Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor is In Podcast. Brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, it's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. This morning, we're going to go through some questions, a lot of good questions came in during the week. Now remember, save your questions if you want for these sessions, but we're [00:00:30] here for you. Our staff, Jeanette, Nick, Brandy, are always answering questions, and so am I during the week. If they're not sure, they're asking me or whatever, so we're happy, this is what we do at the Martin Clinic, we're happy to answer your questions.
Okay. So Alaine or Allen, I don't know which one it looked like, I-N, Alaine, more French asking about lion's mane mushrooms, and you know what? Mushrooms are good for you by the way. Okay. They're good for [00:01:00] you. Good for your immune system. This one here is specifically saying that it's good for the memory. Well, look, there's a lot of claims out there and when you ask me a question, I'm only going to give you my experience.
And I'm not saying that mushrooms aren't good for memory, they probably are, but I know for sure what is good for your memory. Clinically, I had to prove it to people over the years, what is good for your memory, restoring memory? [00:01:30] The best two supplements for restoring memory are high DHA. Remember your brain is made up of fat, fat, fat, fat, and you need to replace that fat DHA.
And then the other one is curcumin. There has been several studies showing when you combine high DHA with curcumin, and Tony Jr. put out an email yesterday showing the difference between... Or this week between turmeric [00:02:00] and curcumin.
Problem with turmeric, it's good for you, by the way. It's very good for you. The problem with that it's poorly absorbed. You need a highly absorbable curcumin, and that's what goes up to the brain, and combined with high DHA, the studies are incredible, and my clinical experience tells me that too.
So I really like for memory, those two things combined. I usually take about two to four grams of DHA, and probably about [00:02:30] 500 to 800 milligrams of curcumin. In a good combination, really good for memory.
Now, food wise, your brain, you need fat. And the best fat in the world is saturated fat for your brain. Okay? So vitamin S and the fat around it. The fat and the yolk in the egg, you know why? What is called your smart nutrient? [00:03:00] It's actually called a smart nutrient.
Choline isn't found in the plant kingdom. Choline is found in eggs, meat, and cheese, and the number one source is eggs. I had my choline this morning with my two eggs, and I had bacon and sausage this morning, too. Okay. So that's saturated fat and choline, and I like high DHA, and Alaine, thanks for the question.
Fingernails. Debbie's asking about ridges [00:03:30] in the fingernails. So let me just talk about two things about your fingernails. One, ridges, if you look and see if you have ridges in your fingernails, it's usually a problem with digestion and absorption.
Usually if you see ridges in your nails, you're not absorbing your protein properly. It's the absorption. Maybe you're eating it, but not absorbing it, and that is usually because of your stomach. [00:04:00] And that is you have low HCL and not enough enzymes are being secreted. As we get older, it's very common.
That's why I love digestive enzymes. But just to tell you, if you look at your nails... Now, if they are brittle and they're breaking all the time, that's usually a sign of thyroid. Okay? Usually a sign of thyroid. Could be Hashimoto's, could be a low functioning thyroid, but if there are ridges in your nails, [00:04:30] usually you're not digesting. And I love digestive enzymes. And nothing will strengthen your nails better than the bone broth protein.
If you want to know, make yourself the Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie every day with [inaudible 00:04:46] and bone broth. Bone broth has collagen. Everything in your body is made up of collagen. Your skin is made up of collagen. It's the matrix. And even your fingernails. [00:05:00] So this is what I find. And even for ladies for your hair, remember, if you take a strand of hair, it's 99.9% protein. Your hair is protein.
And usually, it's not a problem ordinarily with men, not that they don't lose their hair, it's actually very common for men to lose their hair. That's a hormonal thing, by the way, nothing you can... I actually have more hair than I did a few years ago. [00:05:30] I do. Some people were saying to me, "Yeah, but I'm growing it on the wrong places." Because I had a few ladies tell me they had it under their chin. That's hormonal too.
