Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In Podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Okay, let's talk again. This is part two of leaky gut. A lot of you asked after the session yesterday. Okay, doc, [00:00:30] so what do we do? How do we fix it? Okay. And I don't know if you could see that, I don't know if it got posted, but I said I used three Rs, remove, replace, and repair. So that's what we're going to talk about today, remove, replace, repair. If you do that, you fix leaky gut. Okay, so there is a way of fixing it. Some folks were asking about: Is there a specific test for leaky [00:01:00] gut? Not really. You just have to go based on symptoms.
So let's just do a little review from yesterday. Remember, yesterday I used three Ls, location, location, location. Medicine is into location, meaning that if you have rheumatoid arthritis, they treat rheumatoid arthritis. They know it's autoimmune, [00:01:30] but they don't look at the ... They look at the location of, let's say you've got rheumatoid arthritis, and you can visibly see it, it's in your joints. It's deformed your joints. But you have to go back a step further. Where did that originate? Location, location. See, doctors treat, if you have a skin, like psoriasis, eczema, acne, they'll treat psoriasis, eczema, acne, [00:02:00] topically, sometimes internally with the medication. But they're not looking. Where did it come from? Hippocrates said it 2000 years ago, the gut, the gut, the gut.
And then what we did, we talked about, first of all: What is leaky gut? Leaky gut is when you have particles that got into your bloodstream that don't belong there. How did they get there? [00:02:30] How is it? You see, your body has a barrier, and we talked about that. You have a barrier, a gut, blood, barrier. It's microscopic. You can't see it. If you do, a question was asked yesterday. What if I get a colonoscopy, will that show leaky gut? No. It might show irritation of the gut. It might show ulcerative colitis. It might show diverticulosis. But it won't show leaky gut because [00:03:00] this is submicroscopic. There is sort of a way now to detect it by analyzing bacteria in the gut. This is a whole new area in medicine that they're looking at the stool and checking for all these colonies of bacteria, the microbiome we call it.
And by that, they can tell pretty well if you have leaky gut or not. So leaky gut, [00:03:30] there's 1300 studies on leaky gut in medicine. So I didn't pull a rabbit out of a hat here, folks. I'm not making this up, leaky gut. And we talked about the origins of why you could get leaky gut. And the number one reason, number one reason is medication, antibiotics, the number one reasons, steroids, anti steroidal medications like [00:04:00] Advil and Motrin. And Tylenol's not really, acetaminophen is not really in that category, but it's every bit as bad. People, look, you got pain, you got a headache, you got sore back, I get it. I understand why you take a pain medication, so please don't come after me for that. I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is it's a double edged sword. Antibiotics, [00:04:30] am I saying not to get an antibiotic? You've got an infection, antibiotics are the greatest discovery of the 20th century, saved millions of people's lives. Am I against it? Of course not, but you have a double edged sword.
The problem with antibiotics is they don't know what to kill. They kill infection, yes. But they kill all your good bacteria, and that creates dysbiosis. The dysbiosis is, it kills your friendly [00:05:00] bacteria. And now you have a war. It's invisible. You can't see it. But it's going on inside that gut of yours. Another factor is undigested food, low acidity in the stomach, poor functioning gall bladder, or no gall bladder for a lot of people. That can really set you up for leaky gut because you've got a stomach for a reason. It's to mulch-ify your food, break it down, make it micro [00:05:30] sized, not microwaved, micro sized, so that, and this is one of the big problems in our society today, a lot of people have low acidity in their stomach.
Oh, doc, I've got high acidity. I've got acid reflux. No, that's because of low acidity in the stomach. And now your body's overcompensating. People just don't break their food down anymore. If you don't break it down properly, it's not absorbed properly. It's not what you eat, it's what you absorb. [00:06:00] This can create leaky gut, food. This is one of the reasons there's so many food intolerances toady. But any food intolerance, listen. How do you know you have leaky gut? I have a food intolerance. I can't eat eggs. I can't have dairy. I can't have milk. Good, don't drink milk. I can't eat ice cream. Good, don't eat it. Right? I can't have gluten. Good, you don't need it. [00:06:30] Oh, doc, I want to eat gluten free. Well, don't do that either. Don't eat those gluten free, all that garbage, because that's what it is, is garbage. Okay?
