Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. So, let's get going. Some good questions were asked. Let's start with COVID this morning. Because a couple of people asked me, "Should we travel to the USA [00:00:30] in January or February?" Well, I plan on going in November if I can. And look, guys, I'm just giving you my opinion. So you got to understand that the world was in a crisis. It still is, it never seems to want to end this thing. But whether the borders are going to be open to drive down into Florida for us Canadians. But you know what? I'll post this after. I should have posted it yesterday.
[00:01:00] Headlines yesterday, headlines. The higher your vitamin D with COVID, less likely you are to ever hit the ICU. Yeah. The higher your vitamin D. Now this, I don't know how many... You know me and vitamin D I love it. The sun, vitamin D. Now, this came out in the news yesterday. This is not me saying it. Although [00:01:30] I have been saying it. Vitamin D is so essential for your immune system. If you can, find out what your vitamin D levels are. Your serum vitamin D.
In the United States, I like it between about 60 and 100. In Canada, 150, 200 is really good. Really good. So imagine if we can't go to, [00:02:00] us snowbirds can't go to Florida. Right now you can, you can fly there. And there are some good questions because somebody was asking about, I think Claire [inaudible 00:02:12] about herd immunity when 88% of the population is metabolically unwell. Yeah. But let's look at, and this is CDC came up with this, I think at the start of the week. It might've been at the end of... No, I think, yeah, the end of last week, I think.
[00:02:30] And the CDC said what? Only 94% of the people that... What was the statistic? 94% of the people who got COVID fully recovered from it. 94% of people that got COVID, if they died of COVID, they died of something else. They happened to have COVID too, but COVID didn't kill them, only 6%. And those people, all [00:03:00] of them, were metabolically unwell.
But what herd immunity is, is that, well, actually there was a study yesterday. I saw it yesterday. That if you had the common cold in the last couple of years, you had a basic immunity to COVID. Because COVID is the coronavirus. And the coronavirus is just a deviation of the common cold. And for most people getting COVID, it's no worse than the common cold. [00:03:30] But guys, you got to make up your own mind.
I think what's happening now is that you're going to see a vaccine coming out. I read yesterday again that the vaccine could be out by the end of October for COVID-19. These are all decisions you're going to have to make on your own. I'm just giving you information. I want you to be metabolically well. And the key to being metabolically well is to get your insulin down. [00:04:00] Because that affects every part of your body. And plus, we talked about vitamin D, you're a human solar panel, every cell in your body and your immune system doesn't work without vitamin D.
And this is why if everybody would get their levels of vitamin D up, I'm telling you, you have nothing to worry about with COVID. And this is actually what the world is saying. The studies have shown it. I don't know if it hit the mainstream news, but it should [00:04:30] have. Because vitamin D gets vilified, "Oh, vitamin D, come on." And it's a little bit for bones and it just gets a bad rap usually among the pharmaceutical people, because they can't patent it.
Well, first of all, it's the sun. And vitamin D is not even a vitamin really, it's a hormone. And you don't get toxic on vitamin D. Unlike, "[inaudible 00:00:04:57] be careful with your vitamin D." [00:05:00] Hey, 46 years of practice. And I've had people have vitamin D at 400, but they weren't sick. They weren't sick. So COVID, stay in good shape, absolutely.
Someone was asking, didn't even write the name down, it was a very good question about the difference between flaxseed, chickpeas, both are phytoestrogens. True. Why is one good, [00:05:30] flaxseed, and chickpeas are not. Well, chickpeas will elevate your estrogen. Or no, it wasn't even chickpeas, was it chickpeas or was it humus? Well, hummus, will elevate your estrogen. Whereas flaxseed will lower your estrogen, even though they're both phytoestrogens. Do you know why? Because flaxseed contains lignans, L-I-G-N-A-N-S, lignans, lignans, lignans lower your estrogen. [00:06:00] That's why I've always liked flaxseed. Yeah, it's good for you. It'll lower your estrogen, ladies.
