Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. The mainstream media, I could choke them sometimes, because they don't report some of the biggest stories that came out. This came out last [00:00:30] week. I actually posted in the Martin Clinic private group, Facebook group, you will see the journal posting from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, okay? So let me just pontificate this morning, as I'll get my blood pressure up very, very quickly this morning. It's so hot.
Now, the headlines behind the headlines [00:01:00] in health news, because this is a huge, huge, huge story. It has been 50 years in the making. It's more than 50 years in the making, we are going to talk about fat first. And if you read the headline, the cardiologist finally get one thing right, finally.
Now, if you're having a heart attack, don't [00:01:30] want to come and see me. You want to see your doctor who will probably refer you right after if you survive, to a cardiologist, and God bless them; I mean that. But overall, cardiologists, anytime they have said anything, I mean it, other than stop smoking, remember what I was saying? 9 out [00:02:00] of 10, remember the ... Look, you have to be my age to remember this and go back even earlier than that. 9 out of 10 doctors recommend Camel's cigarettes. So doctors used to recommend in the 1950s. My dad smoked, and my mom smoked, and my three older brothers smoked and everybody smoked, just about.
And they finally come in the 1960s said, "Nah." I remember my dad went cold turkey. One [00:02:30] day, come home, and he said, "That's it, no more smoking." And I looked at my dad, like, I was maybe 10. "Dad, whose cigarettes am I going to steal? Dad, what are you doing?" I didn't understand it, because everybody in my home smoked, and it was just part of our life. Everywhere you went, there was a big ...
I remember going to hockey games as a kid, I loved hockey, and going to a watch local senior [00:03:00] team. And I mean, you could barely watch the game, there was so much smoke. Everybody was sitting there smoking. But you know what? That's one thing they said. Came out in probably the 1970s. By the time the cardiologist said, "You know what? Quit smoking." But everything else, they got wrong. They changed our breakfast. They said, "Don't eat bacon and eggs, eat cereal." They actually put heart on the boxes. The [00:03:30] American Cardiology Association put heart, the American Heart Association put a heart ... They put hearts on cereal boxes because, "Frosted Flakes are a great." No they're not. And the boogeyman became cholesterol. You guys know that. I talk about that every day; the boogeyman, cholesterol. They got that wrong.
But listen to this headline. It is earth shattering, earth shattering [00:04:00] guys. I mean it. A week ago, if you don't belong to our club, join the club, so you can look at that particular study. And it wasn't even as much as a study, as it was an observational, looking at all the studies and the American Cardiology College have repented in sackcloth and ashes as to what is the cause [00:04:30] of heart disease.
Now, did you hear about this? Probably not. Did the mainstream media, pick it up? No they didn't. I watched for it. Nobody said a stinking thing about what the College of Cardiology has now determined. Listen to this. It's incredible that saturated fat, saturated, fat, eggs, meat, and cheese, [00:05:00] butter, cream. They have turned the corner. They came to Jesus. They're born again. I can't get over it. They said this, that saturated fat does not cause heart disease; from the American College of Cardiology. Guys, I don't know how to tell you how dramatic of a shift that is.
Now, I'm skeptical that the [00:05:30] average cardiologist in Canada or the United States is even going to get this memo. But the overall college has said, "We were wrong." Now, they didn't quite phrase it like that, but they were dead wrong. When I say dead wrong, I mean dead wrong, because what was substituted? I just want to go into a little bit more depth here for a second. What was substituted? [00:06:00] I already talked to you about cereal for bacon and eggs in the morning and your sausage, which is saturated fat, which I've been telling you for years is so stinking good for you. Saturated fat is good for you.
Somebody said to me the other day, don't use the word Eskimo anymore. Okay. In previous books, I used, "Eskimos don't get heart disease." Okay. [00:06:30] Indigenous people in the North. I don't know if that's racist. To me, it's not. It's a term of endearment for me, for the indigenous people; the first nations. I work with the first nations all the time because of their propensity for diabetes. And Eskimos don't get heart disease. When they die, it's because the polar bears eat them. They don't die from eating blubber all day; [00:07:00] seal. And they don't eat the muscle. They eat the fat and the organs. And they're healthy as horses. They get a lot of vitamin D in that oil too, by the way, did you know that? Even though they don't get no sun, they'd get vitamin D, because they get that good rich seal and fish oil that has vitamin D3 in it.
