370. Q&A With Dr.Martin

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to the Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by Martinclinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Here we go. We're going to answer some questions this morning. Okay. So let me just go to the questions, some very good questions this morning. [00:00:30] So I want to start with that. Somebody was asking here about getting a metal taste in their mouth. What could it be? Well, it's usually not ... if you have fillings in your mouth, unless one is broken off or whatever, that won't give you a metallic taste, but it's not uncommon to get a metallic taste if you have a couple of things. It could be several things. So let me just start.

One of the things that I see the most is when they have chronic sinusitis. [00:01:00] Whenever it's chronic in the sinuses, it's not bacterial, it's fungal. You have a yeast in there and that fungus can give you either a postnasal drip or you're always sniffing and you're congested. And that can give you a metal taste in your mouth. A chronic yeast or a fungus, that can give you that. Okay? Secondly, you can get that metal taste in your mouth [00:01:30] if you're low in zinc. So low levels of zinc in your body can give you a metallic taste in your mouth.

Medications can give you a metallic taste, especially if you're on antibiotics or you have been on antibiotics. That can leave a metal taste in your mouth. Dehydration can do it. It's often assigned to dehydration. Don't drink enough water. And a lot of people don't realize like I've often said, [00:02:00] it would be nice if we had a little light on the top of our head that went off. Boom, boom, boom, boom, need to drink more water. Most people don't realize how little water they drink.

Now I know you guys. You guys drink water, right? But you know who are the most stubborn not to drink water? Men, because we're big babies. "Dr. Martin, I don't like the taste of water." Well, get over it, buttercup. Suck it up. [00:02:30] Start drinking water. There's nothing better for your blood and to keep it moving. Think of it. You've got 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Your blood is going through the river and you want to keep that blood moving. One of the big problems in heart disease is sticky blood, thick blood. I used to show it to my patients in my clinic days. I'd say, "Your blood is like molasses, man. You're very dehydrated," [00:03:00] and that's all right. If you cut yourself, you're not going to bleed out. But the worst thing for your heart is when you got molasses for blood, because now you're going to have trouble.

It's thick. It makes your heart work a lot harder. People don't realize the importance of water. And if you got that metallic taste in your mouth, a lot of times it's a lack of H2O, vitamin W on the Martin hit parade, alphabetic. [00:03:30] My vitamin chart. Okay? Vitamin W and it's not fluids, guys. Oh, drink more fluids. I hate that. Don't drink more fluids, drink more water and coffee. Vitamin C. You need that too. Okay so just remember that. Good question. What could give me a metallic taste in my mouth? Dehydration, chronic sinusitis. Here's another one, acid reflux. A lot of people, [00:04:00] they have acid reflux, but they don't know it by ... They're not getting that burning. They have what we call a silent acid reflux. It often happens with a hiatus hernia.

And you can get that just as you know, metallic are a sour taste in your mouth. That's acid coming up. You don't feel it, but you taste it. The [00:04:30] best thing to do for acid reflux, number one, is get your insulin down. So that's a really, really important thing to do. Okay? So you got that? Good question. I like that. Acid reflux, sinusitis. Somebody was asking about nutrient-dense food, food density. I think they meant if food has a lot of water content to it, is it good for you? [00:05:00] Well, water's good for you, but I like nutrient-dense, not food-dense. And I discussed that yesterday. Guys, think of yourself as a wood stove. Okay? Think of yourself as a wood stove and you want to produce energy. You want to produce heat to heat your house.

Well, you're not heating your house with paper, right, in the wood stove, twigs, right? You want to heat your house with logs. [00:05:30] They last longer. That's not density to the food. That's nutrient-dense. This is why I love it eggs, meat, and cheese, because they are logs on the fire. There's nothing better for your metabolism to burn logs and not paper. All carbohydrates, I don't care what kind of bread it is, I don't care what kind of cereal it is, I don't care if it's rice, I don't care if it's anything like [00:06:00] that it's all sugar guys. And it's paper and twigs when it comes to your metabolism. It goes too fast. When you eat Chinese food, you're hungry a couple of hours later, because it's not nutrient-dense. And that's why eggs, meat, and cheese are nutrient-dense.

It is why on the reset, you have no idea what I'm aiming for. I'm aiming to [00:06:30] one, get rid of your cravings, two, get rid of your hunger. Because whenever you want to do anything in terms of a diet, you don't want to starve yourself, but people find on the reset that they can do, most of them, not all, but most of them can do intermittent fasting. Why? Because they're eating nutrient-dense food. That is the number one reason for the reset. [00:07:00] It's fasting without fasting. It's a log on the fire that's burning all the time just about. It's producing energy even when you're not eating.