So you can put it in the Dr. Martin's Perfect Smoothie, flaxseeds. They're good for you. If you've got diverticulosis or whatever, grind them up, but they're good for you because they have lignans and hummus doesn't, chickpeas don't. Very good question.
Melissa, who is never thirsty. Yeah. A lot of people are not thirsty, [00:06:30] Melissa. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water, drink two liters, trust me. I didn't come up with two liters out of nowhere, it came from clinical experience, two liters. The vast majority of people need two liters. Some need more and very few need less. You need two liters of water and only water is water. Vitamin W on the Martin Clinic alphabet of vitamins, vitamin water, [00:07:00] water. You need it.
You're like planet Earth. 70% of planet Earth is water. So is your body, your blood will be too thick without water. You don't want molasses for blood. You got what, 60,000 miles of blood vessels going through your body? You need water. Water is better than aspirin, without side effects. " [00:07:30] Oh, Dr. Martin, I don't like water." Too bad, get used to it. Don't be a big baby, men. I'm speaking to men, because men are the biggest babies in the world. "I don't like water." Okay, then suffer the consequences, you big baby.
No, but don't wait for your thirst. No. The vast majority of people, Melissa, when they start drinking water, the thirst mechanism kicks in. [00:08:00] Don't wait for it to kick in, start drinking water. And usually, and this is just, again, my clinical experience, that they start to develop their thirst mechanism, over 99% of my patients who didn't drink water. You see, when I used to do the blood test in the office, I turn around and tell the patient. I said, "You know what? You've got very thick blood. That's not good. It's only good if you get hit by a bus, you won't bleed out, but you're going [00:08:30] to have a heart attack from having thick blood. You're clotting. You're going to clot. It's too sticky. Put some water in the river."
The life of the flesh, the Bible says this. The life of the flesh is in the blood. You want life? You need water. Coffee is not water. Coffee is good, but it's not water. Tea's not water. Juice isn't water. Water's water. Good questions.
Dora Lee is asking about ghee. Is it ghee or ghee? G- [00:09:00] H-E-E. It's butter that has some of the milk solids taken off and it has more fat than actual butter has. Is it good for you? Excellent. Does it have vitamin K2? Absolutely. It loses nothing of the nutrients of butter. And you know me and butter. I love it. If I didn't have B12 on my list of B's, butter would be vitamin B. Because it's got so much K2.
Now what does K2 do? It [00:09:30] takes calcium out of your bloodstream. It takes atherosclerosis and helps to heal it. And this is why we live in a crazy world, where people are avoiding animal fats, "Oh, Dr. Martin. It gives you cholesterol." Yeah, I know, you need cholesterol. 85% of your cholesterol, you don't even make. Your body makes it. God's counting on you to eat the other 15% that you need [00:10:00] for everything. Every cell in your body has cholesterol. Your brain is cholesterol. Your eyeballs are cholesterol. You need it. Don't avoid it. And don't let the young generation talk you in to veganism. Don't let them do that to you.
Vera is asking. All good questions by the way. Vera is asking about bone broth and collagen are oxalates. That's not true. They're not. Oxalates come from the plant kingdom. [00:10:30] And we're going to talk about that next week. Oxalates come from the plant kingdom. We're going to talk about kidney health next week. New study came out and I want to touch on it. It's very important. So, oxalates come from the plant kingdom. That's one of the reasons that I put people on the reset to get off the plants for 30 days to eliminate all their oxalates. I will talk about that. I don't want to give the show away. [00:11:00] That'll be next week.
Karen is asking about instant coffee chaga... I know [inaudible 00:11:08] chaga tea. I didn't know chaga you could make into a coffee. Is as good as the coffee bean? Well, I'm not saying it's not good, but the coffee bean is vitamin C. I have taught you that. If you drink coffee, you don't need vitamin C. Because you're getting the real vitamin C with a multitude of polyphenols. And when I was talking about COVID, [00:11:30] I think earlier this week, I was telling you about quercetin, Q-U-E-R-C-I-T-I-N, quercetin. What is quercetin? Quercetin is found in coffee. It's a polyphenol.
