381. More Good News About Coffee

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer:   You’re listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the information may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or predict any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well good morning everyone. We're going to look at the real vitamin C. We're going to have some fun this morning. Have you got your coffee with you, because we're going to talk vitamin C this morning. You guys are going [00:00:30] to be excited about this if you like coffee. If you don't like coffee, this is not for you.

Somebody said to me what about tea? I said why would you drink tea when you can drink coffee? Tea is good with us. We're going to look at... I'm going to give you a little bit of biochemistry this morning, but I won't go into the weeds. It won't be deep, because I don't want to confuse you.

But as you know, I sort of have... The Martin Clinic has its own [00:01:00] alphabet of vitamins, right? Like vitamin A and vitamin A does the same, okay? But I always explain why I love certain vitamins, and they happen to be on The Martin Clinic vitamin hit parade. So vitamin S is steak, vitamin W water. These are all essential for your body, so I call them... It's The Martin Clinic alphabet.

[00:01:30] Vitamin B... I don't care about all the other Bs. You eat your other Bs, but I'm a vitamin B12 guy, because the vast majority of people are deficient in it. Then vitamin P is peanut butter. That's just because I like it, okay?

So anyways, I think you know that... If you've been following me at all you know that about me, but let me just talk this morning... There's a couple of studies that [00:02:00] came out, and that's why I'm bringing it up. And, by the way, if you've known me a long time, I've been very consistent on this, very consistent about the benefits of coffee.

Now you understand that coffee back in the 1980s got a bad rap. Part of it was because it said that the caffeine, it's not good for your kidneys and you're going to dehydrate with drinking coffee, and coffee is very [00:02:30] acidic so the pH people said don't drink coffee, or very little, because it'll make you acidic. I discussed that yesterday, by the way.

Your body makes baking soda, so when you have something acidic like coffee, by the time it gets into your gut it becomes alkaline because your body knows how to make it alkaline with baking soda, sodium bicarbonate. Isn't [00:03:00] that fantastic?

If you're wondering whether you're fearfully or wonderfully made, you are, because your body knows how to take your pH... Your pH, by the way, is always within just a very tight little rope there because the blood, for example, can never go acidic. If it does you're into ketoacidosis, and that's very dangerous and it's usually a sign that you're going to die.

So your body [00:03:30] has a buffering system, and part of that is sodium bicarbonate. You have baking soda that your body releases when you eat acidic foods. Like a tomato is acidic, very acidic, but by the time it gets into your gut it's alkaline.

Now the only food that is acidic and that you can't buffer is sugar, and that's why sugar is such a poison. Sugar is a poison. Even this morning as we talk, I'm going to [00:04:00] show you what sugar does to vitamin C. Not coffee, the other vitamin C.

I mentioned to yesterday that Linus Pauling... You might remember that name, Linus Pauling became famous because he won a Nobel Prize in medicine for his research on vitamin C. I remember studying under Linus Pauling in the 1970s [00:04:30] and this guy was a genius, way ahead of his time, and talked about the use of vitamin C especially with cancer.

Of course there's no money in vitamin C, and a lot of his work, it really has been subdued. I joke about this, but I always say Linus Pauling only missed by one letter in the alphabet because he was talking about vitamin C and I was talking about [00:05:00] vitamin D, and I think research is bearing that out now, that vitamin D... Look, I'm not saying vitamin C is not good, I'm not saying that.

But I am saying that vitamin D... You are a human solar panel. You need vitamin D, and study after study after study has proven that, that vitamin D is essential for every aspect of your body, from your brain to [00:05:30] your toes, vitamin D. You are a human solar panel and every cell in your body has a receptor vitamin D, and you better get enough of it.

Now vitamin C, the real one, not coffee, but I'll come to coffee in a minute. I'll get you some studies on coffee in a minute, but I just want to talk about vitamin C, and I want to tell you why you don't hear me talking much about it.

I like vitamin C in therapy for cancer. [00:06:00] You see, the problem with vitamin C... Okay, there are a couple of things that are problematic, but let me just say this. Vitamin C in high doses is effective, in very high doses. In low doses not so much, and I never liked vitamin C on its own. I'm going to get into that in a second.

