282. Weight Loss And Sleep Apnea

Transcript Of Today's Episode

Announcer: You're listening to, the Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr.Martin: Well good morning, everyone. Good to have you on with us this morning. I want to talk to you about a couple of studies that came out this week. One of them I found kind of funny, but I'll go [00:00:30] over it with you. But one of the things that I found funny that, I don't know if you guys saw this or not, I don't think it made any mainstream news casts or anything. But it says losing weight helps with sleep apnea. Okay. And of course that's true. It really does. I mean I've always said sleep apnea is the body screaming [00:01:00] at you that your insulin is too high. Okay. It's really more a symptom. No, and I know they put oxygen and they ... You wear a mask and all that. But my experience has been, and I've said this for well over 20 years, more than that, that when you have sleep apnea, you've got trouble with insulin.

Dr.Martin: But listen to this study, okay, what they're saying. [00:01:30] Okay, this study is saying that losing weight for sure helps with sleep apnea. But here's what they're saying. The reason that it helps, okay. I don't know if I agree with this or not, but it's kind of funny to listen, to hear it. Here's what the study said. Okay. People that lose weight get help with sleep apnea. You know why? Because they lose [00:02:00] weight, their tongue shrinks. Yeah, you'll lose weight on the tongue too. I thought you only lose weight on the tongue if you stop talking. But seriously, seriously, they're saying as you lose weight, even your tongue shrinks, and when your tongue shrinks, it helps with sleep apnea. So stick out your tongue and see [00:02:30] how fat it is. Like, I mean, it's incredible. But look, like I said, for me, I've always kind of found it interesting that there's a whole generation now of sleep apnea.

Dr.Martin: I've talked to you about this in the past, but let me just go back over it again. Okay. Because sleep apnea is a major, major problem in our society today. You stop breathing during the night. I have known patients that have 80 a hundred [00:03:00] times during the night and they're saying while it's blocked, air passage ways, you're not getting enough oxygen up into the brain It's very dangerous. It's not good for you. And if you don't use the machine for a lot of patients, they'll tell you, they'll pull your license. So you, when they tell you, you've got sleep apnea, you got to use the machine.

Dr.Martin: And you guys know me. I've always said that if you lower your insulin ... So one of the things you're doing on your reset, remember that, you're lowering your insulin. I've [00:03:30] always been ... I've always divided food into two, what elevates insulin and what lowers insulin. Okay, so eggs, meat, cheese, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, they're all on the good side. Okay? Legumes, even. But they're on the good side in terms of lowering your insulin. It doesn't mean you don't need any insulin. Every time you eat, insulin is a food hormone. But if you eat like, let's say, go back a hundred years ago, [00:04:00] and you really didn't have the middle aisles of your grocery stores, right? Like I tell my grandchildren, we had ice cream too, right? It's not grandpa's not that age. We had ice cream too. But we didn't live on 200 pounds of sugar a year.

Dr.Martin: Because if you go up the middle aisles of your grocery store, this is a huge, huge problem in our society today. This is why we're seeing new conditions [00:04:30] like sleep apnea. Folks, sleep apnea really ... I mean seriously, you can go into my medical books that I have from school in the 1970s, and you can look up sleep apnea, and you ain't going to find it. It's not there. Does that mean it wasn't there? Well, it wasn't there, it wasn't ... We didn't have to deal with that in our practices in the 1970s. We didn't have to deal [00:05:00] with autism either in the 1970s. I'm sure there was a few cases, but I never heard of it. It wasn't part of my training. It wasn't part of ... We got new conditions, and it's sugar, it's insulin.

Dr.Martin: I guess one of the things that happens when you go on a reset, and it's not something that I was ... I did mention it though. I think I talked to you about how much your sleep would improve [00:05:30] because I know what happens when you lower insulin, and the cause of sleep apnea is not air in my opinion. Yeah, you have trouble with oxygen going up into the brain. That's because you've got inflammation. And you've got inflammation because your insulin is high. Got it? You've got to go farther back than the machine. If the machine ... It doesn't fix sleep apnea, but it helps with sleep [00:06:00] apnea, right? Because you put the machine on, it throws oxygen up to your brain, and ...

