Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr.Martin: Well, good morning everyone. We're getting our roof done, so you might hear some pounding this morning. Hopefully not, but they were here bright and early. A lot of good questions came in. One of them was [00:00:30] a question about the difference between keto and the reset. So, let's talk about that. Very good question. We'll talk about exogenous ketones. What does that mean and what did they do and blah, blah, blah. But we're going to go into that. So let's talk about what's the difference between ketosis or a keto diet, which is very popular. [00:01:00] Keto diet is very popular. Now, you've got to understand something. Now we're talking about keto and way before keto was this guy. Because I've been talking low carb for a long time and the only way to go into ketosis is to go low carb.
So what does ketosis mean? It means your body is now burning fat instead of carbohydrates. [00:01:30] That's what ketosis means. Now, you must differentiate that because still even today, doctors often mistake ketosis and ketoacidosis. Let me explain that. Ketosis is when your body changes fuel. It goes from burning carbs to burning fat as a fuel. That is very good for you. There's nothing wrong with that. You're changing [00:02:00] fuels. You're going from dirty fuel to high octane fuel. Ketoacidosis is very dangerous because this is when your body is starting to break down. It can happen in diabetes if the blood sugar is not controlled. Now you're burning ... Ketoacidosis is your body is literally eating itself away. It happens [00:02:30] just before death for a lot of people. They go into ketoacidosis. So, that's a completely different thing. That's when your body is literally turning on itself. It's turning on itself. Ketoacidosis. That happens in diabetics, diabetics out of control, but it is sort of an end stage just before death. Ketoacidosis.
Unfortunately, even in medicine, because they should know this, [00:03:00] it's something that they should know, but what happens is that they often mistake it. And that's why a lot of times doctors will say, well, ketosis is not good for you. But it's not ketoacidosis. It's ketosis. Your body's just burning another fuel.
So, what happens? Let me just say this. What's the difference between the reset and ketosis? [00:03:30] Well, the reset is, as you know, eggs, meat, and cheese. There's several reasons for it. I'm going to tell you that it is the healthiest thing that you can do for yourself. Even better than ketosis, because ketosis is very low carb, which is good. Don't get me wrong, it's good. But ketosis will not ... like ketosis is good for you, but it won't necessarily empty your liver. It'll help, [00:04:00] but it won't empty it. It'll help your blood pressure, but might not fix it. So, it's good for you. The problem is that you're still eating a certain amount of carbs, 20, 30 grams. Some men can get away with sustaining ketosis and eating 50 grams of carbs. And I'm not saying that's bad. In the long run, that's not bad for you.
But for a complete detox, a complete metabolic shift, [00:04:30] completely fixing your insulin resistance ... That's why I do the reset. It changes everything. So the reset is very strict, very good for you. So, that's the difference. Now, let me go one more thing. Exogenous ketones. What is that? Exogenous. Well that's if ... There are drinks on the market today that are called exogenous ketones. That means ... Look, [00:05:00] don't use that for weight loss. It doesn't work. You might feel a little better taking ... I'll give you an example of that. You've heard of Bulletproof coffee. Have you heard of that? Bulletproof coffee is when you put ... It's usually a blend of ... It's a medium chain oil that you drink. It's like a blend of coconut and palm oil or straight coconut oil in a coffee with butter. It's called Bulletproof [00:05:30] coffee. That's an exogenous ketone. It doesn't get burned the same way. Goes to your liver and it produces ketones. So it's almost like an artificial way of producing ketones, but it's not going to put you into ketosis. It will not make you burn fat. Now, let me just say this. When you are eating eggs, meat and cheese on the reset, your body is going to naturally go into ketosis. It will burn [00:06:00] fat as a fuel. It certainly can't burn carbs. You're not eating any.
So, understand what that is. It's healthy and when you come out of the reset, you can stay into ketosis if you want by still eating low carb. I know people for five, 10 years, patients of mine that eat this lifestyle, and they've been on ... They feel so good. Guys, when you change it'll only take you 30 days. I promise [00:06:30] you by the second week of ... First week ... Remember what I was saying a few messages ago? Within a week, you are lowering your insulin resistance. You're fixing your metabolism. In one week it starts at the cellular level. It's going to change. You're going to feel better. You're changing fuels. You're using ... Instead of crappy fuel, you're using jet fuel. You're using [00:07:00] rocket fuel. That's what it means.