But my hair for an old guy, it's thinner than it used to be. I used to have a lot of hair. But I have more hair than I did even a couple of years ago. And that's just me using bone broth and our hair formula and just having as much as I can, a good diet.
[00:06:00] So look at thyroid, look at digestion, two things that, and again, very good question about nails. Charlene was asking about, she gets up in the morning, looks real good and full of vinegar and exercises. And in the mid afternoon, she gets pale looking. And that could be a sign of borderline anemia.
Charlene, I'd have to be able to ask you more questions. Now, when you say you don't look as well, do you not feel well [00:06:30] in the afternoon? Because that could be your adrenal glands. It could be the fluctuations of blood sugars that often happen in adrenal exhaustion. But if you're not exhausted, and you're feeling actually quite good, but you just don't look quite as well, I need to know that. So maybe you could, Charlene give me some more information about that. But if you're actually feeling good, I wouldn't be too worried about it. But if you actually get tired in the afternoon, could be borderline anemia. That gets misdiagnosed [00:07:00] a lot of times.
And let me answer another question, because this will come. This was the last question I think Margaret was asking about, I love looking at blood under a microscope. Okay. And Margaret was asking about, what are you looking for? Well, there's a couple of things. Okay. Not a hundred things. I did a lot of training for practitioners who wanted to look at blood, and I used to teach them what to look for.
And [00:07:30] I used to say, don't look for too much. Just look at the obvious things. And some of the obvious things I looked at cells and how big red blood cells were, the bigger they are, the less oxygen they carry. It's the opposite of what you think. Like small little red blood cells were actually better than big, big, large red blood cells. So you to look at that, I used to look at numbers.
And Charlene, just answer the question and the one that [00:08:00] Margaret asked, I used to see borderline anemia because you would see a lot of cells, but they were large. They were too large. And I used to say, "Well, you know what? Your B12 is low. Your, possibly ferritin is low."
And there was another question asked about high ferritin. Okay. What is that? It's always a liver problem. If you have high levels of ferritin, hemochromatosis is a word they give it. That is [00:08:30] your liver. Your liver is not filtering that iron properly.
A lot of people have low levels of iron, usually women, okay. They're the ones that suffer with it the most, especially if they have heavy menses or whatever, that's caused by estrogen dominance. So get your estrogen down.
But Margaret, the other thing that I was looking for when I looked at cells is looking at the shape of cells. I was looking for a lot of free, radical damage. You would see [00:09:00] a lot of damaged cells, the outer wall of the cells and free radicals. I used to look for that oxidative damage. And then I would look at the serum, looked for leaky gut. One way to see a leaky gut is if you see candida or parasites in the blood, how'd they get there? They came in from the gut. That's called leaky gut.
So that's generally what I looked at. And so Charlene give me some more information just about how you're feeling. Earl is asking a good question. He's asking about, is [00:09:30] Omega-6 actually good for rheumatoid arthritis? No, it's not. Now if you'd asked me Earl, 50 years ago, I would have told you, "Yeah, any oil is good for you." Omega-6, fatty acids are found in the plant kingdom. They're in the plant kingdom. And they are they good for rheumatoid? No, not anymore.
And the problem is because of these highly industrialized vegetable oils. You see, what's key [00:10:00] is how much omega-3 you're taking versus how much Omega-6 you're taking. So Omega-3 generally are found in the animal kingdom. The best are in fish and steak, vitamin S. Your Omega-3 in there, and then your plants, your seeds, your nuts and that.
And again, they're not bad for you, but what has pushed up this Omega-6 today? It's the amount of vegetable oils. Anything [00:10:30] that is in a package. If you go to the middle aisles of your grocery store, you get a package of something, it's made with those vegetable oils. They're not really vegetable. They are seed oils. They're industrial oil, they're cheap. They preserve food. They're highly industrialized, and the human being was never made to consume that. We were made to consume our Omega-6 in nuts and seeds, and not consume it in [00:11:00] packaged goods. But this is a big problem in our society today. And that's why I don't recommend Omega-6.
