Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the, Doctor is in podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We're going to talk about gout this morning and what it is and what it isn't. And the reason we're doing that is because we're talking about the kidneys [00:00:30] and yesterday we went into some detail on that. Okay. So what we're going to talk about is a uric acid. Okay. So yesterday we talked about oxalates, they're from the plant kingdom. They're from legumes and salad. And we talked about that yesterday. Somebody asked me yesterday, "dr. Martin, do you eat salad?" Yeah, not often, but I do, I [00:01:00] do have veggies guys. I'm not telling you never to have them. Of course, when you're doing a 30 day cleanse, no veggies, because I don't want you having any oxalates. If you have, or you know anyone that suffers with kidney stones then understand this, that they're either oxalates or they're uric acid crystals, that form stones.
Now, when you think of uric acid, most people think of gout, and [00:01:30] gout is no fun. Gout is like on steroids today, it's so frequent. And I'm going to tell you why. Kidney stones are gone up 80, 90% from 50 years ago, we talked about it yesterday. The dehydration, look at your kidneys as Niagara falls, it's a big issue in society. And one of the worst issues about it is that we don't have a little light [00:02:00] flashing on the top of our heads that says dehydration, dehydration, add water, add water. We don't have that mechanism. And trust me when I tell you that with the clinical experience over the years, that water like Niagara falls needs to be flushing out those kidney, your kidneys and your lungs, kidneys, and your lungs, [00:02:30] kidneys, and your liver are detox organs. Your kidneys flush out impurities through the urine, your liver detoxifies your blood, your lungs expel carbon dioxide.
You need to keep those lubricated with water, water. We talked about that. Now let's talk specifically today about uric acid and here's what it is not. Google it, [00:03:00] and you will read that uric acid and it could be causing kidney, but it is a kidney issue, it's not necessarily causing stones, but you're going to get, a lot of people get gout. A lot of people have inflammation in their joints and they don't realize it's uric acid. They don't realize it because it could be chronic and not acute. You see, usually gout, people have this thing where you'd get a gout attack, it's acute and it's [00:03:30] very painful. True, but there's chronic uric acid in the joints, but not only in the joints, uric acid is part of metabolic syndrome. And I will come back to that. Having high levels of uric acid. But here's what it is not.
It is not purines. Purines, by the way, everybody put your hand up and you can say this, "I make purines." Because everybody does [00:04:00] because purines are a byproduct of your metabolism. They're a byproduct. They're a breakdown of any time you produce ATP, what is ATP? It comes under the mitochondria of yourselves. It's fuel. One of the byproducts of fuel is purines, you make them. And so if you Google this, Google gout and I guarantee you that 99.9% of the information that [00:04:30] you get online about gout is that it's caused by high purine foods and stay away from seafood, especially shellfish and sardines and crabs and organ meat and red meat and lamb. And don't eat Turkey, because they make purines. Well, don't be a Turkey and listen to them. It's not purines. [00:05:00] You make 10 times more purines than you can eat just by eating food.
You're making purines. The problem isn't the purines, the problem is at the kidney level to flush out the purines that can be converted to uric acid. Uric acid, by the way, your body makes it, it's an antioxidant. The problem is when at the kidney level, you're not excreting [00:05:30] doing it properly. So it goes back to that. It goes back to that. And that's really important because some kidney stones are uric acid. Gout, uric acid, but it's not caused by that. It's caused by insulin, it's caused by insulin. See, one thing about insulin and insulin resistance, now you know what that is, that's when your cells go, "Hey, get out [00:06:00] of here. I'm so tired of seeing you." Remember the little illustration I used last week about the neighbors. If they're always in your house, the book of Proverbs talks about that. Don't go to your neighbor's house every day, they're going to get tired of you.
