Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. And again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great day. Two new studies came out. So I always like to [00:00:30] pontificate on studies. Vitamin D is a superstar of vitamins, isn't it? Not really a vitamin, it's a hormone. Your body really can't live without vitamin D. It certainly won't do well with vitamin D and the more they study it, the more they study it, the more benefits they find.
I love what Tony Jr. has said about vitamin D and that is that vitamin D is not only a hormone, but [00:01:00] Tony Jr. says that vitamin D is like the biomarker. We're human solar panels, every cell in our body needs vitamin D. We found out through COVID that you don't do well without vitamin D. You're much more susceptible to COVID or any other virus. And it's part of the natural flu shot. And vitamin D is a biomarker. If you're low in vitamin D you're in trouble, it's just as simple as that. And a lot of people, [00:01:30] 70, 80% of the population are low in vitamin D.
It's just that the sun has been made the boogeyman and it started with that. And a lot of people are not eating animal products, eggs, meat, and cheese, and you can't get vitamin... You do get vitamin D, I hope you know that, some vitamin D from food. Now, the plants have D2, but that's not the absorbable vitamin [00:02:00] D3 that you need. That's found in the animal kingdom. Again, I emphasize that, but the Inuit, they eat a lot of vitamin D because they're eating a lot of fatty fish, cod liver oil. They eat liver of the fish and seal. They get a lot of seal liver oil to give them their vitamin A and vitamin D.
But we're going to talk about the skin here this morning, because two of the studies [00:02:30] on vitamin D, two new studies have shown its effectiveness on skin conditions. One, vitamin D decreases eczema. Vitamin D decreases eczema in children. Brand new study that came out that showed that. The second one, it decreases the symptoms of [00:03:00] psoriasis. Now, psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, but so is eczema. Guys, you see something on your skin? Acne? It's always from the inside out. So always look at your skin and what you see is what you get. Not really, because it's what you don't see is what you get on your skin.
I think [00:03:30] that's very, very important because people use topicals. And I really like our Rivera gel formulated by us. I like it because it's the greatest skin product, in my opinion. Of course, I'm biased, but I love it for a healthy skin. But you can put anything you want on your skin, but if you don't start on the inside and that's where vitamin D... Your [00:04:00] levels of vitamin D in your serum, in your blood, your Dihydroxy vitamin D, that's just your serum levels of vitamin D, need to be good in order for you to have healthy skin.
This one here, I'll probably touch up on, I'm not going to say this week, but maybe, a new study came out on the higher vitamin D levels are in mommy while she's pregnant. The higher, her levels of vitamin D are [00:04:30] the higher the IQ of the child. How do you like that? That's significant, isn't it? The higher mommy's IQ. But anyway, I'm got to touch on that because Jordan who is on with us this morning was telling me the other day about her ADHD. And I want to go over that because it just got me thinking. I saw attention deficit disorder and attention deficit hyperactive [00:05:00] disorder. I've seen it a thousand times in my practice over the years. I want to go into a little bit of a deeper dive on that and we'll do that maybe this weekend, maybe not, but if we don't, we'll hit it next week.
But I want to stick to the skin here a little bit today and talk about what causes... Now we know if you have low levels of vitamin D, so we'll go into that a little bit more as we talk about what are the solutions to healthy skin. But let's talk about [00:05:30] what damages your skin, because there's a lot of misinformation out there. One of them is sun damage. Now I'm not saying you can't get damaged skin by the sun, but I think it's way, way, way overrated. Way overrated. Because I just brought to you a couple of studies that said if you have low levels of vitamin D, you've going to have eczema or psoriasis. It's one of the factors in low levels of vitamin D, [00:06:00] psoriasis and eczema.
