Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We're going to talk about breast cancer, part two. We're going to talk about breast cancer too, a little bit of review before we get going. Guys, breast cancer, part [00:00:30] two, a lot of questions and a lot of comments came after the program yesterday. And I sure appreciate that. And we're getting into a topic that is, I don't know if it's controversial, but it's... If one out of six women get breast cancer, would you not sort of call that a national crisis? I mean, we're talking breast cancer here. And my pet peeve is that [00:01:00] we're looking for love in all the wrong places. We're not looking to prevent. And as I showed you yesterday and I'll remind you again, I take out the ballpoint pen and look at that little tip. You see the little tip? It takes five years for cancer to grow to the size of that little tip. All of us fight cancer every day. All of us, not some of us, all of us.
Now, remember you're fearfully and wonderfully made. [00:01:30] You put everything on your side, and we're going to discuss that today, in order that your body fights cancer, but don't fool yourself. Ladies, you might do a self-examination on your breast tissue. "Oh, I don't feel no lumps. I don't have any cancer." Well, look, you ain't... I hate the word, to use ain't, but you ain't, you ain't going to feel that in your breast tissue. And if it's there at that size, it's been there five [00:02:00] years. So by the time you feel a little lump in your breast tissue, it's probably been there 10 years. So don't fool yourself. The key...
And just, guys, think about this for a minute. We're eight months about, right, into this pandemic. And it's all the way you look at it. The virus, the virus, the virus, the virus, the virus, instead of talking about the immune system that deals with viruses 24 [00:02:30] hours a day. And the media's virus, virus, virus. How many cases? And virus, virus, virus. But I want to prepare you for viruses, bacteria, and more importantly, cancer. Your body, again, it's unbelievable. Some things are positive and some things are negative. I mean, in the negative thing, we talked about it yesterday, block [00:03:00] insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone. Block estrogen. Estrogen is a growth hormone. "Oh, Dr. Martin, my oncologist said, I'm not receptive to estrogen." You're a woman. I can't tell you how receptive you are to estrogen.
And then yesterday we talked about xenoestrogens. And I know the rest of the [00:03:30] world it's the virus, so they're cleaning their hands 100 times a day with chemical cleaners. Please, ladies, don't do that to yourself. I went to the grocery store yesterday, women, I feel like, "Hello, stop." And we talked about, if you have to bring a little squirt bottle, put some ordinary soap, make it up. It doesn't have to be hot. [00:04:00] Put a couple of drops of oil of oregano or spray oil of oregano spray in there. And you won't put any chemicals on your hands when you're washing them. Xenoestrogens, any chemical is a xenoestrogen and xenoestrogens, Your body don't care what it is. Is it real estrogen or is it a xenoestrogen? Your body will go, "Come here."
Ladies, [00:04:30] please be careful. I'm on your side. And for men and prostate cancer, everything I'm going to say for breast cancer... Ladies and you know men, they usually don't listen. Well, you take notes because some men listen. I know we got a lot of men on our program this morning. But generally men are pretty... when it comes to their health, but estrogen makes their prostate grow. That's why we see so much... We're worse. [00:05:00] We're worse. Ladies, one out of six get breast cancer. One out of four men after the age of 50, get prostate cancer. Why? Well, their testosterone, their dominating hormone comes down and their lady's hormone goes up. In my days of testing hormones, I found so many men that had more estrogen than their wives did. So watch out for the chemicals guys. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying, [00:05:30] look, you can't get away from it completely. And I know that, but if insulin is a growth hormone and estrogen is a growth hormone, you got to take care of that.
Now, here's what I pulled out this morning. And I don't want to advertise for these things, but I'm just telling you some things are available. Because somebody asked me, or I think several people asked afterwards, "What about underarm deodorant?" Well, I brought out two here. My wife has got two, [00:06:00] Tom's Long Lasting women's Deodorant. What does Tom know about deodorant for women? But Rosie likes it. Natural, no aluminum. Here's another one. Soft and dry, aluminum free. So look for these things. And most people are not purists, meaning I don't use underarm deodorant. We live in a world... Mind you, with COVID, nobody's touching [00:06:30] each other and nobody's hugging. I'm a hugger. Ask my girls who work with me. I'm a hugger. No problem. You want to come, here, let me give you a bear hug. People would come in the office, I say, "I love you and so does the Lord." I was a hugger. And I miss that.
