Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information, as awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. This morning, we're going to look at a study that came out and I actually posted it. So if you're on Martin Clinic Facebook group, you'll see a posting of this study [00:00:30] and it talked about, hold on a minute, let me just get the fungi in the gut. So fungus candida in the gut is linked to Alzheimer's. This was found on, the study. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Now, yesterday we talked a little bit about salt and one of the side effects of low [00:01:00] salt, like magnesium, for example, was depression. So, it's really important to understand that your brain is very sensitive, you need it and you need it to work. So what I'm saying is it's very, very important for the brain that a lot of things have to happen in the brain for the brain to be healthy.
We're going to cover this Alzheimer's [00:01:30] in a second, but let me just tell you about some of the things that I found over the years that really had a major effect on the brain. Obviously, one of the major effect on the brain was the problem with insulin. And I was explaining this to someone yesterday that when you have insulin resistance, so how do you get insulin resistance, you get insulin resistance when you use insulin too much, [00:02:00] like insulin is a food hormone. If you are eating properly, sugars and crappy carbs last a lifetime, but insulin resistance is when your cells at the cellular level, think of insulin as a key trying to open up a lock. You ever had a lock where it was hard to open? The key was sort of jammed in there and it wouldn't open properly.
Well, that's what happens in insulin resistance, because remember insulin [00:02:30] is always trying to get sugar out of your bloodstream. Oh Doc, I don't need a lot of sugar. Do you eat a lot of carbohydrates? Those turn to sugar in five seconds. So then you need a lot of insulin and then your body starts resisting insulin. And the more it resistance insulin, the more insulin you need, because at the end of the day, insulin will always, always do its job. And that is, it will always take sugar out of your blood stream because sugar [00:03:00] is so toxic, sugar cannot stay in the bloodstream. So what happens? You have to take that sugar out of the bloodstream. Insulin will eventually, it's called your blood/brain barrier. And we'll talk about this a little bit more because this has to do with yeast too, our fungus. But the blood/brain barrier is a barrier that keeps toxins, heavy metals, yeast, bacteria, viruses out of the brain. [00:03:30] It's a barrier, it's made up of bacteria. It's invisible. We don't see it, but it's there.
When you have insulin resistance, the problem is, insulin no longer is able to get into the brain to take sugars out. Why is that so dangerous? Because the brain is headquarters. It wants fuel. So if you give it any kind of fuel, it'll grab it first. It takes 20 to 25% of your fuel from every [00:04:00] meal you eat, goes up to headquarters up here. So if you're eating sugar, guess what happens? The brain goes, okay, give me that, I get the first fuel that comes out. Why, because I'm headquarters, I'm the boss. So your brain takes 20, 25% of your fuel. The problem is, is if it's sugar, insulin can't get across the blood/brain barrier if you have insulin resistance. So what happens? That sugar soaks [00:04:30] what part of your brain. For the sake of easy, you got two parts in the brain that you should remember. You have the hypothalamus and the hypo-campus.
Hypothalamus, think of hormones. That's where all your hormones come on. And hippocampus. What's the campus? Think of campus of a university or college, memory center. Sugar stays [00:05:00] in the memory center of the brain because insulin can't go in and get it. It's soaks the memory center. What happens? It destroys the memory center of your brain. So when we talk about even mental health, this is very important, is to keep that insulin down, not out. You need to insulin. Insulin is on your side, until it's not. That's insulin. This is really, really, really important [00:05:30] to understand that. So insulin, here's the leaky gut in your brain. [inaudible 00:05:35], you need B12. B12 is a neurological vitamin. B12 is a brain vitamin. And far too many people, 80% of the population have low levels of vitamin B12. And you can't have low levels of B12 and have a healthy brain. You need B12, very important.
Thirdly, [00:06:00] you need magnesium. We talked about that yesterday. The brain needs magnesium. It needs that salt. It's very important for it. And that's why depression, a lot of people when I used to test depressive patients, they were low in magnesium. They were low in vitamin D. They were low in B12. Very, very important. Vitamin D, you're a human solar panel. You need the sun for a healthy brain. [00:06:30] Don't avoid the sun. And if you can't get enough sun, you need to be taking your vitamin D. I recommend in that area of around 4000 to 8000 IUs a day.
Most people are very low in vitamin D and unfortunately they don't get their vitamin D levels checked because doctors don't do it. They think of vitamin D as what's your bones. Don't worry about your bones. No, it's not just for bones. It's for everything. Human solar panel, every year cell in your body needs vitamin D, [00:07:00] every cell. Your immune system doesn't work. Your brain doesn't work without proper levels of vitamin D. So let's talk, and another one is zinc. The brain needs zinc. And we talked yesterday about quercetin. Quercetin is found in coffee. That's why I love coffee so much. Quercetin drives zinc into your cells. Now we've talked about that for COVID, but that's also important [00:07:30] for your brain. You want zinc to function properly. Those are things that are really important.
Now, a little bit about this study that came out. [inaudible 00:07:41] candida. All the same word. Now let's do a little bit of things that happen in your gut. Rinse and repeat. You don't see it, but it's going on as sure as you're watching me and I'm talking to you., The invisible war. What did they call COVID? [00:08:00] The invisible enemy because you couldn't see that little virus, but it was an enemy. Well, there's an invisible war that goes on inside your body between good bacteria and bad bacteria. And when you don't have enough ... Third army. So yeast isn't a bacteria, yeast is a fungus. Yeast outside your body, what do you do? It raises bread, right? You know what yeast is.
Let me just recap a little bit. I was talking about Alzheimer's and fungi, and that's leaky gut. So [00:08:30] again, leaky gut is a war. It's very simple and it's a war between good and bad bacteria. When you don't have enough good bacteria, you have an invasion that takes place inside your body. You don't see it. It's invisible. It's candida, it's yeast. It's fungus. It's that third army. It comes into the gut, it goes across the barrier. You have a little thin lining of what we call endothelial cells. They are right [00:09:00] between your gut and your blood, a little wee, invisible lining. But when the yeast compounds and starts to expand like yeast does... Fungus, what does it do? It comes in to the ... Yeast gets into the bloodstream. What does your blood do? Blood brings your nutrients. Blood brings your cells. Blood brings your oxygen. Everything you need, your nutrients and everything [00:09:30] you need is transported in the blood.
But fungus, if it gets into the blood, it's going to travel up to the brain. And this is what they're saying. This is what they're saying in this study that Alzheimer's, it's partially a fungal infection. How does fungus get into the brain? Well, it crosses the blood/brain barrier. And this is why, guys, I want you to think about this for a minute. Think about this for a minute. And you've heard it here from me first. [00:10:00] I don't know if anybody else has ever said it, but I'm sticking to my story. And what is that? What is that story? That autism is what, it's a fungal infection in my opinion. That's what affects these kids. They're little canaries in the coal mine. And mommy, I showed you that a few weeks ago. Mommy was on antibiotics or the baby was on antibiotics or the baby didn't go through the birth canal [00:10:30] because of C-sections. Why do we see so much autism today compared to what we saw, I never heard of autism until 1978. I'm telling you, I never heard of it before.
When we were in school, never heard the word autism. Didn't even know what that was until a colleague told me about autism in 1978, that he had two kids that had autism. What? What is that? And today it's what, one out of 40 or one out of 50 kids born are autistic. [00:11:00] Why? I tell you one of the biggest problems is the overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics are the greatest discovery of the 20th century and the curse of the 21st. Am I against antibiotics? Of course, not. You've got an infection, you need and antibiotic. The problem is, the problem is, guys, is what, is we overuse them. And when you overuse an antibiotic, they develop resistance to it. And what happens with an antibiotic inside the gut, [00:11:30] inside baby's gut, even in the placenta, is it changes the microbiome. It kills all the friendly bacteria. Five days of an antibiotic will kill every good bacteria you own. What happens? Yeast takes over. And ladies, you know all about yeast. You've had a yeast infection in your lifetime. You probably have, you know what that yeast is like.
Men, yeast, what's that? We don't have ... men, I don't know what yeast is. But [00:12:00] it affects these things. So you just understand. Now they're showing there's a link between leaky gut and Alzheimer's. It's a terrible thing to think. And what Tony Jr., he showed me a study of the other day. And I think he actually posted it. That 85% of people over 85 have Alzheimer's. I don't want to live that long if I'm going to get Alzheimer's. And this is why we study these things, to look and see [00:12:30] if there's any way we can prevent it. This is why I talk about probiotics so often. It's very, very important. So what do we do? What do we do? Really important to understand that.
