Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. So, question and answers. Thank you so much for all the questions that came in this morning. We sure appreciate it. And so let's get right to it. I [00:00:30] sort of divided these up into more food or supplement questions and then conditions. So that's how I divided them up, in no particular order.
Sherry and Suzanne were asking about flax and hemp seed. Now, I think Sherry was asking more whether there was alternative to flax. As you know, I like flax seeds. Why is that? Because flax seeds, not flax oil, flax seeds have [00:01:00] lignans in them that block estrogen. So that's why I liked them. Now, if you have diverticulosis, that may bother you, so seeds, nuts, or whatever, you got digestive issues, you be very careful with them, especially with diverticulosis, which are little pouches in the bowel, and seeds [00:01:30] and salad gets caught in that.
Now, the problem with any seed is it gives off oxalates, so certainly a little bit of flax seed is fine. Some people like hemp seed. I've often in books written about hemp seed. Don't smoke it, that's the marijuana plant, but the seeds are good. But again, just be careful. But hemp seeds don't have [00:02:00] lignans to block estrogen, only flax seed has that. So I like them.
Lisa was asking about what I think about colloidal silver. Now, I like colloidal silver. You have to be careful with it. You don't want to overdo it with colloidal silver. But, Lisa, just understand where I come from. So when you ask me about colloidal silver, I don't use it or I didn't use it in my practice. [00:02:30] It's not that I didn't try it. I just found that I compared colloidal silver to oil of oregano and oil of oregano is a better antifungal, better antiviral, better antibacterial, in my opinion. Clinically, this is what I saw.
So I always compare that kind of thing to oil of oregano. I happen to like oil of oregano much better. That's just me. Oil of [00:03:00] oregano is stronger, in my opinion, as an antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial. Some people really like colloidal silver. Yeah, I like it, but I love oil of oregano. That's just the way... And clinically, you have to understand that clinically that's... I was always result orientated, so I liked oil of oregano.
Janine is asking about tomatoes. Do they cause heart palpitations? No, [00:03:30] but for you, maybe, Jenny. Look at your fingerprint. It's different than the other seven point... What is it? 7.3 billion people on the planet now? You're fearfully and wonderfully made. You have your own fingerprint. Nobody is like you, Jenny. And tomatoes, if you get heart palpitations from eating tomatoes, don't eat them. It's your body telling you, "Hey, you know what? I can't break that down. I can't [00:04:00] digest it". I've heard people say, "Well, it's the acidity in the tomato." Nah, because once it gets to your gut, tomatoes become very alkaline. But everybody's different.
For some people... I think I was on yesterday with someone with the reset and they couldn't digest meat or whatever. Well, I feel sorry for you. I do. [00:04:30] There's some people that are allergic to themselves. That's called autoimmune. I know people, they go into a room and if you have any kind of underarm deodorant, any scent at all, they're allergic. Well, you know what? It's hard to live in a bubble.
And this is why, even with food intolerances, do you want to spend $600, $700 and get a test? Well, you could, but I [00:05:00] find those things not to be that accurate because you light up like a Christmas tree and you find out... I had a patient that brought me the results of their food allergy testing and they were allergic to 300 stinking foods. I said, "Well, what are you going to eat? I don't think you're allergic to 300 foods. What foods bother you when you eat them?" "Oh, dairy". "Okay. Is it cheese or just ice cream and milk?" " [00:05:30] No, I can eat cheese". Well, okay. See, be your own doctor when it comes to food intolerances. So if tomatoes bother you, well, you might try and fix it with digestive enzymes or whatever but you know what, generally, just stay away from them. Because somebody was asking about doing the reset and that's exactly the question. They do the reset, Shirley's asking, but they're intolerant to dairy. Well then, eat [00:06:00] eggs and meat. You're down to two food groups instead of three.
There's a reason I included cheese, by the way, and cream. Dairy is good for you. It's just today's grocery store milk isn't good for you. Because it ain't milk. It's white Pepsi. So just understand where I'm coming from. And the reset, there's a reason. And it's 30 days. It's not like you're going to do... Well, some people stay on it but generally it's [00:06:30] a 30 day program to detoxify.
