1511. Blood Work 101: Understanding Your Results

Join Dr. Martin in today's episode of The Doctor Is In Podcast.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and always good to have you on with us if you can come on live. Had a little holiday yesterday and feel refreshed and ready to go. Okay, let's get going guys. There was an article that I read over the weekend and I actually did a course for students in natural medicine, those who want to be health coaches and practitioners. I did a course on downstream problems with insulin, and I had my big atlas out and from the brain to the toes. I talked about the detrimental effects of insulin resistance. And it was in a teaching an hour long, just about, I think probably was 50 minutes or whatever. We got a lot of feedback that the folks really appreciated that. And it's amazing to me that here we are in 2025, and if you were to take a statement from most nutritional gurus, they would use language like, well eat everything in moderation.

If I had a doll for every time I heard that, including in my office from patients, I'd be a multimillionaire. Guys today, okay, moderation doc. Everything is good in moderation. Well, I am a doctor of elimination. Eliminate it, okay? If you are part of the 93% of the population that have trouble with metabolic syndrome, and guys, you can measure that, okay? You can measure it. If you look properly at blood work, you can measure whether you are on the Titanic. 93% of the population are on the Titanic with their health. They don't know. Most of them don't know it. I was saying over the weekend, a hundred million just about pre-diabetics in the United States of America, and 80% of those according to a study, they don't even know it because nobody's talking to them about it. And I can't blame a lay person for not really knowing how to read blood work, not up to them.

Although in my book, guys, sun, steak, and steel, okay, let me just get it out guys. If you don't have this book, you got to get it and then keep it. I know many of you give them out, okay? That's all right. As long as you have one for yourself, because I want you to be able to interpret your blood work. I want you to be able to interpret it because it'll save your life or it could, if you understand what I'm talking about. 93% of the population are upside down when it comes to their health and they don't know it because they don't look at blood work properly. And I don't blame you guys. I don't blame the lay person. I blame physicians. They're so focused. They're so focused on the wrong things. The way they're trained is to usually wait till you're sick, then do something.

But secondly, when it comes to prevention, they're upside down. They're wrong. They don't even know prevention. You know why? Because they think that cholesterol is at the root of heart disease, which is still the number one killer in our society today. Guys, if you get that wrong, if you start with that, you're looking at blood work the wrong way, okay? So it's important guys to get your blood work, take out sun, steak and stale, take it out. I tell you exactly what to look for, and it all has to do with metabolic syndrome. What's important, what to look for. What are the numbers? Could people ask me every day, numbers, numbers, numbers while I talk about it? I've written about it and you got to get the book. Okay? Now, that's enough advertising for the book, but it's important, and I talked about this really being important to these students that want to be health coaches.

And I said this, look at your blood work, very significant. Make sure you're getting tests done when they tell you in the advertising for pharmaceuticals, ask your doctor if this drug would be good for me, okay? That's still good me a migraine. Guys, when I see those commercials, I get a migraine. Okay? Ask your doctor if this drug would be good for me. Doesn't your doctor know? Why do you got to ask them anyway? It is good to ask your doctor though for blood tests and say, look, here's what I want. I want my lipid profile and I don't care. You don't have to argue with your doctor, but once you get them, you can actually look at them yourself and make adjustments yourself. You know what guys? Your health is in your hands. Don't rely on your doctor to get healthy. I'm sorry, people have this idea.

I must be all right because my doctor didn't say anything. That doesn't mean you're all right. Interpret your own blood tests. I make it simple. Okay? So the one that I like probably at the top of the food chain in terms of blood tests is your A1C, okay? Your glycated red blood cells, you can measure it and it takes an average of three or four months. And by the way, guys, okay, sugar or insulin, the detrimental effect of that actually even affects your A1C. What? Well, that's what it is. It's a measurement, guys. A1C is a measurement of sugar getting inside your red blood cell and latching on to the hemoglobin. If you don't think sugar is destructive, Martin in moderation, you don't need one ounce of sugar, you don't need it. Here's what sugar does in your blood. I mean, besides causing diabetes, it gly eights meaning it ages, meaning it's destructive to your red blood cells, and they measure that.

It's called A1C. I love that test. I love that test. I love that test. And if you're anything over 5.4 A1C, you're starting to get into dooo, you're getting into trouble. Now, medicine looks at it differently. They have a different number. If you're above six, they'll call you a pre-diabetic. If you're 6.5, 6.6 even into sevens, you're a diabetic. Don't wait for that. Guys. If you're above 5.4, you and carbs don't get along. You and sugar don't get along. Don't make excuses. Be honest with yourself. The worst deception, I used to say this all the time. The worst deception is self-deception. I'm fine men coming into my office, why are you here? I don't know what's wrong. Nothing. How are you feeling? Good. Who made you come? My wife? No symptoms. Oh no. What my, I feel good. You know how many times I heard that? Tens of thousands, usually out of men, they were deceiving themselves. In the meantime, I had all their blood work.

