Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning, everyone. We're going to do part two, all about breast cancer part two. Okay? You know me, I'll do a little review what we covered [00:00:30] yesterday, and I think it's really important just to do this little prop again so that you understand how cancer operates. Cancer does not proliferate in a big hurry. It just doesn't. Okay? People think that, last week I didn't have cancer. This week I went to the doctor and they found cancer. Well, that cancer had been there five, 10 years minimum. Okay? And [00:01:00] the other point that I wanted to make is that your body is always fighting cancer. Okay? So you see the tip of this ballpoint pen? For cancer to grow to that size, just the tip of that ballpoint pen takes five years. So ladies, in your breast tissue, think about that for a minute.
And I'm not against self-examination at all. As a matter of fact, I'm for it. But if you're in the shower one day and you feel a little lump in your breast and you go [00:01:30] to your doctor and they order a mammogram or whatever they do, biopsy, usually do mammograms, and that's one of the things we'll look at this morning. Just for a minute too we'll talk about an alternative to the mammogram. And I'm not telling anybody not to get a mammogram. But ladies, listen, especially to you, your body fights cancer every day. Your body is a well-tuned machine. It recognizes cancer, and [00:02:00] it'll do everything it can in its power to get rid of it. Like everything else we talk about, keep your immune system strong. And there's several things when it comes to immunity.
Now, yesterday, I brought you three different aspects of possible causes of breast cancer from the University of Virginia, and I talked about [00:02:30] a couple of things. One is that they agreed that the diet is a very important factor. I'm just going to tell you that if you go through Cancer Awareness Month or Breast Cancer Month or whatever, I promise you, at least history bears this out, that you'll never hear about your diet from the Breast Cancer Society or [00:03:00] even from the Cancer Society. They don't talk about it. They don't. They talk to you about... If they do talk food, they'd talk to you about the food pyramid. Follow Canada's Food Guide or the American Food Guide, which is a hundred years old and which is crazy, by the way. It's insanity. It's high on carbohydrates.
The carbohydrates are at the bottom of the pyramid and your protein is up here. Like don't have too much of it. [00:03:30] It's craziness. Okay? And I mean that. As far as cancer, it promotes cancer. And yesterday we talked about the PET scan and a PET scan is... We have one in Sudbury. It's not for your pets. It's a cancer... Even better than an MRI as far as cancer goes. Okay. It's a strategy to find cancer. That's what it is. It's a very expensive unit. [00:04:00] You need a cup of sugar before you go in there. They give you radio active sugar. And then if you have cancer somewhere where in your body, you light up like a Christmas tree. Now, I see, unfortunately, and this is just my opinion, unfortunately, in Canada at least, and I know still in the United States, the detection that's used the most is mammogram.
[00:04:30] And look, ladies, I don't want to tell you not to get a mammogram, so don't misquote me. I just think that there's better ways. Okay? And mammograms, the problem with a mammogram is twofold. One, enormous amount of radiation. Okay? Enormous amount of radiation. And secondly, there's a lot of false positives. Because if you have dense breast tissue or whatever, [00:05:00] there's a lot of false positives. A lot of women are re-mammogramed even on the spot because they see a little, "Oh, it looks like a little dense tissue there. Let's have another look at it." And look, again, I'm not telling you not to do it. I'm not. But I think they should be using the PET scan. They should be using ultrasound, in my opinion, thermography. Now, for those who don't know, that's alternative.
[00:05:30] It never really caught on. I mean, it's available, but it didn't catch on medicine. Listen, by the way, a thermography, it's a heat detection, right? And the idea with it on breast tissue is that cancer or even precancer cells give off heat because they give off inflammation. You don't really notice it, but the thermography or the thermogram will pick it up, [00:06:00] and it actually shows estrogen on the body. And I liked them, ladies. So I'm 100% for thermography. These are things that perhaps you can look into and see if it's for you. Those are detective things. And what I was saying yesterday too bears repeating is that the diagnosis and the treatment of breast [00:06:30] cancer hasn't changed in 60 years. No change. It's chemotherapy. It's biopsy. Biopsy even before mammogram.
And if you got it, it's a combination of radiation and chemotherapy and lymphadenectomy. They take out your lymph nodes. Those treatments have not changed, and I understand in their thinking [00:07:00] why they do that. They take the lymph nodes out. I don't particularly like that. I'd rather that day ultrasound, your lymph nodes or MRI'd your lymph nodes rather than take them out. You need them. And I understand their thinking because they're looking to see if the cancer has gone into the lymphatic system. Now, there's two schools of thought guys. There's two schools of thought. One is [00:07:30] if it's into your lymphatics, it's going to spread through your body. I don't agree with that.