Anyway. Okay, so did you see those? Those are available. Now, okay. We'll get into it a little bit because I got to talk about this for a bit. And [00:07:00] I want to tell you where I come from in terms of treatment, but just before we get to that. Okay, so here are the big factors. We talked about it yesterday. Let me just repeat. Growth hormones, estrogen. Growth hormone, insulin. Insulin's food. The reset is so good. Why? Because it's fasting without fasting. You're not using insulin. You're giving it a holiday. If you're not using it, [00:07:30] cancer cells need fuel. And when you're not eating any carbohydrates, you're not feeding them. Okay, got it? So estrogen down. "Oh, Dr. Martin. I'm menopausal. I need estrogen." No, you don't. You need balance. Not estrogen. You're getting lots of estrogen.
Believe you me, check your address. Okay? Check your address. Here's a test to see if you have a lot of estrogen. [00:08:00] Check your address. Is the last part of your address Planet Earth? Is it? Well, you have a lot of estrogen. Ladies and gentlemen, you have a lot of estrogen. "Ah!" No, you do. You live on this planet. If you live on another planet, well, maybe not so much. I'm never big on estrogen, giving estrogen, never, because you already have lots. The idea is to balance it, lower it. So [00:08:30] lower insulin, lower estrogen. Yesterday, we talked about cortisol. Cortisol, remember, stress, the stress hormone. It was meant to have a part-time job. And we've given it a full-time job today. We have. And what does cortisol do? It's gasoline on the fire. It sees a little cancer cell and it pours gasoline on it. And this is why I talked to you [00:09:00] yesterday about history almost without any exception.
I mean this. When a woman gets cancer, they've gone through trauma. They have been through stress. A loved one, taking care of a parent, a bad marriage, a divorce, a separation, family dynamics. Trouble with your kids and lack of communication. Do you want me to go on? No, but seriously, these things you see, that stress, [00:09:30] that cortisol just pours gasoline on cancer cells and they grow, grow, grow. So ladies, I'm talking to you because today is breast cancer. Now there's a fourth factor. I said there was three, but I meant four. It's not that I changed my mind. I just didn't read my notes yesterday. Now I didn't have time, but I got to get to this one because this is a common [00:10:00] denominator. It is always there. Again, almost without exception, over my years of practice, without exception. What did I see? High insulin, high estrogen, high cortisol, and low vitamin D. Low vitamin D.
Women who get breast cancer are low in vitamin D. Dr. Martin's favorite. Well, okay. I got my coffee cup, [00:10:30] I guess that's my favorite vitamin. But you know me and vitamin D. Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for his work on vitamin C and God bless him, but he was only off by one letter in the alphabet, vitamin D. And the more they study vitamin D, the more they realize what a vitamin. And we got lied to, ladies, you got lied to by Johnson and Johnson and others. [00:11:00] The sun is the boogeyman. Liars, liars pants on fires. The sun, because they talked about skin cancer. And let me just say this, ladies, if you get skin cancer, it's not the sun. Well, let me rephrase. Don't go burn in the sun. You'll never hear me say that. Did you ever see my Florida hat, wide brim hat that I wear in Florida? Oh, I ever looked like my father. My word, when I put that hat on. [00:11:30] Wow. My wife says I married my father-in-law because I look just like my dad. He didn't call me Tony Jr for nothing.
But don't burn in the sun, but you need the sun. You're a human solar panel. And your immune system doesn't work properly without the sun. It just doesn't. Your T cells are your Navy SEALs. Okay, I got to say this right now. Your T cells come out of your lymphatic system. [00:12:00] So this is a little bit controversial. I'm giving it out as information. Okay? Just as information. So just bear me out a minute. I'm under my arm pits here. Okay? You know you got lymph nodes here, so you get breast cancer and what do they want to do? They want to take out your lymph nodes to see if there's cancer in there. Now this is me. I don't like that. But why? Because this is your drainage. [00:12:30] That's why don't put garbage chemicals here. You know what your lymphatics are? They're your sewage system. I'm hearing, "Oh, Doctor, my lymph nodes are swollen." That's good. They're getting rid of garbage. It's the sewage. I don't understand why you want to take lymph nodes out. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know it's controversial. It's just the way I think.