So I didn't even talk about yesterday, one of the biggest things in leaky gut is stress, stress, your blood supply. I always call stress a diversion. You're uptight. For a lot of people, they're uptight all the time, and it's that constant [00:07:00] drip, drip, drip, drip, drip of cortisol, constantly dripping of cortisol. That's not good for your good. That's not good because it changes the microbiome in your gut. It creates inflammation in the gut. So this is leaky gut. And remember, leaky gut most of the time, not always, don't think of it as ... Several yesterday came back to me [00:07:30] and said, "Well, if I have trouble eating, I have leaky gut." You might have, but some people have no symptoms in the location of their gut. Their symptoms are elsewhere. And we talked about how many yesterday?
We talked about the brain, leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky gut, leaky lungs, leaky gut, leaky skin, leaky gut, leaky joints, leaky gut, leaky [00:08:00] sinuses, leaky gut, leaky kidneys, leaky gut, leaky bladder, ladies. Recurring UTIs, leaky gut. You got yeast that's covering your bladder. How did it get there? Right? How did it get there? Came into the bloodstream. Yeast doesn't belong in the bloodstream. It shouldn't get past that barrier, but it does. I've had physicians tell me right [00:08:30] to my face, and tell their patients, and my patients, "Oh, you could never get fungus in the blood. It would kill you." Yeah, it will kill you, but it's going to be very slow. It can get into your blood. Leaky gut.
And one thing that I remember, this is 30 years ago, at least that long ago, maybe longer than that even. But I remember dentists putting out stuff that was interesting because [00:09:00] they were saying that you've got to check your mouth because bacteria in your mouth can leave that location and travel in the bloodstream and attack your heart. That was at least 30 years ago. Not all dentists were talking about it, but a lot of dentists were. And they were talking about gum disease, location, location, yeah, in your mouth. But that bacteria can go down and attack the pericardium and attack your heart. And they were talking about inflammation, [00:09:30] the body's response to that bacteria leaving your gum lines and heading off into the bloodstream. And they were specifically talking about how it can attack your heart. They're going to do more than that. Leaky mouth, there's another one. I just made that up. Leaky mouth, leaky heart. That came out 30 years ago, at least that long. I was fascinated by that.
Okay, so how do we fix it? How do you fix it? Remove [00:10:00] first are, if you're taking notes, remove, remove sugar from your diet, remove. You have to remove sugar. Why? What has sugar got to do with the gut? Everything, because sugar feeds bad bacteria, but more importantly, sugar feeds yeast, candida. Don't feed the bears, remove [00:10:30] sugar from your diet. Remove it. Essential, remove crappy carbohydrates, crappy carbs, remove it. Bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugars, sweets, pastries, muffins, bagels, milk, crappy carbs. Alcohol, it's a carbohydrate. Going to be sugar in five seconds. Anything with high fructose [00:11:00] corn syrup, remove it. So if it says sugar on the label, don't eat it. Don't drink it. I know it's strict, but if you want to fix it, you have to get that out of your diet, remove. Remove those vegetable oils, those highly industrialized, no margarine, no cookies, no crackers, no canola oil, nothing like that.
We call them either vegetable oils or seed oils. They really [00:11:30] affect the gut. They destroy the microbiome. They feed yeast. I know it's strict, guys. I get it. I understand that. But I've got to give you the information. That's why I ... Some people get discouraged on the reset. They do because they immediately don't feel great. Some people feel fantastic after a few days. But you have to understand why I create that. It's a 30 day program to [00:12:00] get rid of leaky gut, empty your liver, regenerate your pancreas, take out all the inflammation in your body. You have to look at the big picture. Oh, doc, my energy's down. Yeah, well, you're detoxing. I don't feel good unless I eat carbs. I know, but that's not good for you. In the long run, you'll see. You've got to stick it out. It's not easy.
