483. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer:              You’re listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone and welcome again to another live this morning. Hope you're having a great day. Good to have you. Lots of good questions. I really appreciate it. [00:00:30] I always break these down into usually supplements or food and then we talk about condition. That's how I like to break these questions down. The first tranche of questions, Meryl is asking about drinking ketone. Now I've talked about this in the past, but I'll just repeat. There are a lot of new things out there, relatively [00:01:00] new and they're really classified under what we call exogenous ketones. Let me explain. If you don't eat carbohydrates, don't eat carbs for three days. Your body will go into ketosis. Now, big difference between ketosis and keto, [00:01:30] acidosis doctors get that confused and they shouldn't, and this is why they used to go after dr. Atkins, the Atkins diet. He puts you into ketosis and doctors was thinking ketoacidosis. Those are people that, generally in diabetics or whatever, or if you're going to die and you're on your way to death, you're going to go into ketoacidosis. That's when your body literally starts [00:02:00] eating away at your muscle, is very toxic, but we're not talking about that.

We're talking about ketosis, your body burns ketones instead of burning carbohydrates. If you don't eat any carbs, your body switches fuels and your body burns ketones. Then there's another class of ketones, they're called exogenous ketones. Meaning that [00:02:30] you can either drink it by drinking. You've heard of this. bulletproof coffee. You take a combination of palm oil, coconut oil, it's MCT oil. It's not just like you're drinking a little bit of coconut oil or whatever. These are extracts, they're [inaudible 00:02:49]. The oil is a blend and sometimes it's straight from coconut or sometimes it's palm oil. You put it in your coffee and then you [00:03:00] put some butter in there and you'd get what we call your drinking ketones. I tell people, look, I got no problem with it, but I wouldn't spend the money. For me, I wouldn't spend the money on it. Extra exogenous ketones, I'm not big on that. I you want to make yourself a bulletproof coffee, I got no problem with that. Some people they find with that medium chain, fatty acid oil, that [00:03:30] it bothers their stomach. And if that's the case, then don't do it.

But how much benefit are you really getting? I know it's burned differently, goes right to the liver and that, but I'm not huge on it. I'd rather you eat a low carb diet. Get the benefits of your body burning fat for fuel. Instead of burning carbohydrates. I like that much better. I like it better in food.

Janice is asking about drinking [00:04:00] tea. You know me, tea does not get on the Martin Clinic vitamin list. Am I saying it's bad for you? No. But I like to tease people. I say, "Well, why are you drinking tea when you could drink coffee? Coffee's so much better for you." Now, there are herbal teas and green teas and I got no problem with that. I really don't. If you like tea, I feel sorry for you, [00:04:30] I do, but I'm teasing. Some people take me too, literally in the sense that I'm just pulling your leg a little bit. I feel sorry for people that like tea and not coffee, I do. But you don't want to put coffee up against tea in terms of the benefits. Tea gives you benefits. Coffee [00:05:00] just gives you many, many more. That just the fact, guys.

Bonnie was asking about five HTP. Now five HTP, you can get it as a supplement. It can calm you and it's not bad for your adrenals and cortisol, but I like that combination much better. I'm big into combining things because over the years. I just find [00:05:30] if you just use like five HTP on its own, I just never found it to be that effective, if you're asking me the question. The reason that we have a blend in our cortisol formula is it's a blend and over the years, I just find combining those makes it much more effective. Am I saying that five HTP is not good, no. I'm just saying I found something better in my personal practice years. [00:06:00] I always tell people, look, I had to get results. I was in a clinic. A lot of companies, they just put products out, but they've never had experience in terms of having to get people who had real issues and getting them well. And not just me. That's why my son and I started putting out our own products in the clinic because I wanted certain formulations and [00:06:30] Tony Junior's a biochemist, he's very good at putting things together. Much smarter than his father. Anyway, clinically, we had to get results, that's where we come from. But these are good things, nothing wrong with them.

