407. Common Factors In Autism

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or predict any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. We're going to talk about autism, but there was...It was more of a news, I saw it on a news feed. I don't know if it was CTV [00:00:30] or whatever that I saw yesterday or the day before, I can remember exactly, but it says that if mom, while she is pregnant, uses cannabis, marijuana, it increases the risk of autism for the child. Now, I don't know if that was, when I read it, it didn't give whether that was more of an observational type of study that they looked at, but it could be [00:01:00] a downer. A lot of people have asked me, by the way, about CBD oil and, listen, if it works, I just find, for me, this has been my experience with the hemp oil, okay, and the CBD oil, which is an extract that is very, very precise.

Some people have gotten good results for pain and sleeping, [00:01:30] but this is just, again, I'm just going to give you a general observation. By the way, the CBD does not have the, it's made from the same plant, but it doesn't have the possible harming effects of the plant. So the CBD oil doesn't have the THC, or? I've got to look it up. I can't remember. But I've been talking about hemp oil for many, many years. [00:02:00] Many years I got no problem with that. I just find that it's almost like melatonin. They get some original results with it, but then, after a period of time, it's not quite effective. But I've certainly got no issue with you trying the oil. Now, smoking the marijuana, I got issues with that. It's a drug.

I remember, I was never into so much the... [00:02:30] You know, in my teenage years or whatever, I think it was more grade 13. Yeah, there used to be a grade 13. But I remember a couple of my buddies, we were all into sports, so it's not like we didn't party, but I was into sports. I was playing ball, I was playing hockey. We played around with alcohol, but drugs were sort [00:03:00] of on the fringe at that time, and none of my buddies really experimented with it. Maybe a little bit, the marijuana, but today, that marijuana is 40, 50 times stronger. So anybody that was asking me about that, I am very careful. The CBD oil is a little bit different, because it doesn't have the harmful component, and, for some people, they find it effective, and I'm all for it, man. I just find, clinically, [00:03:30] for me, it seems to wear off like melatonin does.

I love melatonin. Your body makes melatonin, by the way. When you get out in the sun, you make melatonin. When you have a very, very dark room at night, pitch black, you make melatonin. Your body makes it, and you restock the shelves of melatonin in your body when you get in the sun, and you get into a dark room, pitch, pitch black. [00:04:00] No light at all, at all, at all. Interesting, isn't it?

Okay. Let's talk a little bit this morning about autism. This was with the marijuana, so you shouldn't be using marijuana when you're pregnant. I think probably every doctor in the world would agree with that. You've got to be very careful with pregnancy, right? But I want to specifically talk about autism. You guys have heard me say this in the [00:04:30] past, and I'll say it again. I have never seen one case, in all my years, the first time I heard about autism was in 1978. I was at a board meeting in Toronto, and a colleague of mine told me that he had two autistic sons. I must have looked sons, because honestly I did not know what he was talking about. I didn't know what autism was. You look up, and I've [00:05:00] got some old medical books in the background there. If you look in some of those books, you won't see autism. I can guarantee you that. I never heard of it before. 1978 is the first time I ever heard of it.

It was so rare, this guy told me two of his sons had autism. "What? What is that?" He gave me a pretty good explanation and I never forgot it, but they didn't know is it genetics, is it a defect, whatever. [00:05:30] We've got a much better idea today what causes, and, again, I'm only going to tell you my clinical findings, because I've seen hundreds and hundreds of autistic kids in my practice and I've never seen a case, not one, that they didn't have leaky gut. So leaky gut is certainly at the root.

Now, what causes [00:06:00] leaky gut? Baby has leaky gut, little child has leaky gut, what causes that? My theory is number one cause of autism, in my opinion, what causes leaky gut, number one on the hit parade that causes it? Antibiotics. Now, again, before you come after me, let me put my little disclaimer out. Antibiotics save [00:06:30] your life. Antibiotics are the greatest discovery, I think I coined this, the greatest discovery of the 20th century and the curse of the 21st. Maybe even this week...Tomorrow what I have planned is I'm going to talk to you about a terrific new study that came out on probiotics. I just want to bring that out tomorrow.

But you understand this, again. It's [00:07:00] always repetition, repetition, but the gut has more hormones, more serotonin, more dopamine, than your brain. The gut, the microbiome is a battleground. In every human being, it's a battleground between good and bad bacteria. You just have to understand that. It is well-established. I think medicine has made a huge mistake [00:07:30] by not taking the microbiome much more seriously than they should, because the father of medicine, Hippocrates, said 2000 years ago that all disease starts in the gut. I'm going to tell you something: that dude, he was a pretty smart guy. You know, when you take the Hippocratic Oath as a doctor, you put your hand up and you swear you will do [00:08:00] no harm in medicine. But medicine hasn't taken the microbiome...Look, not all medicine, but mostly medicine has gone by the microbiome and hardly given it another look. That's a big issue, because I'll tell you why.

