432. All About Kidney Health

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We're going to talk about this morning leaky gut, leaky kidneys, a study that came out last week, and I had to flag it. It was incredible. [00:00:30] Again, the importance of the microbiome and the bacteria in your gut, the war that goes on within the gut. We know this, that leaky gut, leaky skin, leaky gut, leaky lungs. You got trouble with your lungs? I understand COPD and all that if you've been a smoker [00:01:00] or whatever, but a lot of problem with the lungs start in the gut. Leaky sinuses, people get recurring sinus infections. Allergies. Leaky gut, allergies. Leaky gut, leaky joints, especially any autoimmune with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, and anything [00:01:30] on that skin just about comes from the gut. You see a rash, you pretty well can go back to the gut.

Now, what I want to talk about this morning is kidneys. We'll spend a few minutes on the microbiome, and they're showing again, and this is why the double edged sword of antibiotics. Save your life, but [00:02:00] change the microbiome. They change that ecosystem within the gut, and with that derangement, and I've said this so many times, but can lead to problems elsewhere because of the change in the microbiome. Now I'm one to believe that one of the primary reasons that you get something away from the gut that started in the gut is mostly caused by [00:02:30] fungus, yeast, candida, and this has been my experience, and the kidneys are not immune to that. So one of the major causes in our society today of all the issues with leaky gut, the number one cause is antibiotics.

They can save your life, but they create disaster within the gut, and [00:03:00] remember, not always with digestive symptoms. Now, 80% of the population have trouble ... some form of digestive symptom, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, pain, just very uncomfortable digestive track, 80%. I'm going to give you one of the reasons today, because I'm going to talk [00:03:30] to you about the kidneys. Now, the gut, if on antibiotic ... but look, there's other things. It's not just antibiotics. A bad diet with all that sugar. You want to know almost a perfect storm for leaky gut is sugar, high sugar, and 200 pounds on average, North Americans eat of sugar and crappy vegetable oils. You [00:04:00] want to talk about ... and what are those? Those are primarily in carbohydrates, crappy carbs, vegetable oils, the middle aisles of your grocery store.

You put the sugar, you put the vegetable oils together, and you have a perfect storm within your gut, because they kill the good bacteria, feed the bad bacteria, and especially encourage the proliferation of yeast, the third army that's [00:04:30] in there. That'll spread. We talked a few weeks ago about how it affects autism, how leaky gut is the major cause of autism, in my opinion. Leaky gut is the major cause of autoimmune disease, a hundred percent. It's the major cause of any allergy, you've got any food intolerance or allergies, even environmental. Why would you have an environmental [00:05:00] allergy and the person next to you doesn't? Seem chemical. It's your gut. It's the microbiome. It's huge in autoimmune. So let's talk specifically about the kidneys, because I wanted to go over that with you this morning.

Leaky gut, leaky kidneys. Yeast can get in there, and we talked about antibiotics and sugars and crappy oils [00:05:30] and artificial [inaudible 00:00:05:36]. These people that use these ... it's part of the vegetable oil, but they're not vegetables, and they're oil that you could use in your car, canola oils and safflower oils. They destroy and they change your microbiome, and they create an enormous amount of inflammation too, because their Omega 6's, compared to Omega 3, but kidneys are ... [00:06:00] because I get lot of questions on a weekly basis about kidney stones, and I get a lot of questions about gout on a weekly basis, and I want to tie these two things together. I want to tie them together. So you have your microbiome, but you also have oxalates. Now what are oxalates? Oxalates are a byproduct of the plant kingdom. [00:06:30] So when you eat plants, leaves, and your salads, and when you're a vegetarian, and even worse, as a vegan, when you're eating your beans, one of the byproducts of that in the gut is you're producing oxalates.

Oxalates, they're a byproduct. I believe one of the reasons is because you're not making an enzyme that [00:07:00] herbivores have, like a rabbit, like a cow. They have an enzyme called cellulase. You don't make that. You're a human being. You don't make cellulase. So when you eat the plant kingdom ... and I'm not telling you not to eat it. A lot of people accuse me of that because I put so much emphasis on eggs, meat, and cheese, for good [00:07:30] reason, but oxalates ... and this is not for everybody, but for a lot of people, if you make kidney stones, there's two types of stones that you will make. One of them is oxalate ... and here's how you make this stuff. It's in the kidneys. So where there is oxalte, you make them in the gut, but the kidneys is what's got to filter them out.

And for a lot of people, they don't filter out oxalates. They accumulate [00:08:00] in the kidney and form a stone. So of course, one of the things you want to do is to drink a lot of water. You've heard me say this a thousand times, but I'll repeat and repeat and repeat. Vitamin W is what your kidneys need. The worst side effect dehydration ... well there's a couple. One of them is your heart. You make thick blood, [00:08:30] water thins the blood, makes the 60,000 miles of the river of life, your blood vessels, and your blood makes the river go. That's what water does, but have you ever been to Niagara Falls? Well, I have. Oh, you better get there between a 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, because that's when the water flows over Niagara falls. True or false? No, it's 24 hours [00:09:00] a day.

