you think has 96 M&M's. The amount of sugar in an M&M, 96, like that's, you're eaten probably a half a bag of M&M's with 96. I think so. A bagel. A bagel. [00:08:00] 96 M&M's. Oh, Dr. Martin, it's whole wheat, I don't care. And, neither does your pancreas. It's a whole wheat bagel. It's an everything bagel. It doesn't matter. It's going to be sugar in five seconds. And as a matter of fact, it's going to be 96 M&M's [00:08:30] in five seconds, when you have a bagel.
I know, isn't that crazy? Don't fool yourself guys. The moral of the story is, don't be deceived. You see the food industry, I mean, they're like the tobacco industry. They're into deception, no sugar added, it doesn't matter. A bagel itself has 96, and they do put sugar in most bagels, [00:09:00] 96 M&M's. You know how much insulin you need to break down 96 M&M's? You see what happens is the body, it gets so used to you squirting. When I say, "You," I don't mean you. When we eat a bagel or a banana, the pancreas [00:09:30] goes, "Oh, there's sugar in the bloodstream now, you just ate something that turned to sugar rapidly, I must, I must secrete insulin," and insulin will be the traffic cop to take that sugar. And now it must, must get that sugar out of your bloodstream. Has to, sugar is so toxic.
You might not know that. And again, when I say you, [00:10:00] you know it. But, I'm talking about the general population. "Oh, Dr. Martin, you can't live without having..." "You need to have fruit." "You got to have fruit, and you can't live without fruit." "Yes, you can." And I'm not saying, "You should." But, we live in a crazy world. I guarantee you one thing, more people died yesterday from the effects of food. [00:10:30] They had insulin resistance, or they died because of what sugar does. And, sugar is 100% involved in heart disease. I've shown you that, because when your liver is full, you send in that stored sugar. It turns to fat. And, it's bad fat, because their triglycerides, not cholesterol, triglycerides. And, triglycerides [00:11:00] is what's going to give you a heart attack or a stroke. More people died yesterday from the effects of sugar than died of COVID. I can guarantee...
Oh by the way, I'm going to tie this in, in a minute. Even from COVID, new study came out. I want to tell you about it in a minute, because I haven't finished my M&M story. So, 49 M&M's when you have a banana. [00:11:30] So, don't eat a banana for potassium, or have a banana once in a while, because it's God's candies. I told that to someone yesterday, God's candy, they go, "What do you mean?" Well, I said, "Don't have too many, don't live on fruit." "I start my day with fruit." But, don't do that. Have bacon and eggs. So, 49 M&M's, bananas. 96 M&M's [00:12:00] for a bagel. Now, let's talk about juice. Now, I didn't pour them into a container, but 96, trust me, 96 M&M's in here. But, if you have a glass of juice, Apple, orange... You ever see in the... I was looking at it yesterday in the grocery store.
I think they called it Sunny Delight, or something. It's an orange drink in the morning. [00:12:30] Well, that's worse than orange juice, but orange juice would have, listen to this, just a glass of orange juice, an eight ounce glass of orange juice has 109 M&M's. The number one fruit in North America, by the way, is orange juice. It's not even eating oranges, it's drinking orange juice. The worst thing you can do is [00:13:00] drink fruit. You were meant to eat it, not drink it. And even today, because of the world in which we live, I recommend to all people to limit their fruit. If you're a vegetarian, you're making a big mistake. If you're a vegan, a bigger mistake, you eat way too much fruit. [00:13:30] Your pancreas doesn't know the difference between M&M and a banana, and a bagel, and orange juice or apple juice.
"Oh, doc, it's no sugar added." "It don't matter, it's all sugar." And, your pancreas has to secrete that insulin, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt. The traffic cop is getting tired. It's got to get that sugar out. It can't allow sugar to stay in your [00:14:00] bloodstream. You see your sugars are highly controlled in your body. Empty out your five liters on a fast. Empty out your five liters of blood, and you're lucky to have a half a teaspoon of sugar in there. Your body don't want sugar, doesn't want it in your bloodstream. It is toxic. You might as well drink poison, as far as your blood vessels are concerned. You're unbelievably fearfully and wonderfully made. [00:14:30] Your body knows what the... Out sugar, "Hey, come here, follow me." "See the parking lot, go park over there, you cannot stay here."
Okay. And, they're pretty miserable about it. You're not staying in the blood sugar. You're so toxic, within minutes you can start destroying blood vessels. Why do you think diabetics have so much trouble with their eyes? So, much more [00:15:00] susceptible to diabetic retinopathy, or cataracts, or glaucoma. I was online yesterday answering a question about, "Oh, doc, my docter said I got protein in my urine and protein in my urine, that's not good." "I must be eating too much protein." "Nah, you're not, you're eating too much sugar." And, when you eat too much sugar, you're going [00:15:30] to start stressing those kidneys out big time. And, guess what? That's what causes protein to be secreted in your urine. Protein doesn't cause protein, sugar causes protein. There's nothing more damaging... You know what? Today, I wish I would have invested in this 20, 30 years ago. Dialysis. GE and all these big companies that make [00:16:00] dialysis machines, oh, you should have invested in them, like ventilators.
If you had any money and you wanted to invest it, you were looking ahead in the future and going, "I wonder what we're going to need." Now before March, did you ever think of ventilators until they became famous with COVID? Well, dialysis, it's gone up about three or 400% in [00:16:30] the last 20 years. Oh, "Dr. Martin, I guess we're eating too much protein, that must be why we have so much need of a dialysis machines." I mean, these dialysis centers, my word, it must be protein. Nah, high fructose corn syrup. That's how they make M&M's by the way. [00:17:00] The sugar is high fructose corn syrup. It destroys blood vessels. It destroys your eyes. It destroys your kidneys. Why do you think diabetics have so much trouble with the heart disease? It's not cholesterol, it's sugar.