[00:13:00] Rosie and I used to work with a wonderful oncologist. And he thought outside the box. His name was Dr. Fault. Now you folks, you know, he's been dead for a long time, but what a great man. And he was an oncologist, but he used to say, don't take your lymph nodes out. Ultrasound your lymph nodes or MRI your lymph nodes, but don't take them out for biopsy. That was his way of thinking. And I remember having many discussions with [00:13:30] him. Well, he said, "Tony, listen, your lymph nodes, God gave you those to get rid of garbage. If your cancer is in your lymph nodes, that's where you want it. It's on its way out." Okay? So listen, don't get me in trouble. I know it's controversial. I just, I'm giving you a little asterisk as we talk about lymph nodes, but don't clog up your lymph nodes. Well, I'm showing you a good one. You got to wear underarm deodorant, but [00:14:00] try not to clog up your lymph nodes with aluminum in that. I'm big on draining those lymph nodes. Get rid of garbage. Your body knows how to do it. It knows how to get rid of cancer cells.
Coming back to vitamin D, your T cells, guess where they come out of, here. For the podcast people that will listen to this later, I'm pointing to my arm pits. T cells come out of your armpits and your [00:14:30] lymph nodes in your neck, just under your jaw. Now you've got lymph nodes there. A doctor feels, "Oh, you got an infection." Okay. Your lymph nodes are sending out T cells and they become inflamed. And your body's getting rid of infection through the sewage system. But your T cells, guys, listen, listen, T cells don't work without the sun. [00:15:00] They have a little antenna up here and it sticks out and it says, "Sunlight, charge my batteries." When do you feel good? In the summer on a beautiful sunny day. The boogeyman. One little thing about skin cancer, too much sun, basal cell carcinoma. Too much sun, possibly squamous cell carcinoma. They're not deadly. You can get a problem on the skin, don't burn.
[00:15:30] But you know what melanoma is? Melanoma is a deadly skin cancer. And how do you get that? Not the sun. Actually, it happens where you don't have sun, where the sun don't shine on your body. Those are melanomas. They're deadly. They're from a lack of sun and other factors like high insulin. Remember cancer cells need fuel. Don't give them any sugar because that's another thing that affects your immune system. [00:16:00] We talked about keeping your insulin down, but sugar, and I've shown this to hundreds and hundreds, more than that. I mean, at least once a day in our clinic, because of the powerful microscope.
We used to watch a white blood cell moving and going after a bacteria or a parasite, it was fun to watch. Sometimes it was unbelievable how there was a bug and they would surround it. I remember I would show this to patient. You got about [00:16:30] six T cells and white blood cells chasing. Look at them, chase. They went hunted down. It was The Hunt for Red October. You remember the submarines? But the second you have sugar, you put your white blood cells to sleep. Sugar knocks them out. Sugar knocks out your immune system. So understand that.
So four factors, ladies for breast cancer. Your insulin, that's food; estrogen, your hormones; thirdly, [00:17:00] cortisol your stress hormone; and fourthly, low levels of vitamin D. Get your vitamin D levels up because 80%, it's probably higher have low levels of vitamin D. "Oh, it's normal." Yeah, but it's not ideal. You want optimal levels of vitamin D. And I don't care, this morning, I took my vitamin D. You know why? Because I haven't seen the sun since... I don't know about this climate change because we live in Northern Ontario and it's fall here, [00:17:30] like it always is in the month of October. And you better take vitamin D unless you're getting in the sun in Florida for my Florida friends. Well, good for you that have the sun. But you know what I know about Florida people, they're scared skinny of the sun. And the second you put on any sunscreen, you don't get vitamin D. "Sorry. Let's lather you up." "Nah, don't do that." But like I said, don't burn. Don't [00:18:00] burn in the sun.
Okay. Now, so what do you do? Well, we already talked about it. Change your food, cut out the crappy carbs. If you know anyone that has cancer and they will listen... Look, it's very difficult. And I get it. I understand this fully. And actually I've talked to many, many patients over the years. And worked with their oncologists and I've done that many, many, many times just giving counsel. [00:18:30] Look, you're going through chemo. You're going to go through radiation or whatever the treatment is for breast cancer. They're going to get you on maybe Tamoxifen, which is a medication that blocks your estrogen. I understand why they're doing that. But I always said, "Look, if you're doing that, let me just tell you what you also should do. No sugar, none, zero." I'm talking about people who already have cancer, no [00:19:00] sugar, none. No float, few berries. The benefits of berries outweigh their sweetness.
