Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by Martin clinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. And welcome again to another live this morning, hoping near having a great day. Had a day off yesterday, and I missed you guys. [00:00:30] Just had a conflict that couldn't make it. Okay. We've got some good questions. Question and answer Friday. Here's the questions: Olga is asking, "Is flax dangerous for breast cancer?" Well actually, Olga, it's the opposite. You've heard me talk a lot about flax seeds, and flax is very, very good for you. Ladies and gentlemen, [00:01:00] flax seeds, and I don't like flax oil. So don't consume flax oil. Flax seeds are tremendous. Why? They contain lignans. Lignans block estrogen, any extra estrogen.
We live in an estrogen world today. The world is full of estrogen because everything chemical-wise, plastics, [00:01:30] and whatever, they're called xenoestrogen. So air fresheners, anything, that's a chemical. Not natural products, but chemical products. I say this so often, but I will repeat it. You're not going to get completely away from chemicals. You won't do it. Not unless you're planning on leaving planet earth because you're going to be surrounded by it. So just put that in your noggin. [00:02:00] If you can clean your house with natural products, and natural underarm deodorant, and natural this, and natural that. A hundred percent, but you're not going to get away from chemicals completely.
Every time, by the way, when you wash your hands, not with soap and water, but your hand sanitizers, these are chemicals. Your body thinks [00:02:30] it's estrogen. I'm sorry. And you know what? As I've said so many times, estrogen is a growth hormone. Makes a woman a woman, and a man a woman too. That's what happens to a man's prostate. They have too much estrogen, and it grows, grows, grows. That's not good for a man. The extra estrogen. I'm always [00:03:00] trying to knock that extra estrogen down. Xenoestrogens need to be knocked down. Flaxseed is tremendous. It's part of Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. Flaxseed, no other seeds. Flax seeds. They're very high in lignans. This is why I do that. Okay.
Somebody asked me, "Doc, do you have to grind them up?" You don't [00:03:30] have to put them into a powder. Okay? You don't, but if you want to, go ahead, but you don't have to. Your body will put it into a powder. Your stomach is made for that. It will take the nutrients out. So this flax is tremendous. I've always been big on flax seeds, and it's the best seed ever, especially in this day and age. So, Olga, thanks so much for asking the questions.
[00:04:00] Kristen is asking, "Is MCT oil better than coconut oil?" Well, MCT oil generally is made of a mixture of coconut oil and palm oil. The way it's made is it's filtered out until you get high levels of the medium chain fatty acid, MCT. That's what that is. Is it better than just straight coconut [00:04:30] oil? Not really. I like coconut oil, by the way. I do. I like coconut oil. I like palm oil. Okay. These are very natural oils, but I like the pure Virgin coconut oil, cold pressed, and that type of thing. It's like the olive oil. I love olive oil. I love bacon because bacon's olive oil. Okay.
But these are medium chain, fatty acids. [00:05:00] A lot of people use as what we call Bulletproof coffee. They put MCT oil with butter in their coffee, and it makes ketones because it takes a direct route to the liver, and it burns ketones. Do I like it? Yeah. I'm much bigger on you eating these fats. The only problem I found, this is just me, with MCT oil. A lot of people can't take it because it bothers [00:05:30] them. It bothers their gut. I found that over the years for a fair amount of people. So if you can take it, good for you. If you can't, then don't take too much of it, or take it every second day. But I love these oils. I do. I love those oils. Okay. So good question, Kristen.
She's saying, "Is wild tuna better than white tuna?" Nutritionally, probably, Kristen, a little [00:06:00] bit better. It's like wild salmon. Of course, better than salmon that is a farm salmon. One is better. It's got more nutrition to it. It has less ... Tuna is good for you. The problem with tuna, it's a big fish. You've got a lot more heavy metals in it, and the wild one might be better for sure. But again, guys, let me make an overarching principle. [00:06:30] An overarching principle, and then you'll know where I'm coming from. Okay. All tuna's good. Just some is better than others.
Organic is certainly better than ones like fruits and vegetables or whatever that has been sprayed. Organic meat or grass fed beef is better than a lot of store bought meats. But let [00:07:00] me just say this, all of it is good. Just some are better. You have to understand from my perspective, I do not zero in and tell people, "Well, you know what? Don't eat tuna because there's a chance there's mercury in the tuna." I won't do that because I'd rather you have tuna, then have a chocolate bar. I'd rather you have tuna, then [00:07:30] a piece of bread. I mean that. Better for you.
Because I focus guys, I focus, focus, focus. Biggest problem in society today, biggest problem is insulin. It's insulin. I'm going to do everything I can to lower a person's insulin because that is the root that and leaky gut, [00:08:00] that and oxidative damage, the three roots of disease that we talk about at the Martin clinic, but one of them is food, and it's insulin. Don't worry about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Turn the ship around. Get off the Titanic. Then you can start rearranging the deck chairs. Do you know what I'm saying? Like get the big things first. I know [00:08:30] a lot of you and you're so educated in the field of nutrition, and you are self-taught and good for you.
