Transcript Of Today's Episode
Dr.Martin Jr: I don't know, dad, before we start, maybe we can share that case study and it's a personal case study because it's with mom and the benefit of the inflammation formula for her shoulder. Why don't you just tell her story because it's funny because a lot of the supplements that we formulated obviously were for clinical reasons, but some of them were for us, like personal things, the enzymes and the probiotics were formulated around my history [00:00:30] of digestive issues and stuff like that. Mom has had the shoulder thing going on for awhile. I'll let you tell it, because she was telling me yesterday and it was fantastic.
Dr.Martin Sr: Well, I think it was two years ago that she broke her hand. Tripped in Florida and broke her hand. And then of course when she got back, put it in a cast for, I thought too long, but didn't matter. [00:01:00] And then she developed, because she was using her other arm all the time, she developed a very sore shoulder and actually it became a frozen shoulder where she could not lift her arm higher than this, she couldn't get it up at all. And then the worst thing was not only the loss of motion, but the pain. And for almost two years, trouble sleeping, [00:01:30] especially she couldn't sleep on that side, but even not sleeping on it. In the middle of the night, she'd wake up, I'd hear her. She couldn't get that motion plus the pain, a lot of pain. You name it, she tried it.
And even the inflammation formula, she did take it, but she would take in a low dose. And then I don't know, it wasn't for me, she just decided, you know what, I'm going to really try this. [00:02:00] So she did three days in a row. I don't know why she put 14 on the chart, but she took 14. Because if you look at the label of the product, it says, if you have real pain and inflammation, because this is what I've found clinically in the office. Take eight a day for seven days. And I think Brandy, even your mother, if I'm not mistaken in her [00:02:30] knee or whatever, I remember her telling me that really worked for her, but anyway, I could be wrong. I'm assuming. So my wife said in her head, I'm doing 14 a day. Throughout the day, she took a total of 14. By the third day, lift her shoulder at a hundred percent and no more pain. And that was what? A [00:03:00] month ago maybe? Five or six weeks ago, I think now.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, I know, she was telling me the story. It was fascinating. Because she had a hard time for a long time with her shoulders. So anyways, one of those stories we-
Dr.Martin Sr: I always call mom our laboratory rat.
Dr.Martin Jr: A hundred percent. A hundred percent.
Dr.Martin Sr: She doesn't like that when I call her that.
Dr.Martin Jr: A hundred percent.
Dr.Martin Sr: There's nothing that we don't bring on the market-
Dr.Martin Jr: That she doesn't test.
Dr.Martin Sr: Because she has that sensitive [00:03:30] system that it's like you're in the lab.
Dr.Martin Jr: For sure. Yeah. All right. So we wanted to start off just by sharing that story. All right. We got a lot of people on here, so Brandi, whenever you're ready.
Brandi: I have an anonymous question. How can I raise my WBC.
Dr.Martin Jr: White blood cells. Well, a couple of ways. I'll let you start this one dad.
Dr.Martin Sr: Vitamin D. [00:04:00] I mean, think of the vitamins that specifically are good. I mean, there are a lot of things good for your immune system, but when you have a low white count, oftentimes too by the way, it can go with anemia because you can have a low white count and a low red count. It doesn't necessarily mean it's pathological, but you can be on that area where you don't make a lot of white blood cells.
Here's [00:04:30] a couple of things. One, you're usually not always, but usually low in Vitamin D. You're usually low in Vitamin A, because that's very important for your immune system. You could be, just don't make a lot of blood cells total. And one of the ways you make good blood too is by ... [00:05:00] That's why we in our blood boosts, what we do is we put everything in there, every nutrient that you can think of and every vitamin that you can think of because it does build blood and it just doesn't only build red blood cells. It helps to build your white blood cells in your immune system, but generally Vitamin D, Vitamin A, are the two that I would say that you should really look at.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. And the only other thing would ask is, is there [00:05:30] any clinical significance to that? Was that something that you were having problems with, had a blood test and they said, Hey, your white blood cell count, like this person's always sick or is it just the person feels good they went and got a blood test done and the doctor came back said, "Oh, your white blood cells are a little low."
Again, clinical significance matters to a certain extent for sure. Here's the difference between functional healthcare and traditional medicine. [00:06:00] So traditional medicine a lot of times looks at numbers, the actual amount, and that's it. It's high-low based on this number, Vitamin D high-low based on this number. Where functional medicine we're like, "All right. Do the ones you have, are they doing their job properly?" That's the first thing.
You can have enough red blood cells, but if they're not doing their job properly, a person can have symptoms of anemia, even though they get blood testing. And it's like, wow, everything seems to be normal. [00:06:30] You always have to ask the question, what's the reasoning or the symptoms behind the question? Because that provides a lot of insight as well, but yeah. As my dad mentioned, those are the supplements that we would recommend for that. All right. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Gary would like to know what is your take on molasses?