Because the overuse of antibiotics, and, by the way, I have another study, maybe Thursday, and it's an interesting story [00:08:30] that is behind the news. It didn't get any attention, and that's my job, is to bring those out for you, that there's a study out there that's showing that the next plague, the next pandemic, will not be a virus, but a bacteria. I'll talk about that maybe Thursday, because it's interesting. I've got some good notes that I wanted to bring out to you.

But the gut, the gut, the gut. [00:09:00] When baby gets autism, the microbiome, that ecosystem in the gut has been deranged. I am so convinced that this is true for the actual cause of autism, and, again, I always reverse-engineer. Go backwards. A kid's got autism. I never used to see autism. But now I see a lot of autism. It's one out of forty- [00:09:30] something births, I think, now, are autistic. It's a scourge on society. Kids that can't talk, a lot of them.

Rosie and I were watching, I can't even remember. What's the name of the show with Simon Cowell? America's got talent. I think it's called that. There was an autistic kid who played the piano and sang. He was blind and could not really [00:10:00] communicate, but oh boy, was he a musician or what, and could sing. It was incredible to watch. They have such talent, but it's such a scourge on society, this autism. I know that, in our province, in Ontario here, that the parents are complaining because there's not enough resources for them. You can imagine, anybody with an autistic child just has, it's a lifelong care. [00:10:30] They need help, but where does it come from?

There's talk out there that this comes from vaccines. Look, I'm not convinced about that. There's a big difference today in vaccination, compared to what before. When I was a kid, they gave out two vaccines, I know, for polio for sure. But today, I think, before the age [00:11:00] of two, they give out 70 of them. I'm not saying good or bad or ugly. I'm not saying any of that. I'm just saying that that may be a factor in autism, but it, in my opinion, is not the cause of autism, because the cause starts in the gut. The cause, I believe, are more linked to the use of antibiotics.

I'm just going to give you some general observations. These are statistically [00:11:30] true for an autistic kid. If there's an autistic kid, I'm going to break it down by what happened to mommy, and then what happened to baby. This is part of my new book, by the way, because, under the section of leaky gut, I just bring out these statistics that are fascinating. Mommy of an autistic child, on average, and there's always exceptions, but this is on average. [00:12:00] When mommy was on antibiotics during or even a year before the pregnancy. Mommy was on antibiotics during or even a year before...Maybe for a sinus infection. For women, it's so common, a UTI. A urinary tract infection. Look, you've got a urinary tract infection, you're taking an antibiotic, of course. But if you don't [00:12:30] take a probiotic, you're disrupting...People don't realize that they disrupt the microbiome. You have hundreds of trillions of bacteria in your body, good, bad, and ugly.

I mentioned a few weeks ago, it's like two armies. You read the story of David and Goliath, and before [00:13:00] David got there, there was the Philistines on one side and the Israeli army on the other side, and for months, they were just looking at each other, and big Goliath would come out and taunt the Israelites. He'd say, "Look, we don't need to have a general war. How about me against your best guy?" It's a great story, by the way. The Israelites were scared skinny of this guy. They didn't want to [00:13:30] send out their best guy until David came. It's a tremendous story, right? David and Goliath. But that's what happens in the gut. As long as you've got enough good guys.

I'm going to talk to you about David. The David of friendly bacteria probiotics. But this is just general information, overarching, looking at autism and then looking at mommy. [00:14:00] And mommy just generally, of course there's exceptions, on antibiotics during or a year before pregnancy. Interesting, isn't it? Those are not coming from me, guys. Those are not just my observations. This is clinical observation.

Number two, on average, the mommy suffered from gestational [00:14:30] diabetes, which is diabetes during pregnancy. A lot of women go through that, and that is a common factor when baby has autism. Mommy had gestational diabetes. What's the connection there? Elevated insulin, elevated inflammation. The baby's affected by that. Baby's brain is affected by that. Even gestational diabetes would have affect on the microbiome. [00:15:00] Thirdly, bad diet. Mommy had a bad diet. This is just too much crappy carbohydrates. Too much sugar. That promotes the growth of the third army, yeast.

That's leaky gut, by the way. When you have leaky gut, you got candida. You've got yeast that's gone into that bloodstream, and it becomes systemic and can get into the brain, and it travels. It gets across the blood/brain barrier because there are not enough friendly bacteria [00:15:30] in baby to protect the blood/brain barrier. All fascinating stuff.

Obesity. Mommy, her risk of having autistic baby go up big time with obesity, so, again, you're talking about insulin. Obesity is a symptom. Obesity is never the cause. Obesity is a symptom of high-circulating insulin. It's always insulin, insulin, insulin, [00:16:00] and that has an effect on the microbiome. That's what we know about mommy.