But again, remember your skin is an organ. It's the largest organ and it's the organ you see. You don't see your other organs, but you see your skin. But we're always cause and effect at the Martin Clinic, always, always, always cause and effect. So if you have unhealthy skin, we go backwards. [00:06:30] Meaning that, that's the effect. What is the cause? And if you've been following us for any length of time at all, we always talk about the root cause of all diseases. And there are three, and these three have an effect on your skin. I don't care what the skin condition is. One of them is [00:07:00] high insulin, high circulating insulin. We'll tell you what happens to your skin with that. Secondly, leaky gut. Of course, leaky gut, leaky skin. That's really a major factor in psoriasis, eczema, acne, major factor. And thirdly, [00:07:30] free radical damage, oxidative damage. Now there's some overlapping here and we'll discuss that now.
So when you look at the root of diseases brought to you by the Martin Clinic, there's always threefold, always threefold. One, food, insulin, two, leaky gut. Now we've talked even about autism, [00:08:00] and I'd been saying it to you for years when people were blaming autism on a lot of things, including genetic, whatever, and even the vaccines. And I said, "Nah, they may be factors, but you got to go back another step. And that is leaky gut." Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. [00:08:30] Leaky gut, leaky kidneys. Everything. But you can look at a person's skin. And I was always in big time into observation.
So somebody comes into the office, I'm using these eyeballs. Two main things I focused in on, observation and questions. I want history, man. Give me history. [00:09:00] Very, very important to me. I want your history. Again, I bring it back to my thesis when I did my PhD was on chronic fatigue syndrome. And I discovered a lot of things about chronic fatigue syndrome when you do a thesis on it. Did a live study. We published 10 [00:09:30] women with officially diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome. But even back then, well over 30 years ago, even back then, I mentioned leaky gut, yeast. And now they're talking about autism and they're talking about leaky gut, a fungal. Leaky gut, leaky skin.
[00:10:00] You got to fix that. You got to fix that. You have to reseal. There's a little single cell lining inside your gut between your gut and your blood, that seals so nothing comes into your bloodstream that doesn't belong there. The only thing that ought to be in your bloodstream are nutrients and they need to be [00:10:30] micro size. That's why you need a good upper GI. You need a good stomach. You need a good upper GI in order so that food, when it comes in, it's micro size. When you get leaky gut, large particles, especially a protein will cross the gut blood barrier, gets into the bloodstream and your body sees that as [00:11:00] an invasion. And a lot of times you get food intolerances.
I tell people, "Yeah, you got a food intolerance. Okay," to, " Oh, I can't eat dairy," or, "I can't have eggs, or, "I can't have gluten." And I say, gluten schmuten. I don't care about the gluten. I don't believe it's the gluten. Gluten is a symptom. The problem is leaky gut. [00:11:30] Always. And we got millions and millions of people walking around North America and they got leaky gut and they don't know they have leaky gut. A lot of times you just have to look at their skin and you can tell they have leaky gut. You have a rash, leaky gut. You have rosacea, leaky gut. You have adult acne, you got leaky gut. [00:12:00] And you can clean your skin and do everything you want on the surface, but you better get in internally and fix that. Okay, I'm going to talk about fixing in a minute.
So one of the things that happen is leaky gut. The other one is insulin. What does insulin do? Well, it does two or three things. High circulating insulin, how do you get that, first of all? Crappy carbs, sugars. What does that do? [00:12:30] Well, it's called high circulating insulin or insulin resistance. And that creates an inflammatory response within the body. Insulin is meant to have a part-time job. We give it a full-time job. That creates inflammation. We talked about this yesterday, fat, right? It's the traffic cop outside of Costco at Christmas time. It's parking the cars [00:13:00] like, "No, you go here, you go there." Whatever. But when that thing gets overused, when insulin is overused, we call it high circulating insulin or insulin resistance. That is going to have, what does that do? Well, it creates inflammation. Inflammation over a period of time affects the circulation, the micro circulation to your skin.