I write that. I write in my new book, this is simple, but it's not easy. It's simple. [00:12:30] A kid could understand it. Oh, doc, what do I eat? Eggs, meat and cheese. What else? Nothing else. Now you can have them in 100 different varieties, I don't care. But for 30 days, you need to comply. And I don't want to beat anybody up. I'm just telling you how it works. I've seen it. Leaky gut is fixed with the reset. You've removed every food that I [00:13:00] don't want you to eat. The first R is remove. The second R is replace. Remove, replace. What's replace? Replace that bacteria. Replace that bacteria. Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics, they are the key. You must replace, to replace the lining, replace the lining. You need to take probiotics. Every day, doc? Every [00:13:30] day.
Look, guys, you know me, by the way, I'm a food guy. I'm a food guy. That's your medicine. So if you want to make fermented foods, good for you. And I'm all for it, I love fermented foods, from sauerkraut. You want to make your own yogurt, hey, go for it. Get a kit and make your own yogurt. [inaudible 00:13:53], kefir. How do you call it? I don't know. Kefir, I love it, no sugar. [00:14:00] But those are good, but they're not broad spectrum. Broad spectrum means it's got at least 10 different bacteria in it. That's why I talk about it all the time. I've been talking about probiotics for so long, I've been to this dance before for a long time, consistent. And yes, this is you need not only to replace or remove, you need to replace. That's number two.
Now I want you to repair. Now probiotics [00:14:30] are part of that, but part of the reparation, I'm just going to talk about three or four things, three or four things. You need vitamin W. What's vitamin W? Water. Oh, I wish we had a light on top of our head that said, "Would you add water, please?" Your gut needs water. In order for it to repair, your cells need H2O, and there's nothing like H2O. Only water is water. What is the best [00:15:00] water? Mineral water, it's got minerals in it. That's how you're meant to drink water. That's what would come out of the soil, the ground. Right? You got a well, you got mineral water. Now all water's good, but mineral water's the best. It's got the best PH, and if you are drinking from a tap, filter it, please. Get the fluoride out of there, if anything else.
Like in Sudbury, somebody showed me this back in 1990s, [00:15:30] that Sudbury puts about 2300 chemicals, all told, into the water system here. All those chemicals are going to give you a leaky gut. So at least filter it, filter the water. If you're taking water out of your fridge, well, good for you. It's already filtered. I would add a little pinch of Himalayan salt. Part of the repair is water for your gut. Here's another one, bone broth. Make your own or take it. Why do I love [00:16:00] bone broth? Well, lots of reasons. One of the greatest things in bone broth is L-glutamine. It repairs the lining of your gut, repair. Water, bone broth. Bone broth's got everything else in it too, all the minerals. You need that. Collagen, the best protein in the world is collagen. That's what bone broth is. Somebody on our Facebook page showed they were making their own, beautiful. If you do [00:16:30] Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie with bone broth, that's the powder I recommend, it regenerates, good for the gut. Takes that little wee lining in your gut and repairs it, repair.
You know what's a good repair? Digestive enzymes. Remember the other day I was talking to you, and I never finished on all the personalities. I did the personalities in the news. Do you remember that? That's a podcast [inaudible 00:16:57]. I never did the fourth one. I was going to tell [00:17:00] you about this, but I ran out of time. And then the next day, I was on to something else. But let me tell it to you now. What I was telling you back then, remember what Miley Cyrus and ... Who's the boxer? I've forgotten the guy's name already. Mike Tyson. What did they have in common? They gave up on veganism. Woo hoo. Well, they found out they weren't feeling very good. Right? Because you're not getting all the nutrients you need.
[00:17:30] And then the third one was Tony Fauci, Anthony Fauci, a new superstar because of COVID. And he said something the other day about vitamin D and vitamin C. Did you get our email today from Tony Junior? Get that teaching. If you're not signed up for our emails, sign up. Tony Junior put a teaching out this morning on vitamin D, tremendous. That's what Tony Fauci admits he takes for his immune system, not taking very much, but that's all right. At least he's taking it. It got some ink.
[00:18:00] You know what the fourth one was, and you might've seen this, and you might not have, Suzanne Somers. And do you have to be my age to know who that is? Three's Company, the infomercial queen, Suzanne Somers. And she's written a lot of ... She's become a health advocate. I think most of you would know that, but maybe you haven't heard that. But she's become a health advocate. You know why? Because Suzanne Somers got cancer. She was so [00:18:30] angry because she was always in good shape. And she ended up meeting a doctor like me, not me, a doctor like me. And he said, "Well, no wonder you got cancer. You're so full of estrogen, it's coming out your ears." And nobody had ever told her that. And she had a very aggressive cancer. But she became like you guys are, she became self educated.