Then you can start making other changes once you're off the Titanic, but you have to understand for me, I speak to literally about 50,000 people a week. Many of them are new people that come on to our podcasts, that come on to our [00:09:00] Facebook live. I want to get their intention. I want them to start by getting off the Titanic, or change course. I'm trying to get them to change their diet because, to me, it's the most significant thing for your health, and the one thing that has everything to do with the skyrocketing cancer, skyrocketing diabetes, skyrocketing [00:09:30] Alzheimer's, skyrocketing heart disease. All of these diseases are skyrocketing. They're not better. They're worse. They're worse than ever. I'm trying to get people to focus.
First of all, get the big picture first. If you get the big picture first, then start, you can start. I know many of you have. You read your labels. You [00:10:00] question everything. That's what I want you to do. I'm going to give you folks an honorary degree, okay? In nutrition. I'm going to give you an honorary degree in nutrition because many of you, like I've said so many times, know more than 99% of the population, and 99% more than doctors know. So then you can focus once [00:10:30] you get the big picture, but you have to understand, from my perspective. I'm a teacher. Doctor means teacher. It means teach, and I must teach nutrition 101. I will do it every day. Nutrition 101. So just understand where I'm coming from.
If you want to focus in, like you get tuna. Which one is better? You get salmon. Which one is better? [00:11:00] You get meat. Which one is better? All meats are good. All meats are good. All of them. That's nutrition 101. All meats are better. Which meats are the best? I'll bring it to you, but just understand where I'm coming from. Okay. Have patience with me. It's not like I don't know these things. It's just that you have to understand my teaching goals. Okay. [00:11:30] So very good question, Kristen. It got me on a little rent.
Here's another question. A basic question. This is very important, and I don't mind answering it. I probably will answer it again next week. Sandra is asking, "Is it possible to eat too much protein?" No, Sandra. So let me break this down for you again. This is nutrition [00:12:00] 101. You will rarely ever hear this, but I just got to tell you what it is. Okay. You have three macros. What's a macro? Well, you have three main groups of food: carbs, protein, and fat. So when you look at any food, you got three macros. I'm trying to teach people because again, come back to my [00:12:30] premise, come back to my focus. I'm focusing in on insulin. Okay? When you eat protein, when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese, those are protein and fats. The perfect combination of foods. Very, very little carb.
Again, my emphasis is to lower your insulin, [00:13:00] to get you out of insulin resistance. That's my main goal. So can you eat too much protein? No. I think, Sandra, the reason you're asking, I don't know the reason, but I'm going to guess the reason because protein in a lot of ways has had a bad rap. Brought to you by the cereal company, brought to you by big food. " [00:13:30] What does protein do? Protein is very hard on your kidneys." No, it's not. It's the opposite. You could have 20 steaks a day, and your kidneys, and your heart, and your brain, and your liver will say, "Woohoo. Thank you." Look, you don't need 20 steaks a day. All I'm saying is it's not the protein [00:14:00] and fat that make you ill. "Oh, Doc. But I heard it's hard on kidneys and protein ..."
But, look. If you're trying to lose weight, if your goal is weight loss, well, yes. You can eat too much protein. You can eat ... Yeah, for sure you could. You can eat too much fat if your goal is weight loss. It's not calories. It has nothing to do with that. [00:14:30] But if you want your body to burn off fat, well you can eat until the cows come home. Your body will burn what you're eating. You want your body to turn and burn the fat inside your body. You want to burn the right fuel. 99.9% of the people that do the reset find they're not hungry.
If you have bacon and eggs in the morning ... [00:15:00] This has been proven, by the way. This is not just Dr. Martin. You have bacon and eggs in the morning versus oatmeal or fruit. This is proven. You are not going to be hungry. Your blood sugar will not dip and sink like it does when you're eating carbohydrates for breakfast. The whole thing on reset is because food is so nutrient dense your body, it doesn't sync. [00:15:30] Your sugars are now stabilized in your bloodstream. You understand what I'm saying, Sandra? You can't eat too much protein. Not that it's bad for you, but you could eat too much protein if you're trying to lose fat or weight. You want your body to turn on the inside. So I hope that made it simple for you. This nonsense on the internet [00:16:00] and everywhere else. Guys, I've taught this for so long. You say a lie long enough and people will believe it. Just say it, say it, say it, say it. That's what happened with protein.