Here's one more. Mommy had a C-section. Mommy had a C-section. Now, again, there's exceptions to that, okay, so don't come after me. I'm only giving you what medicine already knows, but you never hear about it, because they never talk about the cause. Medicine is so focused in on knocking down that [00:16:30] it could be vaccines, they don't talk about anything else, really. You have no idea how I have to dig for this stuff, to find out the news behind the health news. Mommy has C-sections.

I know this happened a couple of years ago. The Canadian Society of Obstetricians put out a little warning to their members. Quit doing [00:17:00] so many C-sections. Now, ladies, okay, please, have mercy upon a man. What would we ever know about having a baby? Look, he might have one, but he'd never have another one. Men ain't tough enough, ladies. I'm on your side. Men, we are a bunch of babies. Men, we could never have a baby. Like I said, we could have one and that'd be the end [00:17:30] of it. Seriously, men are not tough. Women are tough. And I get it, C-sections, you got a breach birth, a C-section can save the mommy's life and the baby's life. I get that. But there's a reason for the birth canal, that the baby goes right through the birth canal. That's not only good for mommy. It's really good for mommy, but it's much [00:18:00] better for the baby.

What happens? The baby goes through that canal and picks up all mama's bacteria. The mucosa. The baby comes out with all that mucus, right? But it goes through the birth canal, they're getting that friendly bacteria from mommy. There's a reason. Like I said, we know so much more about bacteria today than we used to. So, on the side of mommy: antibiotics, the greatest discovery of the 20th century [00:18:30] now becoming the curse of the 21st. Gestational diabetes, insulin. Obesity, insulin. A bad diet, insulin. You see why I'm always hooked on insulin? And baby has gone through a C-section.

This is, again, I'm going to give you the baby side now. We already talked, the baby had to obviously go through, that didn't go through mom's birth canal, so the c-section, that's [00:19:00] on the baby's side too, obviously, but here's common denominators for autistic children. Antibiotics in early life for them. It's common. Ear infections or whatever. Not breastfed. It increases the risk of autism in a baby, if they're not breastfed. Now, we know, and it's interesting,

I mentioned this a while back, but I went through the era of, "Eh, breastfeeding." It [00:19:30] was the food companies. If you don't think the food companies are powerful, just think on how they market their cereals. They still do it today. "This is a great option." Tony the Tiger, "They're grrrrreat." No they're not. They're not great. They're great at giving you diabetes. They're not great. People think, because of the food industry, that oatmeal is a super food. No it's not. [00:20:00] It's a super food to elevate your blood sugar like nobody's business. So don't fool yourself. That's the food industry, they're good at it. Eat our Cheerios, because they're whole wheat. They're not good for you.

But the food industry, what they did about 50 years ago, they started promoting formula, and formula was much better than mommy's breast. The food [00:20:30] industry did that. They pushed it and pushed it and pushed it, and they sent all these samples to the family doctors and formula, and formula. Formula is more complete than breast milk. That was the message. I remember that. You have to be my age to remember that, and they pushed and pushed and thousands and millions of women bought that, and what happened? Baby suffered, because there's nothing like breast milk. You can't get lactoferrin, [00:21:00] mommy's got that. Colostrum, mommy's got that. Gives it to baby. That is such an important part of the immune system, and this is what baby misses when they don't get breastfed.

Look, I understand there are some reasons for not breastfeeding. I get it. So please, I'm a man. Have mercy. But these are just statistics on autism. Exceptions, of course, but [00:21:30] I'm giving you some generalities, and this is, if everything is equal, then, for sure, mommy, you know that. Now it turned around in the last 20 years or so. Because we have the internet and because there's so much more social media and there are so many more, it's not just people sitting down and watching the nightly news. People have a lot [00:22:00] more sources of information and now women get it. They understand. Nature, breastfeeding is much better. Yeah. Yes, that's true. So you see what I'm saying? You see what I'm saying?

Okay, autism. Way back when I started this podcast, what did I say? Marijuana. It'll probably be added to the list. Mommy [00:22:30] was maybe smoking marijuana. But I brought to you the other ones, that are very new, by the way. These are new statistics that have come out in the last year or two, that I've included in my new book. Interesting, isn't it? Leaky gut. Leaky brain. Not enough friendly bacteria. A big, big, and I believe, the cause. I believe that war is [00:23:00] the cause of autism. I think I could defend my thesis with a lot of clinical experience. I've just been around the block a long time.

Okay, I love you guys. If you have any questions at all, and maybe if you have anything that you want...Our staff is there for you. If you're not part of our private members' group, then please join that, the Martin Clinic private member Facebook group. It's by-invitation [00:23:30] only. We're up to, I don't know, eight or nine thousand people just in that group, and it's been a tremendous experience for you guys, but for us. It's great, because we want to give you feedback.

Then, if you get a chance, please give us your feedback on the program and share this with others. You probably know people that have autistic children or whatever, or even mommy's looking at [00:24:00] a pregnancy or whatever. It's important to take these steps. So we'll talk to you soon. God bless you.


Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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