It's not salt, it's sugar. Okay. I got one more. Banana, [00:17:30] 49. Bagel, 96. Juice, 109. Now, I got to have my oatmeal. So, this morning, I'm going to talk to you about the 160, 160 M&M's when you have a bowl [00:18:00] of cereal. Listen to what I'm going to say, "A bowl of cereal and skim milk. A bowl of cereal and skim milk, now you have 160.
"Well, Dr. Martin, if I don't have my cereal, I don't have my All-Bran, I'm not going to go to the bathroom." You have to [00:18:30] understand where I come from, I'm very sympathetic. I don't want you to be constipated either. What's worse, 160 M&M's or constipation? 160 M&M's. Why has Dr. Martin been consistently against cereal for years, and years, and years and years. [00:19:00] Tony the Tiger will turn your kids into wimps. He's not great. They used to call me that in school, Tony the Tiger. M&M's will not make you great. They might taste great, but they're not great for you. You see why I'm so radical, 160 M&M's. "Oh, but Dr. Martin, it steel cut [00:19:30] oats, and I'm using a little bit of skim milk, skim milk." "That's white Pepsi." That's white Pepsi, I'm not getting you. That's the worst milk in the universe, is skim milk. I wouldn't touch that stuff with a hundred foot pole.
Here's a study that came out yesterday. I just going to mention it at this time, I'm just going to bring it out with the virus COVID. [00:20:00] COVID has to enter the cell, okay. So the virus, if you have a good immune system generally... And part of having a good immune system, we even talked about this. You got a bad diet, I don't care how much vitamin D you take. You've got a bad diet, I don't care how many vaccines you take. You cannot supersede a bad diet. You can't out supplement it, you can't out exercise [00:20:30] it, because that sugar is destructive in your body. And, they're showing with COVID... So, one thing we learned about COVID and I've emphasized this, I did it last week, again, with vitamin D. The higher your levels of vitamin D, and let me answer a question about yesterday. Because, somebody asked me yesterday about, after the program they asked the question, because [00:21:00] I talked about that Swedish study, where they put the seniors.
They did two groups, for the summer in 2018 in Sweden, they brought these seniors out of a senior home and every day it was sunny, they just put them outside for an hour. And, they did so much better getting in the sun, than the group that wasn't put outside. All the markers were better. COVID, [00:21:30] vitamin D, it's so well-established, but somebody was mentioning online, "Well, I have friends, they were in Florida last year and whatever, and they were there the whole winter and they came back to Canada and they got tested and their vitamin D levels were low." How can that be? Well, two things, bad diet, too much sugar. [00:22:00] Because in your gut, you are eating sugar, you're not going to absorb vitamin D properly. Wow. See how destructive sugar is. And secondly, here's the question, "Did they use sunscreen?"
"Oh yeah, they did." Well, if you put sunscreen on... And guys look, don't come after me, I'm just telling you if you got sunscreen on, you're not getting vitamin D from the sun. I'm sorry. [00:22:30] Now, it's still you're outside, and you feel better and it's beautiful, but if you've got sunscreen on, you're not absorbing vitamin D, I'm sorry. Okay. Now COVID, the study, let me finish with this. They're showing an entry point on the cell. Actually, I wrote it down and it's called the ACE molecule, which is the portal for COVID. Okay.
[00:23:00] Now that molecule, when sugar gets out that molecule, it crystallizes, it did damage's it. So, guess what happens? COVID enters the cell because of sugar, but you're not going to hear that. You don't get sick and go to the hospital with the virus. Generally, when you have your vitamin D levels are good and you're not a sugar eater. And remember, don't be deceived, [00:23:30] a lot of foods... "Well, doc it's not candy." "Yes, it is, lots of candy." A banana, 49. A bagel, 96. Juice, 109. Cereal and skim milk, 160 candies. Guys, that's how your body works. Don't be deceived. Information's [00:24:00] power, isn't it? So, don't be deceived. Okay. Did I blow your socks off today?
I'll tell you, it's crazy, isn't it? Okay. So, we're running out of books, our publisher only gave us so many. Can I thank you first of all? I know many of you have supported the book launch, and I want to thank you personally for that. [00:24:30] Okay. I appreciate that. You have no idea. Tony Jr. and I are your biggest fans. We thank you so much. Okay. Like, this is a big seller, big time. We know that if we put it on the list now and how many are sold, we would be a Canadian bestseller right out of the gate. And, probably be in the U.S. very soon. So, that's how it's going. Now, we have a limited supply left and they're running out now.
So, if you've got [00:25:00] any friends or whatever, you want to get Christmas gifts, respond to that email. If you're not on our email list, get our staff right today to show it to you on the Martin Clinic Facebook group, you can sign up there or whatever. I don't know. I don't want to get into the weeds, because I'm not good to tell you exactly what to do. But I'm serious, we're running out of that first traunch for the books. And, a publisher only give us a limited amount, because COVID has put [00:25:30] the whole publishing industry, I'm telling you, upside down and it's crazy. Okay. So, I hope you appreciated the teaching this morning. I promise you, see these things, I will not eat them.
I promise you. Okay. So, we appreciate it. Share this. Share this teaching. Share it on Facebook. Share it to your friends and family. Okay. The more [00:26:00] that share it, the more people see it, obviously. But, there's algorithms, I don't know anything about them, but even Facebook shares it more. The more you share it, the more Facebook shares it, because it's popular with you, and your friends is popular with Facebook and they share it. And, people need to hear [inaudible 00:26:23] in my opinion. Because, a lot of people are deceived big time, and the food industry is famous for [00:26:30] it. So, God love you, and I love you too. And, we'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.