Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone. Once again, welcome to another live this morning. Hope you're having a wonderful start to your day and we sure appreciate you coming on when you can live. Okay, let's get to a few studies. Okay, keep moving again, vitamin E, new study on vitamin E. Now you know what the real vitamin E is. Okay? What's the real vitamin E? Exercise. The more we move, the better it is. This, okay? Keep moving. Just five minutes a day of exercise of any kind can cut dementia risk. The more they study, the more they study movement, the more they study exercise. There's nothing negative.
The best exercise, we just like to tell it on the program as it is because we do the deep dives for you and we let you know is move, absolutely. Walk, absolutely. Whatever you can do, it's all beneficial, but good, better, best. The best at the top is getting strong. Move for sure. Get strong, get stronger. Are you 80? Get stronger because muscle, the more they study muscle, the more you realize it's like an independent endocrine organ. It affects your brain, it affects your metabolism, it affects your hormones. It is just so good for you. Okay? Keep moving. Five minutes of daily exercise can cut dementia risk.
Now, another one, the real vitamin E is exercise. We had to replace the vitamins at the Martin Clinic. We did this for years and we had our own table of vitamins. You know what I mean by that and on The Doctor Is In, geez, we're at about 25 years now, 20 years of radio and 5 years and more of podcasting. We're up to almost 5 million downloads now of The Doctor Is In podcast and what have we've done? Well, what we've done is we have changed the vitamin table, meaning we replaced some of the vitamins and I mean it like I said, okay, vitamin E, the real vitamin E is exercise because it's more beneficial than the other vitamin E. How's that? I'm not saying the other vitamin E isn't good. I'm just saying, I mean it, it's more beneficial.
I'll give you another example. Coffee, the real vitamin C. Now, people sometimes get confused when I say that because you're saying, well, what do you mean coffee has vitamin C? Well, it has traces of it, but that's not the point. The point is coffee is more powerful than vitamin C. I'm not saying vitamin C is no good. I'm not saying ascorbic acid is no good. You need ascorbic acid, but coffee proven is a hundred times more beneficial to your body than vitamin C is because it has a thousand phytonutrients and hot off the presses. Here's another study I always tell people when you get negative on coffee, I can show you 150 studies on the effectiveness of drinking coffee. Now, isn't that a gift? God gives you a gift. Don't get upset about it. People don't like to think of vitamin C, The Doctor Is In vitamin C, coffee. They don't like to think of it as a vitamin or a supplement, but it is.
Listen to this, coffee on aging, okay, so what they did, they took other antioxidants and they compared them to coffee and coffee wins as far as anti aging. How do you like that guys? What a gift. What a gift. Coffee is a gift, okay, that keeps on giving and I mean it is so good for you, okay? A thousand phytonutrients and from cancer to heart disease to cognitive to your microbiome, and what are they saying? It's anti-aging. Wow, it's one of the best for anti-aging. I love it. Hey, it's a gift that keeps on going.
Okay, here's another study on the importance of B12. Okay? Now you guys know again, anybody that's followed me for the last, and some of you have been following me for 25 years on The Doctor Is In podcast. Before that, The Doctor Is In radio show and I used to do a lot of radio around the country. One of the places that I was a regular guest on is in Windsor, CKLW in Windsor, and that's why we have a big following from that area. I was on at least once a month on the Lynn Martin Show and we used to bring interviews. I actually went there live and did book signings in that area, and so I've been talking about B12 for a long time and the problem with B12, there's a big problem with B12. You know why? Because the blood tests that you get for B12 are highly inaccurate. They're outdated.
Anyway, here's what the study says, okay? This is a very important study and this has to do with cognitive. This has to do with Alzheimer's and dementia and heading off Alzheimer's and dementia. Listen to what it says. Low B12, even low normal B12, okay? Remember what the ranges are. If you are in the two hundreds, the three hundreds, the four hundreds, the five hundreds, the six hundreds, okay? Even the seven hundreds for B12, it's too low for you and this is what they're showing, okay? Here's the studies. When you have low B12, even if it's considered normal, okay, so you didn't get it flagged. Most people have no idea how to look at their blood work, and that's unfortunate. It keeps people ignorant because it's so important guys to know what your B12 is.