Dr.Martin Jr: It's slow. We got bad sense of humor here. We laugh at our own jokes. We apologize. [00:07:00] It's sugar. Unfortunately, it's just your body will break it down very similar to sugar. If a person has any kind of metabolic disorder, it will mess them up and it will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, cause a rapid rise in insulin, will make them hungrier. Yeah, it's not ideal. That's for sure.
Dr.Martin Sr: [00:07:30] Yeah. I mean, the reason that, especially in my day and age, we don't hear about it too much, but when I was a kid, black strap molasses, they give you that for anemia because you got iron from there. Today with all the metabolic problems we have and 88% of the population is metabolically challenged, I wouldn't touch it. [00:08:00] It's better probably than a High-fructose corn syrup. But in terms of spiking your insulin, I wouldn't touch it.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. On our scale, High-fructose corn syrup is at the far end of one side because there's very little. There's almost nothing worse in terms of sugar than High-fructose corn syrup, especially the way it's metabolized by the liver and stuff like that. But yeah. At the end of the day, we get asked this question a lot about various things. What do you think of [00:08:30] honey? What do you think of maple syrup? We get asked this question, various things, and some things are better than others. For example, maple syrup, we've used that stuff for a lot of things in the past. But if you're a diabetic, maple syrup will give you a hard time, because at the end of the day, it's a sugar. It's like honey. Same thing. Honey's got a lot of therapeutic benefits to it. But at the end of the day, if you got diabetes or you got metabolic syndrome, honey will give you a problem. So that's generally how we answer those [00:09:00] questions. All right. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Rita would like to know what causes congestive heart failure.
Dr.Martin Jr That's a good question, Rita. If you were to reverse engineer congestive heart failure to the very beginning. So my dad and I say this all the time, a person does not go to bed tonight healthy and wake up tomorrow with a disease. It could take months, years, decades to develop a disease. And congestive heart failure takes [00:09:30] a long time to develop. That's a chronic, chronic issue that's been going on for a long time.
So generally speaking, those types of diseases always start with what we call the three seeds of disease. Always. Generally speaking, if I were a betting person, I would put my money on high circulating insulin is the cause of 90% plus of congestive heart failure. It starts off at the beginning of the day as a problem [00:10:00] with blood sugar/insulin. And over a period of time, they developed a fair amount of inflammation and that inflammation started to damage the blood vessels, the endothelial blood vessels, that lead to blood vessel disorders, and then eventually leads to heart, leads to congestive heart failure fluid back into the lungs, the whole nine yards. But at the end of the day, that starts in our opinion with high circulating insulin, which is why the treatment for that a lot of times [00:10:30] is the metabolic reset that my dad talks about, ketogenic based diet or low carb diet, no question, but that's where we would say it starts.
Dr.Martin Sr: And the thing too, I would just add, remember what happens in congestive heart failure, besides what happens in the blood vessels and what happens to the muscle of the heart. Your heart is a muscle. I bring this up because we see so much more [00:11:00] of it today. Part of the aging process of the body. One of the characteristics of that is a lack of CoQ10. And we love our NovoTAL heart and brain because of the right CoQ10 in there by the way. But if you bring it back, even one more step, you'll realize that a lot of people they eat, but they eat the wrong foods. Tony Junior, 100% [00:11:30] right. Because we are carboholics. We are vegetable oil-holics. We elevate our inflammation because our insulin is going through the roof. That's one way and that damages the blood vessels, your heart lacks strength.
The other one is the lack of CoQ10, and CoQ10 by the way, your body makes CoQ10, your mitochondria make CoQ10, when you eat [00:12:00] protein. You need steak, Vitamin S at the Martin Clinic, doesn't have to be just steak. But if you look at that, you see what happens, if you're a carboholic, you usually don't get near enough protein in the diet and you're not getting enough CoQ10. And I really look at the heart's strength, and that's one of the most important nutrients. And like I say, your mitochondria make it, your battery packs [00:12:30] within the cells make CoQ10, but they make it based on your food that you're eating. And so you're deficient in one type of food and you're eating too much of the other one. That's a very short Coles Notes version.
Dr.Martin Jr: All right. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: That's hard for him to do, keep it short form. This next question is from sugar is poison can probiotics and [00:13:00] digestive enzymes cause excess stomach gas?