My thinking, and I'm with another group and I just tell you that I got ahead of time, my thinking is you want the cancer to go into your lymph nodes because that's your drainage system. It's not that it's going to attack your other organs. It's that your body's getting rid of it. Lymphatics [00:08:00] are part of your immune system. You have lymph nodes. They're part of your immune system. When they get swollen up here, your body's trying to get rid of garbage. Your lymph nodes is your sewage system of your body. Okay? So I get it. I understand their training. Their training in traditional medicine is lymph nodes spread. I look at your lymph nodes. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. [00:08:30] I see your lymph nodes as how your body helps to get rid of your cancer.
So again, guys, I'm just giving you information. Okay? I'm giving you information so you can use that information to make informed decisions. And I just say this about breast cancer or any cancer really. It's better that you're well-armed. In your [00:09:00] lifetime, one out of three North Americans... Listen to this statistic, one out of three. Are we winning the war on cancer? No, not by a long shot. One out of three of us in North America will get the C word as a diagnosis in our lifetime. One out of three. That's not good. And if you get the diagnosis of the C word, you've had that C word, you've had cancer for a long [00:09:30] time. Try and put that in your cross so that you understand that. So every day, every day, do what you can control your body.
Do what you can to put your body in your... It's a fearfully and wonderfully made machine. Do everything you can. And this is where I come in. This is where I just want to give you information on everything you can to keep your body in a fighting [00:10:00] mode. And this is what we'll talk about today mostly is keeping your body in a fighting mode. Now, I have to start with diet because diet is incredibly important. We talked about it. The PET scan only works with sugar. Sugar is the new smoking. Sugar is poison. And today sugar has changed. It's not even what sugar was when I was a kid, because the food industry found a sugar [00:10:30] that they developed in a lab called high fructose corn.
And everything, almost every name you can think of, when you read a label of sugar, believe me, they're putting high fructose corn syrup in there. You know why? It's cheap, one, and it's addictive too. You're hooked. Why are so many people hooked on sugar? Who do you think they're going after the food industry? They're not going after my age. They're going after my grandchildren. That's [00:11:00] what they're after. They're after the kids because they can adopt those children. You don't think I'm telling you the truth? You look at kids today. You look at how much ADD there is and how much ADHD. You look at obesity, even though amongst children. It ain't fat, it's sugar. It ain't salt, it's sugar. 100%. Crappy carbohydrates, which will be sugar in five seconds.
So kids today they're [00:11:30] being hooked and it's incredible. And that is setting them up because metabolic syndrome, which is elevated insulin, which is high circulating insulin, insulin resistance, whatever name you want to give it, I like high circulating insulin, high circulating insulin will kill you. You're on the Titanic and you need to get off. So I start with the die. Someone asked me yesterday, [00:12:00] high circulating insulin, metabolic syndrome, that's what it means, is caused by food. And therefore, the number one thing that you can do is you can control this, is what you put in your mouth every day. It's food, folks. Number one is food. Someone asked me yesterday about acidity, like acidic pH. I like [00:12:30] pH. I do. I tested for pH in my office.
I like pH. I want you to be, but your... The only really thing that makes you acidic in your body is not a tomato. Okay? Because tomato is acidic. It's not coffee. Coffee is acidic, but that don't make you acidic. The only thing that your body cannot neutralize [00:13:00] in pH. Okay? Because if you eat a tomato, by the time it gets into your gut, it becomes alkaline because of sodium bicarbonate, baking soda. Your body has it. By the way, I'll go on a little rabbit trail just for a second. I'll come back to pH. A lot of people, even in cancer, they want to take baking soda. I tell people, why? Your body already has it. Your body makes [00:13:30] baking soda, sodium bicarbonate. Your body is genius, guys. It was created by the creator. It's genius. You have a tomato and it turns alkaline in your gut.
I don't like taking baking soda because now you're buffering your acidity in your stomach. You need to have an acidic stomach. Anyway, look, if you want to do it, do it, but I'm not big on that. I got baking soda, I put it in the fridge [00:14:00] for odors. Now, baking soda is good to clean with too. Okay? But your body makes speaking soda, so when you talk about the only thing that baking soda cannot make alkaline is sugar. It's simple. So you can read a lot of stuff online or whatever about acidic and they'll tell you, "Oh, meat, right? Steak is acidic." Nah, it isn't. Not true. That's why a lot [00:14:30] of people, by the way, even in cancer treatment, they drink juices, vegetable juices. I don't like that. I don't. I'm not big on juicing.