Vitamin C I like in cancer. [00:06:30] If someone has cancer, I recommend if they ask me, and if they can afford it, to get intravenous vitamin C, because there's some good research on that, to get it done intravenously for cancer so they can give you mega doses.

You see, if you orally take mega doses of vitamin C you're going to get diarrhea. For the therapeutic doses that you need [00:07:00] you're bowel won't be able to take it. But if you take it intravenously you can use it as a therapy.

Now listen, again I don't like vitamin C on its own even in cancer therapy. I like it with glutathione. What is glutathione? Glutathione is something your body makes. It's a powerful antioxidant that is tremendous in the battle of cancer I [00:07:30] find, because glutathione is like Velcro. It goes through your bloodstream and it acts like Velcro. Garbage and cancer cells stick to it and you pull it out of your body with glutathione.

The problem with glutathione, and this is again my opinion, it's... When you take it, you can take glutathione as a supplement. I never found it to be very effective. It doesn't do the same... It's like vitamin [00:08:00] C, you need it in high doses.

Now remember this. Your body... You're a human being. Your body does not make vitamin C. You have to take it in. Remember the story of Jacques Cartier? He came to... You know, it wasn't Canada in those days, but he came from France and his... 25 men had died of scurvy and the natives, the First Nations... [00:08:30] It's written in a book. I mean I actually wrote about it. I wrote about it in one of my books.

They gave him a tea, not coffee, tea with pine bark extract, and he wrote in his annals... Jacques Cartier wrote in his annals not only did we... We didn't die like 25 men had on that ship, but we felt much better. He actually wrote. And there was someone named Jacques Masquelier, and I met this guy personally, [00:09:00] that wrote about it, and he started studying pine bark. That's part of my story at The Martin Clinic. That's why we love Navitol so much, because of pine bark.

But it's not vitamin C, but acts like vitamin C. The natives didn't give Jacques Cartier vitamin C. They gave him pine bark extract, but it contains the polyphenols and the phenolic acids like vitamin C. So it wasn't [00:09:30] just here's a capsule of vitamin C. That's not what happened. They took a pine bark extract tea.

And guys, the point I'm trying to make is vitamin C... And by the way, I put it in our Navitol, because when you attach it to other polyphenols in that, then it is more effective. But again, the problem with vitamin C on it's own, you need massive doses in order for it to be effective.

[00:10:00] So here's another thing about vitamin C that I think... I don't know if you know this or not. When you eat sugar... So you know the advertising for Tropicana or any kind of orange juice? When they say orange juice has a lot of vitamin C, true, it does. The problem is the sugar in orange juice negates the effectiveness of the vitamin C in it.

I'll tell you why. Again, this is... I'm going to give you a little biochemistry. [00:10:30] Vitamin C, if you look at it structurally, and you look at glucose structurally, they're almost identical. So when your cells see sugar and you give it vitamin C, your cells are going to take sugar over vitamin C ever time.

So the point is that if you don't change your diet or you're giving your kids vitamin C and they're eating sugar, [00:11:00] they're not even going to get that vitamin C. It's doing them no good at all, because the body will always take sugar first because it'll use it as a fuel. Your body is smart. If you take sugar, it'll hammer it up to your brain in five seconds... Why do you think kids go ADD and ADHD, there's so much cognitive issues with children?

So this why... Okay, now follow me here. When you don't [00:11:30] consume sugar... You got it? You know me and sugar. It's poison. When you don't consume sugar you need very little vitamin C, and guess what? When you don't consume sugar you don't need... Look, I'm not telling you not to eat fruits, but let's say you're doing the reset, four week... It's really a 30 day thing.

[00:12:00] People ask me is it 28 days or 30 days? Well, look, you can do four weeks or you can do 30 days, okay? I'm not too sticky about that. I call it a 30 day program, a one month program. When you are not eating any sugar, crappy carbohydrates that are sugar in five seconds, do you know that you don't need a lot of vitamin C? You don't hardly need any at all.

And, by the way, did you know steak has vitamin C? Yes, it does. [00:12:30] People think oh, I got to have fruits to have vitamin C and vegetables. No, not if you're eating low sugar, because then you don't need much vitamin C, and there's enough vitamin C in your steak and your eggs... Steak and eggs have vitamin C. Did you know that? Yeah. Enough that you don't need to supplement.