Anyway, but I just want to say this, think of the importance [00:07:30] of this shift. Because 99, maybe it's not quite that high, but just about. 99% of the population because their doctor in the 1970s switched the fat, they went from saturated fat to PUFA. What is PUFA? Polyunsaturated fatty acids. [00:08:00] And polyunsaturated fatty acids, make up 90% or higher of the oils that North Americans consume. They don't get saturated fat. They get PUFA; polyunsaturated fatty acids from soil, soy bean oil, which is in everything, and vegetable oils. And they're not vegetables, you can run machinery on [00:08:30] that oil. It's not made for the human body.
And let me just read a statistic here. The average person in North America, listen to this, consumes 51.9 pounds of year of PUFA, which is polyunsaturated fatty acids. And since 1970, it's gone up 300%. [00:09:00] So not only, what are we at now, two, three generations? I had my kids in the 1970s. So my generation, my parents before me, and my grandchildren now, we're consuming 300 times 51.9 pounds of this PUFA a year, instead of saturated fat like butter, and eggs, and meat, [00:09:30] the fatty meat, your hamburger, and roast beef and steak. It became the boogeyman guys, because it elevates your cholesterol. And finally, finally, it's earth shattering guys. This is earth shattering, that the American College of Cardiology has repented and said that wasn't true.
Can you believe that? Doesn't that frustrate you, [00:10:00] my dear friends? Doesn't that frustrate you when you get lied to like that? And the results of that have been catastrophic, catastrophic. And I was like little John the Baptist in the wilderness since the 1970s. It's not true. It's not true. Cholesterol is good for you. You need [00:10:30] cholesterol. Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease. Fat doesn't make you fat. John the Baptist in the wilderness. And the cardiologists were like the Pharisees; they didn't listen. Not only did not listen, they were preaching the wrong thing. Man oh man.
And every institution in medicine, every media, the food industry, [00:11:00] they were like sheep being led to the slaughter, sheep being led to the slaughter. And poor people who didn't know much about health, who trusted, who trusted their doctors, who trusted their dieticians, we were lied to, we were lied to. And even today, in spite ... Because you know what happened? I'll give you a little bit of homework, if you would like to do it. Try and find me if you can, any mainstream media that [00:11:30] reported on this. If you can, I would love to see it, and I mean it. I haven't heard it. I haven't seen it. And I scour the news as much as I can, looking for this retraction from the Cardiology Association.
Guys, this is the most significant finding in heart disease, ever. If we get people to get back to eating saturated fat and getting away [00:12:00] from PUFA, P-U-F-A, polyunsaturated fatty acids, that you can run your car on, synthetic oil. Synthetic oil's not bad for your car, right? You pay a lot of money for a synthetic oil. I got to put synthetic oil in my motorcycle. Fully synthetic, so you can run your motorcycle on it.
So give me the safflower and give me the grapeseed oil. And [00:12:30] I'll tell you another one, ladies, don't touch this with a 1000 foot pole, flaxseed oil. You can eat flax seeds, but don't take the oil. What happens with these polyunsaturated fatty acids? What happens to them? Why do they become so dangerous? Because they oxidize rapidly. If you heat them up, terrible. Don't cook anything in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Don't [00:13:00] cook anything. They create free radicals, oxidative damage. They age your body. They age your blood vessels.
Tony Jr. sent an email out this morning. I hope you're on our email list. If you're not, get on it. He sent out, because him and I were talking about this cardiology report, and he sent out just about endothelial. He talked about insulin, how it damages your heart, because [00:13:30] it elevates your triglycerides and it lowers your HDL, and it damages your endothelial lining of your blood vessels. It takes away from elasticity and so does nitric oxide, if you're low levels in that.