You know what it does? It drives zinc into your cells. It drives zinc into your cells. What's that do? That really helps fighting COVID. Now how do you get zinc? You can take zinc [00:12:00] as a supplement. Don't go past 50 milligrams a day. But I usually tell people to have vitamin S, then they get zinc. Lots of zinc in steak, roast beef, hamburger, cheese, zinc. Zinc isn't found in the plant kingdom. I'm sorry. It's not there. That's important that you understand that.
If you're a vegetarian, you need to supplement with zinc and a pile of other things like B12 and other things. Because you don't get it. Good questions. [00:12:30] Good, good questions. Sherry's asking about, "Does cream produce mucus?" Yeah. For some people it does. It can. That means you have an allergy. That means you have leaky gut. Someone was asking about peanuts and a nut allergy or any allergy, guys, is autoimmune. Allergies are autoimmune. The body doesn't recognize an antigen that ordinarily like, let's say, ragweed, or the environment [00:13:00] or whatever. It's in the gut. The immune system, the vast majority of it, is in your gut.
If there's a change in the microbiome, that's why you see so many kids today with dairy allergies. And some people can't take eggs. If you can't take eggs, it's in the gut. Your microbiome. Can you change that? Yeah, for some people they can. By taking probiotics and laying off the sugars, and don't [00:13:30] feed the bears, don't give yeast any food. Any allergy, it's leaky gut. Like I said, leaky gut doesn't necessarily mean that you have digestive issues. For some, yes, like bloating and whatnot, but it's not always the case.
It's leaky gut, leaky, yeah. Brain, skin, lungs, sinuses, leaky joints. For a lot of people, it's all leaky gut. But any allergy [00:14:00] that you have in cream for some people will give them mucus. For kids that come in, they always got a cold and earaches and whatever. I often get mummy to get them off milk. Now, you know me with milk. I'm not big on milk. I'm big on mummy's milk. Then after that wean the child on water as far as drinking, no juices, water. They don't need milk after mummy's milk. [00:14:30] That was brought to you. I get it. The dairy industry. And you know me, I'm the farmers' best friend, but milk at the grocery store level isn't milk.
Now, if you can give a child whole milk, and you got a cow in the backyard. Well, then drink that stuff. It's good for you. It's the grocery store stuff that is white Pepsi. Al is asking about, he's got low testosterone. "Should [00:15:00] I take any injections?" Well, you got to decide that with your doctor, Al. I can't comment specifically. Let me just tell you that there's a lot of people, a lot of men, go around, they got more estrogen than they have testosterone, very common today.
That's why you see so much prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is too much estrogen. Breast cancer is too much in the thyroid. It's one of the biggest factors is estrogen dominance. And it's always [00:15:30] in relationship to progesterone. So, Al, do you get injections? Well, if you're that low and you need injections, but generally the reset, I love our formula for elevating testosterone. Cut your sugars completely out of your diet. Block your estrogen with DIM, our hormonal formula. I took hormonal formula this morning. Lower my estrogen.
Men have some estrogen too, but it shouldn't be very much. [00:16:00] If it's too much, it's because testosterone is low. And you know how you get elevated testosterone, Al? Eat steak, vitamin S. You need that. You need vitamin D, by the way, for testosterone. Low levels of vitamin D will affect your testosterone levels in men, remember, vitamin D is a hormone. We classify it as a vitamin, but it really is an essential hormone.
Joan was asking about diabetes and open sore on the foot [00:16:30] that won't heal. What causes this? Well, the diabetes, remember what sugar does. Sugar, Joan, is so toxic. Everything in your body works to get sugar out of your bloodstream. When you're a diabetic, that's not happening anymore. Diabetes is the last thing to happen, by the way. So many people are already diabetic, but they're not classified as a diabetic.
Because they're only relying on their blood sugar for the diagnosis. [00:17:00] Instead of going by symptoms of insulin resistance. But what happens in a diabetic? Now insulin can't get into the cell fast enough, because diabetes is not a disease of high blood sugar. What causes it is elevated insulin, it's food. And when the sore won't heal, that's why diabetics have so much trouble with wounds not healing. [00:17:30] And they have trouble with gangrene and they have trouble with their kidneys and they have trouble with their eyes. Because sugar that stays in the bloodstream will destroy the blood vessels.
