377. Nature’s Best Sunscreen

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease, it's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Good morning, everyone. We're going to talk today about nature's best sunscreen. I got some good things coming in the next few days about the American [00:00:30] Cardiology, the College of Cardiology. We're going to talk about a study that came out. You won't hear about it. No ink on it at all in the media. It's amazing, some of the stuff that gets hidden. So let's talk about, first of all, one of the biggest things about the sun, in many, many people's mind, it's still the boogeyman. Back in, it started in the 1970s, and I mean [00:01:00] it hit full throttle by the 1980s, was the idea that skin cancer was devastating our society, and commercial after commercial ... I always called this thing the Johnson & Johnson lie, because remember I've been in practice 46 years, so I talked about the importance of your skin and how not to get [00:01:30] skin cancer, but what I was saying back even in the '80s has borne fruit now, because what's happened is that people who get skin cancer, I'll talk to you about three types, but especially the deadly melanoma are people that work indoors.

It's like COVID. I mentioned this yesterday. [00:02:00] Everybody's panicking. There's thousands and thousands of new cases. Well, so what? It's a virus. 99% of people are asymptomatic. They don't even know they have it. So what? But the media love to play up this kind of stuff. They love it. They're on steroids right now. The media loves the hype, and people are fearful, and I get it. I understand that. [00:02:30] And I always try and tell people, "Look, if you take care of your immune system, then you have nothing to fear with this virus." You really don't. If you are healthy, you have nothing to fear. It's like any other ... You'll swat it off like a fly. Your immune system is made for this. And as long as you're producing antibodies, and we've talked about this so often, but the same kind of thinking went back.

If you go back [00:03:00] 30 years, 40 years, people were terrified of the sun. And it came from not only the media, but especially companies like Johnson & Johnson who were making sunscreens. So what did they do? The sun is the boogeyman. Can't get cancer without the sun. It's the sun which causes cancer. Folks, that is the farthest thing from the truth, especially when you look [00:03:30] at the deadly melanoma. It's people who work indoors. It's why we have so much melanoma today. We have melanoma, and not because of the sun. Let me give you another example. It's like people stop ... Look, people still smoke. It always amazes me, in this day and age, when I see somebody smoking. Just for me, I kind of laugh because [00:04:00] there isn't a doctor in the universe that would tell you to smoke. They used to. True or false, 9 out of 10 doctors recommend Camel cigarettes? Now, you got to go way back when they said that, but the memo got out. No, stop smoking.

So people, what did they do, generally? They stopped smoking. Not everybody, but most people stopped smoking. Cancer rates went down, temporarily. They got the memo. "Get [00:04:30] out of the sun. Don't go in the sun. The UV index today." Go on your weather channel, and they'll tell you today what the UVX index is. They make it part of the weather. Why do they do that? To scare the living life out of you to stay out of the sun. And if you're going to go in the sun, you need to put on sunscreen. It's not only a lie ... I think they believe it, by the way, but it's [00:05:00] not true because in spite of them telling you, "Stay out of the sun. Don't get in the sun. You're going to burn. Don't burn." And I agree with that part, by the way, don't burn. But don't stay out of the sun. And if you get in the sun, put sunscreen. Put it on your children, put it on your grandchildren, put it on yourself.

That has been the memo since the '70s. They made the sun the boogeyman, just like the cardiologists made [00:05:30] cholesterol the boogeyman, and made fat the boogeyman. That came from cardiologists. So were they right? No, they're wrong. Were they right about the sun? No, they're wrong, because people that get, especially the deadly melanoma, 100%, guys, are not people in the sun, it's people who don't get enough sun. So just understand that. Look, I'm not telling you to burn. I'm not telling you not to take precautions. I [00:06:00] always tell people, if you're asking me, I wouldn't touch sunscreen for all the tea in China. You put chemicals on your skin. You want to deliver drugs into your body, one of the best ways is to use a patch. Hormonal patch, nitro patch, whatever. You put it on the skin, your body absorbs it. It goes right into your bloodstream.

