Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, once again, good morning. Here we go this morning, question and answers. A lot of good questions. I divide them up into two, usually, try and answer [00:00:30] nutrition questions first and then conditions, medical conditions. That's sort of the way I divide them. First one from JoJo. I've got a grandson I call JoJo. His name is Josiah, but I call him JoJo. Pre and post-workout, what do you suggest? Well, good question. Now, look, pre-workout, here's what I suggest. If you can, [00:01:00] you want to empty your glycogen, empty out your liver, or empty out your muscles of their stored energy, if you can. And some people can't, but if you can, then if you're working out in the morning, then don't eat. That's probably the best pre-workout that you can do. Like don't have anything. Have some water, of course. Have a coffee, of course.
Come on. But you want to empty [00:01:30] your stored glycogen. So, I'm big on, and again, if you have hypoglycemia, you don't do well without some food, then by all means, go ahead. But the best pre-workout, in my opinion, would be to do it fasting without eating. Now, not the end of the world if you have to eat, of course. I'm big on what's the best, not carbs, protein. [00:02:00] Protein is the best pre-workout if you have to eat and the best post-workout. Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie. You want to talk about a post-workout, replenish all your fuel, muscle building, bone broth, cream, a few berries, four ounces of cream, heavy cream, and blend. Tremendous. So, yeah, I'm big on protein, protein, protein. Protein's king. [00:02:30] Protein's the best fuel. Now, of course, the combination of protein and fat is even better, because strictly having protein without any fat... I like fat.
So, you're getting in... The animal kingdom is where you get that perfect combination in eggs, meat, and cheese of protein and fat. So, in my opinion, that is the best pre and post-workout fuel. So, very good question, [00:03:00] JoJo. Pat is asking, she was told six almonds every day for heart health, fact or fiction? Very good question. I like that. I've actually seen that, I think, and I can't remember who said it. And look, it's not fiction, but it's not the best food that you can have for your heart. Now, almonds are good. Almonds are good. Okay. They are. [00:03:30] They've got a good source of protein, not like meat, and heart healthy oil a part of, I don't necessarily buy that, like it's much better heart healthy to have a snack on eggs, much better than almonds. Much more complete nutrition, much more anti-inflammatory, much more [00:04:00] built up for your heart strength than almonds.
And again, if you like almonds, yeah, and you can have some. Now, I don't recommend almonds if you're on the reset and I don't recommend almonds if you've got diverticulosis, that kind of stuff, nuts and seeds can get caught in the gut. And you know me, I love peanut butter. And why would you have almond butter when you can have peanut butter? I don't know. [00:04:30] That's just my personal preference. But I'm under no illusion that peanuts or peanut oil is actually that good for it. I like it, but that's 'cause I like it. It's vitamin P, for me, because it's fat and protein. Are there better sources? Yeah, but I don't know if they taste better. So, I like to take my supplements in the morning with peanut butter unless I'm fasting, [00:05:00] intermittent fasting.
So, yeah, I'm not saying that it's no good. Okay. Almonds are... They're nuts, they're all right. I'm just eh... And they produce oxalates too. So, if you've got any kidney trouble or whatever, oxalates, be careful with them. Okay. Why does one person lose weight on the reset and another one doesn't? Well, I think I'm going to have to answer this question from here until eternity. [00:05:30] The reset has become very popular, but why do some people lose weight? And listen, it's never a man. Okay. Nichole. It would have to be a woman asking that question. It's a very good question, but ladies, this answer is for you. And I will repeat this probably once a week for forever, it's called ovaries. [00:06:00] It's called your thyroid. It's called cortisol, estrogen, progesterone out of the ovaries. It's complicated for women. Horormones. Now listen, the reset, you have to understand where it came from.
The reset was to fix metabolic syndrome. The reset was created originally to fix diabetes. [00:06:30] And so, the reset, whether you lose weight or not, and I promise you, you will empty your liver. You'll lose fat. There's a question about visceral fat we'll get to in a few minutes, but you are metabolically fixing yourself, Nichole. Metabolically, you're fixing yourself. So, don't put all your eggs in the basket of weight loss. Look, if you want to [00:07:00] lose weight, in my opinion, there's not a better program than the reset, because it's the healthiest. It's made that so you don't yo-yo. It will change your metabolism in 30 days. And to lose weight, it's the best way. Now, everybody talks about keto, keto, keto. This is not keto. It's not a keto diet per se. It's not. Now, some people will go into ketosis, [00:07:30] but that's not the key.
The key is nutrition. It's the best, highly dense nutrients feeding your cells at the cellular level, changing your mitochondria within the cells, changing the fuel within the cells, anti-inflammatory, fixing your insulin, fixing the fatty liver, helping your blood supply. [00:08:00] Guys, the benefits are legion proven. Metabolic syndrome, it changes the triglycerides and the HDL. It helps to fix blood pressure, which is a major... 50% of the population today, 50, half, have some form of heart disease. 88% of the population have metabolic syndrome, [00:08:30] elevated insulin, elevated blood. Now, you don't have to have all the symptoms, but you're going to have some of these. Bad triglycerides, low HDL, fatty liver that you don't even know about. Unless you take a picture of your liver. You don't even know you have fatty liver. For most people, it's asymptomatic. So, Nicole, it is a good question and I'm on your side.
I mean that. Don't give up. You might have to do the reset longer to [00:09:00] lose weight, but I'm telling you one thing, you're losing visceral fat. That's the most important fat. Now, remember, now I ain't going to just come back and take this fat blob five pounds. "Oh, Dr. Martin, I only lost five pounds and my husband lost 20 pounds." You know how many times I hear that? And I always have a little smirk on my face. Not because I... Ladies, you know me, I'm on your side. [00:09:30] Men are from another planet. Don't compare yourself to your husband. Most men are so stinking stubborn they won't do the reset, but if they do, wow. Ladies, that's five pounds. I'm showing you something that's almost a foot long. I think it is a foot long. And about six inches thick. And this fat, when it's inside your body, is very dangerous.
This is [00:10:00] an organ really onto its own. It's like your body grew another organ. And it ain't good news, because this creates inflammation. This stores toxins. This fat blob elevates estrogen. You want to know why it's hard to lose weight for a woman? That's why. It's not fun. I didn't say it was fun, [00:10:30] but you'll have to understand what I'm saying. Don't get discouraged. You have to trust the process. Trust it. You know things are... This is why I do the program. I'm pumping up your tires, ladies. You're doing the right thing. You're decreasing your risk of heart disease. You're decreasing your risk of cancer.
You're decreasing your risk of 100% of diabetes. [00:11:00] You're decreasing your risk of autoimmune. If you have any one of those conditions, it's the best thing to do. There's nothing better. Nothing better. You'll go online and you'll see all, "You need to drink vegetable juice, and you need to drink celery juice, and you need to juice and donate red meat, and eggs, meat, and cheese are bad for you, now coming..." Brought [00:11:30] to you by the food industry. The makers of crappy dinner, and crappy cereals, and the middle aisles of your grocery stores, which are controlled by eight big food companies who have lied, liar, liar, pants on fire for the last 50 years.
Well, longer than that, because they started with Crisco, baking with Crisco. [00:12:00] Don't use butter when you can have Crisco. Your body doesn't even know what that is. When you eat margarine, "Oh, doc, it's basil." I don't care. It's plastic. Your buddy don't know what that is. When it hits your body, you eat it. You know what they call vegetable oils, your body doesn't even know what that is. It goes, " [00:12:30] Okay, what did you just give me? It's not nutrition." And all it does is set up inflammation in the body. I'm sorry. And what's happened in the last 50 years, they rail, rail, rail against the farmer. "That's no good for you. Meat? Ah, you can have a little bit of chicken if you want. Make it a chicken finger."
Nah. No. Not true. So, all I'm saying, guys, [00:13:00] is understand that. The reset, I will compare it to any other program. And remember, it's 30 days. I'll put it up against anything. I've been doing this for so long and I'd never seen result... And listen, I used to get good results before, but nothing like the reset. And like I said, if a diabetic will do it and no cheating, they [00:13:30] put their dia... Did I say cure? No. It will put their diabetes into remission. It fixes the pancreas and the liver. It takes all the stress away from the kidneys. And it does help with weight loss.
Most women will still lose weight. You might have to do it a little longer, ladies, but understand that if you've got hormonal issues, horrormones, it's more complicated. [00:14:00] I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but don't give up. Ladies, get healthy and the weight will take care of itself, I promise, once your hormones get into balance. It's tough, but it's worth it. Okay. Thanks for the questions. Nancy says, "Two friends, vegetarians had massive strokes. Was consuming high carbs the most likely cause?" Yep. Look... I mean, every individual's [00:14:30] different. And I don't want to be too hard on vegetarianism or veganism, the new religion of today. Young people are being indoctrinated today that this is the best way. Netflix is part of it. and I've given you the philosophy behind it, because it really is a religion. It's a philosophy. It's not science, guys. Being a vegan or a vegetarian is not science.