But anyway, guys, it's so frustrating, so frustrating. I thank God for you guys, because you give me your time, your valuable time during the day. And I want to bring some clarity [00:14:00] to this, so that you can make the right choices. That's what information does. That's what education does. Incredible, isn't it? Incredible.
But I'm going to tell you something or just going to give you a prediction. I am going to have to answer today, tomorrow, probably for the rest of my life, I'm going to have to answer people's questions when they ask me, "Doc, my doctor says my cholesterol is too high. [00:14:30] And my doctor says I have to cut out eggs, meat, and cheese. Is that true, Doc?"
Oh, you know what? You want to know what? I don't need to work out, I do work out. I do vitamin E. I love exercise. I've had a good habit. I watched my dad in the 1960s, I mean it, 1967, my dad started running, jogging [00:15:00] when nobody even knew ... Only body ever ran in the 1960s, when the police were chasing you. My dad started, "Let's go for a run." "What? What are you doing, Dad?" He was light years ahead of his time; he really was. There was no word for jogging, it didn't even exist.
I think my dad was the first guy, and I mean this, I mean this, that actually went out for a run for exercise. If you were in a race, you ran. If you were playing sports, you ran. And if the police were chasing you, [00:15:30] you ran. But otherwise, you didn't just go for a jog. I think my dad was the first, I mean it. And as a young lad who loved his daddy, I said, "Dad," because he'd get up early in the morning, and I'd say, "Wake me up before school, I'll go with you." I just loved my dad so much, I wanted to be with him.
And he was a cardiologist nightmare, because my dad never believed for one second that you shouldn't eat fat. My daddy ate steak and [00:16:00] I mean it; steak six nights a week. When he found out he was a diabetic, I said, "Dad, aren't you tired of steak?" He said, "No, I love it." And then Sunday night we would have our big meal; family meal where my dad was home, not seeing patients, he would have roast beef on Sunday. It was incredible.
Anyways. Okay. So have cardiologist, what did they get wrong? They got PUFA wrong for 50 years. [00:16:30] Polyunsaturated fatty acids, terrible stuff. Never touch it with a million foot pole. If it's in an oil guys, stay away from it. You want to cook, you cook with butter. You cook with olive oil. It's got a high smoke point, butter's the best. Ghee, is it called ghee or ghee? It's ghee, isn't it? Lard, bacon fat. You don't know how good that is for your blood vessels, it's so good for you.
Over the years, what have cardiologist, what did they get [00:17:00] wrong? Salt, right? You know how many seniors, you know how many seniors are on a salt-free diet? You know what? It is incredible. Poor folks who are told, "Well, yeah, but that'll elevate your blood pressure." No, it won't. Ooh, it's a lie. What kills your kidneys is sugar, not salt. Wait till they repent on that one. [00:17:30] I'm not holding my breath. I'm not holding my breath for repentance, but I give them credit. They repented and they changed their mind on saturated fat.
Oh, can't you see it dripping from your steak? That's where all the vitamins are. That's what unclogs your arteries. So much B12 in there, it unclogs your arteries. It elevates your nitric oxide. Oh, I tell you, I tell you, [00:18:00] they got salt wrong. They got statins wrong, because what they were trying to do is lower your LDL, LDL, LDL, LDL. Oh, your total cholesterol. Everyday, everyday, everyday, I have to answer the question, "Doc, my doctor said my total cholesterol is not good." Who cares? "My LDL is high." Well, that's not a bad thing. LDL don't cause heart attacks. [00:18:30] LDL doesn't cause strokes. This so-called bad cholesterol. It's not bad, your body makes it. It's not bad. It's all a smokescreen. It was brought to you by the pharmaceutical company, so that they could sell a medication that hammered down your LDL.
You see that fireman? I don't know if you've ever seen that commercial. It was a commercial that drove me insane. I'd laugh, first [00:19:00] of all, but then I go insane. He was coming down the flag pole. Have you ever seen that? He's coming down in the flagpole, and then he gives a high five to all the rest of the firemen in the fire hall, because he said, "I got my cholesterol down with Crestor." And he would give everybody a high five.