Tony Jr and I, we always laugh about this, but Tony's a biochemist and [00:06:30] I have a good background in biochemistry, but I always laugh because all I remember about chemistry, I mean high school chemistry, is you didn't want me in a lab in high school chemistry because I like fooling around, and you know what I learned? You could put stuff, put it in the vials, and you could mix all sorts of stuff, but I learned this the hard [00:07:00] way, you mix chemicals, and then you put heat there, the Bunsen burner, oh my word. I pretty near killed myself in grade 12 chemistry. Or was it grade 13 in the lab? I don't remember. All I remember is kaboom. But guys think about that. When you put sunscreen, you can't even pronounce the names on the bottle. You put that on your skin and then you add heat. You talk about a bad combination. [00:07:30] And I tell you folks, it's one of the reasons that skin cancer has gone up. It's not the sun, it's the use of sunscreens, in my opinion. In my opinion.

Because we're seeing, even though people use sunscreen, big time, the rates of skin cancer's gone up. It's not the sun, and it's not the lack of ozone. "Oh, we lost the ozone layer." Who made that up? They don't talk about that anymore. They used to talk about it, [00:08:00] go back 20 years, "Oh, we lost the ozone layer. And that's why the sun is dangerous. There's no ozone left." Oh, I used to scream about that. So there's a problem. I'll bring to you everything melatonin in the next few days, because there's a new study that came out on melatonin. I found it very interesting. I flagged it. I'll talk to you about that in a future podcast. So guys, [00:08:30] listen. This is what you do. Take care of your skin. And the best sunscreen starts on the inside of your body. Start inside out.

Your skin is an organ. It's your largest organ. If you want to have healthy skin, you need to start on the inside. You want to protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun, because there's [00:09:00] UVB and UVA. And the second, first of all, that you put sunscreen on, you are not getting vitamin D, and you will not get melatonin. Your body makes melatonin, and you need the sun, especially in the morning, for melatonin. And if you put sunscreen on, you're not getting your levels of melatonin. Nevermind, you're not getting your UVB to make vitamin D. Start on the inside. [00:09:30] Start on the inside of your body. If you want to get at your skin ... And I think you're thinking with me, you already know the answer to the first thing I'm going to talk about. I'm going to give you five or six things this morning, but I want you to start inside.

You want to be healthy. Your skin will only give you a reflection of what's going on on the inside of your body. You want a natural sunscreen, start inside. It will allow [00:10:00] you to get your vitamin D and will block out the UVA. And that's the problem with sunscreen, by the way. You put on those chemicals, you're not getting any, any, any UVB. You're getting some radiation, but you're getting UVA radiation, which is very harmful for your body. But your body, if you take care of it, go inside out, so the first thing that I recommend, you want healthy skin, you want to take in your vitamins [00:10:30] from the sun, start with probiotics. Yes, probiotics. Leaky gut, leaky skin. If you take probiotics, you're protecting your skin. Probiotic. They need to be broad spectrum.

And I'm not talking about having yogurt in the morning. You know me and yogurt. I'm not big on yogurt because it's fluff. They made it up. When we were kids, nobody ... Unless you were a farmer, and even then I don't even think farmers [00:11:00] ate yogurt. Sour milk? What do you want to eat that for? It was made up by the food industry guys. And it's garbage. Now, Greek plain, I know, I know, I know. Greek plain yogurt. I know, it's not bad. Ladies, if you got to have your yogurt. But it doesn't do anything for you. It's not good for your skin. That's nonsense. You need a broad spectrum probiotic. [00:11:30] What does that mean, broad spectrum? It has at least 10 different strains of bacteria. Different strains do different things. Different strains do different things. And I love L. Reuteri, and L. Rhamnosus, and others. I mean acidophilus. I mean listen, I love them, but I like them in a broad spectrum because broad spectrum means they do wonderful, including the absorption of the good UVB radiation when you get out in the [00:12:00] sun.

You are, and your skin too, it's an organ, remember, you are a human solar panel. And my generation, especially my generation, the generation that went before me, my parents and my generation, they went hook, line, and sinker to the nonsense of sunscreens. Hook, line, and sinker. Oh, it must be true because the American [00:12:30] Cardiology, and the American Skin Foundation, and the American Medical Associate. You know what, guys? No, it was never true. It was brought to you by Johnson & Johnson, and they made not millions, billions of dollars pushing their chemicals, guys. Anyway, look. Start inside. Your body is unbelievable. It's fearfully and wonderfully made. Your body will respond, if you [00:13:00] give it the right nutrients. Your body is made up of bacteria, and those bacteria have an intelligence. It's amazing. You can't see them, but your skin is full of bacteria.