And even yesterday, I was on our Facebook group and a guy came in and he's been on two weeks and he lost nine pounds. And some of the women are coming on right after him and they're all discouraged by that. Ladies, you're women, you got hormones. It's different for you. The reset wasn't primarily made for weight loss. Yes, [00:07:00] 95% of people lose weight. Women lose less. Men were from another planet, ladies, did you not know that? My wife will tell you that. So just understand that the reset was primarily to get rid of metabolic syndrome. That's why I created it.
What's metabolic syndrome? Insulin, which is at the root of every chronic disease, cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, [00:07:30] Alzheimer's, the reset was made to fix it in 30 days, fixes it. Empties your liver. Regenerates the body. 30 day program, by eating nutrient dense food from the animal kingdom. And for 30 days, no vegetables, no fruit, no seeds, no nuts. "Oh doc, it's hard." I didn't say it was easy. [inaudible 00:07:57] tires, don't want you to get discouraged.
[00:08:00] You know what? Being healthy is not easy. Coffee enema, Linda's asking about that. I like that. I like the coffee enema. Especially if you have cancer, I'd be big on coffee enemas. Been around a long time. So yeah, I liked them. I got no problem with that. Especially to detox and that. I like coffee better than the coffee enema though. Just shows you how good coffee is. I use [00:08:30] it in a coffee enema.
Okay, Roy, no, Nancy, or Mary was asking about gluconeogenesis. Big word. What is it? Gluconeogenesis is when... I've mentioned this before, just without using the word. It's when... Look, if your body, Mary, needs sugar, you can have a piece of steak and your body's smart. If it needs sugar [00:09:00] for fuel, it will take that steak and turn some of it into sugar. That's called gluconeogenesis. Folks, listen to me. You never ever have to eat another carbohydrate in your life if you don't want to. And if you're a diabetic, you got an allergy to carbs. So quit eating them. You have an allergy. So gluconeogenesis is something your body would do if it needs...
You guys, [00:09:30] can I just tell you something? Think about this for a minute. Just common sense. Sugar is destructive to your blood vessels. Just ask a diabetic. They know sugar is destructive to blood [inaudible 00:09:47], and a lot of other things. It feeds cancer. We know that. Go get a PET scan. They're going to give you sugar before they put you into the machine and you light up like a Christmas tree if you got cancer. [00:10:00] From your head to your toes, it don't matter, the sugar will go to the cancer to feed it. So don't let any doctor in the universe, none, tell you that sugar, oh, a little in moderation.
No, don't fool yourself. You don't need it. There's nothing good in it. But if your body needs it, it'll take steak and turn it into that. That's gluconeogenesis. But just to prove to you also, your body will do everything. It can not allow [00:10:30] sugar to stay in the blood stream. It must store it. It must store it. It must store it. That's what your insulin does. It's the key that unlocks your cells so that sugar does not stay in the bloodstream. Very important. Very good questions. Roy is asking about better glucans. I used to have a product with better glucans in it, it was made from oat and I had a protein powder [00:11:00] made, it was in a high bed of gluten protein, and I liked it. Well, I made it, or had it made. And when you have barley and oats and wheat and bran, and the only thing I want to say now, Roy, is better glutens, you can get it as a supplement if you want. But I find, it's good for the immune system, but I find there's better things for [00:11:30] the immune system than better glucans.
Not that they're bad. They're not, I don't want you eating that stuff because the oats and the bran and all this and that, they're going to be sugars very, very rapidly. So I'd rather you not eat any kind of cereals or breads or whatever because that's just going to elevate, we live in a different world where insulin is the big problem and those create a lot of insulin. Now you want to use a supplement of better glucans. I got no problem with that. Like I said, [00:12:00] I like immune system, vitamin D, and vitamin A, much better, oil of oregano, much better for your immune system in my opinion.