The problem in the world today, numero UNO is insulin. We use it too much. I know that sounds simplistic, but it's absolutely true. We use insulin way too much. So what happens? [00:06:30] Your cells don't like it anymore. And the illustration of the key in the lock that's jammed. But remember insulin has a job to do and no matter what it will do it, until it can't, that's diabetes. But 88% of the population have trouble with insulin resistance. They're metabolically unhealthy. And when insulin is at a high level, the body's response [00:07:00] to insulin resistance, one of the responses is inflammation. Inflammation, repeat, repeat, repeat, it's not Houdini. You don't get inflammation from uric acid. Your body makes uric acid. You don't get inflammation from purines. Your body makes purines, much more than you eat.
It's insulin and insulin resistance. High [00:07:30] circulating insulin, that's the Martin clinic little lingo that we call it. It's insulin, hyperinsulinemia. Do you want a medical word? It's not high circulating sugar. It's high circulating insulin. But sugar and crappy carbohydrates are at the root of high circulating insulin. You see what comes first is insulin, way before [00:08:00] somebody becomes a diabetic. Metabolically you're not right. So if you know anybody with gout, you know people with inflammation in their joints? A lot of times it's not diagnosed, but they have hyperinsulinemia. High circulating insulin or insulin resistance, all the same word. It creates inflammation, disease without a fever. It's not an infection, although [00:08:30] your body thinks it is. Your body gets duped, and uric acid, instead of being peed out, uric acid is supposed to be converted to urea and peed out. What's another reason to drink a lot of water? Pee it out.
And that can form stones. We talked about oxalate yesterday and another form of stone is uric acid stones. That happens a lot, but inflammation is [00:09:00] not the cause, but it's at the root too, of what goes on with kidney stones. And remember what I told you yesterday, the first thing that happens with high circulating insulin is inflammation, and inflammation affects the circulatory system. That's why cholesterol is not the problem in heart disease. I've said that 10,000 times and Lord willing, if I live longer, [00:09:30] I promise you I'm going to say it another 10,000 times. It ain't cholesterol, it ain't fat that you're eating, it's not purines. It's not, and it's not a lack of a medication called Allopurinol. Millions of people in North America, millions, millions are taking a medication called Allopurinol, so that you don't make uric acid.
[00:10:00] You want to destroy your kidneys? Take Allopurinol, because it's managing it. It's managing it, but it doesn't fix it. You're creating another problem with permanent damage to the kidneys. The kidneys regenerate folks, the kidneys regenerate. Okay. So what it isn't, is purines. It's inflammation caused by insulin and that's just the way for some [00:10:30] people, they get affected by that. I remember when I was in school, we used to call gout, the King's disease and all they could see was the King. This was the vision I had in my mind, is the King sort of sitting back on sort of a couch like thing. And the King was fat, overeating, everybody else was skinny, but the King, he was the only [00:11:00] one who could afford to eat.
They actually called it the King's disease. The issue wasn't the meat he was eating, because they always said, "Well, the peasants weren't eating much meat, but the King was." So the light came out of the purines from the meat, eating oysters and things like that. People couldn't afford that. That was sort of the medical, the textbook on gout. But what they [00:11:30] didn't realize is what was the King drinking? It was alcohol. The King was drinking too much wine and beer. The worst things for gout. If you have gout, you got to become a tea totaller. No, be a coffee tottaler. I don't know who made up the tea totaller thing. I like coffee better. It's an antioxidant. It's an anti inflammatory, coffee. Vitamin C on the hit parade. But [00:12:00] listen, alcohol, if you have trouble with inflammation in your joints, is really going to bother those joints big time because it elevates your insulin immediately.
It does not pass go and go directly to the liver. Your body responds with an inflammatory response. I'm just telling you about, if you want to get rid of uric acid, you want to get [00:12:30] rid of gout, you must lower your insulin. And one of the ways to lower your insulin is to lower alcohol. Yep. Number two, numero duo, lower your fruit intake. Don't eat God's candies very much. No more bananas, no more apples, no more grapes. They're too sweet. Fructose, fructose [00:13:00] is a major contributor. And of course, listen to what I'm going to say, why is there so much go? There's a sugar that man made, God didn't make it. Man made this sugar. You know what it is, it's called high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is gout on steroids. Stay away. We talked about it in a previous podcast, we talked about the effect of high fructose corn syrup that goes [00:13:30] directly to your liver except one little bypass. Remember?
