Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Okay, so we're going to go over this morning a little bit of a review, but we're going to go over because I didn't know how many people would come on this morning. A lot of people are a [00:00:30] holiday Monday for them, especially in Canada, but I wanted to save a natural flu shot, so we're going to do that tomorrow. This week, I plan on doing maybe a 2-part series on sleep. What do they say now? Seventy-percent of the population don't get a good night's sleep. Okay, so what I want to do is go over our alphabet. I thought about it this morning, figured why not do a little bit of... [00:01:00] Okay, so we're going to talk about the Martin Clinic alphabet.
Now, a lot of you guys know this, but I'll just review a little, but why I put them on the alphabet list, the vitamin list, some of them are not vitamins, but we have classified them as such. Okay, so we start right at the top with vitamin A. Vitamin A, a little bit of the Rodney Dangerfield of vitamins. We've [00:01:30] heard some talk, especially during COVID about zinc and vitamin D for sure. Even the president took vitamin D. They gave him vitamin D. Would have been interesting if they would've given us his vitamin D levels. Okay. His actual serum levels. While we didn't get that, we just know that it's a very important biomarker, but we'll get back to that in a second.
We're just going to touch over [00:02:00] all the vitamins on my list on the Martin Clinic. At the top is vitamin A, vitamin A. Vitamin A remember, that's the invisible mask. If your vitamin A levels are good, you have an invisible mask and one that covers... because remember, any virus or bacteria, viruses especially COVID goes into [00:02:30] your upper respiratory, but it gets in, and this is why they're testing it in your sinuses. It's one of the tests. They put that Chinese torture a Q-tip up your sinuses to find the virus, but what protects your mouth, your nose, and your eyes is Vitamin A. It's an invisible shield, and it's amazing that no one talks about that. [00:03:00] They know that in the third world.
For years and years and years, I've been giving vitamin A because it protects their immune system for people that live around dirty water, and they don't have what we have in North America, clean water and they're often surrounded by E. coli and other dangerous pathogens, but one of the things they do is they give you children and they give adults [00:03:30] vitamin A. Look, if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, so folks even if you're not, but you have grandchildren or loved ones that are vegetarians, and they're drinking the Kool-Aid, they don't get vitamin A, they don't. They get a precursor to vitamin A, which is beta-carotene. They eat carrots and carrots [00:04:00] are good for you, but when they say eat carrots for your eyes, I'm not against that, but it isn't vitamin A.
It's a precursor to vitamin A. Beta-carotene is a precursor. True vitamin A is found only in animal products, Godhead vitamin A in animal products. Don't fool yourself. vitamin A is essential for your immune system. [00:04:30] Okay, it's not that I'm against supplements, but some things I would rather you eat. I want you to eat your vitamin A. Every time you have a steak, woo-hoo, I'm eating vitamin A. Every time you have eggs, vitamin A. Every time you have cream and cheese, vitamin A, real vitamin A that gives you the invisible shield. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Like I said, [00:05:00] I like vitamin A. I'd rather you eat it, but if you have young and I say young doesn't have to be young, but if you have people in your family, just understand they might not listen to you.
I get that too, but they are not getting vitamin A if they are just eating vegetables. They'll get a precursor to vitamin A, but they're not getting Pro-Retinol A, which is true vitamin A. It's [00:05:30] found in the animal kingdom, the invisible shield. I can't get over how we haven't talked about that vitamin through this pandemic. I can't get over it. Okay, so vitamin A. Vitamin B12, now I don't talk about the other B vitamins. If you want to take a B-complex, hey, knock yourself out. I mean that. I don't care about it so much because I would rather you eat your B vitamins. How do you get all your B vitamins? [00:06:00] The animal King. Now you can get B vitamins in grains and in vegetables, but if you eat, you want a complete B list.
You got to eat animal product, then especially red meat, because guess where B12 is found? Only in red meat. You might think I have an agenda, I do. My agenda is to educate without the fluff, without indoctrination, without [00:06:30] the religion today of climate change and a whole lot. Am I a denier? Eh, I'm not convinced, you haven't convinced me yet. Go ahead. The climate, eh. I live in Northern Ontario, yeah, is it really heating up? Eh, maybe one degrees. Guys, that's not the point. That's not my expertise. My expertise is food, and you need to eat animal product, and you're not going to get [00:07:00] B12 and that's the vitamin that 80% of the population. I looked at about six blood works on the weekend, and most of them were all low in B12, "But it was normal doc."