I'm big on smoothies, Dr. Martin's perfect smoothie, but I'm not big on juicing. Now, if you want to do a vegetable juicing once in a while, but I don't like it for cancer treatment. I don't. It's not part of my craw. So diet really important. Okay? [00:15:00] And I just want to share something one thing with you because there's a lot of... Maybe not that many studies, but there are some studies out there that shows that intermittent fasting, which is short-term fasting, is very good against cancer. And you know what? I agree with that. I like that. Because when you're fasting, you're not secreting insulin. Insulin, remember what I said yesterday, is a growth [00:15:30] hormone. Insulin makes things grow, so does estrogen. They're growth hormone. So get your insulin down.
This is why if you know someone that has cancer, the problem is, guys, and this is why... Let me just make this point. I think I was going to start this point until I got on a rabbit trail. Guys, the problem is in cancer. Okay? In the whole cancer [00:16:00] industry, one of the problems is medicine. God love them. But here's the way I see it anyways. Okay? So just understand. This is my opinion. Medicine, they go, "You got cancer," and now they don't give you any time to think. You're going to be here tomorrow. You're going to meet with the cancer doctor. You're going to meet, I mean, the oncologist, and we're going to get the [00:16:30] treatment going, and here we go. It's like you had a hard time getting in to see your doctor in Canada, maybe not so much in the States, but certainly during COVID you did, right?
Anyway, but things are slow. The tests are slow until you got it. And then holy moly, you got no time to think. You know how many people have called me and asked me, "Doc, they want to do this, [00:17:00] this, this, and this, and I don't know what to do." And guys, listen, I'd rather you not get cancer. So I'm into prevention. But what if you do? What if you do get the C word, saying that you have the C word? It is much better, this is just my experience, it is much better that you are armed ahead of time, meaning that you understand. You don't have to be a rocket scientist. You don't have to have a PhD [00:17:30] in nutrition. You just need to be well-armed, so that when they say. "We're going to do chemo. We're doing radiation. We're doing this. We're going to do surgery."
And like I said yesterday, usually surgery... You got cancer, if you can, get it out, and then let your body fight. But anyways, all I'm saying is it's better when you're armed. Because what happens in the cancer industry, you get the diagnosis and then they... You got it [00:18:00] right there and then you're overwhelmed. Your family is telling you, "Look, you got to do what the doctor says." And you know what I mean? You're under enormous amount of pressure. And they don't say, "Come back in a month." They say, "Come back tomorrow. We're starting." It's the way it is today, and I don't like it because they wait until you get cancer. They're not into prevention. They think a mammogram is prevent... That's not prevention. [00:18:30] If a mammogram picks up the tip, that's not prevention.
That's not preventing cancer. It's detection, and they call it early. It's not even early detection. It's not early detection. Like I said, your cancer has been there for five or 10 years. It's very important you understand that. And guys, I'm not telling you to throw out the medical treatment. I'm not. I want you to just be armed [00:19:00] so that you can make informed decisions. I've had many a patient tell their oncologist, "You know what? I'm going to wait, or you know what? I'm not doing chemotherapy. I want you to watch it. I want you to look to monitor my progress, but I don't want to do the chemo. I think it's going to destroy my immune system." And guys, listen, I'm not... Like I said, I'm just trying to give you info.
It's [00:19:30] controversial for sure, because the cancer industry, it's not controversial. As far as medicine, that's all they know. Where do you go? If somebody says, "I'm going down to Mexico," or whatever, they have alternative medicine, and some places in the States. And perhaps in Canada a little bit, not much. So you're packed into a system and this is what you need to do because this is what... Like I was saying to you yesterday, I had a good conver... I've had some conversations [00:20:00] with the oncologist. And in all due respect, I said, "Why are you doing that? After years, why are you doing that, especially for this type of cancer or whatever. Why are you doing that?" Well, that's what we do. Well, that's not a good answer for me.
Show me your results, man. Anyway, okay, so is diet important? Absolutely. You want to implement some fasting? I'm a 100% for it. Oh, by the way, the reset, somebody [00:20:30] said to me, "Doc, is the 28 days or 30 days?" I haven't decided yet because I never really thought of it. I always said it's a 30 day program, but you can do it in a month or four weeks, that's 28 days. It's 30 days. Okay? I don't know, 28 or 30. You're going to get the benefits. But one of the chapters in my new book is the reset is [00:21:00] fasting without fasting. How do you like that? It's fasting. You get the benefits of the fasting without fasting. Why is that? Because the goal in fasting is to turn on, something we talked about a few weeks ago, autophagy. What is autophagy?