Look, if you want to supplement with vitamin C, well go for it, but I'm not big on that. That's why vitamin C for me is coffee. [00:13:00] But did you understand what I was saying about the real vitamin C? Structurally it looks like sugar. It's very similar to sugar, and your body will take sugar over vitamin C every time. Not that it's better for it, it's just that your body sees sugar as fuel and that's what it will take.

So understand that. And when you lower your sugars, you do not need a lot of vitamin C, and you will get it in your steak [00:13:30] and eggs. Yeah. That's why when you go on the reset you don't need vitamin C, you really don't. Drink coffee instead. Not with sugar. No sugar.

Why is coffee so good for you? Okay, now I'm going to get to some studies, new ones, how effective coffee is against cancer. Did you hear me? Remember it's not acidic when it gets into your body. It becomes alkaline. [00:14:00] Coffee is a tremendous antioxidant. It's antiaging. The studies show that coffee is a very effective anticancer treatment because it elevates your NK, your natural killer cells, just like vitamin D does.

Take your sun, get your sun if it's sunny. Get your vitamin D, D3. Make sure [00:14:30] it's the right one, and drink your coffee. New study is out on the effectiveness of two or three specific cancers, by the way, esophageal, colorectal cancer, which is one of the number one cancers today, it's like an epidemic today, colorectal cancer, and I believe it's because of leaky gut, by the way. It's a fungal infection in the gut because of sugar and the overuse [00:15:00] of antibiotics. That's just me telling you why.

You know what, guys? I always ask the question why. Whenever I see something I go why? At The Martin Clinic we want to know why. Don't just tell me something. I want to know why. I'm a question guy. I want to ask a lot of questions.

So coffee... Listen to this. This is beautiful. Coffee is a powerful antioxidant, much more bioavailable than the other [00:15:30] vitamin C, because it's not competing with sugar. Your other vitamin C is competing with sugar. That's important for you to understand that.

My wife says, "You only look for positive studies on coffee." I said, "You're right." Show me something negative, I won't read it. But, guys, I've been so consistent for the last 30-40 years, I've been consistent. I have said when everybody... Not everybody, [00:16:00] but just about everybody else, with telling you don't drink coffee, you know. Why? Coffee is good for you.

Now don't go to Starbucks and put crappy sugars... I'm not talking about that type of coffee, okay? I'm talking about the coffee bean and how good it is for you.

Here's another one. So cancer... It's a powerful antiaging. That's a new study, but it's just reflecting other studies, because it is a very powerful, [00:16:30] very bioavailable antioxidant, antioxidant, antiaging, antioxidant, anticancer.

Here's another one. This is... I've said this to you before, but I'm going to give it to you again. Again, a new study on coffee in the last few weeks came out and said coffee acts just like the drug Metformin. Now for all [00:17:00] my diabetic friends, have a coffee with your meal. It'll lower your blood sugar just like Metformin.

Metformin is the number one selling drug for diabetes. I wish I'd of bought shares in it when it came out in the '80s. The problem with Metformin, by the way, if you take Metformin you cannot absorb B12, so you need to get your B12. Just remember that.

But Metformin acts like insulin [00:17:30] to the extent that it helps open up your cells to store the sugars. Coffee does the same. I'd rather have coffee than Metformin. I tell people have coffee with your meal. It'll lower your blood sugar. How exciting is that? How exciting is that?

Here's another one. Coffee... And these are all new studies. Coffee decreases your risk of fatty liver. Wow. [00:18:00] This is just me, but I suspect that upwards of 70% of the population, even in children... Remember the little thing we did a couple of weeks ago on [inaudible 00:18:14]? High fructose corn syrup has gone up 300... The consumption of high fructose corn syrup has gone up 300%. You know why? Because people don't read their labels.

Any sugar added... Your liver is [00:18:30] a suitcase. Your liver is the Costco parking lot, and your liver will get full. If you eat crappy carbs, especially with foods that have sugar in them like your cereals, it's going to get stored in your liver. And when the liver is full two things happen.

One, the liver empties itself of that fat. Remember, sugar gets stored as [00:19:00] fat in your liver, and when the liver is full of fat two things... One, triglycerides are made. Now, again, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, that's me. I'm going to repeat. I'm a repetition guy. That's how I learn, and maybe that's how you learn. If you don't learn that way, I'm sorry. I'm a rinse and repeat, always do the same.