Dr.Martin: But what is the root cause? It's not a lack of oxygen, guys. The root cause is inflammation, even of your tongue. This is what this new research is showing. It's kind of funny in a way, right? Because I've never measured my tongue. Have you? Have you ever put your tongue [00:06:30] on a scale to see how heavy it was? Really, it was ... When I saw this study, I really found it funny. But again, I just want to encourage you this morning, I want to encourage you because you are going at the root cause of all these things, and that's insulin resistance. High circulating insulin. You get high circulating insulin when you eat [00:07:00] bread, pasta, rice, cereal. Yes, cereals? Bread, doc? Yeah, bread. Any kind of bread. I don't care what kind of bread it is. It's going to elevate your insulin.

Dr.Martin: So when you have a muffin, unless you make it homemade, a low carb muffin, or if you have a bagel, a lot of people love that kind of stuff. So do I, by the way. I love that stuff, but I don't eat it, which I ... I don't. [00:07:30] I don't. I don't live on that. I would. A man shall not live by bread alone. That's what the Bible says. Well, I could live on a bread. Give me peanut butter and bread. I can live on that. I love that stuff. But I've got to be very, very, very careful because of insulin resistance, and I'm constantly disciplining myself to watch my insulin.

Dr.Martin: You know, we got a lot of diabetes in our family, and I just ... [00:08:00] I don't wait for the diagnosis because the diagnosis is the last thing that happens, right? If your blood sugar is elevated, that's the last thing that happens in your body because your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. It does everything it can to keep sugar out of your bloodstream. So stop eating sugar and your body won't have to work as hard, because soon as you elevate that insulin, and elevate it, and elevate it, you're on the Titanic. [00:08:30] So this is why on the reset, and I'll talk more about this just to encourage people, but whether you're doing the reset or not, make it a lifestyle thing.

Dr.Martin:      In all my years of 45 years of practice, I'd never heard that. Look at the size of your tongue. Now I have seen big tongues, okay? Like when I get people to, they open up your mouth, right? But I'm usually looking to see if they have fungus in their mouth. Okay. Because I'm really a big [00:09:00] guy on getting rid of yeast. Right? And I look for a postnasal drip or whatever, and I can see a lot of gunk on the back of the tongue, and the fungus. And that's what I look for, yeast. I look on the gum lines and I look for yeast because that's a sign of leaky gut, and that's a sign of candida, right, yeast. Maybe if I get a chance this morning I'll talk to you about a study that they did on [00:09:30] yeast and fungus that I found interesting. Okay. But I just want to talk to you about the size of your tongue, that actually when you lower your insulin, you lower ... you are going to reduce the size of your tongue. Okay. I get it.

Dr.Martin: Well look guys, so ... Okay, so ... The other thing is, okay, because I was saying this yesterday in the office. [00:10:00] I know, especially ladies, you're looking at weight loss and I understand that. Okay, I get it. But I always try and get people, look, don't make it your primary goal because what your goal ought to be is to get rid of all signs of metabolic syndrome, and that's different. Because if you make your goal weight loss, for a lot of people, they're frustrated by that because the scale [00:10:30] becomes their gauge of how well they're doing. And look, I know there's a whole industry for that, and you know, weight loss, weight loss, weight loss. But me, it's more getting your insulin down. If you do that, you are lowering your risk of heart disease.

Dr.Martin: If you get your insulin down, you're going to get your blood pressure down. If you get your insulin down, you're going to help with all [00:11:00] signs of inflammation in your body, including your sleep, including your cognitive function, your brain function. Your brain thrives when you change fuels and you lower insulin. Your heart thrives, your blood vessels thrive, your kidneys thrive, your liver thrives, your stomach thrives, your gut thrives, your bladder thrives, your [00:11:30] prostate, men, thrives. Hormones, ladies, horror-mones. I'm making up a tee shirt, horror-mones, because that's what I look at all day long. It's amazing when I'm back in the office, that's what I see, Horror-mones. Okay. So many women, especially, coming in with all the ... Their hair is falling out, they're gaining weight, they don't feel good, their skin isn't good, they just [00:12:00] feel very, very tired.