That's why I chose eggs, meat and cheese. They're so nutrient dense. It's the nutrients your body needs, and when you give your body the nutrients at the cellular level, calling vitamin A, vitamin D, B12, all those very, very important nutrients, the high protein, the [00:07:30] high cholesterol. Yes, cholesterol. You're going to eat a high cholesterol diet. You need that. Every cell ... You want to get to your cells and fix those. You need cholesterol to get to your cells to fix them. One of the questions that was asked here ... Okay A1C and then CRP. Let's just talk about. They're two questions. What doc ... Here's the question. What is a good A1C? A good ... You might hear a little pounding now. A good A1C [00:08:00] is below 5.7. A1C is a measurement of your blood sugars over two to three month period. So what that does is if your A1C is good ... If your A1C is good, that's a good sign.
It's better than blood sugar. This is an average blood sugar. If you can keep it below 5.7, you know you're not pre-diabetic. [00:08:30] You see, A1C will tell you about pre-diabetic, which by the way, you know me, if you're a pre-diabetic you're on the Titanic. Change course. The last thing that will happen is that your blood sugars will be elevated. That's the last thing that will happen. So guys, just remember that, okay? Just remember that.
So if you're 5.7 or up, you are already in [00:09:00] trouble. If you're 6.5 and up, you're diabetic, but if you're 5.7 and up, in my opinion, you are diabetic already. I'm not a big guy on prediabetes because I'm a big guy on you're on the Titanic or you're not. If you're on the Titanic, you better change courses. But the nice thing is because in medicine generally, I'm just going to say generally, once a diabetic, [00:09:30] always a diabetic guys. Guys, I don't believe that. I don't believe that. I'm not a big guy on once a diabetic, always a diabetic, because I can change it. You can change it. If you change your diet, this is what the reset does. It takes you out of it. It fixes your insulin. So exogenous ketones we talked about.
We talked about A1C and let's talk about CRP, C-reactive protein. What is that? That's another test. I highly recommend [00:10:00] you get that. Get your A1C. You shouldn't have to tell your doctor. They'll do it. Well, they should. Again, I'm not so interested in your blood sugar. I'm more interested in the average of your blood sugars and CRP is what? It's an inflammation marker. CRP is produced in your liver. Somebody asked me, what is a normal number? A normal number is three or under, CRP. But I like it ... Look, if it's over three, you've got major [00:10:30] inflammation and your chances of having ... You see, remember what we talked about when we talked about atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, not cholesterol. It's inflammation due to insulin. If you've got elevated insulin, you're going to elevate your inflammation. Inflammation is not Houdini. It doesn't come out of nowhere. There's something underlying. What causes inflammation? Number one, insulin. Number two, leaky gut. So, [00:11:00] if you have leaky gut, inflammation. If you have insulin, and insulin is something you can control because it's food. That's how dangerous sugar is. That's how dangerous carbohydrates are.
So CRP, what do I look for in blood work? Well, they say if it's under three, it's normal, but I look at that. If it's one or under, I like that. If it's two or one to three, you've got a moderate chance of having a heart [00:11:30] attack or stroke with CRP. It's one of the best tests that you can get even to determine, because inflammation damages the blood vessels. We talked about that. It damages capillaries. It damages the endothelial lining of your arteries. It creates plaque. Plaque doesn't come out of nowhere and it ain't cholesterol. You want CRPs to be under three, but I like them to be [00:12:00] under one. One and under. If they're above that, you've got inflammation in your body. You can fix it. How do you fix inflammation? Lower your insulin. Number one, change your diet. Change your food.