Triglycerides, triglycerides are [00:19:30] at the root of heart disease, not cholesterol, triglycerides. How do you make triglycerides? Your body makes them in reaction to the amount of sugar you're eating and crappy carbohydrates. It all has to do with that liver. When the liver is full, the parking lot is full, the suitcase is full, your body makes triglycerides, and when the liver [00:20:00] is full of fat from sugars you're liver can't detox. That's what's so dangerous about it.

Not only is it making triglycerides, it can't detox. You can't make the glutathione that you need. Glutathione, remember what I said to you, is Velcro. It goes after heavy metals. It takes toxins out of your bloodstream. Your liver is unbelievable, what a machine. It does about 600 [00:20:30] things, including, including making the good cholesterol that your body needs.

Your body... God don't trust you. You can't just eat cholesterol. You should, but you can't eat enough of it, so your body makes 85% of it. What makes 85% of your cholesterol? Your liver, when it's not full. That's why the reset empties your liver [00:21:00] 100%. When you're eating eggs, meat and cheese your liver is on a holiday in Hawaii with your pancreas, okay?

So you got the teaching? This is very important, what the coffee does. Coffee is a powerful antioxidant that actually helps to empty out your liver. It's a great thing. It's a big detox. Think about that every time you're enjoying your java. There's a method to my madness, [00:21:30] guys. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Your liver is such an important organ. It's Rodney Dangerfield. It don't get a lot of respect, your liver. Do you ever think about your liver? Not until it gets sick. Protect your liver. Drink coffee and lower your sugars and your carbs. Don't worry about the other vitamin C. Worry about coffee. I feel sorry for you tea drinkers. [00:22:00] You can have tea, but it's not the same. Tea is good though. Tea has got antioxidants and polyphenols, but it's just not as good as coffee.

So you got that? You got that? Now let me give you another thing that coffee does. This is new, by the way. You might not have never heard this. It helps your liver. It protects you because it gives you more natural killer cells, so it's good for your immune system. It's a powerful antioxidant. [00:22:30] Probably one of the most powerful antioxidants that you can have is coffee, and that makes it very antiaging, and it lowers your blood sugar like Metformin. Wow. What a cheap drug that coffee is.

So I'm up to four, but I'm going to give you one more. I'm going to give you one more. Coffee helps to feed... The fifth, coffee helps to [00:23:00] feed your good bacteria. It acts like a prebiotic. Isn't that incredible? It likes a prebiotic. It feeds your... Even your good bacteria are intelligent. They go hey, you're drinking coffee. You're feeding me. It helps to fix your microbiome in your gut. Woo-hoo. Doesn't that excite you?

This is a new study. I learn something every day. I didn't know coffee [00:23:30] acted like a prebiotic, but it does. I tell you, I'm on cloud nine this morning telling you this. Wow.

Okay, so did you get the memo on why I have coffee as vitamin C, The Martin Clinic vitamin C? You see why I removed the other vitamin C from my hit parade? And guys listen, if you... Like I said, if you... If someone you know or a loved one or whatever has cancer and they can afford it, [00:24:00] I do recommend intravenous vitamin C. I've seen the research. It's very, very promising.

Even people, folks, with COVID... There wasn't many... There was a few doctors in the United States that were using intravenous vitamin C for COVID because they found when they gave it in massive doses it was very antiinflammatory for the lungs.

But like I said, it competes with sugar, and you need to understand that. Vitamin C [00:24:30] competes with sugar, and if you're going to have sugar and you try and take vitamin C like in orange juice or apple juice, it's a waste. It's a waste. You're not getting it, so don't fool yourself. Don't let the advertisers fool you. Big Pharma and Big Food, they get together. They're a deadly combination.

So guys, there's your lesson for today. Thank you so much for watching. If you're not part of The Martin [00:25:00] Clinic Facebook private group, make sure you join them. That's a great group and we post a lot of stuff in there, including recipes. Nick and Jeannette and Brandy are on there all the time answering questions. Sometimes I jump on there to answer questions.

Hey, love you guys. Thanks... You know what? Let me just say this. I appreciate you watching. I do. I don't take that for granted and I really am [00:25:30] very appreciative. We love you guys, and Lord willing we'll see you tomorrow. Okay, talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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