Oh, protein. Well, here's how they got to protein and kidneys, by the way, by urine test. "Oh, you got protein in your urine. You must be eating too much protein." No, you're eating [00:16:30] too many carbs. That's why you got protein in your urine. Protein doesn't come in the urine from protein. Protein comes when your kidneys are stressed because your insulin is too high. It's hard to change when people got that ... It's like cholesterol. You know how hard it is to change people's thinking on cholesterol. Every day, [00:17:00] every day. "Well, Doc, what about my cholesterol?"
"Well, what about it?" They're trying to get me to get uptight about their cholesterol. I'm sorry. I won't be uptight about it. They're trying to get ... "Well, Doc. My doc said ..." I know. I know what your doc said, and I love your doc, but cholesterol is not the boogeyman. Protein [00:17:30] isn't a boogeyman. We're going to have an announcement about my new book in the next very short period of time. I've got a whole section in there on the boogeyman, that the world believes in the boogeyman. The boogeyman of the sun, the bogeyman of protein, the boogeyman of fat, the boogeyman of cholesterol, the boogeymans. "Ooh, we're scared. The Boogeyman."
Guys, [00:18:00] I'm teaching you. I do it, it seems every day about cholesterol. I'm going to teach you about protein. If your body needs sugar, it will take a steak and make a little bit of sugar with it. But it's not going to make so much sugar, like the carbohydrate does. So you don't need any sugar because your body will take your food and put it into sugar. It doesn't matter what you eat, if it needs it, except [00:18:30] fat. It won't take fat and produce sugar with it. Good question.
What do I think of diatomaceous? I don't like it. Can I be honest with it? Let's go back maybe 10, I think around, I'm trying to think. 10 or 15 years ago, it was new on the hit parade, and people thought this is the greatest thing. It comes from the earth, and it's found in nature, [00:19:00] and you take it. The biggest thing they were taking it for was to get rid of heavy metals in your body. I used to tell people, "Eh, I don't think you were meant to eat clay," or the powder that they were making it into. What I always said, "No, that's going to coach your stomach. It's going to coach your acidity in your stomach. You don't want to do that. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. You don't want to be fooling around with that." I was never big on it. [00:19:30] I was never convinced by the antidotal ... That wasn't research. It was just people saying, "This is the greatest thing since sliced bread." Not for me it wasn't. I just said, "Nah, I don't get it. It's like charcoal. Do you eat charcoal? Nah."
I'll give you another one, taking baking soda. If you want to take baking soda, go for it. But I don't like it. Your body already makes baking soda. So why [00:20:00] are you consuming it? You want to do it? Go for it. Not going to kill you, but that I'm not big on it. I'm sorry.
Good question here. Anne's asking, "Does temperature in the way I cook foods have an effect on absorption?" Well, yeah, if you over cooked foods. I like my steak rare, but if you don't like your steak rare ... Again, remember what I said. Steak is good. Is there a blend of the way you cook [00:20:30] it better for you? Well, I think if you don't overcook it, you're going to get a little bit more nutrition from it. But all steak is good. If you want to hone in and focus in, but I don't want you to stop it. "You know what, Doc? If I got to eat a rare steak, I won't eat it." Okay. Then cook it exactly the way you want. Your body will take the nutrition from there. It may not be 100%, but it will be 95%. Okay. So I don't get too uptight about that. It's all [00:21:00] good. Okay.
Barney's asking about bone density scans. What do I think of them? Well, it's part of the tools in the toolbox. One of the things that bone density scans have done is that they've told people their osteoporosis when they're not. I find that it's a lot of false positives. I don't want to be negative, but a lot of doctors use it to put people on Fasomax or whatever [00:21:30] bone building ... I don't like that stuff. I don't. Look, I can get somebody even with osteoporosis, or osteopenia, which is the start of osteoporosis. If you got weak muscles, make your muscles strong. How about that? That's the best thing you can do for your bone. Don't take calcium as a supplement. Don't take calcium as a supplement. Take vitamin D, and take vitamin [00:22:00] K2 because K2, butter, cheese, will take calcium and put it into your bones where it belongs.
So strengthen your muscles. Muscles have more to do than bone has to do with bone. Strengthen your muscles. This is why we're always talking about vitamin E. Vitamin E. People are not strong today. You get osteoporosis [00:22:30] when you're lean, but your muscles have no strength in them. This is why I love any kind of resistant exercise. Don't just be a walker. I love walking. Dr. Martin. I love walking. I do. It's part of my therapy. I love walking, but don't just do walking. I do the gym, too. I do weight resistant exercises. I want to have strong muscle because strong [00:23:00] muscle does a lot of things, including lowering your insulin, and elevating for a man his testosterone, and for women that helps to balance hormones. It really does. That's why I love weight resistant. Vitamin E, exercise is good for you, but just some, I want people don't understand how their frame works. You need to be strong. You have to be able to, especially old people. What happens to them?