It's so important to know what your vitamin D levels are, but people don't know and they rely on their doctor and your doctor. 99% of them are not going to say anything about B12. You have no idea how many physicians I had to educate on the importance of B12 and getting the numbers right and getting them optimized. The best numbers for B12 are between 800 and 1200 for B12. Those are your optimized B12, and when you're not optimized, this is what they're saying. Cognitively you go downhill, especially when you get older. Why is B12 so low today? Okay, like it's an epidemic. First of all, people don't even get B12 done because unless the doctor orders the test and they often don't, they don't know, and the other thing is the numbers are outdated.
For 25 years at least or more, I've been talking about the importance of B12 and optimizing B12. It's like vitamin D. Yeah, my vitamin D, I take vitamin. I know, but what is your numbers? What are your levels? Because a lot of people don't realize B12, by the way is a finicky vitamin, okay? It's finicky. What does that mean? It's hard to absorb on the best of days and combine that with the fact that people don't eat red meat like they used to. Guys, if you're not eating red meat, I guarantee you your B12 is low. It's not optimized. I guarantee it because it's the only way in food that you get it. This is why I had tens of thousands of people over the years more than that on B12 supplementation, and by the way, let's just keep it a little teaching here. The best B12 is not a B12 shot. Now, I love B12 shots, don't get me wrong. I administered a lot of B12 shots and we did a lot of B12 and doctors in the past in the fifties and the sixties, they did a lot of B12 shots, but today, if you're in an old age home or whatever, maybe you'll get a B12 shot, but probably not, and they should every week.
However, here's the research. When you take an oral sublingual under the tongue, let it melt sublingual B12 methylcobalamin and you do it daily, that's the best way to elevate your B12 levels. That's been proven guys, so if you get a B12 shot, good for you. You don't even need a prescription for a B12 shot. You can administer it yourself, put it into your muscle, but guys, I'm telling you the better is supplementation. I took my B12 this morning, okay? Supplement. I get my B12 measured frequently. I'm older. We don't absorb properly, okay? It's just the way it is. You get older and a lot of people don't even have the intrinsic factor. What does that mean? They can't even absorb B12 properly, and the only way to know for our sure is to get your levels checked. They should be between 800 and 1200. If they're above that, I'm not worried it's a water soluble vitamin, but if they're below that, that ain't good. You want to be optimized, okay?
Now, I just said, okay, here's some clues. Okay? Here's some clues that you might be low in B12. Okay? Let me just list a few. You got any number one, any digestive trouble at all? You got any digestive trouble, bloating, acid reflux, whatever. You're probably low in B12. I'm not saying it's the cause of it, but when you have digestive issues, that can cause the malabsorption of B12. Okay? Number one, anyone with any digestive symptoms, when I used to do testing for B12, okay, when I used to do testing for B12, any digestive issue, especially acid reflux or whatever, guess what? They were low in B12, okay? Nobody told them. I told them. Number two, you don't eat red meat. You're going to be low in B12. Dr. Martin, I don't absorb beef properly or there's a few people that just don't eat red meat very well and whatever. Okay, well, you're low in B12, then take a supplement every day. It's good for you, okay?
If you are on any medication, what? If you're on any medication I can almost guarantee you you're going to be low in B12, okay? Especially if you're on any diabetic medication like metformin, you're going to be low in B12. Any high blood pressure medication, you're going to be low in B12. If you take anything like Zantac or anything like that for your digestion and acid reflux, you are going to be low in B12. You can just bet your boots on it. Okay? Let me give you a few strange symptoms, okay? B12. Just generally what I found over the years strain, oh, by the way, you get migraines. You're low in B12, just about for sure. Magnesium too, but almost invariably when I measured biomarkers in patients that had migraines, they were low in B12, almost invariably, okay?
Look at your fingernails. You got ridges in there, probably low in B12, probably low in B12. You got any kind of paraesthesia or whatever in your, like your tongue feels funny or mouth or anything around your mouth or lips. You're low in B12, just rule of thumb, okay? Generally that's what I used to see. What else did I used to see? People that are thin and they got a poor appetite, often low in B12. Fatigue, okay, you're tired, but you don't sleep well, low in B12. High cortisol, by the way, knocks B12 right out of your body. Stress, okay? We all know what it does to cortisol, what cortisol does, okay, but that'll drain you of your B12. You're tired but you're not sleeping properly, B12.