Go at night, go first thing in the morning, go in the middle of the ... 3:00 AM in the morning, and Niagara Falls, while you're sleeping, it's water is flowing 24/7. That's what your kidneys need for proper function. One of the biggest things is not the food you're eating, although we're going to talk about that, but it is the low [00:09:30] amount of water people drink. It's amazing how we have trouble getting into people's skull that they need H2O, and nothing else is H2O. Just water. I'm drinking coffee this morning. Coffee's good. You know that. It's vitamin C, on the [inaudible 00:09:52], but vitamin W is essential. Thousands and thousands of patients over the years ... and my girls, my staff [00:10:00] would know this. One of the first things I taught them before I would go in with a patient, they were doing all the lab work and I said, "Look at that blood, thick as molasses. They're dehydrated," and we wouldn't let anybody come in drinking water, but it just showed you how fast the body would dehydrate, and some people, they're never thirsty.

A lady asked me the other day, "Well, I'm not thirsty." Well don't wait for that. You got 60,000 miles of blood vessels, just like I do, [00:10:30] 60,000 miles, and you better pour water in there because the river's not going to move much and your heart's going to have to work triple overtime to get your blood moving. It seems simplistic, but it's a fact, and men are the most stubborn when it comes to drinking water. They're stubborn, true or false? That's true. So the kidneys are Niagara Falls. They need water, and my clinical experience, it's two liters. [00:11:00] It's two liters a day. For my American friends, that's 64 ounces a day, and I like to measure, and again, it's just my clinical experience. Now some people need more than that, but nobody needs less, in my opinion, nobody. So the exception is for people who need more, but not for people who need less, because I don't see that, and not just giving you all my years of clinical experience. So when I tell you these [00:11:30] things, it's clinically what I used to see.

Now let's get back to the kidney function. One of them is water, oxalates, salads, chicken and salad. Well, the chicken's good, but the salads, one of the byproducts Of salad is oxalates. I know there's books out there written about lectins, the byproducts of legumes and things like that. Yeah, I don't dismiss it, but I've found that [00:12:00] oxalates have a tendency for two things. One, lower your kidney function. Not for everybody, but if you have any kind of weakness in there, in the kidneys, and a lot of people do, and the reason they got weakness is water and insulin. Water, a lack of it, dehydration, and insulin. Insulin, why is it so important for the kidney? And we'll come back to oxalates in a minute. I just have [00:12:30] to do this because you have to understand this all the time. When insulin is high, high circulating insulin, insulin resistance, they're the same word, they're the same meaning. It's insulin. It's carbohydrates make the insulin go up. So what's that mean? What's that do? Why is that?

Well, one of the things that doesn't create inflammation in the body, but the first thing that it affects ... rises inflammation, but ... and we're [00:13:00] going to talk about inflammation this week. I'm going to give you a lowdown on lowering inflammation this week, but what insulin does, it now affects the lining of your little capillaries, your blood supply, and here's two organs that absolutely ... all your organs need proper [00:13:30] blood supply, but the kidneys work on blood supply. You don't see that, but inside your body, your kidneys work on microcirculation, and the first thing that happens, insulin, when inflammation is elevated, what does it do? It starts to damage the micro circulation to the kidneys. It also does it to your eyes, but we'll do eyes another [00:14:00] day. I want to stick to the kidneys. So what insulin does, it creates inflammation. It's like Tony Jr. likes to say, inflammation is not Houdini.

You just don't get inflammation for no reason, and inflammation from insulin affects ... first thing that it affects ... it'll affect a lot of things down the road. Just ask a diabetic. Diabetics could come on the program here this morning and give you a testimony. [00:14:30] They are 90% more likely to have kidney disease, and sometimes the kidney disease comes before diabetes. You have a weakness in your kidneys. Your creatinine is higher. You get protein in the urine and the doctor's concerned about your kidneys, but protein don't come from eating protein. Higher levels of protein excreted from the kidneys is because you're a carboholic. It; [00:15:00] s carbs, and for some it's salad, spinach. It's hard on the kidneys. Why? Oxalates. So microcirculation, and a double whammo is when you start forming oxalates in the kidneys. That's how your body gets rid of oxalates, and then what happens then? Well, if you don't flush that out, and for some people, they can flush it out, now you're forming kidney stones.

Can [00:15:30] you get kidney stones without elevated insulin? Very rare. Can you get kidney stones if you're not dehydrated? Very rare, very rare. So if you want to have healthy kidneys, lower your insulin, because your kidneys will take the blow of having elevated insulin, and I'm not even talking about having elevated blood sugar. You might not have elevated blood sugar. Insulin [00:16:00] comes first. Insulin comes first. The last thing is elevated blood sugar, because your body is made to keep your blood sugar within a very tight range and it'll do everything. It'll throw everything at it to keep your blood sugar in ... but don't wait for that. This is why I want to educate you on drink water, lower your insulin. How do you do that? Eggs, meat. I mean Google kidney disease, Google it. [00:16:30] You're going to hear the opposite of what I just told you.