It was 300 and that's too low. You want to optimize your B12, and B12 is important for everything that you can think of, from your brain to your toes. Your brain doesn't work without B12, your nerves and if you're on [00:07:30] any medication, any medication, high blood pressure, diabetic medication like Metformin especially, you're low in B12. If you are on any antacid, anything to block your acidity in your stomach, if you have any digestive issues, you're low in B12. Take it to the bank. You got to fix that and that's a supplement. Listen, if you're going to take a supplement, two things. One, it must [00:08:00] melt in your mouth. Don't swallow it like, "Oh doc, I'm taking B12." Not if you're swallowing it. It needs to be a sublingual.
You can let it melt in your mouth. You can put it under your tongue. I don't care about that so much, and it has to be methylcobalamin. Methyl is the one your body absorbs, so look for that and then don't so worry about overdosing on B12. Okay guys, seriously. [00:08:30] It's a water soluble vitamin. "Oh, doctor, my B12 is high." Good, it's exactly where I was aiming. You'll do better when it's high. I remember my old days at the clinic. Every once in a while, maybe about once a month, I used to get a call. "You got a patient that their B12 is too high." I said, "Good." I remember one time talking to a physician. She went very nice by the way. I said, "Well, B12." She [00:09:00] said, "Yes." I said, "Water-soluble or fat-soluble?" I waited. She wasn't sure.
I said, "Well, it's water-soluble." "What's that mean?" "Well, if you take too much, you're going to pee it out. Your body knows how much B12 you need. It's a water soluble vitamin. It's not fat soluble." Look, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K are fat soluble vitamins. Can you overdose? Eh, yeah, [00:09:30] you could. On Vitamin A, you could, but have I ever seen it? No. I know in theory, but guys with a water soluble vitamin like B12, it's water-soluble. You ain't going to overdose on it anyway and remember, it's found in the animal kingdom. Okay. I like my B12 numbers about 800 to 1200, in that range is optimizing it. Okay. Vitamin C, [00:10:00] coffee. A new study came out again the other day.
You know I did a whole podcast or two on coffee. I feel sorry for people that have to drink tea because they don't like coffee. Andrea, I feel sorry for you. You don't like it. Vitamin C and the true vitamin C, true, better than vitamin C ascorbic acid is coffee. It's got much more polyphenols. It's [00:10:30] much more complex than vitamin C. That's why vitamin C, the other vitamin C is not on my hit parade. It's not there. I'm not saying, "Look, I like vitamin C if you take it as a cancer therapy or whatever, but for the common cold, nah, don't bother. I mean it. Drink your coffee." We're going to do the flu shot. Okay, I promise this week, we're doing the flu shot. Okay. The Martin Clinic flu shot.
Coffee is [00:11:00] anti-aging, antidiabetic anti, anti, anti, anti everything you can think of, anti cancer, coffee, anti-Parkinson's. How do you like that? A new study out. Vitamin D, what's vitamin D? It's not really a vitamin, it's a hormone. What we're finding out that the body is a solar panel, and the sun is the boogeyman for a lot of people in the world still today, and people are extremely low in vitamin D. I told you in COVID, [00:11:30] characteristically the people that got really sick were extremely low in vitamin D. That's just the fact and look, guys, you can all go to Florida. We live in Northern Ontario here for at least I do, and we had a beautiful sunny day yesterday. We did. It was beautiful.
It was a little cool, but you weren't sunbathing. At least I don't think you were. You're not getting a lot of vitamin D yesterday [00:12:00] because you're covered up. You had to be, so take your vitamin D. It's a true vitamin. It's a solar panel. Your immune system doesn't work without it. We talked about low levels last week on a podcast. We talked about low levels in breast cancer of women with vitamin D. Why? Because women got scared of the sun. It started it. That whole push for the sun started in the '70s. Maybe even in the [00:12:30] sixties with Johnson and Johnson. There, I named them. Ah, skin cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer. Look, I don't want you to get skin cancer, but the people get skin cancer are not people that go in the sun.
It's people that work indoors, especially the dead melanoma, that deadly melanoma. Guys, those are facts. You're entitled to your opinion, but you don't get to choose the facts. These are facts, and I know it's hard to change the narrative. [00:13:00] Once a bogeyman, always a boogeyman. Cholesterol was a boogeyman. The sun was the boogeyman, right? Butter was the boogeyman. Fat is the boogeyman. It's hard to undo that in their thinking. Red meat is the boogeyman, right? It's the narrative. It's hard to change a narrative. You say a lie long enough and people will believe it. That's just the way they are. All we are like sheep, which have gone astray. [00:13:30] Each has gone to his own weight, sheep and it's propaganda.