Now, when you do the reset, of course you're not doing it. And if you can get your loved one or someone to say, "Look, do 30 days. No, no, no, no carbohydrates at all. No breads, no pasta, no noodles, no pizza. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. None of it. Don't feed [00:19:30] cancer. Cancer needs sugar and carbs are going to be sugar in five seconds. Don't feed it. No fruit, no bananas, no grapes, no apples. "Dr. Martin, I love fruit." Too bad, so sad. You've got to get serious. This is serious, ladies, breast cancer. You've got to get serious. You're in a war. You're not on a cruise ship. You don't fight cancer on a cruise ship. You're on a battleship. This is tough [00:20:00] sledding. And a lot of people, they just don't want to do it. "Oh, Doc." I remember talking to some women. "You mean no sugar." I said, "What are you, a lawyer? Are you negotiating? Don't negotiate. I don't negotiate with terrorists. I'm not calling you a terrorist, ma'am. I'm calling your cancer a terrorist. And I don't negotiate with it."
Don't negotiate with a terrorist. Blast them out to smithereens. Use high levels of vitamin D. Get your cortisol down. [00:20:30] Get your insulin down. Get your estrogen down. How do you get estrogen down? Dim it out, or hormonal products. That's why I love... I take it. Do you know that I took hormonal formula? "Oh, Doc, what are you? Are you a woman?" Nah, I don't want any estrogen for my prostate. It's really not that complicated, not easy because we live in a sugar-infested world, but it's going to take some dramatic things.
Now let me give you another little tip, ladies. [00:21:00] There's a seed, Dr. Martin's favorite seed. Somebody said to me the other day, "Is it hemp?" Well, don't smoke it. No, it's not hemp. It's called flaxseed. Ladies, flaxseed. You want to fight cancer? Use flaxseed. Do you have to grind that up? Nah, that's an old wives tale. You don't have to grind up flaxseeds. You can if you want, but you don't have to. [00:21:30] Your stomach will do it. What do you think your stomach is? It's a grinder. It's a furnace. No, but why do I like flaxseeds? You guys, you should know the answer to this. Why? It's called lignans, L-I-G-N-A-N-S, lignans. What do lignans do? They block estrogen. That's why flaxseeds are wonderful. No other seed is a flaxseed. [00:22:00] They're fantastic. Ladies, flaxseeds. Here's a tip. If you've got cancer, you can use them during the reset. Put it in Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. I think next week, I'm going to talk to you about it. I've got a little thing I'm working on that I think you'll enjoy next week. Okay? It has to do with Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie.
So I think I covered everything that I wanted to cover. [00:22:30] Okay? I think I've covered everything that I wanted to cover. So these two episodes share them. Share them, it's information you're probably not going to get elsewhere. And I don't mean to boast about that. I'm just telling you. And by the way, let me just say this because I read it yesterday. Don't stop eating red meat if you have cancer because that's what online will tell you. It is [00:23:00] ridiculous. Ridiculous. Why wouldn't you have red meat? Cancer hates steak. Cancer hates it. Just the opposite of what you'll read and don't believe that nonsense. I'm sorry. I'm very opinionated. And I always tell people, "Look, you might have your 17 PhDs after your name, but how many patients have you seen over your lifetime?" I'll put up my experience in 46 years, clinical, real [00:23:30] people with real problems and having to get results.
So your little lab, I'm not dismissing it, but I'm going to tell you with my lifetime experience and come from generations. My dad, my grandfather. I'd love to be able to sit with my grandpa because I'll tell you, he was called the quack in his day. But, oh boy, some of the potions and whatever my dad told me about some of them, oh [00:24:00] wow, incredible. Very, very smart man. People come from all over North America to see him. Anyway. Okay, love you guys. We'll talk tomorrow Lord willing. Okay? And share this.
Like I said, here's how Facebook works. Facebook, what do I know? I'm just telling you what I've been told. Facebook works by sharing. The more likes, the more they see that, the more they share [00:24:30] it. Yeah? So Facebook will actually share something that's very popular. And I want to thank you by the way. I want to thank you guys, because you've made this a tremendous, probably one of the top programs on Facebook. I don't know if they give awards for that. But guys, that's not me. That's you. That's you guys. I love you for it. I do. I mean that. Okay, talk to you soon.
Announcer: [00:25:00] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.