So, somebody was asking. Good questions. What about, Dr. Martin, lectins?Now, there's been a whole book out on lectins. Usually found in [00:12:30] certain vegetables and beans and nuts. Some seeds have lectin. If you notice something that Dr. Martin, when we do the reset you're not eating any electives, you're not having any oxalates, you're not having any cellulase. Cellulose is found in celery and vegetables. I'm not saying they're bad. All I'm saying [00:13:00] is one of the reasons that I take you off lectins completely, I take you off vegetables completely ... Why do I do that for one month? In order to heal the gut. So many people have trouble with their digestive and they're bloated all the time and they've got gas and they've got IBS and they've got diverticulosis and they've got ulcerative colitis [00:13:30] and they've got a bad gut. A lot of times ... Fiber, guys, is overrated. You're eating ... Oh, Dr. Martin, I've got to have a good poo every day. Why? Not if you've got a bad gut? You're irritating. Lectins can irritate ... Now, it doesn't ... Look, all I'm saying is if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you're getting way too much lectins. [00:14:00] They can irritate your gut. And so part of my healing is to get healing that gut.
Somebody said to me yesterday. And it's a good question, by the way. "Doc, I've been on the reset for a week. I haven't gone to the bathroom and I haven't gone number two yet." Okay. So what? Are you sick? "No, I'm so used to going every day." So what? You don't need to. You know why. I'll tell you why that happens? Why does it happen? Your body is [00:14:30] healing and it's taking a break. When you eat nutrient dense food, eggs, meat and cheese, you have everything in there. Everything, everything, everything is in there. Every vitamin, all your minerals. Everything is in that animal kingdom. Your healthy fat. It's so nutrient dense, your body, when you bring it in and you eat it, it takes it in.
[00:15:00] What is it when you go to the toilet? It's waste. Oh, look at all the waste that's going into the toilet. Yeah. Because most of ... Your body's smart. If there's not a lot of nutrients in the food, it gets rid of it. Bye-bye, into the toilet. So when you're eating nutrient dense food, think about it, you don't need to go near as much. Now listen, if you're bloated and you don't feel good, okay. [00:15:30] Sometimes I've got to give people on the reset a little bit of fiber in a capsule. I don't want them eating lectins. I don't want them eating oxalates. I don't want them eating cellulose temporarily. I'm not saying they're bad, but they're bad if you've got a bad gut. They irritate. It's like sandpaper going down your gut.
Why do you think there is so much ... Why do you think there's so much diverticulosis today? You know what diverticulosis [00:16:00] is? Diverticulosis is, and it's usually on the transverse part of the bowel, usually on the left side of the bowel ... It happens so often it's unbelievable. It's like an epidemic today. In the 1970s, it's not like I never saw diverticulosis, but I hardly saw it. Today it's like every second person that's got digestive issues have diverticulosis.
You know why? Because [00:16:30] we're fiber crazy. We're fiber crazy. We bought the lie. Fat's no good for you. Fiber. Cereal. Right? You've got to have your Cheerios and your oatmeal and your ... and ladies, you and your salads, chicken and salad, salad, salad. You're not a cow. A cow has glorified salad all day long. They eat grass. That's glorified ... [00:17:00] Salad is glorified grass. Cows eat it. Why? They've got four stomachs. You've got one. You only have one stomach. You're not meant to. You've only got a little wee stomach here and then lots of tubing. Well, the grass don't get broken down in the tubing. It gets broken down in your stomach. So it goes in, yeah it's fiber. It's insoluble fiber. It irritates [00:17:30] the bowel. You have no idea how often I see that. I have told thousands of women over the year, "Would you quit eating your salad? Have it once a week." But doc, I live on that. Nah, that's not good for you. There's not enough nutrients in a salad for a mouse. You got this big thing, a big plate of salad and lettuce and, oh, that's so good for. Who told you that? [00:18:00] There's no nutrients in there. Rabbits eat that. Rabbits. Not you. I know. I know. I know. I know.
But listen, this is why we see so many people today with irritated bowels compared to what it used to be. It's crazy. It's crazy. Another reason I ... I just want to put this out there, is the use of antibiotics because antibiotics kill your good bacteria and it's created a whole generation [00:18:30] or two of leaky gut. The greatest discovery of the 20th century has become the curse of the 21st, because it created leaky gut and leaky gut is a very dangerous thing. It can kill you. Because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but not when you create ... not when your body has the Vegas nerve, your 10th cranial nerve. Everything travels from your gut up to your brain. Because somebody asked me today, what about scalp [00:19:00] acne? Look it guys, if you have anything on your skin, anything on your skin, psoriasis, eczema, acne, dermatitis, fungus, they are signs of leaky gut.