It's a philosophy. [00:15:00] And I have respect for people who believe that, but I don't buy it. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I'm consistent. You know me, consistent. No, here's the question I ask. If God put B12, zinc, torene, arginine, amino acids. If he put all the essential amino [00:15:30] acids, the ones that you need to eat. And then told you it ain't good for you, that's not science. You can't get B12 without eating red meat. You just can't. Don't fool yourself. It's not even in chicken, ladies. It's in red meat. How can it be bad for you then? If what one the most essential vitamins, we talked about it yesterday when we were talking about the brain, if it's one of the most essential vitamins [00:16:00] for your brain, why would you not eat it? You see, meat consumption has gone down.
Vegetable oils have gone way up, packaged foods, because of indoctrination. I'm telling you. And kids are learning this in school. I wish they would invite me to teach. I remember, was it last year? I guess it's a couple of years ago now. I used to do biology a lot. I think it had been about 20 years [00:16:30] since I got invited to teach biology. And I was teaching these grade 12 kids and they were smart kids. They really were, 'cause they had some great questions on nutrition. And I was just... Like they look at me like I had two heads. And I think there was a dozen or so kids in the class, and two of them were vegans. And I said, "Can I change your mind?" And I just gave them a science lesson in food. I said, "You're [00:17:00] going to have to take B12 the rest of your life, you know that, right? Nah, you do."
And so, I said, "How can it be normal that you have to supplement a diet? How can it be normal?" Even vitamin D. Now, vitamin D, the best is the source is the sun. But vitamin D3 is found in the animal kingdom. It's not found in plant kingdom. It's found in eggs, meat, and cheese. Vitamin K2, which takes [00:17:30] calcium out of your arteries, it ain't in the plant kingdom. I didn't say plants were no good. I'm just telling you the facts. So, they say don't eat red meat, because it's hard on your heart. It's just the opposite. You ain't going to elevate your levels of CoQ10 for your heart muscle. Your heart is a muscle. It needs CoQ10. You can't elevate your [00:18:00] CoQ10 without eating eggs, meat, and cheese. Science. And I'm pretty adamant about it. Okay, I'm getting excited here. Okay. Good questions.
"What causes polyps?" Melissa is asking how to prevent them. Well, polyps are growths. They're like little tumors, precancerous in a lot of cases. How do you prevent them? Well, the same thing [00:18:30] that I'm talking about, because polyps need fuel. Don't give them sugar. If you don't believe sugar has any effect on cancer, then don't go get a PET scan. Now, I'm not talking about bringing your pets for a scan. I'm talking about a PET scan, P-E-T. That is a cancer detector. It's for cancer. What do they do? They give you a cup of sugar. They give you a cup of sugar, radioactive. [00:19:00] Then you light up like a Christmas tree if you have cancer anywhere in your body. It's called a PET scan.
Cancer needs fuel. Don't give it. And a pre-cancer polyp needs fuel. Don't give it fuel. And I've said this a thousand times and I'll probably have to say it another thousand. If you do nothing else for your health, nothing else, cut out sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup, which is in [00:19:30] everything. I've done programs in the past, I call it the antichrist of sugars. It is sugar on steroids. It is a completely different sugar. Again, your body doesn't know what it is. It doesn't know how to metabolize it, so it sends it off to the liver. And your brain, all bad. Bad, bad, bad. Good question, Melissa. Visceral fats, we talked about [00:20:00] that. Because a lot of people are skinny, but that doesn't make them healthy. They can have fat around the organs and they have no idea.
They don't have. They can have hardening of the arteries and they have no idea. Skinny doesn't mean better. If you're a bad eater and you're skinny, you're unhealthy. Send me your CRP, c-reactive protein. Send me your triglycerides. Send me your HDL. I'll tell you a whole [00:20:30] story based on those things. You can be skinny and very unhealthy. Very good question, Brenda. Anna, "Taking steroids like prednisone or hydrocortisone, does it elevate vitamin D?" No, just the opposite. Vitamin D is an immune thing. When you take a steroid, it's an immunosuppressant. That's the problem. People that are on prednisone, they have to be very careful for infection, because [00:21:00] their immune system goes down. Vitamin D activates the immune system. We talked about it on the webinar the other night, Tony Jr. and I was showing a slide where T cells, those are your Navy SEALs of your immune system, the lymphatic T cells.