You know what I used to see too? Dandruff. Yeah, even in the skull, I found that these are weird sort of symptoms possibly of low B12. Memory, memory B12 is a brain vitamin. B12 is a neurological vitamin, okay? Your memory's not quite sharp. You're not eating enough steak or you're not getting enough B12 or both. Now remember, you don't get B12 in the plant kingdom. You get enough B12 in the plant kingdom for mice, not for you. You're not a mouse in case you didn't know that. You don't get enough. You need B12. It's a go-to. It's important. You get a little paraesthesia like in your fingers, numbness and tingling in your feet. A lot of people don't realize that B12, it's a neurological, even muscle weakness. You see your muscles are innervated by your nerves. You get a pinched nerve, well, your muscle can deteriorate. If your nerves are not firing on all cylinders, your muscles will deteriorate. That's why B12 is so important for them. Think of your brain, think of your nerves. Think of your heart, needs B12. Bleeding gums. A lot of people said, well, that's vitamin C. Yeah, maybe, but mostly it's not. Usually I found it was low levels of B12.
So guys, get the memo this morning? When you get your blood work done the next time, insist that you get your B12 levels done. If you don't ask, a lot of times you don't get. That's why it's important to get my book, Sun Steak and Steel. There's a chapter in there on what blood tests you need to order. Get your doctor to do it, okay? These are important guys. These things will save your life. B12 is so important and today, like I said, B12 has sort of been put on the shelf in modern medicine. They don't learn about it unless they see a real deficiency. This is not long ago. I was talking to a physician and a mutual former patient of mine was anemic. They looked like Casper the ghost and I know, and they said, well, their ferritin, their iron doesn't seem to be that. I said, did you check B12? What? What's B12 got to do with anemia? I said, it's got a lot to do with it.
B12 is very important in the production of red blood cells. I said, you need to check all of that. Check the B12 and I give this physician credit. She said, okay, I'll do it. And within a day, oh, doc, you were right. That patient was extremely low in B12. Who knew? Well, I knew. You're anemic? You better check your B12. It's important. It is part of it, and they don't look at that stuff today like they used to. I'm not saying all doctors, if you have a functional medical doctor, hallelujah, and integrative medical doctor, hallelujah. They understand the importance of B12 and vitamin D and magnesium, okay? Anyway, I thought I would just bring that up because it says low B12, even in normal ranges, so low normal. What they're finding is cognitive decline, cognitive decline.
And if you are a person that suffers from some of the symptoms that I mentioned this morning, take B12 and take the right B12, make sure it's sublingual. I mean, if you can get a B12 shot, good for you. Like I said, it's more beneficial, proven that you take B12 on a daily basis. It's proven it's better, and anybody that ever heard that, you heard it first here, okay, I talked about that years ago. They used to look at me like, what a B12 shot is better than taking B12 orally? I said, nah, nah, it's not, because I used to measure it. I used to measure B12. I knew how get B12 going and getting it up there by doing it daily, and then I'd measure it and it went up faster than people that were taking B12 shots. And then guess what? The research caught up to me. The research caught up and I said, yeah, you take B12 sublingually on a daily basis better than the B12 shot. Certainly more convenient.
Okay, somebody's asking. I just saw it scroll by there, glanced and how much B12? Okay, well, I like about 4,000 micrograms a day of B12. Okay? If you're low, really low, you can take 8,000 micrograms of B12 a day. I'll finish with this story because you've heard it before, but we always have new people. A doctor physician came to see me as a patient and we went over all their numbers and it was really good, and I just said, nah, you're low in B12, vitamin D, whatever, and she know, oh gee, I wish I'd known all the stuff that you're talking about. Anyway, about a week later, this same physician calls me and she said, I got one of your patients in here, one of my patients, and it's a mutual patient, and I just did her blood work and I'm really interested now in B12 because of what you showed me, her B12 is high doc, and I said, okay, and she said, well, what's going to happen? I said, nothing. She kind of what? Well, it's a water soluble. Nothing happens if your B12 is high. It's fake news.
Nobody is in doctor's offices or emergency departments or whatever. I know why you're here. I just took your B12 and your B12 is high. No wonder you're sick. No, that doesn't happen. Okay? It's so safe, but optimized again is between 800 and 1200. Those are the numbers you want to aim for, okay? Okay, guys, we love you dearly and sincerely. You know what Friday is? What's Friday? Q and A. You know what tomorrow is? Thursday. You know what that means? Afternoon session tomorrow. Okay. Afternoon, not morning. Okay tell your friends, okay? Okay, guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!