You've got leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky skin. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Leaky gut, leaky lungs. Leaky gut, leaky sinuses. Leaky gut, you name it. Well, they're even showing leaky [00:19:30] gut, leaky heart, because of the bacteria. You remember even the dentist? They came out with, well, if you've got gingivitis, you're much more susceptible to having a heart attack. Why is that? Cause of leaky ... It's getting into your bloodstream and it can attack your heart. Leaky gums. But it all has to do with a lack of good bacteria. We rinse our mouths too much with alcohol-based. And remember, I've been [00:20:00] talking about it ever since COVID really, over cleaning, over cleaning, over cleaning. And fiber over cleans your gut. Why do you want to over clean anything? You're stripping away all your good bacteria. Now, I'm not saying never eat fiber. I'm trying to make a point. It's overrated.
Okay. Somebody asked me about another test, urate [00:20:30] and urate ... Uric acid, it's one of the signs of metabolic syndrome. A lot of people don't think they have elevated uric acid. I look at uric acid as much as I look at CRP, C-reactive protein. I was always looking for ... You've got high levels. It's inflammation. And uric acid comes from sugar. Look it, urate, when you have fructose, where is that stored? It's stored in your liver, right? If it's stored [00:21:00] in your liver, it's going to go into your kidneys as it's supposed to be peed out as urea. If you have high levels, it's because you're not peeing out all your uric acid. It's a marker of inflammation. It's related to your diet and remember sugar. It's not salt that destroys your kidneys. And it's not red meat that gives you uric acid. That's nonsense. It's not biochemistry. Fructose does. And you know what's created this scourge [00:21:30] in our society today? High fructose corn syrup. Remember the manmade sugar. It's found in soda. It's found in everything. They switched the sugars. They gave us something very addictive. So, urate.
Talking about fermented foods. Those are good for you. Kefir, kombucha. Yeah, those are good. I've got no problem with that, but just make sure ... When man makes it, they add sugar to it. So watch for kefir and that [00:22:00] if you buy them in a grocery store. Make sure they don't no sugar. It's dairy. It's all right. It gives you probiotic. They're not broad spectrum though, but that's all right. Doesn't mean they're bad for you.
Somebody asking about heavy metals. I'm going to spend a whole session on heavy metals. One of the things that I see the most ... because people, they blame fish oil. "Oh, you know why we get so much heavy metal, mercury? It's fish, those [00:22:30] big tunas and whatever, they got mercury in them. Don't eat that stuff." You know what? I disagree with that by the way. I'm not saying that you might not get some heavy metal in a bigger fish, but you know what guys, here's Dr. Martin. You know why people got heavy metal, especially mercury, in their body? High fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup. That's why you get that. So yeah, look, I like smaller [00:23:00] fish in a sense ... Look, I just had fish this morning in a capsule. I take my high DHA. Why? I want this brain, guys. I need this brain to work. I've got to have my brain, guys.
So, fish. Don't avoid fish, guys. Don't avoid fish. If you like fish, fish is better than a chocolate bar on any day, anytime. You know, I get people, "Oh, I don't eat anything that might [00:23:30] have mercury in it, like fish." Yeah. What are you eating now? Soy. Soy's going to elevate your estrogen 10 times more dangerous than a fish. Sure, if you can get wild salmon or whatever, much better. I get it. I get all that. But guys, don't avoid fish. See, I don't like fish. I like steak. Like vitamin S isn't salmon on the Martin clinic alphabet, [00:24:00] even though salmon is very good for you. Vitamin S is steak, because I love steak.
You hear it. You hear the racket, like just what's going on in my place today. Hey, love you guys. Send in your questions. Next week I think Tony Jr. and I are going to do a life question and answer next week. I don't know what day, but we'll let you know. And if you got any questions, let us know. Love you guys. Not that I'm going up on the roof to help because they know better [00:24:30] than not, but I'm going to put a white hat on and observe. Okay. Love you guys. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin, junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening.