Transcript Of Today's Episode
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor is In podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctor share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning. Good to have you on with us this morning and I just wanted to touch on a topic. I'm going to talk about something that [00:00:30] is, in my opinion, and I think that gynecologists would agree with this, that this has become like an epidemic.
Dr. Martin: It's interesting that if I go back 45 years of practice in May, not that I never heard about endometriosis, I sure did, but now it's like an epidemic. It's unbelievable. So what I want to do this morning, I want to talk about number one, what [00:01:00] causes endometriosis. Secondly, what are the symptoms, possible symptoms of endometriosis. And then thirdly, what do you do about it?
Dr. Martin: So let's talk about first of all, endometriosis. What causes endometriosis? Well, endometriosis is too much estrogen. So ladies, if you have been given [00:01:30] the diagnosis of endometriosis, 100% for sure you are too much of a woman. You've got too much estrogen.
Dr. Martin: And estrogen, remember now, estrogen never acts independently. Ladies, here's what happens in your body. From the day you ovulate, you need estrogen makes you a woman and progesterone is pro babies. You need both of them to be [00:02:00] equal. If they're not equal and it's never... You know what, I've never seen... I mean this, I've never seen a woman with too much progesterone, never. I've never seen a case of it.
Dr. Martin: It's always the dominant hormone is estrogen and for several reasons, we live in an estrogen dominated world. Every chemical that you can think [00:02:30] of from air fresheners, to floor cleaners, to underarm deodorant. If you just look at the packaging, look at the bottle or whatever, look in your kitchen, look in your bathroom and if you can't pronounce the names, those are chemicals.
Dr. Martin: 100,000 chemicals have been created since World War II and most of them are found right in our homes from carpeting, to flooring, [00:03:00] to air, like personal hygiene products.
Dr. Martin: I had a colleague of mine tell me years ago that they can get anything out of the Great Lakes. They can clean the great lakes. You know what they can't get out of the Great Lakes? Estrogen. Estrogen. Estrogen is an epidemic today, and this is why we see so much breast cancer.
Dr. Martin: Ladies, if you get breast [00:03:30] cancer, if you get ovarian cancer, if you get uterine cancer, if you get cervical cancer, those are cancers of estrogen. If you get PCOS, P-O-C-O-S, polycystic ovarian disorder, estrogen, it's dominant as compared to your progesterone.
Dr. Martin: Fibroids. Uterine fibroids that bleed. [00:04:00] What causes it? Estrogen. Then if you add to those chemicals, add insulin. Insulin is a growth hormone. That is why if you have PCOS, for example, or even endometriosis, if you can get your insulin down, you're going to help, and that's why diet does make a difference.
Dr. Martin: Got to cut out the sugars and cut out the carbohydrates as much as [00:04:30] you can because that will lower insulin. That's another growth hormone. So estrogen is the key. Get estrogen down, because estrogen drives it. Think of it, ladies. That's why you would have it like you're a woman. That's estrogen.
Dr. Martin: Having estrogen is normal, but having too much estrogen compared to the progesterone is what make things grow. And endometriosis [00:05:00] is a growth of the uterine lining. And I'm telling you, I've seen that growth not only wrap around the ovaries or the fallopian tubes or estrogen around even the digestive track.
Dr. Martin: I've had women that have had endometriosis go up as high as their esophagus. It just grows and estrogen drives the growth. Okay. So [00:05:30] that's the cause. Now think of this too, a fat cell releases estrogen. So again, ladies, you know women always have more fat percentage than men and fat cells release estrogen.
Dr. Martin: So if you can lose some weight, not always easy to do if you're estrogen dominant, but I'm just saying that if you can lose some weight, [00:06:00] it helps because it will lower your estrogen. It really does. So let's talk about, you got the cause. Let's talk about some of the symptoms. Possible symptoms.
Dr. Martin: Everybody's different, but generally you get very painful periods. They might be irregular too. And painful, lot of PMS and when you're getting the period, lots of pain, lots of pelvic pain and even in between periods [00:06:30] you can get lots of pelvic pain, and men that ain't no fun. I mean, it very painful.
Dr. Martin: Endometriosis can be very... You can have digestive symptoms, you can actually have IBS that you think is being caused by your gut and you don't realize that the endometrial lining that is growing upwards can wrap around your intestines and cause major digestive issues.