And the link between candida albicans, that's the yeast that travels, it's the most common yeast that we find in the human body. What else makes the yeast grow when you feed it? Don't feed the bears. People that eat sugar [00:13:00] all the time are feeding candida albicans, they're feeding sugar. So this is very important that you understand that. Fungi in the gut is linked to Alzheimer's. I know I've talked to you about this in the past that Parkinson's ... Do you know what they find in Parkinson's, when they do autopsy on Parkinson's? Fungus in the brain. I tell you folks, there's not an autoimmune disease. And you know, Parkinson's, is it really odd? I [00:13:30] say it is, but they classify Parkinson's as a neurological disease. I understand that, but you know what it's coming from? You know where Parkinson's comes from? Comes from your gut.
You know where depression comes from? From your gut, mainly from the gut. You have more hormones in your gut than you have in your brain. You have more serotonin, you have more dopamine, you have more gaba in your gut than you have in your brain. So even your hypothalamus, which [00:14:00] you know is the orchestra leader in the brain, down to the pituitary gland, and that is your hormones, but you have more hormones in your gut than you have in your brain. You see how important the gut microbiome is? And now we understand much more than we used to about it. And this is why, like, when this study comes out and says, man, when you look at leaky gut, when you look at candida, how the heck does it get up to the brain? It spreads [00:14:30] through the bloodstream and also it also will spread, it will travel up the 10th cranial nerve, your vagus nerve, not Las Vegas, vagus nerve. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. No, not when it travels up the 10th cranial nerve and get up into the brain. Very important to understand that. So stop eating crap. You can help your gut a lot, when you stop eating crap.
Stop eating those refined sugars, stop eating [00:15:00] all that fake food that is made with vegetable oils. I was looking at canola oil. How they make it. Oh my God, they use hexane. And I go, what is hexane? That's in gasoline. And then they use 20 other bleaches to get the color. That's how they make that oil. No wonder your car can run on canola oil. Don't put it inside your body. It will create an enormous amount of inflammation inside [00:15:30] the body. Fungi in the gut. Fungi in the gut. candida in the gut is linked to Alzheimer's. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky joints. Leaky gut, leaky skin. All connected.
And someone was asking me yesterday about probiotics. Should I take it? I don't really have any symptoms, Doc. Should I take it? Well, I'll tell you, it's a fundamental and foundational supplement [00:16:00] in my opinion. Everything affects your gut. The environment affects your gut. Chemicals affect your gut. Medications affect your gut. Food affects your gut. So in the world in which we live, I'd say, yeah, probiotics are something you should take every day. What about probiotics? Well, make sure they're broad spectrum. The more bacteria, the more different strains. You know why, because different strains do different things. It's really, really important. And so I [00:16:30] take a probiotic every day. Every day I take probiotics. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Look, there's no autoimmune disease. From rheumatoid arthritis to Crohn's disease to Alzheimer's now to psoriatic arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, all of these have a major link to the health, your gut. Stop eating those processed foods. Stop eating sugar.
[00:17:00] If you do nothing else for yourself health-wise, stop eating sugar. It's not easy, not easy, but it's one of the best things you do because yeast needs food. I was saying this to you yesterday that there's oncologists out there who believe that every cancer is fungi. When they do the biopsies on cancer, they see fungus. Every biopsy. Is that at the root of cancer too? Leaky gut, cancer. Not [00:17:30] just in the gut because people think when they hear leaky gut, what do they think? They think of gut, Oh Doc, I don't have any digestive issues. I'm not even talking about that. Leaky gut doesn't mean you have digestive issues. It might, but it's not essential because leaky gut can be leaky brain. Leaky gut can be, what's visible is your skin. You got a rash. You better look to the gut.
You got dermatitis, look to the gut. You got acne, you got to look to the gut. [00:18:00] You got psoriasis or eczema, you look to the gut. And so this is what, isn't that, that gut/brain connection really important. Think about that. Think about that. Okay. What else affects the brain? Inflammation. So we can go into some detail, but I won't go into any more this morning. I'm going to shorten this up today and if you have any questions for Friday, please let me know. There was a new study on Omega three, and I want to bring [00:18:30] that out tomorrow and just do some teaching on what Omega three does because I have fish every day in a capsule. So if you have any questions, let me know.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.