Like I'm not telling you, certainly don't take it as a supplement. You're better off to get your levels of Omega-3 up. You should be sliding out of rooms. You're taking so much Omega-3, if you have rheumatoid arthritis, okay? Because the seed oils, canola, safflower, sunflower, grapes, these are industrial [00:11:30] oils. Stay away from them. They're no good for you. They're crappy carbs.
That's why when we put crappy carbs into our vocabulary, I'm talking about anything with high sugar and high vegetable oils, seed oils. So good question. Get that ratio. So the more omega-3 you take, the better it is. So we live in a different world. And I always tell you that you [00:12:00] got to just stay away from omega-6, you don't need omega-6. You get a lot of omega-6, stay away from it now, I don't recommend it. And that's why I'm not big on eating a lot of nuts and seeds. You can have some, but I wouldn't take a lot of that stuff.
I like hemp seed. And I like flaxseed. A couple of tablespoons of that a day, and there's no problem with that. I got no problem with that at all. Unless of course you have diverticulosis or whatever, but generally no. Bernie is asking about moles [00:12:30] And someone else was asking about cyst on kidneys.
So if you have cyst or you have moles, or you have skin tags, it's usually a sign. These are classic signs that you have insulin resistance. It's a warning sign. Your body is telling you, you have too much growth hormone. Remember, two hormones make things grow. You guys should know this by heart. There's two hormones that make things grow. This is why [00:13:00] for moles, for skin tags, for cysts, for tumors, you want to lower these two growth hormones.
One of them is insulin, and that's food. That's food. Insulin is crappy carbohydrates. When you eat a steak, you hardly need any insulin. When you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese. This is the reason of the reason because you're not using your pancreas, you're hardly using your fasting without fasting. Cancer hates steak. [00:13:30] Did you hear me? It hates it. Cancer wants sugar. It wants glucose. So if you have a mole, cut your insulin down. It's your diet. And then cut your estrogen down.
And a lot of men, when they hit 50, have more estrogen than women. This is why their prostate wants to grow, grow, grow. [foreign language 00:13:55] in French. It wants to grow, grow, grow. It needs estrogen to grow. [00:14:00] Lower your estrogen, lower your estrogen, dim it out. Okay. Estrogen is a beautiful thing for women, but you don't want too much, too much makes things grow. That's how women get breast cancer. That's how they get uterine cancer. That's how they get cervic cancer. Any cancer needs estrogen and insulin, they're growth hormones, lower them, dim them out. That's why I love our hormonal formula, it dims out that [00:14:30] estrogen. It's so good for you.
So good questions. Herpes type one and two. How to get them under control. Well, remember what herpes are. Herpes is a virus. And you guys know me. You know what I talk about all the time. Of course COVID-19 is a virus, herpes, shingles, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, [inaudible 00:14:56] the chicken pox. Herpes ordinarily [00:15:00] will lay dormant. Put your hand up if you ever had chicken pox as a kid, I did. Well then you got the herpes virus, and that's all right.
We have millions. If not trillions of viruses, it's not the virus. It's the soil. It's the terrain. You're always going to have viruses. And most of them just laid dormant. They live [00:15:30] within you. They're herpes virus. Okay. How does it get activated? The number one thing that will activate herpes is stress. Remember what I talked about yesterday? Inflammation's not Houdini, but cortisol, it pours gasoline on inflammation.
Think of the fight or flight, okay? That's cortisol. Ooh, you're uptight. [00:16:00] You're worried. You're anxious. And I want to bring you something that the CBC next week, we'll do this. Talk about stress. Okay. A story came out and I flagged it, and I want to talk to you about it next week.
But guys, your immune system, it's you. Lower your stress levels. That'll help keep simplex herpes type one or type two. It'll keep it at bay. Your immune system's meant to just, you know what herpes, stay quiet. Your [00:16:30] immune system, like a good parent. Time for your kids or your grandchildren to talk, and there's a time for them to shut up. Just stay quiet. Okay. But that's your immune system. This is the all thing with COVID. It drives me mental.