Okay. Vitamin, D vitamin E, the true vitamin E, exercise. Maybe the number one vitamin. It's very close. Exercise is good for everything. There's nothing negative about exercise, unless you overdo it. Don't run a marathon. Horses run marathons, human beings shouldn't do it because there's too much oxidative damage [00:14:00] and you do too much, but the verdict guises in. The verdict is in. Look, all exercise and I mean not a marathon, all exercise is good for you. Go for a walk, move. Good for blood sugar, good anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti, anti, anti everything. Exercise. Ladies, look at me in the eyeballs. High [00:14:30] intensity is good for you. Do some weights.
Even if you use bands, resistant exercises, nothing better for you than not, strong muscles, strong bones. Okay. Exercise, tremendous and my ideal is doing it three days a week, 15 to 20 minutes ideally. Okay, here's what they found. Here's what research shows. A 15-, 20- [00:15:00] minute workout, that's not long. I've shown you. I have an app on my phone. I can hardly use anything on my... Oh wow, what a dinosaur I am, but I have an app it's called Gymboss, and there's different ones you can do, but the one that I like is called tabata. The one that was developed by, I think the South Korean speed skating, and I showed it to my wife even. A 4- [00:15:30] minute workup, 20 seconds, hard, eight turns of 20 seconds hard, and you get a 10-second break in between.
Then it goes ding, and you go 20 seconds. Even if you did this with your arms for 20 seconds would be good, but a little bit of weight and 10 seconds off called tabata. I love tabata. You can get a workout done in a very short time. About three days a week, I do about 16 minutes, four rounds [00:16:00] of tabata and you can do anything, weights, rebounder. I love the rebounder by the way. A tremendous part of vitamin E if you can... If you've got balanced problems and all that well, be careful, but what I like about the rebounder, we talked about last week in breast cancer and somebody said it, I forgotten and I'm glad you brought it up, that they do the rebounder to drain the lymphatics.
[00:16:30] Well, the rebounder does more than that, but it does drain your lymphatics. Lymphatics is your sewage system. It helps too, but the other thing that I really find helpful with the rebounder is that it elevates your nitric oxide and oh, what's nitric oxide? Makes the blood vessels relax. It's very good for you. Very good for your heart, very good for your brain. Guys do exercises. Vitamin E, 15, 20 minutes, short [00:17:00] and intense, do some weightlifting. Ladies start with five pounds and do till you're fatigued, until your muscles say, "Hey, don't do another one." Hand grippers, guys, that's so important, especially as we get older. They've shown study after study showing if you can get yourself out of a chair... Well, the one they showed the most is if you can get yourself off the floor.
You get older, [00:17:30] things that you take for granted eh. Just get on the floor and get up. Oh, that's not easy. Okay, but you see, these things are I'm telling you, and it's the benefits. Plus remember, three weeks to form a habit, three weeks to form a habit. That's why I love the reset. Yup, yup, yup, three weeks. Gyms are full in January and empty [00:18:00] in February. Oh, I didn't think it was going to be this hard. Yeah, it's not easy. Anything you want to accomplish in life, not easy, but it's worth it. Okay. Vitamin E, now vitamin K. I'm just looking at my timer. Vitamin K on the Martin Clinic alphabet. Now you know which one I'm going to talk about. There's two vitamin Ks. There's K1 and K2. K1 is found in salads ladies, chicken and salad.
[00:18:30] Well, that has K1. Now K1, it's good for you, but K2 is the one you want. Why? Because vitamin K2 takes calc... When you say, "Oh doc, what do I do about hardening of my arteries? What do I do about atherosclerosis? What do I do about..." You got to understand it's not salad that's going to fix that. It is [00:19:00] steak, it is butter. Well, the number one is cheese curds. Vitamin K2, it takes calcium out of your blood and puts it where it belongs in your bones, in your teeth. Nobody you want cows. Did you notice vitamin C is coffee, not calcium? The number one selling supplement in the world, it's craziness is calcium. The problem [00:19:30] is when you take a calcium supplement, guess what?