It's your body getting rid of cancer cells and dead cells and debris and garbage. Auto, [00:21:30] self, phagy, destruction. Self-eating. Your body eats the bad cells. Some people call it autophagy. I think it's phagy. I don't know. I don't know what it is, how to pronounce it. I say on autophagy. Autophagy maybe. I don't know, guys. All I know is this, if you or a loved one ever get the diagnosis [00:22:00] of cancer, if you can convince yourself, convince others, do the reset, because you are going to fast without fasting. You will not feed your cancer. It does a lot of other things metabolically, but you will not feed cancer. Cancer hates steak, ladies. Ladies lives matter. Cancer hates eggs. It hates it. It doesn't feed it. Cancer is an organism.
[00:22:30] It wants to be fed. We talked about it yesterday. Leaky gut, fungus gets into your bloodstream. It loves breast tissue. And then you put insulin to it, you put estrogen to it, and now you have a perfect storm. Well, one thing missing, and I'll talk about this in a minute, there's one other thing that's needed for a perfect storm for your breast tissue, ladies. Diet. Okay? Keep your insulin down. Key. It's not that complicated. [00:23:00] Insulin is a growth hormone. Just keep it down. Turn it off. If you have cancer, here's meat. If you have cancer, never, if you could do it, I've had patients who did it, never have another stinking carb in your life. I know I'm extreme. Don't feed the bears. Don't give cancer any food at all, at all, at all. Second, get your estrogen down.
How do you do that? How do you do it? The best thing to lower estrogen [00:23:30] is a product called DIM, D-I-M. That lowers estrogen. I've proven it to people. I've proven it to thousands of patients over the years, how they can lower... And guys, ladies, listen, estrogen makes you a woman, so you don't want to eliminate estrogen. The problem with breast cancer is estrogen goes to the wrong place. It's all around your breast tissue. It's not good. Okay? And so [00:24:00] DIM it out. And men that are listening, prostate cancer and breast cancer are identical twins, except one's male and the other one's female. And men can get breast cancer. It's rare, but they can. They get prostate cancer. They're the same cancer driven by estrogen. Because when men lose their testosterone, guess what takes over? Estrogen.
Men when they hit those forties and fifties, [00:24:30] I know men that have more estrogen than their wives. A lady's estrogen is going down and a man's estrogen is going up. So DIM it out. Get it down. Even for men, even for men, have a nutrient dense diet. Lower your estrogen. Now, let me talk... Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Am I going to do part three tomorrow? I didn't realize how long I've been talking about this. [00:25:00] I know, I know, I know I get down on rabbit trails. I can't help myself. I get so passionate about it, but this is me. It's the way I think, guys. It's the way I am, and I just can't help myself. Okay? You guys are good. We might have to do part three tomorrow on breast cancer because it's so important. You know what I think I'll do?
I think I'll just bring up the third point, which is the accelerator of cancer. See? [00:25:30] Now, this is not cancer... Like cancer cells are proliferated with insulin and estrogen, but one thing which is gasoline on the fire is cortisol. Let me finish it today. Cortisol, ladies. Cortisol, stress. When you're stressed, long-term... Cortisol is longterm. Short-term is adrenaline. You're made for adrenaline. You're not made to have cortisol [00:26:00] secreted for a long period of time, and that's why cortisol is like... It doesn't cause cancer, but it accelerates cancer. It's like pouring gasoline on a fire and it takes off. That's why I'm big on lowering cortisol levels because it's an accelerator. Like Tony Jr. says, it's not Houdini. It didn't come out of nowhere.
Or is that inflammation? Yeah, that's inflammation. Cortisol comes from stress. It's stress, [00:26:30] and that's a big factor in the world today. If we looked at what changed in our world, right? The food has changed. Food is an enormous change. I talked to you about high fructose corn syrup and those new things that are good for you. One of the biggest things that changed in the world today is the amount of stress, the amount of anxiety. And by the way, and this is what's not part of the equation that they're talking about with COVID. Let me just say it. The mental health issues [00:27:00] coming down the road post-COVID, the fear is going to have a bigger impact in the long run on mental health than the virus itself. There, I said it. The fear, the changes, even in children.
You see, fear, stress, anxiety plays with... Ladies, it plays with your physiology, and it accelerates breast cancer especially. It's one of the reasons [00:27:30] why one out of six women today have breast cancer. And when I was graduating, it was one out of 20 less than 50 years ago. That's where I come from, guys. Okay? Hey, I love you guys. Tomorrow we talk about coffee. I can't wait. I have a new study. I have a new study on coffee that's going to blow your socks off. "Oh, Dr. Martin. You just like coffee." Yeah, you're right. [00:28:00] It's vitamin C. I'm going to give you the real vitamin C tomorrow is coffee. Okay. Love you, guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is in Podcast with your hosts Dr. Martin Jr. and Sr. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.