But I got no problem with it, Roy. I really don't. Bev is asking about Dr. Gundry and he says red meat's bad for you. Well, I understand why Dr. Gundry, and others, they have this idea that red meat [00:12:30] is acidic. First of all, it's not, it's not. And look, I got a lot of respect for people. I do. They have a different opinion than me. I respect their opinion, but a lot of it is religion and not science. And I just see a philosophy that's there, it's more of a religious thing. Animals are good. Humans are bad, [00:13:00] right? Climate is our fault. I'm not saying Dr. Gundry is a conspiracy guy. All I'm saying is I don't agree at all because, look, my expertise is food. There's nothing but, look, liver's better than red steak, but I don't like liver.
I don't like the taste of it. So, you know me, I'm not going to tell you to eat liver when I don't eat it, although it is very good for you. But the highest food on the food chain [00:13:30] is red meat, especially steak and roast beef, because you can't get B12 without red meat. So why would Dr. Gundry say red meat isn't good for you when one of the... Your brain doesn't work without B12. Your nerves don't work without B12 and okay, if you want to supplement and don't eat red meat, you better supplement. All I'm saying is, think about this. Use your common sense [00:14:00] for a minute. Did God put vitamins in the food then says, "you know what? Don't eat that. It's not good for you". Come on. I don't buy it. I'm sorry. You know what I think of vegetarians and vegans.
I love them as people. God loved them, but they're wrong. They're wrong. You can't get all your amino acids unless you're eating red meat and you ladies and chicken, chicken doesn't have it either. [00:14:30] Chicken and salad, salad and chicken. I know, I know you love it, I know, but that's not where all your vitamins are. You got no zinc in that, guys. And zinc is on the hit parade again these days because of COVID. But it's found in vitamin S, steak. I'm sorry, Dr. Gundry. Not that I've ever met you, but good for you, for all your success, but I don't agree with [00:15:00] you and you're not going to get me, guys, to change my mind. It took me a long time to get a PhD in clinical nutrition. It did. And I've been consistent. So if you want to hear religion, as far as food, I'm sorry, I ain't giving you religion.
I'm going to give you science. There's a lot of philosophy out there. A lot of religion is what I call it. So very good question. And I appreciate it. So Bev was asking, Shirley, intolerant [00:15:30] to dairy then avoid, Marion, talking about increasing your serotonin. How do you do that? One of the best way, remember, there's more serotonin... Serotonin, by the way, if you're wondering what it is, it's a feel good hormone. We got an epidemic today of low serotonin. One of the biggest effects of COVID is, and I've mentioned this to you many a time, the coming tsunami, it's already [00:16:00] hit us, is depression. When you're depressed, you have low levels of serotonin. That's why they give you an SSRI, a selective serotonin uptake medication, to play with your serotonin levels. So what do you do?
Fix the gut. Very important, a real good way to get serotonin levels up is vitamin D, go sit in the sun. I sat in the sun yesterday. We had a nice, not [00:16:30] quite fall yet, but it, Sudbury, it's fall. We got the memo early. That's a couple of weeks ago. Summer ended overnight, but we've had some real nice, cold in the morning, like today, it's cool, frost, but it's going to warm up because once that sun's out. I sat in the sun yesterday and I got my vitamin D, that really elevates your serotonin. Probiotics, elevate your serotonin, fix the gut and lay off the [00:17:00] sugar because sugar decreases your serotonin. It messes up your neurotransmitters. And by the way, up in the brain, you need fat up here for your neurotransmitters, for serotonin, and dopamine, and GABA. That's why I love high DHA oil for the brain.
Even for the chemistry in the brain. Good questions. Heather, [00:17:30] mastic Chios. That is like a gum, isn't it? Like that you get from the resin? Yeah, my grandfather, my dad used to tell me that he had a resin that he used and you chewed on it. I never really saw him because my grandfather, he died in 1952, the year I was born, but he had more remedies, my word, more syrups, more ointments, [00:18:00] more... And my dad handle a fair amount of those things too. My dad had his own cough syrup and it was all good stuff. I mean, I grew up on that stuff. The resin for the stomach, yeah, it's all right. Clinically, all I'm saying to you, Heather, is that compared to digestive enzymes, I got no problem with it, but compared to digest enzymes, the amylase, the protease, the lipase, the HCL.