They're searching for vi... They've got a little antenna and they're looking for vitamin D to activate them. Sugar stops T cells [00:21:30] from working. Vitamin D makes T cells charge after bacteria viruses and even cancer cells. They have an antenna, they look for vitamin D. They don't work without vitamin D. "Oh, Dr. Martin, can I get too much vitamin D?" I guess so, but I wouldn't worry about it. People, 90%, here's what I'm saying, 90% of the population, [00:22:00] 90% have low levels of vitamin D. Now they might have, in even blood work, where they have their serum dehydroxy 25 taken. And the doctor, "Oh, that's normal." Yeah, but it's lower than it should be. It may be normal to a doctor, but it's not normal for you. It's too low. Vitamin D, you need it.
Good question, Anna. Merv, this is about sinus rinse. "Can I [00:22:30] irritate my sinuses by doing it too much?" Yeah. Even oil of oregano. I love the oregano spray. I call it spray and pray, because if you put oil of oregano... Now, there's actually... Don't put drops down there or anything like that, my word. Not unless you want to commit harikari. I love the... It's called the Orego spray and it's a sinus spray with oil of oregano. It's been diluted. It's very good, I [00:23:00] love it. First sign of a cold, put that down your sinuses and pray for five seconds. Okay, 'cause you got to pray. This will make you... Do you have trouble praying? Take oil of oregano. You'll start praying. Spray and pray. Okay. Woo, I like oil of oregano spray. That's me. Okay. I put it on my toothbrush.
You can put it in your sinuses. It's great to kill fungus. Could you overdo it? Yeah. [00:23:30] You don't want to irritate the sinuses and you could irritate them. But generally, I like it. Generally, I like it very, very much. Barry and Joel asked about low blood pressure. Well, again, you always have to look at the cause. There's several possibilities of when you have low blood pressure. The first organ I look at is the thyroid. Ordinarily, the thyroid's not working up to snuff and that can give you low blood pressure. [00:24:00] And so, you got to find out, Joe and Barry, what's causing the low blood pressure. And look, for some people... Look 120/80, systolic and diastolic, 120/80 is the range. To me, high blood pressure is not really high unless the diastolic is over 90, the second number.
Keep it under 90. The first number, [00:24:30] I'm not saying it's not significant. It's just not as significant as the second number. A lot of people get too uptight. And you know what, can I say something? Quit taking your blood pressure 100 times a day! do you want to get your cortisol going? It's like people who take their blood sugar every five seconds. No wonder they're so uptight. "Oh, my blood sugar's up, my blood sugar's down, my blood sugar's up, my blood sugar's down." Quit taking it! Quit taking your blood pressure all the time. You got a [00:25:00] cuff at home and you think it's your new little toy. I'm not saying don't take it, I just say quit taking it every five minutes. I get people, they chart their blood pressure every... You know what, that's brought to you by the pharmaceutical industry.
Ooh, it shouldn't get myself so uptight. Irene was talking about a thyroidectomy and taking a Synthroid. Anything else we should be doing? Yeah. Well, Irene, listen, Synthroid... The [00:25:30] reason we created the thyroid formula is because that is tremendous. It's got every nutrient that your thyroid needs. And if you don't have a thyroid, it helps to replace it. Now, I'm not saying to get off your meds. I don't do that to people. I don't tell people to get off their medications. I never do. I don't go over there. I just want you to feel good. And then you can discuss with your doctor. The problem with [00:26:00] some physicians, or a lot of them, is once they prescribe something, they got the can't-help-its to keep you on it. Like really a lot of medications were meant not for you to take forever, like a blood pressure medication.
Yeah, but you had high blood pressure. Yeah, and I got to regulate it, the doctor in their mind. And then they go, "Well, you got to stay on it." Well, no, why don't you fix the cause of it? It's insulin! I mean, I'm not against meds, [00:26:30] but they should be temporary. I talked to people, they'd been on a sleeping pill for 20 years. "Well, doc, I can't sleep." You're not sleeping. You're no sleeping. There's no repair done. You're sedated. It's like you're going in for surgery every night and they're sedating you. Like the goal... I don't get it with physicians. I don't. Like Why do you have a patient on a [00:27:00] sleeping pill for 20 years? I don't get it. Like try something else. Okay.
I don't want to get too uptight here. Okay. Thank you so much for the questions. We really appreciate it. And I think I covered pretty well everything there. Now, next week, bringing some good stories, good things, news behind the news. A lot of good stuff that we'll touch on. Don't be shy, [00:27:30] invite your friends to join the Martin Clinic Facebook group. We're into the big thousands, and thousands, and thousands of followers. We appreciate that. Tremendous group, it really is. If you have any questions, don't be shy. Ask questions. That's what we're here for. Okay. So, love you guys. Talk to you soon and God bless you.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. [00:28:00] Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.