And sugar. Nevermind [00:13:30] what it does to your insulin. But sugar itself creates what is number three on the hit parade. And that is free radical damage. Now you've got two types of... You have more than that, you have three. But, two that I talk about. You want to see somebody with very, very aged skin, you could say the sun overexposure, but one of the biggest one [00:14:00] is smoking. How does that affect your skin? Well, it creates free radicals, oxidative death. Look, you can't live without oxygen, but you've seen me do it. I think I should have done a live this morning maybe to show you, but the difference between... Like cut an apple in half and watch it before your eyes age. It starts rusting out [00:14:30] right before your eyeballs. It doesn't take long, right? Well, what's happening. Oxygen is hitting it. "Well, Doc, I thought I needed oxygen." You do. You can't live without it, but it's a double edged sword because it causes free radicals. And smoking really elevates your free radical damage.
So do chemicals. That's why I don't like chemicals on the skin. I've talked to you about using even... [00:15:00] You're pouring chemicals into your body every time. I just can't get over how people overuse the hand sanitizers. Ooh. It's crazy. I feel sorry for people in their work environment and they've always got to use that stuff. I mean, what do you think that is? It's chemicals. What do you think it does? It gets into your bloodstream, guys. You put a patch [00:15:30] on your skin of [nitro 00:15:32] or medications often are delivered by patches now. Well, that's on your skin. It goes through your dermis. So do those chemicals. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening, but it's creating free radicals.
But here's what sugar does specifically. It creates what we call glycation. It takes away the elasticity. You want sagging skin, [00:16:00] then eat sugar. It takes your skin and takes the elasticity away from it. It's a form of free radical damage that's called advanced glycation end products. Leave it to medicine to give it a big, long name for nothing. Glycation, it gets at your tendons. It gets at your joints. It gets at your skin. [00:16:30] Called glycation. Okay?
So you have three main factors. And by the way, where vitamin D comes in, is that it's a tremendous anti-inflammatory. Everything they find out about vitamin D, it lowers that silent killer called inflammation, which damages your [00:17:00] skin, which damages your microcirculation. So it's really, really important to take care of that. Now, what do we do? You want to have healthy skin. You want to have younger skin. "Doc, what about Botox?" "Nah." Nonsurgical anti-aging, non-surgical anti-aging. Well, obviously [00:17:30] let's start with the diet.
Cut out the sugars. I always tell people, "Look, if you get nothing else out of what I'm saying, cut sugar out of your diet. It's not easy, but it's the best thing you can do." Number one, cut sugar out because then you're going to stop glycation and stop a big factor. I call sugar, the new smoking. [00:18:00] Everything that smoking did, sugar does. And I don't think anybody would argue on the planet. I mean, if you could find me a doctor that said, "Oh, you know what? I changed my mind. Smoking is good for you." Nah. Well, I haven't heard of anyone. You? I always love the old movies, they're all smoking. And of course, I lived [00:18:30] in a home, it was all smoking. It was just part of growing up I guess. All my older brothers smoked and my mom and dad smoked. But today, the new smoking is sugar. It's worse. Believe it or not. Believe it or not.
So diet, cut out the sugar, cut out the crappy carbs because in crappy carbs, of course you have high levels of insulin, [00:19:00] but in crappy carbs, you're getting your vegetable oils. And vegetable oils are not even vegetables. They're oils you can run your car on. Okay? Canola oil. It ages your skin. How does it do that? By the same process, by the way, that smoking. I brought this to you months and months ago that aldehydes, [00:19:30] a form of free radical damage. Aldehydes. And I brought to you a very, very interesting study on lung cancer. And lung cancer is still the number one cancer in society today. Number one is lung cancer.
And you wonder why? People stop smoking. I mean, there's still people that smoke, but it's not like it used to be. Why is lung cancer [00:20:00] specifically? Because what we found out about lung cancer and smoking, it was a free radical damage of aldehydes. It was the byproduct of cigarettes. Guess what the byproduct of vegetable oils are? Like canola oil and safflower oil and sunflower oil. They're so high in Omega 6s, and they create aldehydes that damage your lungs and they damage [00:20:30] your skin.