You know what? Next [00:23:30] week promise I'm going to do a whole session on sarcopenia because there was a couple of new ... What is sarcopenia? Muscle wasting. How that affects everything. So make sure you strengthen. Okay. So, Barney, coming down to bone density scans, eh. To me, it's part of the toolbox and just take some of it, but I've had women that, "Oh, I am so osteoporosis, and now I got to take bone building medication." [00:24:00] Anyway. I'm not going to tell individuals not to take their meds. I'm just giving you some general oversight.
Sherry, asking about the risk of constant mask-wearing. Eh, I don't like it. The biggest risk is a false sense of security. That's the biggest risk. I've said this many a time. I don't [00:24:30] like it on kids. I'm not big on them because of what they do. It's the negative of not communicating. Human beings are communicators. We're communicators. We need each other. Imagine if I was doing my podcast this morning with a mask on? Would you like it? You want to see me. [00:25:00] I can't stand it. When people are talking, they've got a mask on. Look, I just hope this is not forever guys. I have a feeling maybe it'll always be forever though. You get on a plane in the future, you're going to wear a mask. I bet you it'll never be rescinded. Ah, anyway. I don't want to go in. That's politics.
Look, you get a lot of bacteria with a mask, and every time you touch your mask. I want you to use, Sherry, [00:25:30] the invisible mask, which is what vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in vitamin S, steak. Put on the invisible mask. That'll really protect your immune system. Vitamin A. Protect your eyes, protect your nose, and protect your mouth. That's how viruses get inside your body. You want to have the gatekeepers. Vitamin A is a tremendous gatekeeper.
Somebody was asking what causes hemorrhoids. [00:26:00] What causes varicose veins? Because that's what it is. A lot of times, it's a couple of things. Poor circulation, digestive issues, chronic constipation. You can get irritable bowel syndrome. We call it irritable bowel syndrome type C, which is what constipated all the time. That can come from a thyroid, a sluggish thyroid. I've always loved [Navatal 00:26:30]. [00:26:30] The reason I like pine bark extract because it's a polyphenol. It is so good for microcirculation. I've used it for 30 years or more. It's tremendous.
Trigger thumb. You know where you get, it's called dupuytren's contracture. Do you know what that's a sign of? Elevated insulin. You got a trigger finger. You bend it, locks. It's often found in one of your digits, [00:27:00] and you got calcified. That's called glycation of the muscle. How does that happen? Too much sugar. Cut it out. Cut it out. Amazing what happens to your tendons when you cut out sugar. How many people have comments it did on it? Pain, and tendon. They're better because they did the reset. When it's insulin resistance, that's one of the signs. It's called glycation. It takes away the elasticity [00:27:30] of those tendons in there.
Okay. Run out of time. Frieda was asking just about winter. And so was Janine. You see, Frieda, you see what the sun does. See what beautiful weather does. Winter's hard on a lot of things. It's hard on your immune system. The darkness, the lack of vitamin D. Frieda, you're taking all these things in winter. Well, go to Florida because then [00:28:00] you get summer all year round. Just the way you built, too. Things dry up. It's always ... I know you've even said you're using a humidifier. Well, you're doing everything right. I'm not too worried about it.
Two more. How to raise white blood cells? Well, look. When doctors flag a low count, red count, white count. I mean, oftentimes it's the same issue. You're in a borderline anemic state. A lot of times, " [00:28:30] Ah, no, it's not." But it is. Even B12 doesn't only make red blood cells. It helps with your white blood cells. A lot of times people don't make enough white blood cells, they're not eating enough protein. I always tell people, protein are the building blocks of your cells. They're the building blocks. Amino acids. You need protein. In this day and age, [00:29:00] we're carnivores, and we're not acting like it.
A lot of women, "If you eat just salads ..." You're not getting enough things that make your blood. You need blood making. Blood making comes from food. B12. You need vitamin D. You need protein. All your amino acids. You need all of it. [00:29:30] If you can't get that up, Thelma, I love our blood boost because for people, I created blood boost. Why? Because a lot of people are low, they're in the low end, and they might have a malabsorption syndrome. They got a very bad gut. Then all these minerals, and all these amino acids, and all these vitamins that they need, they don't even absorb them because they got a malabsorption syndrome that starts in the gut. Sometimes even in [00:30:00] the stomach. They don't have enough enzymes.
So all I'm saying is still, it couldn't be a multitude of issues, but food, food, food. A lot of times people, I tell you, you wouldn't believe how often I see that in young people today. They're not eating right. They're eating crap. "Oh, doc. I don't need anything with eyeballs." You don't want many times. I hear that. Ooh. [00:30:30] Ooh.
Okay. Thanks so much. Okay, good to have you on with us this morning. You guys are great. If you have any questions, then send them in. If you're not part of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, join that group, and invite your friends into the group. We appreciate your following. We very much do. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: [00:31:00] You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.