[00:18:30] I like those things better. I find I get better results with that. But again, L-glutamine, good question. There was some questions yesterday about L-glutamine. L-glutamine is an amino acid. It regenerates the gut. It's very good. We have it in our IBS formula. And I like it. Their question is asked by, who asked it, Sony, I think. How much, you don't have to get it separately if you don't want, I like it in our [00:19:00] IBS formula. But part of the amino acid profile in bone broth is L-glutamine. That's why bone broth is so good for your gut. So make it yourself or get bone broth. So good for you. It has a lot of L-glutamine in it. Do you need to add it? Well, that's why we have an IBS formula. People who have got real irritation. We put mucilages together and with L-glutamine and it's a tremendous formula.
Conditions, [00:19:30] Crohn's, autoimmune, you need to fix diet. That's why, for Crohn's, I find the reset fabulous, plus probiotics, plus digestive enzymes, and with Crohn's, lay off the carbohydrates. It's amazing how that helps. And the sugars, Elsey seeing black spots in front of her eyes, well, that could be cataracts. It could be a lot of things. One of the things that can cause black spots in front of your eyes, [00:20:00] are cataracts. I think someone else was asking about cataracts. Let me just see, and what is the cause of cataracts? Well, usually blood supply. Anything in the eye is blood supply. Because if you go in and look at the back of the eye, you know what you see? Highway 407, you ever been to Toronto? Highway 407, the 403, the Gardiner Expressway, and all this and that. You see it in the back of the eye.
I always [00:20:30] found that fascinating, to look at the eye and see all the blood supply there. They're little capillaries. And the problem is, usually with cataracts, it's a problem with, and that's usually sugar. It's a diabetic thing. Diabetics have so much trouble with their eyes, including diabetic retinopathy, micro circulation. The first thing when insulin gets elevated and you have insulin resistance, one of the first things is capillaries. That's [00:21:00] why they have trouble with kidneys. That's why they have trouble with circulation. I'm talking about diabetics, but even pre, you might not be officially a diabetic, do you start going to have trouble with your eyes. It's amazing. The other thing I like is high DHA oil. I find that tremendous for the eyes, Navitol, pine bark, tremendous for the eyes, really good. Someone was asking, I probably didn't write the name down, phospholipid syndrome, but that's an autoimmune [inaudible 00:21:31], [00:21:30] I talk a lot about autoimmune, Crohn's is an autoimmune.
Where does autoimmune start? Any autoimmune, location, location, location, the gut. I've never seen a case of autoimmune, even Hashimoto's, Graves' on the thyroid, Sjögren's, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis. Autoimmune. The gut. It's the microbiome. That's the problem. [00:22:00] Bonnie, B12, ideal number. I like 800 to 1200 in that range. I don't like it lower than 800. Now that'll get flagged as high by the physician. Not by the physician, but in the lab. But if it's not 800 to 1200, you're really not got good levels of B12. And somebody asking about numbers. Christine was asking about blood pressure, 114 over 87. Well, that's excellent. Yeah, 87, maybe a [00:22:30] little bit higher than 80, but that's an average. Keep your diastolic, that's the second number. Keep it under 90. I'm more interested in that second number. 120 over 80 is ideal, but some people have lower than that.
Some people have higher than that. I'm not so big on the first number. Not that I don't look at it, and quit taking your blood pressure or your blood sugar every five seconds, okay? I get a lot of people, [00:23:00] you know what? Their blood pressure is high. You know why? Because they take their blood pressure all the time. They make themselves anxious. You want to believe that's true. Go to your doctor's office. You know how many people have white coat syndrome? Their blood pressure only goes up when they're in the doctor's office. Doctors make them nervous. I never had a white coat on. This is why I used to tell people I'm going to take your blood pressure, but I don't have a white coat on. So don't get nervous.
