428. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. Okay, so question and answers. Some of these questions you probably already know the answer to, but it's always good to go over them. Now, [00:00:30] we had several questions, so I've lumped them in together here. What I did is I did nutrition questions first, and then I did conditions, because people ask about certain conditions. Some of them are very rare and that's all right, they're good questions and I'll answer them. I might not go into great detail, especially if they're rare, but if I can find something practical to talk about. So we've got a lot of good questions that came in this morning. And [00:01:00] Nancy asked the question, "Why is the reset so difficult for some people?" Well, it's because, like I always say, the reset is simple, but it's not easy. Okay? It's not easy.

Put your hand up. My name is Tony and I'm a carboholic, and especially if your body's been used to eating that way for a long time, the reset is completely the opposite of it for a lot of people, especially women [00:01:30] that love their vegetables and fruit. For 30 days the body goes through a big change, so it can be very difficult. I'm not saying... Like I say, it's simple. The diet is simple and the diet works. Read the testimonies. Incredible, incredible. My book is about the reset and I talk about what it does. There's 17 things that I have proven to thousands [00:02:00] of people what it does. So the reset is a very simple, but not easy, diet.

Guys, let's be honest about diets, okay? Nothing's easy, right? I don't care if it's Keto, if it's whatever, it's not easy. And people that are in tremendous shape or whatever, they don't diet, they don't have to. But as Tony Jr. mentioned in [00:02:30] an email yesterday, 88%, and this is not coming from us, this is coming from the CDC, 88% of the population are unhealthy. And metabolic syndrome is food. It's insulin. The reset is meant to fix it. It fixes it. So, it's not easy, and a very good question, Nancy. It's not easy because it depends where you are. And for [00:03:00] some people they don't like... And even some people, they don't do well with eggs. I feel sorry for them. Well, you're eliminating one group of food, like dairy, and you know me, I'm not talking about milk. I'm talking about cheese. And some people can't have cheese. Well, that's difficult on the reset and they can only eat meat. If you're not used to eating meat, if you're a vegetarian or you eat 99% [00:03:30] vegetarian or vegan, you're going to find the reset... It's hard. It's a big change.

But I just say this. I have never, and I've been around a long time, 46 years in practice, never, ever have had the results, and you name the diet, I'll give you the Coles Notes version of it. I'll put up the reset against any diet, at any diet, in terms of results. Because very specific, it's to lower your insulin resistance [00:04:00] at the cellular level, it's to empty out your liver. It will empty out your liver 100%. It's the best weight loss diet that I've ever used. It just is. And it's the healthiest because you get all the nutrition you need. So, yeah, but some people don't like it. What can I tell you? Sophie was asking, edema. She gets edema on the reset. Well, 99%, Sophie, are the opposite. [00:04:30] It takes away edema. And it's good for your circulation because you're elevating your nitric oxide, and edema, a lot of times is dehydration. And just be careful, one thing about it and I mentioned this in the book, you need to drink a lot of water and only water is water. Okay?

Diane, another one who said, she still has her allergies and she lost hair with that. Well, again, I can just tell you, [00:05:00] the testimonies are the opposite of that. Most people found that their hair was much thicker, so were their nails. Their skin was better. And I put testimonies in the book to that effect. Many, many testimonies to that effect. So the odd one... You know, again, see your fingerprint? There's seven billion people on the planet and no one's got a fingerprint like you have. No one has the iris that you have. Individual. Unique. [00:05:30] Everybody's different. So when I talk in generalities, just understand that for some people, and it's rare, they didn't do well. It's very rare. But that's the same for Keto. That's the same for calories. That's the same for South Beach. That's the... Every diet. You name it.

There's some people, they don't do so well. What can I tell [00:06:00] you? I have to talk in the 99% range. And Laura was saying, she tried the reset but didn't get her period during the reset. So, hormonally, again, there could be an adjustment. I wouldn't worry about it too much, Laura, but I could ask you 20 questions. How old are you? Is it coincidental? Are you perimenopausal? Whatever. I mean, there's a lot of question to ask. Most people found their hormones were much better because of the nutrient- [00:06:30] dense diet. It's nutrient dense. Every vitamin, every mineral, everything you need is in it. Okay? And then someone asked, what diet would I recommend for ALS, which is a very serious disorder.