Dr.Martin: And the doctor, by and large, are saying well, you're normal, or here's the birth control pill, let's try and ... Look, all I'm telling you guys is this is metabolic syndrome. It's horror-mones, okay. And horror-mones really, really ... I never let a patient out of the office or out of my sight until I teach them some nutrition one-on-one. [00:12:30] I teach them to lower their insulin because if that's ... if nothing else, that is a huge, huge, huge difference in their life if they can get that what makes them sick is carbs. Okay. Carbs. It really isn't rocket science. And I know, I've had some questions, especially about the reset. Oh, doc, doc. I had one lady, and God [00:13:00] bless her, she was asking questions about her parents. She was worried about her parents. Okay. And her parents started the reset, and eggs, meat and cheese, and then they went to their doctor. Mistake. No, not ... It wasn't a mistake going to their doctor. It was a mistake trying to get your doctor to agree about the reset.

Dr.Martin: Look, I love doctors, [00:13:30] but they got no training in nutrition. I mean, why not go to your plumber? Go to your plumber, call your plumber and say, should I do the reset? They got as much education as most physicians I know about nutrition. So, nutrition to a doctor, most doctors ... And don't, please ... If you've got a good doc ... Look, your doctor ... You got to be the doctor. [00:14:00] Okay? In this day and age, this is why we do what we do. This is why I'm educating. I want you to be your doctor. And then you can decide, well look, I got a ... A lady called yesterday in the clinic or whatever, and she had a kidney ... a urinary tract infection. I said, well is it painful? Oh yeah, a lot of pain in my back, and I feel a lot of burning. I said go get an antibiotic. You need an antibiotic. [00:14:30] Don't call me. Now get on probiotics and all this and that. But if you got burning and it's painful, look, you don't want that infection to take off and get into your kidneys.

Dr.Martin: So this is when you need medicine. You guys be the doctor. Okay? No problem. And besides, we like to answer a lot of questions. I've got no problem with that. I want to educate. The word doctor means teacher. Teach, teach, teach. Okay? Teach. [00:15:00] So make your goal, guys, all of you, make your goal lower your insulin. You lower your insulin by eating low carb. And the ... Look, like I've said about the reset. This is no carbs. I mean you might want to have one gram of carbs a day because you have a gram of carbs sometimes in your cheese. [00:15:30] So, the lady said, well I went to my doctor, or my parents went to their doctor, and they're on every medication. They've got history of heart disease, blah, blah, blah. And the doctor says, well don't eat meat, don't have eggs, don't have cheese.

Dr.Martin: You need bread, you need grains. Can you see me getting a headache right now? Can you see it happening? I'm having ... My blood pressure rose yesterday, and it's rising [00:16:00] right now just thinking about what was said. Guys, that's the problem. The problem we're having with heart disease out of control, in spite of all the money we're spending, we have a healthcare system that's not healthcare, it's disease care. And we're spending kazillions of dollars every year. And politicians who don't have enough guts, who don't have enough guts [00:16:30] to look at the problem in the eye and realize that they had been hoodwinked by two big groups, the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry. They run the world, guys. They run the world.

Dr.Martin: The pharmaceutical industry, and God bless them, when they find certain medications, you know me, I'm not against medications temporarily. Temporarily. Well, why don't [00:17:00] we get to the root of the issue? That will save our government, and that's you and me, by the way. We pay it. Our taxes. Oh, Canada. We have free healthcare. No, we don't. No, we don't. Every time you go to the gas station. I was just in the United States. We pay two to almost three times more for gas. Why? For health. Now, I'm not saying it's not a good thing. Did I say that? I didn't say that. But don't say we don't pay for it. We pay [00:17:30] for it.