Dr.Martin Jr: The short answer would be no. Digestive enzymes should actually help with that problem, because a lot of times, any kind of fermentation in the gut is generally what leads to gas or bloating. A lot of times what happens it's that food starts to ferment in the gut because it's not being broken down. So a lot of people, [00:13:30] as the food moves through the full length of the intestinal track, you have different enzymes at different stages in the intestinal track that help break down food. And some of these tougher to digest things start to move down, and then they start to ferment and they can't break them down properly.
The short answer for 99% of the population, it was actually do the opposite. But again, for some people, [00:14:00] I guess it could happen. I would usually say no. Dad, I don't know if you have anything else you'd say on that.
Dr.Martin Sr: Again, I mentioned it this morning. We all have a different fingerprint. There are 7.7 billion people on the planet and all of us are different and one out of kazillion, they say, "Oh, I took digestive enzymes. It [00:14:30] didn't feel good." Yeah. But 99.9% of the people, it was the opposite, because they don't have enough acidity in their stomach. They're not producing enough enzymes as we age and medications or whatever. So there's a lot of reasons, but generally, no, it's the complete opposite of what you just said. You need probiotics in the whole digestive tract. You need friendly bacteria, they're on your side. They help in digestion. They help in the absorption [00:15:00] of minerals and nutrients. If there is the odd exception to it, it's an odd exception to it.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. Okay. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Lynne says, my husband has very dry and deep cracks on his feet, heels and sides. Is there anything you can recommend for this?
Dr.Martin Sr: Yup.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah, go ahead dad.
Dr.Martin Sr: Well, I'd start with, anytime you see anything in skin like that, I start in the gut [00:15:30] with probiotics for sure. I mean, the skin is just an organ and what you see on the feet, and dry it's probably fungus too, because you see it as dry, but it was probably because of moisture that it all started. So sweaty feet and whatever, and not healing and whatever. But internally I would look at taking probiotics. I love high DAG oil. I just find in skin, I [00:16:00] love that fish oil and this is very specific because it's a very high-end DAG, and that healthy, healthy, long chain, most absorbable of the Omega. I would do those two things and I love oil of Oregano. Right on the feet, I'd spray it on there, man.
Dr.Martin Jr: And that will force social distancing on people anyways. [00:16:30] One of the things that happens, which is interesting, one of the things that happens as well is if you look at how the protein and the collagen and the elastin in the skin work, is that skin is supposed to be somewhat flexible, when the skin starts to crack and do these things that tells you as well that there's a problem with the nutritional aspect of the skin proteins with, like I said, the elastin in collagen. Sometimes that could be an issue as well.
Also caramelization, or like glycation [00:17:00] of the skin could be an issue as well, which is, could be assigned for some people that they're eating way too many carbs. And then obviously moisture of the skin matters also. And moisture of the skin could be anything from like hyaluronic acid, which decreases as we age. So there's a lot that goes on with that. So dietary assessment wise, like my dad was saying, those kinds of things is what I would look at. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Joe would like more info on how to delay circadian [00:17:30] rhythm.
Dr.Martin Jr: How to delay?
Brandi: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Dr.Martin Jr: You don't want to delay a circadian rhythm. It's fascinating because our hormones run on a 24 hour clock, which is interesting. What's fascinating is this is just a science nerd myself I find this fascinating. There was a paper done, and let's just say for some reason that we are able to [00:18:00] colonize another plane. They always talk about building a human race on Mars. What's interesting is that humans wouldn't survive because of our hormones. Our 24 hour hormones, it's a circadian rhythm tied around the rising and the setting of the sun. Our hormones wouldn't handle it. We couldn't live like that, which is fascinating to think about. Our hormones, everything in our body operates on this clock.
So one [00:18:30] of the things that happens and you see this a lot of times, especially with people that have a hard time sleeping is they actually have the opposite. They have what they call a phase delay or a circadian rhythm delay. Meaning they don't secrete melatonin at the right time. They secrete cortisol at the wrong time. They secrete cortisol at nighttime when they should be secreting it more early in the morning as they're waking up. There's no benefit to delaying your circadian rhythm because the circadian rhythm left on its own does its job. It's everything that we [00:19:00] do with our dietary, with our stress, with our lack of sun, with our blue lights at nighttime, that causes what they call a delayed or phased delay. And that's what leads to a lot of issues, a lot of problems for people.
So the question would not be how do you delay it, the question would be how would you want to reset your circadian rhythm? That's the question there. We talk a lot about that in terms of, I guess, that eating, stress, cortisol control, controlling your cortisol, [00:19:30] either turning your blue light off at nighttime if it's causing issues or wearing those blue light blockers at nighttime, getting some fresh air, getting some sun, all those kinds of things, is what I would suggest. All right. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: I would like to know what causes sudden bursts of lightheadedness or dizziness.