But I'm going to tell you what I recommend. The reset. Every day I'm answering emails from my staff or whatever people are asking questions, and 99% of them I send back and say, " [00:07:00] Well, besides maybe this supplement or the other supplement, I recommend they do the reset." I recommend it for everybody. Everybody, because we live in a world, like I said, 88% of the population are upside down metabolically. They're not doing well, metabolically. They have too much insulin. They have the condition called insulin resistance, which will elevate your triglycerides which are very dangerous, lower your HDL, which is very dangerous, [00:07:30] create inflammation in the body, which is very dangerous, elevate for a lot of people, their blood pressure. 50% of the population, 50% have some form of heart disease. 50%. In the 1900s, early 1900, heart disease was 10%.

Have we changed, or has our diet changed? The diet [00:08:00] has changed. It's the way... It's crazy, but that's the world we live in, guys. That's why I talk. Even yesterday and the day before, limit your fruit. We live in a different world. And because you're using so much insulin, or the world is, maybe not you, but the world uses so much insulin. We talked about soda. We talked about Mexico. We talked about COVID and the virus, the virus, the virus, the virus. But no one's talking about why people are getting sick [00:08:30] from this. And that's why I love the reset. It boosts your immune system like nobody's business. You've got to eat anyways. And why not do the 30-day program?

The book will be out soon. We're going to be pre-selling it pretty soon. Just waiting on the publisher to get everything ready here. It's out of my hands now. So, what about the reset, Theresa was asking, with congestive heart failure? The best diet [00:09:00] for congestive heart failure is the reset. Why? Because what's happening with congestive heart failure, the heart, edema. Why? Because the heart is a muscle. That's why I don't like statin drugs. It damages the muscle. Your heart's a muscle, and when the muscle gets weak, the heart muscle gets weak. That's congestive heart failure. The reset elevates your CoQ10. What's CoQ10? [00:09:30] It directly affects the muscle cell. Your body makes CoQ10, but you better eat meat and eggs and cheese, especially red meat in order to get the right amounts of CoQ10 in your body. Very important.

So, ask me any diet and I'm going to tell you to do the reset, I don't care what the condition is. I mean that. Okay, let's just do a few more nutrition. Kefir water, what do I think of it? Well, I've never had [00:10:00] it, to be honest with you, kafer or keifer or... I don't know how you pronounce it. Look, you make your kefir or you drink kefir water, I've got no problem. It's got bacteria. Look, I like broad spectrum. That's the problem. It's like yogurt. Like if you just got plain Greek yogurt. Problem is, if it's been pasteurized, it kills the bacteria. So if you insist on eating yogurt, then I say, well, open up a capsule and put a capsule [00:10:30] of probiotic in it. I'm a big guy, you know that, on broad-spectrum probiotics. Broad-spectrum have at least 10 different strains of bacteria because different strains do different things. And kefir, I've got no problem with it. Fermented foods, it's fine. They're good for you.

But I wouldn't use it as a substitute for taking a broad-spectrum probiotic. Again, because of the world in which we live. That was Laura asking that question. Brenda was asking about ketone powders [00:11:00] and who else was asking... Someone asked about MCT oil. Let me just talk about that for a minute. There's a new sort of phenomenon out. It started several years ago now with what they call bulletproof coffee, okay? You've heard of it. You put MCT oil and I got no problem with it. Your body... As you know, triglycerides get stored in your liver, and MCT oils, [00:11:30] they're medium-chain triglycerides. Now, when you hear the word triglycerides, you panic because I always talk about how bad they are. Yeah, when they get into your bloodstream, not in your liver. It's only when your liver gets full.

So ketones, what they do, these are called exogenous ketones. You can buy them in powders, you can buy it in MCT oil which is... There's two types. There's lauric acid, like [00:12:00] in coconut oil, and there is, what's that other one called? Capra, C-A-P-R-A oil. And that is the one that is an MCT, which is better. It's a derivative of coconut oil. It's a derivative of it. So if you just have coconut oil, which is fine, there's nothing wrong with coconut oil, but it's not an exogenous ketones. It doesn't burn exactly the same way.