Nobody's talking, or very few, are talking about the immune system. You know what's in [00:17:00] epidemic proportions today? Shingles. And I get medicine. What do they want you to do? They want you to take a vaccine. So they actually give you a little bit of the herpes zoster. They give it to you so that your body will create antibodies. I understand all about vaccines. I do. But they never talk to you about, hold on a minute. How do you keep your immune system from keeping herpes at bay? Because [00:17:30] I'd never seen a case of shingles where the patient didn't go through a stressful period.
They weren't sleeping. You don't sleep, your cortisol goes up. Your cortisol goes up, you don't sleep. You don't sleep, your immune system goes down. Or you're stressed. You're worried all the time, you're uptight. And you see your body is in the fight or flight. It's not thinking about fighting viruses, it's thinking about fighting your neighbor, or your children, or you know [00:18:00] what I'm getting at? What cortisol is, it's often a distraction to your immune system.
I talked to you yesterday about what cortisol does in combination with inflammation and how dangerous it is for men, how they get heart disease, and women, how they can get breast cancer. See breast cancer a lot of times is a perfect storm. Stress, lowered immunity, too much estrogen and too much insulin, and bingo, you got a cancer. Bingo, you got a cancer. [00:18:30] But just remind you. See the little tip of that ballpoint pen? For cancer to grow to that size, takes at least five years. Just the tip of it. A little cancer to grow takes a long time.
This is why you're so fearfully and wonderfully made. Your immune system is meant. You fight cancer every day. Keep your immune system. What did I talk to you about immune? Is there any vitamin better than [inaudible 00:18:56] this morning. Now I'm in the shade a little bit, [00:19:00] because my phone would heat up in this morning sun. Get in the sun.
There's nothing better to keep the herpes virus down. Get in the sun. Eat your vitamin S to get your vitamin A. Don't you love the Martin clinic vitamin list? And have your vitamin C, coffee. Yes. It's good for your immune system. I taught you that a couple of weeks ago.
Okay. [00:19:30] Good question. Bonnie's asking about... And Diane. Okay. They're asking about protein. Now Bonnie's asking, because I don't know if she has this certain gene, the MTOR gene, and then you go online and they said, you shouldn't eat protein because that'll make you age, and it's going to give you cancer. Nonsense. I hate to be dogmatic Bonnie, but nonsense.
If you are a human being, I don't care what kind of genes you got. I don't care what [00:20:00] kind of genetics you got, or what kind of genes you're carrying. If you are a human being, if your address is on planet earth, it ends with planet earth, then protein is king. Protein is king. It's the king of the castle because this is how your body thrives.
And ladies, generally just generally, you don't eat enough protein, you don't. So [00:20:30] Bonnie and Diane, you're asking about how much protein do I absorb at a meal? It depends. Absorption is different than your consumption. We talked about the ridges on the nails. You could be eating lots of protein, but you're not absorbing all of it because of your stomach.
You see your stomach is a furnace. It actually starts in your mouth, but these enzymes, the stomach needs a lot of acidity in order to break protein [00:21:00] down. But protein is king guys. You're not going to eat too much protein. "Oh doc, I had 20 eggs at my suppertime." Well, who the heck eats 20 eggs at suppertime? But if you do, if you were hungry, eat the right foods, eat the right foods and protein.
And remember, I talked to you about this was it yesterday or day before? I talked to you about the type of protein, because the bioavailability, [00:21:30] meaning the absorption rate of animal protein, and the essential amino acids that are complete in animal protein. Look, plants are good, but animal proteins are better.
Plant protein is good. It's nothing wrong with it. But here's what I say. Popeye did not get those big arms eating spinach. He said he did, but that was [00:22:00] a cartoon, and he's wrong. Popeye got those big arms eating steak. So just remember that, because they bioavailability of the two are completely different.