So get rid of the crappy carbohydrates that you find in the middle aisles of your grocery store. You want to know why? Somebody asked me this the other day. "Why, if you buy natural peanut butter and you buy the other peanut butter, the natural one is full of oil and you got to stir it. But soon as you open it, you got to put it in the fridge. [00:21:00] Whereas you can keep the other peanut butter in your cupboard for months and months and months and months. It really doesn't have much of an expiry date. Well, what's the difference between the two." What's the difference between the natural peanut butter, vitamin P... I like peanut butter, okay? What's the difference? Well, the difference is the hydrogenated oil, the vegetable oil. That's what keeps it. [00:21:30] They create aldehydes that damage your lungs. And they elevate your Omega 6 levels big time over your Omega 3. That's a big problem in our society today. And that creates inflammation. Obviously, diet wise, that's what you do.
Secondly, get your vitamin D. Get in the sun. Don't burn, [00:22:00] just get in the sun if you can. It's so good for your skin. And I'm just going to say, by the way, by the way, melanoma, the deadly skin cancer occurs in people who have low levels of vitamin D. Melanoma occurs in people that don't get [00:22:30] in the sun. Indoor workers, they never see the sun. They are much more likely to get melanoma, the deadly cancer. Now you can get a basal cell carcinoma from overexposure to the sun. So I always tell people, "Look, don't overexpose your skin to the sun. You get 20, 30 minutes, you're getting 10,000 international units of vitamin D. In 20 minutes. [00:23:00] Yeah, you don't need to spend hours and hours and hours."
You want to know what I do? I'll get 20, 30 minutes. I put a hat on. I cover up. I find shade and I don't use sunscreen, except Rivera. I don't. I don't use any chemicals. You need vitamin D. You need vitamin A. You [00:23:30] always think of vitamin A as carrots and your eyes. Well, that's not really vitamin A. Carrots have beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A, but vitamin A itself, is pro-retinol A and that is found in vitamin S, steak. So eat your steak, then you get vitamin A. Eat your fish, then you get vitamin A. Eat your eggs, then you get vitamin A. Eat your [00:24:00] cheese, then you get vitamin A.
But especially vitamin S, antioxidants. Think of that apple. I'll bring you back to that for a second. The apple, you cut it in half, but put a couple of drops of lemon juice on one side of the apple and it'll stay younger. The apple will stay whiter much longer than the one that's not been treated with the lemon juice. It's a classic [00:24:30] example of free radical damage and what antioxidants do. When you drink coffee, you're drinking an antioxidant, the true vitamin C. Why do I love [Pycnogenol 00:24:46]? There's not a better antioxidant in the world. It's the strongest in the world. There's never found anything as strong as pine bark extract. They just never have. Wonderful for your [00:25:00] skin. And I take it internally. You got to fix the insight. And of course, probiotic. Probiotics fix the leaky gut. They seal the gut so no yeast comes in there. No undigested proteins come in there. No bacteria comes in the blood. You want to seal it. That's why I love broad spectrum probiotics. They're good for your skin.
[00:25:30] And then one more, one more that I want to talk to you about bone broth. Dr. Martin's perfect smoothing with bone broth. Why do I love bone broth so much? Oh, bone broth is collagen. It's collagen protein. Now collagen is tremendous for your skin. You need collagen to keep up the elasticity of your skin. So it doesn't saggy. [00:26:00] I love bone broth. And you know, like for people, make your own or put it in a shake. It's one of the greatest things you can take for your skin. People that have done the reset, and doing bone broth or whatever, they found out, "Boy, oh boy, my skin is so much better." Yeah. Well, bone broth has not only collagen but it has a lot of L-glutamine that helps to seal [00:26:30] your gut between the gut blood barrier, the L-glutamine. We talked about that yesterday.
Okay. Little teaching on the skin. So you have any questions, send them in for Friday. If you have any friends that are not part of our Martin Clinic Facebook group, get them to join up. A lot of people have been asking me about the book. We'll have an announcement very, very shortly about our new [00:27:00] book, The Martin Clinic Reset: The Diet Your Doctor Won't Share With You. Coming to a theater near you. Very soon. We're very excited about it. Okay, Lord willing, we'll be on tomorrow. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.