Now listen, in my [00:12:30] opinion, I'm going to give you what I think, I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. You're better off to burn ketones yourself. You burn a different fuel when you change fuels. Your body is either going to burn carbs or it's going to burn fat. If you lower your carbs enough, you will burn fat and it'll start with your liver, right? So if you lower your carbohydrates, which the reset does, it's not keto per [00:13:00] se, because I'm not allowing any carbohydrate, nada. But that's a 30-day program, although some people have been on it for years and have done well. And there's no problem because you're not missing anything. You're not missing anything. The only thing you're missing is variety. I've often talked to you about that. For a lot of people, I tell them, "Look, I know you want to eat 50 different foods, but when you're unhealthy," I tell people, "Rope in your diet, don't eat 50 different foods. [00:13:30] Eat a few foods, foods that will get along with your body. You need a relationship, a healthy relationship with food."

A lot of people, they just feel, "Oh, that's... I've got to try everything." Yeah, okay. The problem is a lot of people have digestive issues, they have insulin issues, they have inflammation issues, and I tell them, "Look, variety... I know it's called the spice of life, but not with food. [00:14:00] You've got intolerances. You have leaky gut. Quit eating carbs. They're making you worse." "But doctor, my... But I like them." I didn't say you didn't like them. I'm telling you they're not good for you. Be your own doctor. Figure out. That's why most people on the reset, it sounds crazy to them, because, holy moly, doc, you mean eggs, meat, and cheese? What else can I eat? Eggs, meat, and cheese.

"Well, yeah, I know. But... What else?" [00:14:30] Eggs, meat, and cheese. "I can't do that." Then I can't help you. Sure you can do it. Anybody can do it. Like I said, takes three weeks to form a habit. One of my favorite Ds in life is discipline. Not easy to be disciplined, especially with food, isn't it? It's not easy. What's the worst addiction in the world, really, is food addiction. Why? Food is around... Can I be honest with you? I can't even remember the last time [00:15:00] I've seen cocaine. It's not around me. I don't go where it is so I'm not too worried about it. Now, if you're a cocaine addict... Okay.

But when you're a food addict, food's around us all day long, man. The fridge is right beside us. The cupboards are full of food. That's a difficult addiction to break. You're a carboholic. It's not an easy addiction to break, but you must break it because you'll never be healthy [00:15:30] eating whatever you feel like it. I'm telling you, you're just not going to... "Oh, doc, my uncle lived till 110 and he smoked and he drank and he ate whatever he felt like." Yeah, but that was by the grace of God, I can tell you that. It wasn't because he was smoking and drinking, because I'm going to tell you, I've been in practice for 46 years and people that smoked and drank and didn't do any exercise and whatever, most [00:16:00] of them are dead.

And I mean it. I mean, you wouldn't even be listening to me today if you weren't interested in your health. A lot of people, they live their lives flying by the seat of their pants. I hear no evil, I see no evil. They don't want to know anything. Don't tell me about changing my diet. Don't tell me I can't drink Pepsi all day long, or diet Coke or whatever they're drinking all day long. Look, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't [00:16:30] make them drink it.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but in your minds, I am sure you can think of people... You can't do it for them. And I don't care. Any change that you make in life worthwhile is not going to be easy, but is it ever worth it? Why do you think I get so pumped all the time? Because I see the results, I hear the results. I used to tell people in my practice, "Look, you've got to trust me, man. You came to see me. You've got to trust me. And when you trust me, [00:17:00] I'm going to tell you what to do. The only unfortunate part is I can't go home with you and implement it. I can't do it for you, but I'm going to give you a plan to succeed, man."

Every patient I ever saw, I gave them a plan to succeed. Here's what you do. Don't think of five years from now. Do this for 30 days. Trust me for 30 days. "Oh, Dr. Martin, what am I going to do without bread? I can't go 30 days without bread." [00:17:30] Well then I can't help you. You came to see me, now I'm going to tell you the truth, man. Your inflammation is high. Your insulin is high. Your blood pressure is high. Your acid reflux is high. Your sleep apnea is no good. And... then I gave you... "Yeah, but doc, I can't do it." Well, you know, I can't just give you one pill and I go and fix you.