Renee is asking, does magnesium increase blood pressure? Just the opposite, Renee. Just the opposite. Whenever you think of magnesium, think of the word, relax. It relaxes your blood vessels. It relaxes [00:07:00] your muscles. It should be just the opposite with blood pressure. I guess like anything else in the universe, I tell people, again I'm teasing, I used to tell patients right in my office, you're weird. I didn't wear a mask so they could see my expressions. I was teasing them. Doc, I find if I drink coffee, I [00:07:30] don't feel good. Well, you're weird. There's three billion people on the planet and everybody has their own fingerprint. And sometimes I eat that and I don't feel good. Well, I know, but you must understand. I'm speaking to the masses. We have over 65000 people watching us on Facebook, over a couple [00:08:00] of million downloads on our podcasts. Well, you know what? I got to speak in generalities. Sometimes on these Friday questions, you're asking me a question, I know, but you're weird.

And I mean it in a loving way, you better learn to laugh at yourself. I tell people that, don't take yourself too seriously, laugh at yourself. It will bring your blood pressure [00:08:30] down. I laugh at myself. I'm an old man. You got to have a sense of humor in life. Some people, they can't even drink water, it bothers their stomach. I said, "I know, but you're weird." Just take it like that, that's what I'm saying on that. But Renee, no.

Reset questions, couple of good questions on reset. [00:09:00] Doc, why no sweeteners? Remember what the reset is, the reset is a 30 day program. It's a temporary program to fix about, I think I'm up to 17 or 18 things, that it changes in your body. No chemicals, no artificial, anything. Can you use [00:09:30] Stevia? I guess so if you have to absolutely have it in your coffee or something. Even though Stevia is a more natural whatever, I would rather for one month of your life, don't have anything artificial for a month. Now, when you go after the reset and you're eating low carb post reset, [00:10:00] then of course if you want to use a sweetener or whatever. For the 30 days though, I want you to get rid of all your toxins. I want you to empty out your liver. I want you to clean up your kidneys. I want your body to have nothing distracted. How about that for 30 days? And I just tell people, trust me on this. And doc, I don't think I can do [00:10:30] it. I didn't say it was easy when you're used to a lot of things, but it's amazing.

The results. The results are incredible. And I always tell people, suck it up buttercup. This is a life changing, metabolism changing, getting you off the Titanic, changing 30 day eating program [00:11:00] and it works. What can I tell you? It works. Again, I'll go back to my clinical experience. Literally I started with diabetics, that's how I started the reset. I wouldn't allow them any carbohydrates for a 30 day program. And they couldn't believe it. What happened to their blood sugars? What happened to their insulin? Incredible. You see [00:11:30] guys, and then I started giving it out to hormonal, anything in a metabolic storm, adrenal gland exhaustion. I gave it out for everything, because what it did is it took your blood pressure, it took your liver, it took your kidneys. It's taking your heart, it's taking your blood vessels. It's fixing, it's changing your body.

Here's a question. Let me just get to it. Kristen was asking, I think somebody [00:12:00] else was asking about plaque buildup in the body. You could have blockages in your carotid artery, that's plaque. I'm a cause and effect guy. I always go back to what caused that to plaque up. Not cholesterol. There's inflammation that damages the Teflon layer of your blood vessels, that's what starts plaque. [00:12:30] But inflammation is not Houdini. You have to go even a step beyond that to insulin, it's food. Now, it can be leaky gut because that can cause inflammation and oxidative damage can damage your blood vessels, free radical damage. But again, the ones you can control is food. If you lower [00:13:00] your insulin, you fix your insulin. It's amazing what happens inside your body. It's amazing. Can you get rid of plaque? Yeah. I've seen it happen. Is it going to do it every time? No. But it's a big change and it's your body, your body will do it. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. They've shown that even [00:13:30] at the age of 80, your body's regenerative abilities are amazing. Now they get less as you get older, of course. But that's why I always tell people, you're on the Titanic get off of it or change course before you hit the iceberg. Some people have already hit the iceberg. They've already had a heart attack. They've already had a stroke. [00:14:00] They've already got cancer.