Dr.Martin Jr: All right. That's a good question. There's two ways to answer that question. One is, do you notice that when you're standing up from a seated [00:20:00] position? If you're sitting and you stand up and you feel that, that's one thing. That's called orthostatic hypotension. That means that the blood volume in your blood vessels, as you stand up, your body can't control the volume properly and you get lightheaded, you see all those kinds of things. That's typically an anemia problem or a dehydration problem. For the most part, that's the two big things there.
Now, if you get that upon exertion, if you get that upon ... That's a whole different ball game. That could be a cardiac issue. [00:20:30] For some people, it could be migraines. Migraines can show up like that as well. That's a common thing for migraines, kaleidoscope vision, a whole bunch of stuff like that. A few fall questions would be when you notice it. Is there a time of day you notice it? Is that after certain foods you notice it? Those are the kinds of things that we would ask because there's a lot of different reasons for that, but it's common. Medications cause that in a lot of people as well. There's a lot of medications people [00:21:00] take that lower their blood pressure so that when they stand up, they get lightheaded and then you look at their meds, you're like, "Yeah, that's what's causing it." That's how I would answer that question. I don't know if you have anything else, dad, to add to that.
Dr.Martin Sr: One of the things too, is nitric oxide. And nitric oxide has a lot to do with blood flow, because of what it does inside the blood vessel. And nitric oxide is something that, again, it's another [00:21:30] compound that your body actually makes. Problem is as you get older, a lot of times you lose your nitric oxide. That's why we love NovoTAL. It really boosts nitric oxide levels and exercise. Certain exercise really do. Again, yeah, find out the root. But one of the things too, could be very low levels of nitric oxide and one vitamin that has a lot to do with that is B12. [00:22:00] So you could be low in B12. Have that check.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. Go ahead Brandi.
Brandi: Brenda would like to know if there is anything about schizophrenia that you both know? Her daughter was diagnosed in her early twenties and her meds have caused her to gain a lot of weight.
Dr.Martin Jr: Yeah. That's a tricky question because there is definite 100%, for some people, again, this is not a blanket [00:22:30] statement. This is not something that is true in every case. But if you look at the research, if you go look at the nutritional aspect of any kind of personality disorder schizophrenia, it can be tied to low DHA levels. Like Omega-3 levels could be tied to significantly low, Vitamin D levels could be tied to a significantly low or not optimized Vitamin B12 levels. Or it could be tied to as well, [00:23:00] glucose uptake problem in the brain. So they got some kind of issue with metabolizing energy in their brain, which again could be dietary.
You definitely want to, no matter what, you always want to optimize nutrition for your brain, especially when it comes to depression or when it comes to, like I said, a personality disorder or schizophrenia. You don't want to ignore nutrition. Will that fix the problem? No, but for some it does, but you don't want to ignore it because there is [00:23:30] a fair amount if you look it up, a fair amount of research. As I mentioned with those nutrients, you want to optimize those nutrients big time.
And then, like my dad always says, leaky gut, leaky brain. So a lot of times, again, you want to look at a big chunk of brain health comes from gut as well. So you want to look at, do they have real bad leaky gut? Do they have issues with probiotics? There is some stuff nutritionally you should be doing. And then, the weight gain, [00:24:00] is, unfortunately it's a side effect of that kind of medication. There's no question with that. So I don't know if you have anything else you want to add to that.
Dr.Maritn Sr: The problem is to try and get them to do it, because if you're depressed ... If your schizophrenia, it's chemistry, it's brain, mostly [00:24:30] from the gut, that's my opinion, because you got more hormones in your gut than you have in your brain. And the neurotransmitter's like, Tony Junior was saying like, DHA is one of the best. If they would do it, I would have them on a very, very strict diet, like big time reset. And the reason is, is because if you can eliminate sugar 100%, I just find that [00:25:00] any kind of like schizophrenia or whatever ... There was a guy that, look at this, you're going back a long way, but who did a lot of work on this was a psychiatrist out of BC. His name was Dr. Abram Hoffer, H-O-F-F-E-R. You can Google them and you will see, he did so much research on deficiencies in schizophrenia.
[00:25:30] Well, one of the things he talked about is sugar. And when people like in you avoid sugar, in a clinical setting he would do this, high doses of B12, high doses of Vitamin D. He would literally inject these patients with B12 every day. It was amazing the results he got. He was vilified of course, because he wasn't talking about drugs. He was talking about everything that [00:26:00] we just talked about. Look, it's very complex, but boy, diet is big and probiotics. And Hoffer back in the seventies did not know about ... He talked about the gut, but he didn't talk about the microbiome like we know it today, but it's amazing. And he's been dead now probably for 10 or 15 years, but he started the Orthomolecular Society. [00:26:30] I did a lot of research with them and I liked it. They've got really good stuff.