Dr.Martin: The average household in Canada spends $13,000 a year, pays the government $13,000 a year in taxes, or taxes at the pump, and taxes at the store, and taxes, whatever. We pay that. What's that go into? It goes into a big melting pot to pay for our healthcare system, which we're not even paying for. Every government that I know of in Canada ,except for the Alberta [00:18:00] government, but even then, I think they're in a deficit now because of the price of oil. We're paying for this, guys.

Dr.Martin: But we're looking for love in all the wrong places. It's food. You want to fix heart disease by and large, lower your stinking insulin. You want to get rid of most cancers. I didn't say all of them, but most. Lower your insulin. 100% for sure on this one. You want to get rid of diabetes, [00:18:30] you want to get rid of it. The scourge of the 21st century is diabetes. It's the scourge. It is the black bubonic plague, is diabetes. I like the term diabesity. Three quarters of the population deal with diabesity. Now, you might not even got the diagnosis of diabetes, but whether you got the diagnosis or not, it's insulin. Lower [00:19:00] your insulin. How do you tell if your insulin is too high? You got pain? You got heartburn? You got sleep apnea? You got fatigue? Right?

Dr.Martin: I mean, guys, get your blood work done and check your triglycerides. Are your triglycerides high? You're in trouble. You got low cholesterol? Low cholesterol. You got low good cholesterol, HDL? You're in trouble. You have insulin problems. [00:19:30] It's food, guys. You can change your numbers by food. Switch your diet. This is education, guys. This is what ... Okay, so ... And even your tongue will shrink. I didn't know that. I learned something. Don't ever stop learning, by the way, okay? I learn something every day, and I learned yesterday, yesterday when this story came out, or it was a study that I saw. Okay. [00:20:00] That your tongue shrinks, too. I didn't know that, honest to God. I did not know that.

Dr.Martin: Okay, so ... And by the way, you can lower your insulin resistance in a real very, that's just four weeks. I guarantee your insulin resistance is gone. You do the reset, insulin resistance is gone, hundred percent. It's gone. Now, it'll come back if you decide, well look, now I've ... I've had a few people, they get off [00:20:30] the wagon for ... Look, you can get off the wagon. Once you do the reset, then you want to have a week you want to have pasta. But just don't ... Don't go back to the way you used to be. It's all habits, isn't it? Think about that for a minute. It's all habits and you're changing habits.

Dr.Martin: What I learned in psychology in university was three weeks, you change a habit. I don't remember much about psychology, but I do remember that. [00:21:00] It takes three weeks to form a habit. Takes six weeks to cement that habit. That's why the gyms are full in January and empty in February. Right? All the weight loss companies are trying to get you in the gyms are trying to get you in January when you make your New Year's resolutions, because they know you're not going to keep them. Most people. But this is why I teach what I do, because you're already having a shift.

Dr.Martin: It's amazing to [00:21:30] me, by the way, it's amazing to me how many people ... I don't see people, the same people, obviously, every day, other than my staff. But think about it. I'm constantly ... I get to know you guys online quite a bit. Some people that follow us at the Martin Clinic. You guys get it. You get it. It's beautiful. You get it. And what you know about nutrition ... When that [00:22:00] lady, okay ... And again, remember, don't be too hard on her. She was asking a very legitimate question. Is Dr. Martin trying to kill my parents? That's what she said. How do you know I ... Give me a guarantee you're not going to have a heart attack. Well, first of all, I ain't God. Okay. And in life, there's no guarantees. When someone gives you a guarantee in the healthcare field, they're lying to you.

Dr.Martin: But I can give [00:22:30] you, with my clinical experience ... Because the question was asked, what about research in food? Well, who's doing the research? Who's doing the ... Who gets funded for doing food research? The food companies pay for it. What do you think they want to find? Do you think that the food companies like eggs, meat and cheese? The farmers like [00:23:00] eggs, meat and cheese, but the food companies don't like eggs, meat and cheese. There's not a lot of money in that. I'm not saying they ... food companies do distribution, but where they make their big money is on the middle aisles of the grocery stores, guys. True or false? That's true. That's where they make their money. Okay?

Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast with your hosts, [00:23:30] Dr. Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode, and thanks for listening.

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