Well then, you do everything you can to put your body into a fighting position to get rid of those things. Now, will it hundred percent get rid of stuff, it depends. It depends. Dawn, can a hiatus hernia be reversed? Well again, you can put it to bed. I found over the years, [00:14:30] if people with a hiatus hernia, I would tell them lower your carbs, do the reset. Carbohydrates really affect a hiatus hernia. Stop eating around five o'clock at night. Don't eat late, give your body lots of hours before you go to bed to completely digest your food. Take digestive enzymes with every meal. [00:15:00] Every meal. If you've got to a hiatus hernia, take digestive enzymes. I find if you do those three things, it's amazing what happens. Does it get reversed? Well, you put it to bed.

I used to get tremendous results, if people would conform and do it. Not eating at night is never easy, but it's like a habit. Eat early if you can and stop eating and don't eat again. That's why even [00:15:30] I like intermittent fasting. You stop early at night. And if you can go past breakfast, you don't necessarily have to. But if you can, the longer hours that your body's not eating, when you have a hiatus hernia or you have insulin... Some people can't go that long without eating. But most people, when they get their body used to it, they can do it. It's a habit. Habits are formed in three weeks [00:16:00] and reinforced in six weeks. This is why I want people to do the reset because I go past 21 days, they form habits and they didn't realize how much of a carb-aholic they were.

But whenever you get hiatus hernia, whenever you get acid reflux, whenever you get most digestive trouble, the worst thing is carbs for digestion problems. Really good question. Annette was asking, is [00:16:30] there any connection between hearing loss and dementia? Yes, there is. Now what's the connection? It's not just hearing loss. When I was a kid, I lost about, I don't know, 60, 70% of hearing in my right ear. I had an infection, an ear infection. I remember [00:17:00] it like it was yesterday. I was probably in grade six or grade seven or whatever, I think. And I think it was about a month or two later, and I had a real bad ear infection. You remember when you opened up a bottle of soda, Pepsi or whatever, or ginger ale or whatever, and you could hear the [inaudible 00:17:21]. Well, I could hear it in my left ear, but I couldn't hear it in my right ear. I got hearing loss because of an [00:17:30] infection, but I'm going to tell you something, you get hearing loss as you get older. One of the biggest problems [inaudible 00:17:37], I'm a cause and effect guy. It's not the hearing loss. That's the connection to the dementia as much as it is the insulin. Insulin creates inflammation and infection. You could have a low grade fungal infection. Remember [00:18:00] we've talked about this and Alzheimer's and dementia.

What of the things they're finding out is that they have leaky gut. If you have leaky gut, you can have yeast, a fungal infection, ears, infection, or insulin. Even tinnitus. What? What's tinnitus got to do with insulin? Has everything to [00:18:30] do with insulin. The vast majority of people that have tinnitus have high insulin levels, they have high circulating insulin. That's why I mentioned this to you. I'm a cause and effect guy. I think I said this 20 years ago about hearing loss. You're more susceptible to Alzheimer's to dementia, yes. But why? And I go back. It's [00:19:00] not the hearing loss. It's what could cause the hearing loss. Very good question by the way.

Let's do a little bit of COVID. I got a question about COVID. Lynn, Amy, Nativity, were asking questions on COVID. Let me go over this. What about immunity? If you get it once, do you have it again? What we know about COVID today, what we know about that virus [00:19:30] today, compared to what we knew even back in January or February, we've learned some stuff. Here's what we've learned. And I just want to put it in a short little capsule for you. Here's what we've learned. And this is just general and don't give me the exceptions. I'm speaking in generality. This virus, 99% of the population, just about, it doesn't affect [00:20:00] them. It's affected us. It's affected a hundred percent of the population because of the lockdowns and the second wave and the vaccines and whatever. Of course it's effect that everybody's life. But in terms of this virus being dangerous, most people it isn't. But young people, almost nobody. The vast majority of deaths have been with much older people [00:20:30] like in their late seventies. And especially when you get over 80 years old. And when it's over 60 years old, that 60 to 80 age, COVID hits the people that have number one, high blood pressure, obesity.