The problem with carbohydrates, crappy carbs, is they're paper and twigs. You can't heat your house with paper on a fire. You know how fast it burns. Well, I don't know. That's an illustration I've been using for [00:07:30] 45 years. Right? And the other one I use in terms of fuel is rocket fuel, high octane. Go to the airport and watch them fill up those planes. I know the gas truck is there, but it ain't the same gas that you put in your car, guys. It's rocket fuel. It's jet fuel. Jet fuel is high, high, high octane, [00:08:00] because those engines, they need that jet fuel.

And that's what eggs, meat, and cheese are, guys. There's a reason for my madness. I don't know how many people pick on me every day. Why did you choose eggs, meat and cheese, and why not vegetables or fruit or whatever? Because of number one, nutrient density. Not density, [00:08:30] nutrient density. All the nutrients that you need are in those foods. All of them. Now I'm not telling you never to eat plants. Okay? So I'm not telling you that, okay?

You might think I'm against them. I'm not. It's only for 30 days or unless you have digestive issues. Then I'm very, very reluctant to give you lots of fiber. People think, "Doc, fiber, I need it." No, you don't. [00:09:00] Not if you have digestive issues. It's why I rail against salads all the time, ladies. What gets caught in your teeth? Spinach. It gets caught in your gut too and it'll irritate the living life out of your gut. And women, especially, they love their greens and their green juices. Too much. You're not a rabbit. Okay. So food density. Good question. Thanks so much.

Somebody [00:09:30] was talking about, let's talk about some carcinogens. Okay. So I'm going to spend a few minutes here on cancer because the other question was about sugars and cancer, and sugars in general, but let's talk about some known carcinogens. Okay? Known carcinogens. So one obviously number one on the hit parade and still number one on the hit parade, [00:10:00] I'm talking about known carcinogens, smoking. So the only dent, and you've heard me say this before, but I am a man of repetition, repetition. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. It's the way I learn, and I'm sorry, it's the way I talk. Okay?

You wind me up in the morning and I spit it out, but the size of my brain is very small and [00:10:30] I repeat all the time. The only dent, I mean this, it's incredible when you think about it. You want to get my blood pressure going? Talk to me about cancer treatment. Talk to me about the pharmaceutical industry. And guys, I'm not against pharmaceutical industries, but oh boy, have they ever hijacked the cancer industry. They've hijacked it and with so [00:11:00] little results it's incredible to me that they get away with it.

Because out of all the money we give to the cancer societies in North America, millions, if not billions a year, 90% of that, by the way, just goes to marketing and fundraising to put more money. And guys look they might have the best motives in the world. Okay? So I never question their motives. [00:11:30] I question their success because when I started practice in the 1970s, one out of 20 Canadian women and North American, right across the board, had a chance of getting breast cancer. It's one of the six. Whenever I go into a room of women, I go one, two, three, four, five, six. One of you guys, girls, are going to get cancer, according to the statistics.

[00:12:00] And when men are going, oh, they're sitting, they're usually asleep when I'm talking. I go, "You men, wake up. I want to talk to you." Four men, one out of you four men are going to get prostate cancer after the age of 50. Guys, President Nixon started ... I don't know if you guys are my age, anybody's my age, you would remember this. He had the war on cancer. It was President Nixon who was later kicked out of office. [00:12:30] But he started we're going to win the war on cancer in the 1970s. We haven't won the war on cancer. And the only dent that was made in cancer is when people got the memo to stop smoking. People are still smoking today, but not like it used to be right? Everybody in my house smoked when I was a kid. My dad, my mom. My dad used to give it to his patients. "Here, oh, you're having [00:13:00] a cough. Have some cigarette. Cough it out."

I'm telling you, that's the truth. Anyway. So guys, one of the known carcinogens is smoking. Now I'll talk about sugar in a minute because that's a known carcinogen. But let me go to number two. Xenoestrogen. What are Xenoestrogens? Xenoestrogens is [00:13:30] every chemical name that you cannot pronounce. They're in your kitchen. Most people use them for cleaning products, for air fresheners, and hands sanitizers. Xenoestrogens. If you cannot pronounce it, that is a Xenoestrogen with Xeno with an X. Xenoestrogen. What [00:14:00] is that? Any chemical, plastics, air fresheners, cleaning products, lots of makeup, ladies, you put it right on your skin.

Suntan lotion. Look at their label and most of the time it's all xenoestrogens. If you can't pronounce it when you read it, you can't pronounce it, xenoestrogen. So what does that mean? Well, xenoestrogen means your body thinks [00:14:30] it's estrogen. You know why? Because chemically, it looks like estrogen to your body. Your body doesn't know the difference between estrogen and a xenoestrogen. Ladies, especially you, but men too. Ladies, your body loves estrogen. You love it. You love it. Why do you love it? Because you're a woman and a lot of men, by the way, too. When testosterone goes down in a man, estrogen [00:15:00] goes up. That's why.

And listen, I don't care who you are. And even if you get on breast cancer, you get the biopsy report and it says it's negative to estrogen. No cancer is negative to estrogen. It's just more negative than ones that are positive to estrogen. Estrogen is a growth hormone. It makes things grow. It will [00:15:30] make cancer grow. That's why they are called carcinogens because they make cancer grow.

And guys, I don't know care where you go. You're never going to be able to get away completely from all carcinogens. Well, you know with smoking, secondhand smoke ... remember that came out in probably the 19 ... I don't know, 80s, 1990s, about [00:16:00] smoking. You know what they were saying? Secondhand smoke was every bit as bad as somebody that was smoking. If you were living in a house with secondhand smoke, and you know what, God bless, you know most buildings like in Canada or whatever, you can't smoke inside. You can't even smoke in a patio, restaurant patios in Canada. You can't even go to the park Canada in some places, Ontario at least, [00:16:30] and smoke besides someone. It's a good thing because of secondhand smoke.

And you know, I won't go into it today, but we now know what happened in smoking, what it did. One of the things was free radical damage, which is oxidative damage. That's how we age by the way. So free radicals are oxygen, the same oxygen that you live by. You [00:17:00] can't live without oxygen ... is the same oxygen that's going to kill you. It's going to make you age. I should bring up a picture I have me down when I graduated 46 years ago. You wouldn't recognize the guy down there. I should have brought it up as a prop. I want to show you what free radical damage is. We age but smoking, secondhand smoke, creates [00:17:30] oxidative damage, free radical damage, and free radical damage left unchecked can accelerate cancer.

I'm kind of laughing because I remember probably four or five years ago, I was downstairs with my grandson. We were playing hockey, my youngest one. We got all the pictures of our family down there. I got my graduation picture there. And when the kids were young and [00:18:00] blah, blah, blah, he said, "Grandpa, who's that?" I said, "It's me." He said, "No, it's not. It don't look like you at all." He's smart. But that's what free radical damage does to you. Right? It happens to everybody. I don't care folks if you use Botox or whatever you do, you're going to age. Now I'm big time into anti-aging. [00:18:30] Big time into anti-aging.

But you're not going to completely stop it. First thing that I do in the morning is when I get online, I look at the obituaries to make sure that I'm not in it. It's amazing. You get my age and people are dying around you like unreal. So listen, known carcinogens. Smoking, right, and xenoestrogens, [00:19:00] any chemical. 100,000 chemicals since World War II have been created by people like DuPont, especially DuPont, and guys, it's everywhere. It's in our food supply. It's in the soil. It's in the air. It's everywhere.

I told you the story of the lady who said, "I'm moving to Costa Rica." I said, "Forever?" [00:19:30] She said, "Yes." Well, I said, "It sucks to be the rest of us. You get to move to Costa Rica. What about your family?" "Too bad so sad," she said. "I'm leaving." Well, look guys, the rest of us, and even in Costa Rica, there's xenoestrogens down there too. I guarantee it. I mean, they've shown that plastic, for example, it's in the water, it's in the air. You can't see it, but it's in our water supply. You can't even completely [00:20:00] get rid of it. So we're surrounded by it. This is why the best you can, be careful about xenoestrogens. But the best thing you can do is get your immune system working properly to fight known carcinogens and increasing your immune system because your body is made to detox itself.

I talked to you about the lymphatic system, draining, [00:20:30] getting rid of the sewage system, not only of your brain, which is called the glymphatic system, but also of your organs. One of the ways to do it as drinking water. Water is a tremendous detoxer. Emptying your liver. It's a tremendous detoxer. How do you empty your liver? Get rid of its glycogen. Quit eating sugar and carbs. Your liver [00:21:00] is a suitcase. Empty it. Most of our livers are full of fat, 60, 70% of the population. Even in children. Their livers are full because they're eating so much sugar and crappy carbohydrates that are going to be sugar in five seconds. So you want to empty all lot. You want to be a mean lean cancer fighting machine.

Food, lower your insulin, drink water. Vitamin [00:21:30] W. Detox your body. You don't have to spend a lot of money detoxing. Eat the right foods. It'll empty your liver and your liver and your kidneys will thank you. Kidneys need water. Liver needs healthy food because your liver will produce and your body produces glutathione. You know what glutathione is? It's Velcro inside your blood. Your body produces it. But [00:22:00] guess what happens when you eat sugar, you lower your glutathione. Guess what happens when you eat crappy carbohydrates? You lower your glutathione. Guess what happens when you eat eggs, meat, and cheese? You elevate your glutathione and glutathione is Velcro. It'll get rid of carcinogens in your body.