It was fascinating. It creates leaky gut because it damages the little lining between your gut and your blood. We talked about that, high fructose corn syrup. Something we didn't know, I didn't know that before that study came up. I knew it fed yeast but I didn't realize what it did to that barrier. Destroys it. See, it's a manmade sugar, but even fruit, I tell [00:14:00] my patients, I remember a guy came into the office one time and just tell you the story. He come in and he literally could not button up his shirt. His hands were so swollen and he had trouble moving, he was so sore. And I said, "Well, you got high levels of uric acid." "What?" He said, "Well, I don't eat meat, I don't need eggs and purines." And he said, "I live [00:14:30] on fruit."
I said, "That's your problem. That's your problem." And I got him to no more fruit. he was desperate. It was an easy conversion for him. I said, "No fruit, no alcohol, no beer, no wine." He thought I walked on water, because within a few days, all that inflammation was gone. And I said, 'Well look, it's just the way it is. Your insulin was way too high. And now you weren't peeing out your uric [00:15:00] acid. And for you, it happened to hit you in the joints." Look, a lot of people have inflammation. It attacks the blood vessels. Their heart is going to be damaged. They don't know it. Doc, my cholesterol is normal. That doesn't mean, cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease. Well, good cholesterol does. You need high cholesterol for heaven's sakes.
So you get rid of alcohol, get rid of fruit [00:15:30] and you can have a few berries. Okay? Have a few strawberries, a few blueberries, but not a lot of them. Look, it's the way it is. I know that's difficult for a lot of people because they see fruit, they start their day with fruit. Look, I love fruit, I do, but you've heard my story before. I got diabetes coming out both my ears, family history. And I look like my father, [00:16:00] especially when I put a hat on, my wife says I married my father in law. They didn't call me Tony junior for nothing. Anyway, my dad was diabetic and I don't only look like him, I'm built like him on the inside, I guess. And you know what? I have to be very careful. And I learned years and years and years ago, I can't eat a lot of fruit because of my insulin. [00:16:30] You can reverse diabetes. You can, because diabetes is an allergy, it's simple, to carbs, to sugars, it's an allergy.
If you look at it like that, that's how I used to explain it to my patients in the office. Listen, you've got an allergy. Oh yeah. And get rid of something that causes your allergies. You and carbs are frenemies. You know what a frenemy [00:17:00] is? You like it, but they don't like you, that's a frenemy. That's what fruit is to a lot of people. We live in a different world today. There's so much inflammation, but inflammation isn't Houdini. You have to go one step back, it's insulin. If you understand that, you understand everything that I do. I mean it. I know how to fix it, because I know what the problem is. It's not purines. Kidney stones, kidney problem, it's inflammation [00:17:30] caused by insulin. Look, if you're hurt your knee playing football, I'm not talking about that.
Muscles, oh, I'm going to bring to you a really interesting study on muscles and insulin too. So guys, it's really important, so if you eat a low fat diet, is that going to help you? Nah. It's not going to help you. If you want to take the medication, I'm not telling you not to take it, but I'm telling you how to fix it. So here's some steps you can do. Food, do the reset, [00:18:00] lower your carbohydrates down to nothing. Lower your sugars to nothing, no juices, nada. If you're going to make dr. Martins, perfect smoothie, a few berries, that's it. Don't eat bananas and don't drink bananas. I know they taste good in a smoothie, I get it. I probably have about two to three bananas a year. I love banana. I could have peanut butter and bananas, I don't even need the bread. [00:18:30] Although I like bread. I'm just telling you all my weaknesses, but I got to be disciplined. I know me. When I put out a finger at you guys, remember I got four of them pointing back to me.