Anyway. Okay. I don't know how I got on that when I was talking about MCT oils. [00:18:00] You've got money, you can use it. I got no problem with that. I just tell you, I'd rather you burn your own ketones. Cut the carbs out, you'll burn ketones. Simple as that. Sandy asked about lemon in water. Yeah. Put a couple of drops of lemon in it. What about distilled water, Nellie's asking. Nope. It's not in nature, distilled water. You got spring water in nature.

Now, listen, you don't have to drink spring water, but if you're going to drink it out of a tap, please, filter [00:18:30] it. At least do that. And that water is not... pH is not going to be as high as mineral water. Like spring water's got a very high pH. There's no reason to spend a lot of money with water. Filter it and if you want to make spring water out of your tap water, you know how you do it? Take a little bit of Himalayan salt and put it in your water. Just a little pinch. Now you got mineral water. 84 minerals in Himalayan salt. Yeah. And now you're getting electrolytes. Ah, [00:19:00] maybe if you're sweating too much, you might need some more. But all I'm saying is, yeah, I don't like distilled water. There's no reason to drink it. It's not nature. Okay?

Elizabeth's asking about the effect of alcohol on the body. Well, look, be very careful with alcohol because, well, remember on Wednesday, I think it was Wednesday, might've been... What was the chipmunk day? I talked about, if you're trying to lose weight, watch nuts and seeds and [00:19:30] watch fruit, fructose, right? Because you gain weight rapidly with that. You want to fatten up a bear, they eat 30,000 berries a day. Now I'm not saying not, you can't have any berries or fruit. I'm just saying, be careful if you're trying to lose weight. So, alcohol does the same thing.

We used to have a weight loss clinic and when they went on our program and even [00:20:00] on the reset, no alcohol. 30 days. That goes directly... It takes a beeline to your liver. You're just going to fill your liver up with fatty liver with alcohol. So, look, I'm not telling you you can't... For 30 days you can't. Alcohol, that's up to you, but be careful with it, because, again, we live in a day and age of 88% of the population is metabolically [00:20:30] upside down. Well, alcohol ain't.. You've got to be careful with it. It'll elevates your insulin. So, in moderation. Be very careful with it. Good question.

And Jose was asking about using collagen powder. Well, bone broth is collagen, okay? It's collagen. Collagen is your matrix. It makes up the basic framework of your bones, your skin, your cells, [00:21:00] your collagen. That's why I love bone broth. If you want to take extra collagen, I don't care. It's not going to hurt you. But bone broth is collagen. That's why I love it as a protein powder. You can make your own. A lot of people love our... I love that protein powder in Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie.

Okay, let's talk about a few conditions. Very good nutritional questions this morning. Let's just go over these. [00:21:30] Marcy was asking about POTS, P-O-T-S, which is a positional tachycardia. What does that mean? Everything bad happens to them when they stand up, and when they lie down they're fine. Ah, it's fairly rare. I always look... Marcy, I look for deficiencies. So when any condition you name me, I'll go over a few of those. Remember, in my office, we used to do all this testing. So, you've got to look for [00:22:00] anemia, you've got to look for low levels of B12, you have to look at low levels of Coenzyme Q10, low levels of magnesium. All of these can be factors. Sometimes it's not that obvious because doctors often don't test to that extent.

But that's what I look for. Why? I always look, what's involved here? And a lot of times their [00:22:30] thyroid is in the low range. It may not be showing up on the blood work, and if somebody asked about blood work, hold on, let me get to it. Well, Steve was asking about blood work and fasting. Why did they ask you to fast? Well, they usually ask you to... I mean, there's a couple of tests that they want you fasting, one of them is usually your A1C or, if a doctor's looking for diabetes, he wants to [00:23:00] know where you're at, fasting usually. It's usually with blood sugar, but there's a few other tests, too, Steve.

But remember about blood work, guys, just remember this. Remember I talked about the fingerprint? We're all different? And remember blood work is based on the 95 percentile. 95% are going to be in these ranges, 2.5% in the low end, 2.5% on the higher end. That's [00:23:30] how they make it up. That's where they get the averages of blood work. And you know what? But, there's uniqueness. Always keep it in mind. I used to preach this, preach this, preaches this. So I preach it to practitioners. Questions. Ask questions. Because, who is it, asked about low... Let me just get it. Mona was asking about low platelet count. What's that mean? But that, it can mean nothing, Mona. [00:24:00] It depends on what your symptoms are. If it gets flagged and you have low platelets, it may be just who you are.