The first thing that it destroys, sugar, is it destroys blood vessels. And especially the capillaries, capillaries are little, wee, tiny connections of blood vessels between your arteries and your veins. And [00:18:00] they're very important in the eyes and very important in your legs and very important in your kidneys and very important in the prostate.
But see, diabetics, they can't get that sugar out and they take insulin and then take Metformin and other medication. But that's not the key. The key is to change your diet. The key is you have an allergy. If you're a diabetic, you have an allergy to carbs. You and carbs don't get along. You [00:18:30] might like them, but you don't get along. Carbs hate you if you're a diabetic. So what are you going to do? Get rid of them. "Dr. Martin, I can't get rid of carbs." Yes, you can. Do you want to live? Diabetes ends poorly. Diabetes is you're already on the Titanic and the iceberg, you hit it, and now you better get into the light boat.
You hit the iceberg if you've already been diagnosed [00:19:00] with diabetes. And by the way, diabetic medication is only meant to manage diabetes and not to fix it. And that's why you don't hear a lot about fixing diabetes. They want to manage it. Well, if you were a pharmaceutical person and you're selling Metformin and you're a multi-cazillionaire company, what do you think they're going to say? "Eat whatever y'all want and just take our drugs." Yeah, but that don't end [00:19:30] good. The end result is not good. Very good questions.
Mike, "Am I still in metabolic syndrome if I'm craving sweets?" Yes, to some extent. But understand this. If you've done a reset, you've emptied your liver. You've done the reset, and 90 something percent of people, they fix metabolic syndrome. If you've got cravings, Mike, you probably still have a little wee bit. So what am I telling you to do? Stay on the reset [00:20:00] and certainly eat low carb and have more protein. Protein is king. Protein and fat, eggs, meat, and cheese. You see, I love dairy. I just like cheese. Cream.
Judy, dark patches, liver spots, age spots on the skin. Yeah. It comes with aging, it comes with some sun on there, they call them sun spots or liver spots. It's really glycation of [00:20:30] the skin. Glycation is oxidation. It is a form of oxidation. It's rusting out of the tissue. Can you reverse it? A lot of times you can. I've really seen skin clear up after the reset. I mean it. And I love aloe vera. Have you put that on there? I mean it. There's no anti-aging gel like it. Tremendous. Does it stop aging completely? Nah. Good luck with [00:21:00] that. Anybody that tells you, you're not going to age and eventually rust out, run. They're lying to you. Come on. But slow it down. This is why good nutrition, you know me, I start with food. Good food. What a difference it makes.
Laurie, human growth hormone, weight loss. Is it good for weight loss? Yes. I don't want you to take human growth hormone. Your body already makes it. Of course, as you get older, you make less, but you know what [00:21:30] helps human growth hormone, the reset. Fasting without fasting. They proven it. Intermittent fasting is really good for the reset. But so is... for the reset, for human growth hormone. It does help with weight loss.
So how do you do it? Well, you can do it fasting without fasting, which is the reset. You're fasting on the reset. You're eating, but you're fasting. You get all the benefits of fasting when you do the reset. Why? [00:22:00] Because that food is so nutrient dense. And then because you're not hungry, a lot of people, they shorten their windows of eating. They just keep their... They stop eating at 6:00 at night. And for a lot of people, they don't eat for 14 hours or up to 18 hours or even longer for some people. Every individual is different.
But I like intermittent fasting. Why? You're not using any insulin. But when you're doing the reset, you're not really using... [00:22:30] Your pancreas, it's on a holiday, man. It's not having to worry about sugars in the bloodstream. It doesn't mean insulin is not working, but it's not working very hard. It hardly has to do a thing. And you're fixing insulin resistance at the cellular level. You're fixing the key in the lock, which is jammed with insulin resistance at the cellular level. And you're fixing that, you're greasing [00:23:00] the lock. And now the key turns. That's why I created that.