Not so much with insulin, but they won't even talk about insulin. They'll talk about diabetes, but the biggest thing they'll talk about is quit eating ... kidneys are stressed by protein and saturated fat. Guys, that is not science. It's propaganda. There's a big difference. It's indoctrination, and even some of my colleagues [00:17:00] are indoctrinated because they bought the lie of fat, saturated fat. It has to be bad, because when they think of saturated fat, they think of that fat ball I've got behind me there, and the world, they believe, "Well that look at the fat there. Look at that yellow ugly fat. How did I get that? Well I must be eating too much eggs, meat, and cheese." Nah, nah, you're eating too much sugar [00:17:30] and too much crappy carbohydrates. That's how you get fat. Fat don't make you fat. Sugar does and crappy carbohydrates do.

So the kidneys, the kidneys. Water, H2O, and only water's water, and springwater is the best. I'll tell you why. Let me just do a little bit on oxalates for a second. You know what oxalates do in your gut? Oxalates ... so when you have salad, ladies, [00:18:00] oxalates bind minerals, like magnesium. Oxalates bind minerals, magnesium, potassium. Why do you think ... what are they saying? 60-80% of the population, it's probably even higher than that, are low in magnesium. We're not cows. We're not rabbits. We're not. [00:18:30] You're not a rabbit. You make oxalates, too many of them, and they can end up in your kidneys to form stones. Tomorrow I'll go over uric acid. I'm not going to do it today. I got too much stuff to talk to you about. Uric acid tomorrow, high levels of uric acid, what that does to the kidney.

And it's fascinating stuff, but just remember ... look, and some people, it doesn't bother them. I understand that. [00:19:00] But it's one of the reasons. Ask a nephrologist. There's so much more kidneys stones today. There's so much more chronic kidney disease, CKD. CKD is up about 60-70% in the last 20 years in our society today, and unfortunately, doctors, God love them, they don't go to the ... they have an effect. They have an effect, chronic [00:19:30] kidney disease, but they don't go back to why. What's the cause of chronic kidney disease? They don't look at that. They treat this. They treat this. They treat it wrong in a lot of ways, in my opinion, because they're telling people to stop eating meat. Well, meat does no damage to your kidneys. Red meat does no damage to [00:20:00] your kidneys.

It doesn't, because a doctor sees high protein. I get it. I understand that. They see it and they go, "Oh, that's protein. Don't eat too much protein." Google it and see if I'm not telling you the truth. They got it all wrong, guys. It's not true. It's sugar. It's crappy carbs. It's salad too much. Don't live on it. You're not meant to, and when insulin is elevated, then get [00:20:30] a perfect storm inside the kidney, oxalates, and you're low in magnesium and potassium. This is a big, big issue in society today. So let's recap. Drink water, H2O, two liters a day, 64 ounces a day. If you're not there yet, get there. You'll get used to it. You form a habit in three weeks. I do not allow myself a coffee. I do not allow myself a coffee. [00:21:00] I mean it, seven days a week, I will not have a coffee in the morning until I've had 16 ounces or a half a liter of water.

I just won't. It's a habit. Do you think I ... I can hardly stand it. I've been doing this for so many years. You have no idea, but I will drink ... last week I was in [inaudible 00:21:27] and I'm searching at night, because I'm [00:21:30] getting ready for the morning, because for me, I got to figure out where am I going to get my coffee? I mean that. I mean I got to have my coffee in the morning, so where am I getting that? It's very important, but you know what? I always ... now before I have a coffee, I'm going to drink my water. I'll tell you folks, that is one of the most important things [00:22:00] you can do for your kidneys and your heart, your blood vessels in general. 80% or more of people are dehydrated and it will damage their kidneys, and you're not filtering out the oxalates and the uric acid and all the other garbage.

Your kidneys is Niagara Falls. You need that. Get your insulin down, water, get your insulin, because it's going to start affecting the circulation to your kidneys. [00:22:30] Microcirculation starts first. It's the first thing that happens, and the kidneys do not function without proper blood supply. So water helps that, but soda is lowering your insulin, and then lower your oxalates. If you've had any history of kidney stones, lower your oxalates, and you lower your oxalates ... oxalates are plant based. Beans and salad, salad and beans are the primary culprits. [00:23:00] Okay. Love you guys, did a little bit of shorter version this morning of the Doctor Is In podcast and the Martin Clinic Facebook group. Guys, you guys are great. Invite your friends, share this. Anybody that's got any kidney problem or whatever, this is just simple teaching, but it's very important. Okay, we'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. [00:23:30] Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.

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