And this is why I always make an appeal. I make an appeal to my vegetarian friends and my vegan friends. If you insist, and maybe it's for whatever reason you have, you need to supplement. You cannot get everything you need in the plant [00:22:30] kingdom. You just can't. You won't get enough protein. You won't get enough bioavailable protein, and you will not get all your essential amino acids. That is just science.
And I know it's on Netflix, it's all over the internet. Eat the plants. Plants are so much better for you. Meat is no good, it's full of hormones, it's whatever. Guys, don't buy that. I'm just appealing. I'm I'm appealing [00:23:00] to you. Especially the younger generation today. Who's taking that hook line and sinker, it's not true. You will not be healthy in the long run.
Senior citizens, they just don't get enough animal protein. They don't. And there's no B12 in the plants, and your body cannot do well without B12, it just can't. So don't fool yourself. B12 is a nerve vitamin. It's a muscle vitamin. It's found in red [00:23:30] meat, and not in chicken. No chicken's good. A lady said I was condescending the other day. I'm just teasing.
Okay. Gail was saying, is it possible to reverse a hiatus hernia? Well, I think I have reversed hiatus hernia a few times. But I don't talk about so much reversing hiatus hernia, I talk about putting it to bed. Meaning that it's not going to bother you. So what do you do? Do a lot of intermittent fasting, especially at [00:24:00] night.
If you have hiatus hernia, if you have acid reflux and you have gallbladder problems, don't eat at night, stop eating, try and stop eating around 5:00 o'clock. And then if you can go past your breakfast time like 8:00 o'clock or whatever, go past it. The longer you fast, the better it is for the hiatus hernia. And eat protein and not crappy carbohydrates, because you're creating inflammation with insulin.
And hiatus hernia, you can put [00:24:30] it to bed with intermittent fasting, especially at that nighttime. Give yourself many, many, many, many hours before you go to bed of not eating. That's not always easy to do, not in our society, but that's what you need to do.
Tara was asking about whether she should get a thyroid scan because she's worried about radiation. Well, I'm always worried about radiation. So ladies in your mammograms or whatever, I'm not against that. I'm not [00:25:00] telling you not to do it. You have to weigh the benefits to the risks.
And so I'm just going to give you overall things. Now look, if they're suspecting a tumor on your thyroid, well, you know what? Maybe you should get it scanned. I got no issue with that. But you've got to make that individual decision. Like mammograms, there's a lot of radiation in the mammogram, but [00:25:30] if you're concerned about cancer and one thing that I always tell my patients, look, if you're getting any kind of scan, an MRI or a pet scan, or whatever you're getting, you minimize the risk when you take probiotics. They really do minimize the risk. And anti oxidants help with radiation. The side effects of radiation.
So I love antioxidants. [00:26:00] I love vitamin C, coffee, Tara, do you drink coffee? You're going to protect yourself. I love the antioxidants, I love pine bark too. Probiotics, they help. People that are taking radiation therapy have always got them on multiple doses of probiotics because those are the things that get killed in radiation, so you need to replace them. Very good question.
Celine, calcium buildup on arteries, arthrosclerosis, that's what that is. [00:26:30] You know what's the best thing? Your body is unbelievable how fast it will regenerate. Even hardened arteries. If you change your diet, if you get your good cholesterol up, and your triglycerides down, get your good cholesterol, eat more eggs, meat and cheese. And HDL actually helps to take those triglycerides out.
Now, for actual hardening of the arteries. [00:27:00] Actual hardening of the arteries. Remember you want to elevate your nitric oxide. What is nitric oxide? A little explosion in your blood vessels makes your blood vessels relax. They open up, they relax. I like magnesium. I like pine bark. B12 is important for your blood vessels at the endothelial level because it lowers your homocysteine, so it's very, very, very important.