We talked about this, metabolic syndrome. Actually, I wrote my whole [00:21:00] book on metabolic syndrome. If you're in that 55, even higher, a little bit, 60 years old to 80 years old, and you have high blood pressure, you're at risk. You're at risk from COVID making you very ill. If you don't have any pre-existing conditions and you're in that age of 60 to 85 even, you hardly have any risk at all. [00:21:30] Those are just the facts. I know there's a lot of stuff somebody said to the Amish, how come you don't have COVID to the Amish? And the answer was because we don't watch TV.

TV has really ramped up COVID. Just one more point. Where did the flu go this year? Oh, well we're washing our hands and we're doing [00:22:00] all this. Well I guess that works for the flu, but it didn't seem to be working for COVID. Anyways, I don't want to get into the details of that. We've talked about it so much. You know me where I come from, I'm big on you. You taking care of your immune system. You know that. I'm talking to my audience. I want you to protect yourself [00:22:30] and the people around you, as much as you can. Influence them, it's food. And here's what we know. Here's what we know for sure. People that are low in vitamin D don't do well with COVID. What about mask? Well, how about mold on the mask or touching the mask or bacteria in the mask? I know, you better change them guys.

Guys, [00:23:00] we were never meant to wear masks all day long. Now I know we live in a different world. You know what I'm scared of, here's just me. Just me. This is never going to end. Dr. Fauci said something the other day that made me cringe. You know what he said? In March, we're going to get a vaccine. When we get a vaccine, it will be all over, back to normal. You know what he said last week? Even with the vaccine, [00:23:30] we're never going back to normal. Oh my word. Anyways. What about wipes? Well, I talked to you about that. I think Nativity, you were asking amy was asking about touching the masks but Nativity, wipes again, these are chemicals. Make your own cleaner. I love the oil of oregano right now. There's nothing better, antifungal, anti parasitic, anti viral, antibacterial, anti- [00:24:00] histamine. Oil of oregano companies, you owe me money as I talk about you all the time.

Try and answer the rest of them. Nancy's asking about the beta-blockers and blood thinners. Those are meds, usually you get beta-blockers, you'll get blood thinners if someone's had a heart attack. You had a heart attack, here's what you going to come out with, beta-blockers, [00:24:30] you're going to come out with blood thinners, usually a diuretic. You're going to come out with a statin drug. It's just a cocktail of drugs that they give you. And I'm not telling you not to take drugs. If you ever have a heart attack, the best thing you ever do is you better change your stinking die, otherwise you're going to get another one. That's why we were talking about plaque. You lower all your markers of [00:25:00] inflammation. Get your insulin down. Makes a huge difference. Huge difference.

You might need meds to start off with, but the idea with these, if you can, is to do it with food and a few supplements. That's why I love high DHA oil, what it does to your blood vessels. You know me, I love Novitol, it elevates your nitric oxide. It helps to regenerate your [00:25:30] blood vessels. I love B12 because it lowers your homocysteine, which is a marker of inflammation. Good questions. Dianna, how can you stop snoring? Go sleep in the other room. No, but generally, and again, there's always exceptions, but most people when they lower their carbs... [00:26:00] We talked about this in sleep apnea. What sleep apnea? Oh doc, it's a lack of oxygen. Soon as I put the machine up, it fixes it. I know, but why do you have a lack of oxygen?