And quit over cleaning, because you're taking away your natural probiotic that's on your skin, the good bacteria. Quit over cleaning. Don't use [00:13:30] the hand sanitizers and that. Oh, you're taking away your good defenses. You're stripping away your bacteria that actually helps you to have healthy skin. You want protection? Start on the inside with a broad spectrum probiotic, and please don't over clean. Don't get in the shower twice a day and [00:14:00] clean every inch of you. You need that. You need to have bacteria. Now, if you're going to use soap and water, it's not so bad, but please don't use chemicals on your skin. Don't do that to yourself. You're stripping away your good bacteria. So that's one, probiotic.

Number two. This is a fact, guys. The higher your levels of serum vitamin D ... Isn't that incredible here. [00:14:30] It's almost an oxymoron. The higher your levels of serum vitamin D ... How do you get vitamin D, guys? From the sun. The higher your levels of serum vitamin D, the less risk you have of all skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The higher your levels of vitamin D. So the very thing they tell you [00:15:00] is dangerous is actually what you're skin needs, vitamin D. Now the best way to get vitamin D is to get in the sun. If you get in the sun for 20 minutes, just 20, and your arms are exposed, and your legs are exposed, so put your shorts on if you can, or bathing suit or whatever, 20 minutes, you get 10,000 international units of vitamin D. "Oh, Dr. Martin, [00:15:30] vitamin D, it's fat soluble, and you can get too much." No, your body knows how much you need.

And you know me, if I can get into every ... if I could get into every home, senior home, I love seniors. I'm a senior. I love older people than me too. I do. I adore them. And you know what? They're mistreated. They give them about 20 meds a day. They [00:16:00] don't see the outside. They don't get it. And even then, they're scared of the sun because they've been told a lie. I would roll them out in the sun every day if I had to carry them myself. Put them in the sun, 20 minutes, 10,000 IUs. Nevermind the amount of melatonin you're going to get. We'll talk about that another day. If I could get into those homes, I'd be taking B12 and vitamin D with me, and any sunny day, I would be rolling them out in the sun. I guarantee [00:16:30] you there isn't a senior that's in one of those homes that has the right levels of vitamin D, and without the right levels of vitamin D, your immune system isn't going properly. Boy, have they ever shown that during COVID.

It doesn't make the headlines often. It has made some headlines, but it didn't make them often, vitamin D. Vitamin D and COVID. Vitamin D and COVID. Vitamin D and COVID. How important it is because people that got hospitalized, their vitamin D levels were [00:17:00] in the tank. They were in the tank. People are terrified of the sun. Terrified. And I said to you yesterday that, even in Florida, and maybe you precious folks in Texas, it's not the young people out in the sun getting COVID, and when they do, they're asymptomatic, and they're not spreading it to anybody. It's the seniors. They're so scared of the stinking sun. So what do you take inside and out, so good for you? Probiotics, vitamin [00:17:30] D. Here's another one, vitamin A. Now I talked to you about ... What we're going to do, because enough people have asked me to do it, so I will do a podcast, I promise, on masks, because now, well yesterday, the City of Toronto. Now, if you go anywhere in public, in indoors, you must wear a mask. They passed the law yesterday in Toronto.

It's coming to a theater near you, guys. It's going to be [00:18:00] just about everywhere. You're going to have to wear a mask. Now what do I think about that? Well, I don't like it. I don't like it. I'll talk to you about that. I'm not going to do it on this podcast, but the invisible mask is a vitamin that is so fantastic for your skin, it's vitamin A. The Martin Clinic Alphabet, vitamin A. It's not only good for your immune system, but vitamin A is essential for your skin. Now [00:18:30] listen, you don't need to take vitamin A as a supplement. I want you to eat your vitamin A by eating vitamin S. How do you get vitamin A? How do you get zinc? Which is good for your skin too. How do you get that? Vitamin S. Steak. Ladies, steak, not chicken. Chicken's good, by the way, but doesn't have vitamin A. Vitamin A's in vitamin S, steak. [00:19:00] I don't want you to even take vitamin A. You don't need to take it as a supplement, unless you don't eat steak.