It does not reach its intended destination, and it's amazing to me that here we are... I've been preaching for 46 years and doctors still don't get it. Ah, take your calcium. They got no problem talking to you about a supplement with calcium. It doesn't get to its intended destination. It don't take vitamin [00:20:00] K2 and eat it. Now we put it in our vitamin D supplement because it takes calcium. It puts it in your bone, but you can eat. Do you like cheese curds? Do you like butter? Highest source of K2 are those two right there. You see, I'm big on eating nuts stuff. Why do you think I put it in the reset? "Ah, Dr. Martin cheese has got fat in it." Yes, I know. It's good for you. It's good for you. [00:20:30] You need it. Okay, vitamin K2. Okay.
By the way, when a doctor tells you not to take vitamin K when you're on a blood thinner or whatever, that's K1. Don't eat your salad if you're on a blood thinner. You're just thinning your blood more, and a lot of people have atrial fibrillation. I should talk about that again. Why do we have so much AFib today? Ooh. Anyway, [00:21:00] another topic. Vitamin O, vitamin O, omega-3, high DHA. I'm trying to look at the list and see if I got to do a 2-part series here. Vitamin O. Yeah, maybe we'll do more of this tomorrow. I did a little bit more teaching on omega, the difference between the DHA, EPA, ALA. They're all good. They're all good, but some are better than others. Your brain is made up of [00:21:30] DHA.
Okay. Ah, let me just go through the list and then we can always come back. What's vitamin P at the Martin Clinic? Probiotics really. I put peanut butter too because I liked peanut butter, but it really is. I put it on my list only because I like it. Natural peanut butter, but vitamin P, probiotics. Everybody needs to be on probiotics, everybody all the time. That's the [00:22:00] Martin Clinic vitamin P probiotics. Okay. It's so important for everything. Hippocrates said all disease starts in the gut. You better have a good probiotics and like people say, "Well, you know what, like can a kid take 50 billion a day?" Yeah, because you got trillions of bacteria in your body. If you've taken any kind of antibiotic, you kill all your good guys.
Five days of antibiotics. [00:22:30] Am I against antibiotics? No, absolutely, I'm not against it. If you need it, you have an infection, an antibiotic will save your life, but you better be taking probiotics. Give your children, your grandchildren, probiotics, vitamin P. I'm going to do one here on vitamin R this week. You know what vitamin R is? Rest, sleep. That's an important vitamin, you need it. Now we're going to talk about that beause I got some studies [00:23:00] that came out. I promised to touch on sleep this week. I promise, okay. Resting, shut yourself down, very important. Then vitamin is steak, we talked about it already and vitamin W is water, and I'm big on two liters of water every day, minimum.
The vast majority of people in North America, the number one contributor to heart disease, insulin and [00:23:30] a lack of water. You got 60,000 miles of blood vessels, the life of the flushes in your blood and your blood better be moving. A lot of people don't have blood. They have soup thick, and they don't know it. "Doc, I don't like water. Water..." Men especially, "Water, oh, I don't like the taste of it." Well, suck it up buttercup, you need it. Your blood needs it. You're [00:24:00] walking around with thick blood. You're going to have a heart attack. It's going to coagulate, thin it out. Not aspirin, water. Water's better than aspirin, no side effects and only water is water. You can drink coffee, but that's not water.
I know it's made with water, but it's not water. It takes a different route to your body. Your body has to filter coffee. Drink water. [00:24:30] I love spring water. I think you'd like spring water, but if you get it out of your top, filter it. Promise me you'll do at least that, and then add a touch of salt pack. Put a pinch of Himalayan salt. That'll well alkalize your water. You don't have to spend a bazillion dollars. "Oh doc, I got a machine that makes me alkaline water." Yeah, I got a machine too. It's called salt. [00:25:00] Himalayan salt will make your pH and your water, put a little pinch in it seriously. Nothing, it's easy to get your... I like spring water because it's got a high pH, but you can make your water, have a high pH, but you add a little pinch of salt.
You won't even know it's in there. There you go. Okay. I thought I was just going to do a little short one today. Okay. Guys, thank you very much for watching. It will be a good week. [00:25:30] Really, it should because we're going to do some good stuff. I'm going to do the flu shot. I promise we'll do something on sleepy because a new study came out on sleep. I really found it fascinating. Vitamin S or no, that's steak. Vitamin... Oh, vitamin R, the rest. Hey, I'm a senior. I get away with stuff like this. Okay, I love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is [00:26:00] In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.