Your body knows how to do it, guys. Your body knows how to do this. You just got to feed it right. You got to feed it right. And so this [00:22:30] is good. Here's another carcinogen. Let me talk about one more and then we'll talk about sugar because somebody asked about sugar. Okay. Boy oh boy time flies when you're having fun. So sugar, no alcohol, that's a known carcinogen, is actually labeled as a carcinogen. Did you know that? Yeah, there are ingredients [inaudible 00:22:57] and again, I'm not telling you not to drink, but if you're going [00:23:00] to do the reset, you cannot have any alcohol for 30 days. You have to purge the body. Look, I'm just telling you this is a fact that in Canada and the United States, alcohol is a carcinogen.

They know it increases your risk of cancer and why? For two reasons. One, it elevates your free radical damage. And secondly, it attacks your liver [00:23:30] and your liver is your detox organ. Alcohol goes right to your liver, guys. So be careful. That's all I'm saying. I'm not asking you to leave the planet. And then the last one sugar. Now listen, guys, sugar is a carcinogen. Not every doctor agrees with that. That's just because doctors don't know anything about nutrition. I mean, I remember talking to an oncologist, ah, [00:24:00] I don't know, four or five years ago in the office. She actually called me because we had a mutual patient and she was a little bit upset at first because she didn't know me very much. She heard about me, but she didn't know me. And she thought I was a little bit kooky.

So I'm a quack. What can I tell you? Anyway, when she called me it's because she had a patient that [00:24:30] didn't want to take Tamoxifen, which is an estrogen lowering drug. And I said, "Well, the patient came to me, doc. Before that patient went to see you, I sent her to you." What? I said, "Well, I'm the one that ... I can't say 100% I discovered the cancer, but I was very suspicious that she had breast cancer." I said, "I'm the one [00:25:00] that told her to go see you. What are you mad at me for?" And anyways, then she settled down and then we had a nice chat. I said, "Well, doc, can I tell you what I do? I lower their estrogen naturally." And I said, "I lower their sugars." She said, "Why do you do that? I've heard that before, but why do you talk about sugar?"

I said, "Do you know what a PET scan is?" She said, "Yeah, we have one in Sudbury." I said, "Yes, well, how does it work?" And she said, " [00:25:30] Well, they give you a cup of sugar." And I said, "What happens if you have cancer?" "Well, it shows up." I said, "You light up like a Christmas tree." That's what a PET scan is. It's not for pets. It's for cancer. And I said, "Doc, why do not talk nutrition to your cancer patients? You send them home with Boost so that, that will boost the cancer. You send them home with Ensure. That'll ensure they're going to die. 100% [00:26:00] you're feeding the cancer."

Sugar is a carcinogen 100%. It makes you acidic. It's the only acidic food, by the way, is sugar. I was showing my granddaughter last night a book that I wrote years ago, Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share with you." Some of you might remember that book. I talked about pH, but here's what I said. Sugar is acidic. It's [00:26:30] very acidic. And your body doesn't know how to buffer sugar. Like a tomato is acidic too guys, but your body will release sodium bicarbonate to neutralize it, to make a tomato alkaline. Did you know you had baking soda inside your body? So all I'm saying is sugar is a known carcinogen, and let me just say this. I don't care what kind of sugar, for [00:27:00] cancer.

I know there's maple syrup, nature's sugar. I know there's unpasteurized honey, but I tell my cancer patients nada. Don't touch it with a 100 foot pole, because cancer hates steak, but it loves sugar. I think that's my new book. Another new book I'll get to write. Cancer hates steak, but loves sugar. Cancer hates eggs, but [00:27:30] loves sugar. So don't eat sugar. If you don't do anything else, no sugar. If you have cancer, no sugar.

I'm going to do an episode in the next little bit on cancer, the actual, my protocol for cancer. I've done it in the past, but I'll do it again. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. So the known carcinogens, okay? Xenoestrogens, smoking, [00:28:00] alcohol, sugars. Do you know that they pulled Zantac off the market because there was known carcinogens in it? Some pharmaceuticals have known carcinogens in it and some of them have been pulled. Anyways, just giving you some information. Okay. Well, we didn't hit all the questions today, but those were great questions.

So there's a couple of things I might talk about [00:28:30] down the road. Okay? So I didn't get to all of them this morning, but you know what? I talk too much and I go down rabbit trails. I can't help myself when I get excited. Okay. So guys, thank you very much for watching today. We love you guys. Take care of yourself. Love you.

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next [00:29:00] episode and thanks for listening.

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