Now, again, for me, I look at things from a nutritional standpoint and I look for deficiencies, because platelets are just blood cells. You may not be making enough of them. It's always interesting. I mean, what could be the cause of it? Well, maybe anemia, maybe you're not getting enough nutrition. [00:24:30] You think you are, but blood is protein. All your amino acids make blood. I have a product called Blood Boost. I put 22 amino acids in there. There's a reason I did that. And all your vitamins that build your blood, because blood is not just... Blood is very complex. The life of the flesh is in the blood, the Bible says. Absolutely true. So, if you have low platelets [00:25:00] and you're feeling good, I wouldn't worry about it. You have low platelets, Mona, and you're not feeling good? Well, find out why. These are all good questions. Find out why.

Things get flagged on blood work. But remember what I said about those averages, that's how they get to it. And for some people... Like somebody asked, "Well, doc, I have a low body temperature all the time." Yeah? Could be your thyroid. Most likely it's the thyroid. But if you're feeling good, [00:25:30] I wouldn't worry about it too much. I think, George, you were asking about blood pressure. I read your thing online yesterday, and your... Was it your systolic was a little bit high? But your diastolic was very good. Meh. You're feeling good? I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm more interested in that diastolic. That gives me more indication.

But you know what? There's a lot of people that are just out of those ranges a little bit. [00:26:00] And for them, that's normal for them. It's like blood sugar, because Lucy was asking about blood sugar. What's normal? Well, when do you take it? Fasting blood sugar, what should it be? Well, fasting, when? In the morning? When you get up, because cortisol is going up, it's waking you up and you take your blood sugar before you eat, should be a little bit higher because it'll tell you what your cortisol is doing, because it is going on with the circadian rhythm of your body. That's just [00:26:30] normal. It's going to be a little bit higher in the morning, or at least it shouldn't be, fasting.

You know what? I always looked at... If it's over 5.5 or whatever, on an average and that, you're starting to get up there, in the sixes... But I'm not so worried about the blood sugar as much as I'm worried about your insulin. I'm an insulin guy. Blood sugar is the last thing to go wrong, and you can fix it. You can fix [00:27:00] it, okay? And Ron was asking about profuse sweating. Not just Ron. Is that you? Is it your thyroid? Is it just the way you're built? Some people sweat like crazy. And some people don't. And when you have too much of it, then you're clammy all the time. Again, I look at deficiencies. Is there anything deficient in the body that might be doing it? Or is it just the way you're built? You've got to figure that out.

All good questions. [00:27:30] Keloids, Carrie was asking. What about them? Well, they're just a post scarring. Can you get rid of it? Well, I love pine bark on the skin. Have you guys tried the new Rivera? Listen, I came out with Rivera in the 1990s. I think it was '96. That's how long it's been around. Now we reformulated it. Fantastic. I love it. I love it. Those help. But remember [00:28:00] with skin, too. Inside out, inside out, really helps even with keloids, and that I found over the years, like probiotics and a healthy diet. And it's amazing, the skin is just an organ that you can see. And I remember what I said yesterday about skin. It's always the gut. Anything you see on the skin, look to the gut, because this is just a window to your gut.

Good questions. Okay. I think I covered... Somebody was asking [00:28:30] about hypertrophic myopathy. Well, it's like POTS to some extent, usually genetic. If it's cardiomyopathy, again, do the reset. Look for deficiencies of B12. Vitamin D, even for muscle. Should have mentioned that earlier. A lot of people have low, low, low levels of vitamin D and they don't do very well. Okay, so I think I covered all those questions this morning. So, if you're not a member of [00:29:00] the Martin Clinic Facebook group, please join us. Join that private Facebook group. Well worth it.

And please share this with your friends and family. You can only... You don't get a soapbox like me. Most people don't, because I can talk to thousands and thousands of people a day, but you can influence your little circle. You can bring a horse to water and can't necessarily make them drink it, but at least give them the information and see what [00:29:30] they do with it. Okay. Love you, guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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