Deborah was asking about contraindications [00:23:30] of cortisone. Now the problem with, when you take cortisone, it's a steroid. I'm not against it if you absolutely need it. The problem with the injection is that they often damage, they make the muscles and tendons, that's why athletes in a lot of ways, they rip things today more than ever before, they rip things, because they're always taking cortisone shots, they get an injury to get a cortisone shot. I'm not big on that. [00:24:00] I'm not saying one cortisone shot in your knee or whatever, yeah, but don't get two of them. I don't like that, because it destroys tendons and there's side effects to it. Now prednisone, somebody else was asking, well, that's taking a steroid, prednisone, as an anti-inflammatory. Some people take it. They have to, temporarily, to get inflammation down. But again, that's suppressing your immune system. Cortisone shots, well, if you're only getting one, that's not going to suppress your immune system very much, but you're getting several, [00:24:30] it will. It's one of the side effects of taking cortisol.
Leila was asking about night terrors. I find that is a cortisol thing. That's cortisol is not going down low enough. You see, cortisol works like it should be higher in the morning, because it goes with your circadian rhythm. You'll get waking up, it'll elevate your blood sugar and you're just getting going. That's cortisol goes up and then it starts [00:25:00] to come down later in the afternoon, and then by nighttime, it should be way down, but people get night terrors in that they're sleeping, but they're, and even kids, this can be part of a somewhat of anxiety. And I like our cortisol formula. And I like cortisol. I wrote a book, two hormones that want you dead. Two hormones that want you dead, cortisol and insulin, serial killers, I called it.
So [00:25:30] white sugars can have a big effect on your hormones. Rajah, I think I said that right, tinnitus. Well, look, you can get tinnitus years of working in loud noises or whatever you can get tinnitus, ringing in the years, but the biggest problem with tinnitus I find is it is a symptom of elevated insulin, insulin resistance, change your diet. It makes a big effect. Sometimes it can be [00:26:00] low levels of B12. So that's what I look for. Lynne, she's asking a very good question. It takes five years to get cancer according, yeah, because to get to the tip of a ballpoint pen, you see it there, it takes five years for cancer to grow to that size. Now, that's not very big. Cancer is very slow growing, very slow growing. But Lynne is asking how many years to get reverse it?
Well, if you don't feed it, don't feed the bears. Don't give cancer cells [00:26:30] any sugar and you got to be triple strict if you got any cancer in your body, but your body is unbelievable how it turns on cancer if you give it everything... I'm going to talk in October, which is very close, it's breast cancer month. I'm going to go over all of that. I am going to give you a protocols for cancer. Some of the new studies that are coming out, you should see the new studies on curcumin and cancer. Tremendous. [00:27:00] Really, really, I'm telling you, if curcumin was a drug, if vitamin D was a drug, you'd be hearing so much on what it does on cancer guys. So, and we'll talk about all that. How long does it take to revert, it depends. It depends on what kind of a cancer it is or whatever. I was telling you about Suzanne Somers, right?
She had cancer, what? 20 years ago? Breast cancer. I think it's even longer than that. And you know, she was cancer free, I think, [00:27:30] within about a year or so and then, but she's never changed her diet. She has been religious about really, really being careful. Louise, too much vitamin D, can it cause heart palpitations? No, it's not common. I guess it could, no, it's not a common thing. Vitamin D you never see talks, it is so rare. If it does happen, it can happen. It's a fat soluble vitamin. [00:28:00] I liken vitamin D more to a hormone than, you can't live without vitamin D, you'll die young without vitamin D. I'm sorry. Could you get heart palpitations, well, like I said, Louise, everybody's got a different fingerprint. If that's what seems to bother you and gives you heart palpitations, well, then your body can't take it. So go out in the sun instead of taking the supplement, if that's for you.
But believe me, I can't say that without knowing for sure, [00:28:30] but, no, generally don't do that at all. It's good for your heart as a matter of fact. Dorothy, chronic kidney disease. Last question. Can I go on the reset? Hey, the reset was made for the kidneys. You got chronic kidney disease. Don't blame the salt for what sugar did. Sugars is the culprit. Ask a diabetic with kidneys. You got chronic kidney disease. The reset is the best thing for it. And remember, it's not [00:29:00] protein that kills your kidneys. A lot of people say that, but it ain't true. Okay. Love you guys. Do you have any questions for me? Send them in. If you're not part of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, we got a big group there. Fantastic. Okay. And you know, join up. Okay. Love you guys. And talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior, [00:29:30] and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.