[inaudible 00:23:06], colic, babies, constipation. Well, they got leaky gut, probably came from mummy, right in the placenta. Ordinarily, what I found, mummy on antibiotics. Someone was asking about autism. Can you reverse it? Not reverse it. But my protocol for autism has really helped a lot [00:23:30] of children over the years, nutrient dense food. It's not easy. But you get them off the crappy carbs. I'm big on, you got to fix their gut. They always, always, always, always have leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. They always, I've never seen an exception to it, have a fungal infection.
And we talked about this, this week, fungus and Alzheimer's. Fungus and autism. 100%, [00:24:00] you have to get rid of that. And [colic-ey 00:24:04] And constipation. Mummy takes probiotics if they're breastfeeding, they take a broad spectrum probiotics and baby gets it right through the milk. And you can put a little bit of probiotic powder. I like doing this, telling mummy you're nursing and you got colic-ey baby, put a little bit of probiotic right on the breast.
There is probiotic on the breast, by the way, there's bacteria there. They're getting [00:24:30] good bacteria from mummy when you breastfeed. But the problem with a lot of times is mummy's taken antibiotics and they don't have any good bacteria left. Mummy took antibiotics. So put some probiotic right on the breast. Good for you, mummy, and good for baby. Amazing what happens. I think I answered [Fay 00:24:52] about allergies.
And someone was asking, I think, it was profuse sweating. Well, I talked about that last [00:25:00] week. Look, it's hormonal. And do everything you can to make sure your estrogen is down, for a man, and women, make sure your estrogen is down. Oftentimes it's the thyroid, too much estrogen. And the body temperature is going up and up and up. Even for men, I would tell them to get on our menopause formula. Because it really does help with hot flashes in that.
So there's [00:25:30] no problem with a man taking them. If they're sweating profusely, or ladies, you're sweating profusely, it's no fun. Somebody was asking too about what deodorant to use. Well, I like natural deodorant, but for some people they need the aluminum, because otherwise, they sweat so much. And I don't like that. But if you're taking probiotics, you're going to diminish the side effects of aluminum. Because the probiotic will take that [00:26:00] out of your body. And especially if you're doing a liver, because where you want to detox that aluminum is in the liver.
Look, guys, don't misquote me. We don't live in a perfect world. There's chemicals all around us. There's a 100,000 chemicals and most of them are found in our cleaning products and personal hygiene products and all this and that. Do the best you can to go natural, men, do the best you can. Do the [00:26:30] best you can.
"What are the benefits of scented candles or side effect?" Look, I like essential oils. So get essential oil candles and you can burn them. And I've got no problem with that. Just try and make sure they're not full of chemicals. Like everything else.
Somebody was asking about the benefits of wild mint. I think it was Sherry too. Well, I don't know. I haven't used wild mint. But think of what mint does, mint is sort [00:27:00] of soothing to the gut. But clinically, I have IBS, I like mucilaginous that literally coped the gut. I love aloe vera. That literally coped the gut.
I think, one more question, Ann, high urea. Why? You know what, we're going to talk about that when we're talking about kidneys and uric acid and oxalates. Promise, we're doing that next week. I promise.
[00:27:30] So I hope I didn't miss any. Thanks for all the questions, guys. You guys are great. I appreciate that. Believe you me. So next week, Lord willing, we're going to have lots of fun. We're going to hit some really important topics. Health news, behind the news, and give you some perspective on it. Which we are happy to do. And we appreciate all the good feedback. If you're not part of the Martin Clinic Facebook group, please get [00:28:00] in there and join your friends.
Because some of these questions really get answered. There was somebody asking a question, maybe I missed it. I wanted them to put it. But sometimes put those questions in the group and our staff will often answer them. But a lot of times the people in the group answer them. They have the right answers for that. So that's where that discussion in the group gets really good. We got a smart audience. Let me tell you that. I put our audience [00:28:30] up against anybody's. I mean that. So, okay. Love you guys.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.