And we're talking [00:19:00] 25 years ago at least. And she started writing about it and educating herself, and surrounding herself with doctors who think outside the box. And you know what she said the other day? I couldn't believe the amount, I had to listen to it twice. She said, "Well, one of the biggest things I do to keep myself healthy is I take," listen to what she said, "80, eight [00:19:30] 0," I've never heard anything like it, "Digestive enzymes a day." Wow. But she said, "All I can see is those little enzymes like Pac Man are eating up cancer cells. And it was in the news, but in the news behind the news. I can't even exactly remember where I saw it. But I was chuckling. To me, you don't have to take 80 digestive enzymes a day. But I love digestive enzymes [00:20:00] for what? Repair. Because what will give your gut a huge break is if you break your food down properly before it gets in there. And that's what enzymes do.
Now your body makes enzymes. Your pancreas makes enzymes. You make enzymes to break your food down. Lipase and amylase and protease, these are important enzymes. As we get older, we don't make as many. If you have leaky gut, I think it's an important therapeutic [00:20:30] to repair. Bone broth, digestive enzymes, I used to call them American Express. Don't leave home without them. You got any kind of digestive issue, digestive enzymes, I love them. You know what else repairs? Oil of oregano. It repairs. It's an antioxidant. It kills off bad bacteria. It doesn't kill your good gut. I love oil of oregano. Oil of oregano owes me money because [00:21:00] I've been preaching it for so long. When I had my own radio show in Northern Ontario for 20 years, some of the sales guys for natural products used to tell me. I had a friend that sold natural products, and he was salesman for natural products into the health food stores. And he said, he told me one time, he said, "Dr. Martin, the highest sales of oil of oregano are in Sudbury, in all of Canada, thanks to you," he said.
I [00:21:30] said, "Well, send me check." I didn't get any money from that. No, but guys, you know me. I've always promoted that. It helps. It's a natural antibiotic, a natural antifungal, a natural antiparasitic. We put it right in our digestive enzymes. Why? They only kill the bad guys. I was talking to a lady yesterday about H pylori, which is a bacteria [00:22:00] that loves to inhabit your stomach. Oil of oregano, it's like Raid. You remember those old commercials for Raid? H pylori and yeast and all that, they're having a party. And remember the old can of Raid? I used to like that commercial. Raid. Remember how the bugs used to say? And then they'd scatter. Right? Well, H pylori scatters when you take oil of oregano. That's how good it is for you. Kills yeast, kills [00:22:30] bacteria. Kills the bad guys, not the good guys.
See that's a nature's antibiotic. It's nature's antibiotic. It knows the difference between good, bad and ugly bacteria. I'm telling you. I love it. What else do we use for repair? Vitamin C, coffee, good for your gut. It is. It brings repair into the gut. Now I don't make any money on coffee either. You know that. My wife says I only look for studies [00:23:00] on coffee that are positive. I agree. If anybody says anything negative about coffee, I dismiss it. But I'm telling you, very reparative, very anti-inflammatory. No sugar, though, don't put sugar in your coffee. Otherwise, you're defeating the purpose. It won't help with the repair. Coffee helps repair the lining of your gut. How do you like that? That's why it's so good as an anti cancer. Coffee's anti cancer, anti pancreatic, anti esophageal, [00:23:30] anti stomach, anti bowel cancer. There's studies on that. And I didn't write those studies. I'm trying to think if there's anything else that I missed.
Zinc is good too, by the way. So where do you get zinc? Vitamin S, steak, eat steak. It's good for your gut. There you go. So leaky gut, leaky gut, location, location, location. Remove, replace, repair. Do you like those little Rs? [00:24:00] Okay. If you don't get our emails, please sign up for our emails. They're really good educational tools, they really are. And like I said, Tony Junior did one on vitamin D. Watch that, watch the little video he put out. It's fantastic, I'm telling you. So love you guys, send your questions in. And we'll talk soon. God bless you.
Announcer: [00:24:30] You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.