One at you and four at me, because the reason I talk so loud is I'm trying to get my own attention. I started exercising when I was 17 years old because of my daddy. I never stopped. [00:19:00] I stopped drinking soda at 17 years old. I didn't drink anymore. I mean that, I just know me. I watched my father, the discipline, I had to and I'm like him. And a lot of people are like me too. It's the biggest problem in the world today, it's not COVID okay. So lower your insulin, which will lower your inflammation. [00:19:30] An anti inflammatory diet is getting rid of carbohydrates, sugars, bread, pasta, rice, cereals, sugar, sweets, pastries, juice, milk. If it's bought in the grocery store. Alcohol, "Oh, Dr. Martin, I got to have a glass of wine every night, just because I worked hard and it relaxes me." I understand [00:20:00] that I do, have a coffee instead with no sugar added, okay? Now, one of the things that's inflammatory and you see it right behind me here. See this five pounds of fat?
This in itself, this in itself, I have it in my hands right now. And for those who will listen to this on a podcast, I'm holding five pounds of fat, very visible, very big. Five pounds of muscle is small. Five [00:20:30] pounds of fat is huge. So when a patient tells me, and ladies, you're the worst for this, "Doc, I did the reset, but I only lost five pounds." Good for you. Five pounds, look at how big it is. It's a foot long and about six inches wide. But when you lose that, you lose [00:21:00] inflammation. This in itself creates inflammation guys. Having that extra belly fat is an organ onto itself. When it's around your belly and on your hips and you lose five pounds and they're so disappointed. They go, "The reset, oh, it didn't do it for me."
I say, "Yes, it did." Metabolically, you lowered all your markers of inflammation. You lowered your insulin down to nothing. [00:21:30] Your pancreas went to Hawaii on a holiday. You lowered your uric acid levels. You didn't even realize it. You lowered your homocysteine. You lowered your C reactive protein, which is an inflammatory marker. And so is homocysteine. It's an amino acid that breaks down when your inflammation is high, homocysteine. And when you're B12 is not high enough. And that's another discussion. [00:22:00] So what do you do? For some people, they might have to cut out all their fruits temporary, and then maybe just add a few berries later and you'll get used to it, I promise. I look at bananas in the grocery store and I go, "Oh, I wish I could eat that stuff." I love them. It's one of the reasons I have long arms.
I'm sure of it, but I can't have it. I don't have much. I just discipline myself. Do you think I don't love apples. I love apples. I can't remember the last time I had an Apple. I allow [00:22:30] myself some berries, for me, because like I said, when I preach to you, I'm preaching to me because of my problems. I would be in that 88% if I didn't discipline myself every day. I am preaching to you what I do personally, I have to, I have to. And one of the things, we talked about this yesterday, that oxalates do, and uric acid, they bind your minerals and that's why I'm [00:23:00] so big on adding Himalayan salt. You bind these things, bind your minerals, you don't absorb your minerals properly because of what goes on, especially with oxalates, your silence. Okay. I know I'm tough on you, but I'm just trying to tell you.
And I was saying this to someone yesterday that I was communicating with, a health coach and I said, "You almost have to undo [00:23:30] all the training you took. You almost have to undo all of it because it's not true. I think it's Proverbs 23 and 23. It's easy to remember, get the truth and never sell it." I just got to tell you what the truth is. Then news behind the news. And then some people don't like it. I'm sorry. Well, I'm not really apologizing, but I mean, I'm sorry if it offended you. Some people get offended. It bothers them because they've been indoctrinated. [00:24:00] Meat is bad. Fruits are good. Ask Eve if fruit is good, I'm just teasing.
Okay. So guys appreciate you, okay? Share this with your friends. If you're listening to this on a podcast, give us a review. It's good, because then they share it even more. That's what happens with it. Social media is all about sharing. And this is why we appreciate [00:24:30] when you do share this. Okay. It gets the message out and we appreciate that. Okay. Oh, we got some good things coming guys. We got some good things coming. I tell you I was excited just sort of preparing. In the next little bit and see you then. So talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another, Doctor is in podcast with your hosts, dr. Martin junior and senior. [00:25:00] Be sure to catch our next episode. And thanks for listening.