Dr. Martin: And so you [00:07:00] have to differentiate between what is IBS, an irritable bowel. But why is, do you have an irritable bowel? Is it bacteria, is it candida? Or maybe it's the endometrial lining that is wrapping around the intestine. And if you have bad periods and all that, you have to be very suspicious of that.
Dr. Martin: Another common symptom is migraine headaches. Now listen ladies, if you get migraines, 99% [00:07:30] of migraines come from estrogen dominance. So the same thing that is growing your endometrial lining can give you headaches and bad migraine headaches is very, very, very common in women that get migraines. It's often due to the estrogen dominance.
Dr. Martin: Here's another one. Skin often will get adult [00:08:00] acne and the skin is a large organ. It's your largest organ and endometriosis causes inflammation and can give you acne. Obviously fatigue and the reason that you're fatigue. Look, I mean, there's a lot of things that can cause fatigue, but endometriosis can cause fatigue for two reasons.
Dr. Martin: One, because of the [00:08:30] heavy or continuous bleeding. You become anemic or borderline and listen, don't wait for your doctor to tell you that you're anemic. If you are tired, assume that you are anemic and anemia is treated not only with iron.
Dr. Martin: If you want to make blood, you don't just use iron and heme iron is found in red [00:09:00] meat and B12, you need both. You need iron and heme iron. And heme iron are, as my son says, "Heme iron." I argue with him. I like heme. Hemi. The Hemi engine in the Dodge trucks. That's what I think of energy.
Dr. Martin: So if you're anemic and borderline... Look, if you're pale... Ladies, if you're pale, look at your eyes. You've got dark circles, you're borderline [00:09:30] anemic. Treat the anemia. If you're getting irregular periods or heavy periods or you're spotting and [inaudible 00:09:38], assume that you're anemic. Don't wait for the blood tests. The blood tests are 100 years old. And you can be just along the normal, low normal areas and you're fatigue.
Dr. Martin: The second reason, so one of them is anemia. I treat that every day in my office and secondly, inflammation. So endometriosis, [00:10:00] there's inflammation. It causes inflammation of the endometrium as it is growing and chronic inflammation will make you tired.
Dr. Martin: You don't even know that you have inflammation, but you assume that your inflammation is there because cytokines are released and cytokines are little signals to your body that you have an inflammation thing going on and it creates more [00:10:30] protein and enzymes and whatever and that's in that.
Dr. Martin: What that does, it drains you after a while because it's almost like auto immune. Your body is not meant to be in an inflammatory state over a period of time.
Dr. Martin: Listen, even a lot of women that have endometriosis think they have a urinary tract infection all the time. They have to frequently urinate or they feel even burning there. It's [00:11:00] part of the pelvic pain that they get. And oftentimes they think that they might have a urinary tract infection, another sign.
Dr. Martin: And oftentimes, even ladies, painful sexual intercourse. But that can be part of endometriosis because of the uterus. The uterus is swollen. And think about that. And that can create [00:11:30] problems with not only libido, but it can create problems with sexual intercourse.
Dr. Martin: So listen, these are all symptoms, possible symptoms of endometriosis. So the cause, estrogen, the symptoms we talked about, let us just talk about what you can do. With endometriosis, the number one thing is get estrogen down. [00:12:00] You need to block the extra estrogen.
Dr. Martin: Now, some women, my patients, I give them a blocker to block estrogen, natural blocker. It works. And listen, a lot of times that the doctor, the physicians would treat endometriosis. Well, they're treating the bad periods by giving you extra estrogen and the birth control pill.
Dr. Martin: Listen, [00:12:30] I'm a man, so what do we know about birth control, right? But the thing is they're giving you extra estrogen. This can give you big, big time trouble. Cancers are caused by estrogen. So anyways, I get the estrogen down. I block the estrogen with a hormonal support, with a dim in the hormonal support that dims out that estrogen. It really, really works well.
Dr. Martin: Diet, we talked about that. Get [00:13:00] your sugars down, get your carbs down, you want to lower your insulin. If you lower your insulin, you lower inflammation. You lower inflammation, you help by and lower fat cells, you lower estrogen secretion in the body.
Dr. Martin: So I often use pine bark extract because it's an antiinflammatory too and very, very good. So listen, those are the gig. My little gig on endometriosis, [00:13:30] which is in an absolute epidemic today because of the reasons that I mentioned. So thanks for joining me this morning. Give us feedback if you want a topic covered, then don't be shy. Send it along. I'll be happy to talk about it.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor is In podcast with your hosts, Dr. Martin junior and senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks [00:14:00] for listening.