[00:27:30] And okay, now what takes calcium? You guys should know this because this is the main point. What takes calcium out of your blood vessels and puts it in your bones, where it belongs? What is the name of the vitamin? What is the name of the vitamin that takes calcium out of your blood vessels? It's found mostly in butter and the number one source is cheese curds.
Vitamin K2, [00:28:00] not K1, K2. K2 is found in butter and eggs, but especially in cheese curds. Why do I put cheese in the top three foods? Because vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 takes calcium out of your arteries. And that's why I'm not big on taking calcium as a supplement because when you take calcium as a supplement, [00:28:30] it never gets to your bones guys. Vitamin D takes calcium and puts it in your bones, and so does vitamin K2.
I love vitamin K2. Eat it, eat it. You like cheese? You like cheese curds? Yes. You like butter? Put butter on your steak right at the end. You're barbecuing your steak, put butter on it right at the end. Let it melt into that, you're going to get your vitamin K2, [00:29:00] with your vitamin S and it's going to clean out your arteries.
But the world tells you, "Oh, that will clog your arteries." It's the opposite. Think of that butter as oil that's just making your blood vessels less sticky. It does. Okay. Very good question. Celine, I love you. Good question.
Lucy's asking about postnasal drip. How long does it take? Well, I actually answered one of these yesterday [00:29:30] online about postnasal drip. It takes up to a year. You got bad. You're always sniffling and coughing because the postnasal drip, and it's in your throat and in your lungs, and you're coughing all the time. It might take you a year, do probiotics.
And like Lucy was asking maybe about, you ever sniff probiotics? That is our invention by the way. [00:30:00] You're not sniffing cocaine, but you got the powder probiotic, take a little straw and get those probiotics in the sinuses. It really works guys. It's helpful. I love oil of oregano and don't feed the bears. Remember what that is in there. What is it? It's yeast, it's fungus in that mucus. It's fungal. Don't feed the bears. They only love sugar, crappy sugar.
Okay. Delia with a [00:30:30] hypnic jerk. That's when you fall asleep and you think you'll fall. A lot of people look, you know what that is? That's cortisol, lower your cortisol, Delia, you got bad dreams, restless legs. A lot of times that is cortisol. And you get the hibigibies of the legs. Microcirculation.
A lot of times that can be a sign of anemia too. You don't have enough B12 and iron, that can be all things that I look for. [00:31:00] Wendy's saying detoxing on the reset. Does that make your adrenals worse? No, it just makes them better. I always look at your adrenals like battery packs, they're little battery packs. And when you're stressed out over a long period of time, now stress can come in different ways.
Stress can come from a bad diet. Stress can come from worry and relationships. Stress can come from chemicals in the environment. Stress can stress your adrenals in a lot of ways, [00:31:30] and sugar is one of the most stressful things you can do to your adrenal. So the reset is just the opposite of that. You're not having any sugar at all. It's actually quite good for the adrenals.
When you have adrenal exhaustion, I make you go on the reset if you're in one of my patients. It's one of the reasons I developed that 30-day eating program. Is to regenerate adrenal exhaustion. When doctors can't find anything and you're still exhausted, look at the adrenals. If you are exhausted [00:32:00] and all your tests are coming back within normal limits, look at your adrenal glands. It's my go-to. And I fix those adrenal glands. And one of the biggest things you can do is the 30-day.
You see your adrenals love protein. They hate fluctuations in blood sugars that stresses them out even more. Up and down like a yo-yo. People that are yo-yo dieting. You [00:32:30] want to put logs on the fire? You want to give your body 99% octane, not 83 or 93 or 91 or 87, would you put in your car? No, you want the high stuff? 99. You want jet fuel. That's eggs, meat and cheese. Thank you very much, Wendy.
Okay guys. Thanks so much for watching today. Keep your questions coming in, we're going to hit some great topics next [00:33:00] week. Share this with your friends. Listen to our podcast. These are all turned into podcasts. So if people can't watch the videos, introduce them to the Doctors is In Podcast.
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Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctors In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.