You got an obese tongue. In snoring, that's usually what it is too. And it helps a lot of people. It doesn't fix everybody, but it does help a lot of people in sleep apnea. You want to know how many [00:26:30] people have fixed it after the reset? It's incredible. Very good questions. Dry sinuses. Sinuses have a big effect too. Some people, they get nosebleeds it's so dry. Try and elevate your humidity in your home. Again, some people have very dry sinuses, some people have. They got either [inaudible 00:00:26:58], they've got [00:27:00] postnasal drip and they're always stuffed up and all this and that. Usually both of them start in the gut, candid. Candida is the first cousin of mold, it loves moisture. And then they have a lot of babies in moisture. Yeast grows enough because it's fungus light, like a mold. [00:27:30] You can get in your sinuses and it can give you lots of trouble. Some people, "Well it's too dry, doc.". Well, okay. Then you can moisturize. Some people like the [inaudible 00:27:42] to moisturize. I like it steam. I love oil of oregano though. I find it very, very good for the sun.

Now, dilute it. Don't don't use straight in the sinuses, but you can put it in the air with the spray, whatever, sniff it. Very good for sinuses. [00:28:00] Suzy, anesthetic long-term effects. For a lot of people, the anesthetic can really affect your memory. It can affect your body in different ways. But what choice do you have? I always tell people you're going to go under. One of the ways to decrease any side effect of that is to elevate your nitric oxide. That's why I love things like B12 and I love [00:28:30] Novitol. I love DHA, which is really good to protect the body and probiotics. These are the things that I talk about. Al is talking about stress and memory. Yeah, it can affect your memory because what does stress do? It elevates cortisol. What does cortisol do? It elevates inflammation that can sure affect the blood vessels in your brain. It's meant to have a part time job stress not to be long-term. Fr [00:29:00] sure it can affect your blood vessels.

Shirley's asking about restless legs. Well, surely listen, restless legs I talked about it last week, but I'll repeat. You always find out what causes restless legs. One of the biggest causes of restless legs, I call them the heebie-jeebies of your legs. You go to sleep, but your legs won't. Microcirculation. The little weak pillories. [00:29:30] And the other one could be anemia. It can be a sign of anemia. You don't even know you have anemia because your blood work is necessarily showing it. But you're borderline anemic that can affect your restless leg. And I've often put people on the blood boost and then the restless legs were gone. I love Novitol for restless legs, for the microcirculation, because why? It opens up blood vessels, [00:30:00] that's what nitric oxide does.

Heather was asking about monocytes and leukocytes. Well, if they're high, you probably have a low grade infection in there. You see leukocytes in the urine, oftentimes because you have a yeast infection. You don't see it and you might not feel it, but there's yeast in the urine. That will elevate your leukocytes. There may be a bacteria in there, that will elevate your leukocytes. [00:30:30] What about low counts of leukocytes and monocytes? Well, again, you have to look at... You could rule out cancer, you got to rule out leukemias, you have to rule out a lot of stuff. But generally when I find, that's a sign of borderline anemia, because people think of anemia is just strictly red blood cells. But no, even the white blood cells. And if you have low levels of monocytes and leukocyte, a lot of times you got low levels of vitamin D.

[00:31:00] Brenda, bottom of the feet hurting and burning. Generally, Brenda, generally. It's a sign that you're on your way to diabetes. Number one cause of burning feet and numbness, you could have a pinched nerve. We got to be able to take away all that. But generally, without that, that's your body saying, hello, you're [00:31:30] becoming a diabetic. And Mary's asking about low lipase. What is lipase? It's an enzyme that your pancreas secretes. And your pancreas, if it's not working properly because of insulin, then you might have low levels of lipase. What's lipase? To break down fat. Your pancreas secretes [00:32:00] enzymes. Lipase, amylase, protease, to break down protein, fats, carbohydrates. Your body has those. A lot of people, they get older, they don't have enough enzymes. The pancreas isn't making enough. That's why I love digestive enzymes.

Thanks, guys, so much today. Lots of good questions. We appreciate question and answer Friday. [00:32:30] Got a lot of good topics already for next week and don't be shy, ask your questions. We really appreciate that, share this with your friends. We really appreciate the following that we have. We don't take that for granted, we love it and we love you guys dearly. We really appreciate it. You're the smartest guys on the block, health-wise. No nonsense here. I won't give you any nonsense. [00:33:00] I promise you that. Opinion, yes, but not nonsense. We love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.

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