You see, most of the vitamins, I want you to eat, guys. Vitamin D, if you can't get in the sun, I want you to take a supplement of it. I talked yesterday about vitamin K2 and migraines. Arterial stiffness. And how do you get K2? I want you to eat your K2. Now I put it in our vitamin D because it helps [00:19:30] to absorb vitamin D even more, but K2, eat cheese, eat butter. And you get zinc in butter too. It's good for your skin. Eat butter, eat butter. So vitamin A, guys. Vitamin A, it's tremendous. I call it the invisible mask, because it protects your mucosa in your sinuses, in your mouth, in your eyes. It protects you from the virus, and bugs, the bad ones. [00:20:00] So you got it? You know what to do? So what else did I want to talk about? So the best sunscreen, probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin A. Those are very important.

And here's what not to eat. Cut out your sugars. You know that's a natural sunscreen, by cutting your sugars out? Yeah, because sugar is a terrible oxidant. It destroys [00:20:30] the collagen of your skin. It creates what I talked about yesterday, AGE. What is AGE? Glycation end products. It ages your skin. You lose the collagen. You lose the elasticity of your skin. When you're eating sugar, it creates free radical damage. And that makes you much more susceptible to skin cancer. All other cancers [00:21:00] too, but skin cancer, especially the deadly melanoma. Yes, sugar. It is toxic on your skin. If you do nothing else but take sugar out of your diet folks, it will be a huge sunscreen and everything else that you can do.

See, the problem is see me scratching my face. Even if you have a mask on, you're always going to be adjusting your mask and touching your face. [00:21:30] I was watching Dr. Fauci the other day. They were testifying before the Senate, and he had a mask on, but he was touching his face a hundred times. And I was kind of laughing. And I said, "Well, what's the use of the mask?" I felt like saying, "Dr. Fauci, you need vitamin A to protect. Use the invisible mask, which is better." It's much better at protecting against COVID. [00:22:00] Anyway, so I talked about things you can do internally. Probiotics. Oh, one more. High DHA oil. I love omega-3. You guys know me. I have fish every day in a capsule. Every day, I have fish. I have fish oil. I love DHA because my brain's DHA. Your skin, it needs that oil. It loves that natural oil. And you work inside out with DHA. Omega-3, guys. So if you like your [00:22:30] fish and eat fish, well fish is wonderful for you.

I don't like fish as much. I mean I love it in a capsule. For me, I take that high DHA oil every day, but I want my skin ... It protects your skin. So probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin A, high DHA oil, omega-3 oil, the long chain fatty acids, tremendous for your skin, guys. It does a lot of things, but it's tremendous for your skin. Now, [00:23:00] bone broth, because it's got everything in it, all the minerals. Again, zinc. And it's got everything, bone broth. That's what's so beautiful about it. It's good. I love bone broth, by the way. You guys know me. So I talk about it all the time. Now I want to talk to you about a couple of things that you can use on your skin externally, as a natural sunscreen that allow your UVB to come in. UVB is the vitamin D, guys, that your body needs, [00:23:30] and naturally blocks your UVA.

So what can you put on your skin? I want to tell you what I do. I love Pine Bark. Now we have this coming out in the new formula. It's going to be fantastic. But look, guys, I've always used Pine Bark. I use it internally, as Navitol, and I use it externally on my skin. [00:24:00] I like it. So that's a real good natural sunscreen. It's a natural sunscreen. It knows exactly what to do without chemicals. It protects you from UVA, and it allows you to get your vitamin D. That's what you want on your skin. You need high levels of vitamin D to have healthy skin so that you don't get sun damage from the skin. Now I love coconut oil. Use coconut oil. It's tremendous. You want to use an oil? Coconut oil. Now [00:24:30] listen, don't burn. I'm not telling you to go and burn. If someone says, "Well Dr. Martin says you can get as much sun as you want." No, don't do that. Don't burn.

So as you get used to ... as the summer goes on, I can get in the sun a lot more than I could in January, but I'm very careful not to burn. I do 20, 30 minutes, whatever I can do, And then I'm in the shade. I put a hat on. Did you see my hat in Florida? I got a nice wide brim hat, cover up my ears [00:25:00] even, but I'm very careful with that. I don't want to burn. I put a T-shirt on, and I really be careful not to burn. I don't want to burn. But I like coconut oil. Natural coconut oil is very good for your skin. You can use it topically. It's very good. And I love Pine Bark. So those are the two things that I use, personally. And I got probably thousands of patients doing the same thing. So we talked about that. [00:25:30] So Lord willing, we'll be back tomorrow. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast, with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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