Crestor and Lipitor, the number one selling medication of all time, was [00:19:30] brought to you by the College of Cardiology. They had a drug that can hammer down the LDL wall. So what? It didn't even make a dent in heart disease. As a matter of fact, heart disease is still the number one killer, in terms of health. And I'll talk to you about what it costs us. Maybe we'll do that on tomorrow's question and answer. We'll see, maybe Monday. It's incredible; the numbers.
How this [00:20:00] has permeated our society, hammer the cholesterol down, hammer the cholesterol down. It was looking for love in all the wrong places, folks. The important thing was to hammer your triglycerides down and elevate your HDL, your good cholesterol, the higher your HDL, the lower your triglycerides are.
And guys, the problem with that, and I'll just repeat it, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, was that there is a medication [00:20:30] for lowering your triglycerides, but it's got no popularity and it's the hardly [inaudible 00:20:35] and you don't need it. You don't need to take a med to lower your triglycerides with the side effects. You will lower your triglycerides when you lower your carbohydrates and your sugars. It's as simple as that, because triglycerides are made, not from fat but sugar. They become fat balls in your blood vessels and you need to lower your TG.
So [00:21:00] when you send me blood work, I'm looking at your triglycerides. I can tell [inaudible 00:21:05] if you have elevated triglycerides and you have low HDL, good cholesterol; HDL, I don't even look at your LDL. "Oh, Doc, my LDL is four." I don't care. I don't care. And it's not that I don't care about you, I do. I just don't care about that number. I want to know what your triglycerides are, and I want [00:21:30] your HDL to be higher than your triglycerides. Because triglycerides are bad fats made from carbs and sugars. And HDL is good cholesterol, which are the FedEx, the UPS, the Canada Post, the US Post, inside your blood vessels, taking away and hitching their wagon to the triglycerides to get them out of your [00:22:00] body.
Guys, that's biochemistry 101. It's biochemistry 101. You learn that first day in medical school. And then it's all forgotten. It's all forgotten, because of the promotion and the sponsorship of the cardiology, the ... Medical schools are sponsored. All the research, where do you think the money comes from? I mean, some of it comes from government, most of it comes [00:22:30] from the pharmaceutical industry. What do you think they're looking for? Drugs. I get it. You understand that? You understand that. What do you think pharmaceutical companies are doing?
Think about it in [inaudible 00:22:42]. You're sitting in a board room. You're on the board of directors for, let's say Pfizer. You're on the board of directors. You're sitting in a meeting. Think about this for a minute. And their biochemists that are on their staff, they know that triglycerides [00:23:00] and HDL, that's food. Well they're not in the food industry, they're in the pharmaceutical industry. They're not talking about food. They're not going to tell ... Well, they were, they were telling you to eat PUFA and not eat saturated fat, but they're trying ... "No, we got to lower your LDL, guys." That's what they're thinking, LDL. What lowers it? Statin drugs, statin drugs; Crestor, Lipitor, Zocor, the top three.
And [00:23:30] that's what they do, you got to understand that. You're on the board of directors. "Well, what have you done for me lately? How much money you bring in? In I'm representing the shareholders here. How much money did we make last quarter?"
Guys look, and that doesn't mean they're bad people. I didn't say that. I'm not saying that. They do some good things. They do some wonderful things, but they're only looking for drugs that they can patent. Of course, that's the business they're in. I'm not saying that they [00:24:00] don't do good things, though; don't, please. But when it came to cholesterol, it was a lie. It started out as a lie. It was hammered, hammered, hammered, hammered into the population 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 356 days a year, or 65. They didn't even take weekends off. I was trying to negate the weekends. I would make it less than that.
Anyway, guys love you. [00:24:30] If you get a chance, this is important information. And remember the mainstream media didn't do it, so share this with your friends. Share this video, share the podcast, okay? It'll be a podcast. It'd be made into a podcast, and The Doctor's In Podcast; brought to you by the Martin Clinic. Okay. We love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, [00:25:00] Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.