Okay? I wanted to hear it from their mouths. Okay, I'm all right. No, you're not. I just took your A1C. It ain't good. You're on the Titanic. What? I just took your urine. You got sugar in your urine. What? You're a diabetic already. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. And you and carbohydrates don't get along. So stop. Okay, two words. You want to write them down what? I said. I'm giving you two words. You want to write these two words down, okay? Stop it. Just stop it. Okay? So what am I saying? Get your test done at least once a year better, even twice a year. And here's the ones you really need to look for, okay? Really need to look for, you need to look at your A1C. Make sure they do it. If you don't ask, a lot of times your doctor might do your glucose, but not your A1C.

You want A1C. If he will do fasting insulin good, but I don't need that. You can do it. I like it. I like fasting insulin, but I'd rather have just because it's easier A1C, and your doctor usually won't fight you on it, but you look at your numbers and then that lipid panel, your doctor will have a heart attack. You won't, but your doctor will. If your cholesterol is high, total cholesterol, they have heart attacks. You won't have one. If your triglycerides are low, you got low triglycerides, you're in good shape, my friend, because 93% of the population don't have low triglycerides and elevated HDL cholesterol, you want to live longer, get your cholesterol up. I know it goes against the grain. I know. And you know what? If people are not convinced, I've had a lot of discussions over the years, physicians, and you name it, nutritionists and dieticians, and I always say, here's me quoting in all due respect, you're wrong.

And I'm right. What guys? One thing I know is food. I know food, and I know what kind of foods are going to elevate your A1C and elevate your triglycerides and lower your HDL. And if those things are upside down, my friend, you're on the boat and the wrong one. It would've been nice. Can you imagine if you were the first people to take the maiden voyage on the Titanic, how good you felt? Hey, man, I'm on the Titanic. This is the biggest ship. It's the unsinkable ship. It didn't even get past its first voyage. A lot of people are like that in the world. They're duped. They're going around and they're in the waters of major icebergs.

Hey guys, the first time I ever saw an iceberg, I was with Dr. Bennett in Newfoundland. I can't remember. I think hey, doc was in October. They brought me out there to do a seminar in Newfoundland, and I was in St. John's with Dr. Bennett and his brother Jeremy. I never seen an iceberg like that in my life. It was beautiful. But you sure wouldn't want to run into one ma work in the North Atlantic, but that's what happens. People, they don't know how to interpret blood work, and therefore no one's told them they're in dangerous waters. No one's told them, and unless you're a diabetic, but even then, they'll tell a diabetic, well, you need some sugar. We're going to put you on metformin. So we don't want your sugars to go too low. So keep a chocolate bar right beside you at all times. You know how many times I heard that?

I said, well, why don't we get at the root of the problem? How would you like that? How about if you find out that you and carbs don't get along and anything that turns to sugar rapidly, you can't have? I've told you my story many a time. I haven't had a chocolate bar since I was 16, 17 ever. My dad was a diabetic. He made me understand it. I was a kid. He said, son, I have sugar, diabetes. Okay, dad, what's that mean? I can't have sugar. I got sugar, diabetes. That's what they used to call it. It wasn't type two adult onset diabetes. And you know what? They should throw away that name because now it happens to kids. They just don't test them unless they're a full diabetic, because they don't look at A1C and they don't look at triglycerides. And they should. Well, even if they do, they don't know how to read it because they've been focused in on total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and they've been trained. Why? Well, the pharmaceutical industry, they're not stupid. They created a disorder for a medication. It wasn't right out of the gate in the sixties, was it? Right? No, it wasn't. Wasn't right. In the 1960s was cholesterol at the root of heart disease.

Anyway, how to interpret. I was reading an article, okay, I got to get back to the very start, okay? I got to get back to the very start, what I was reading an article upon, and then it reminded me of the course that I gave on the downward effects of being a carbo holic, having insulin resistance of being in that 93% of the population. It'll affect you one way or another. And the excess sugars, guys, excess carbohydrates, are going to put an enormous tax on your pancreas, enormous. And because of that, you have that downward stream. Downward stream from your brain, a kid's brain, too much sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup and crappy carbohydrates from breads to pastas to noodles to cereals that they eat in the morning. What does that do to their brain? I'll tell you what it does. A DHD. It messes up their brain and down the road if you don't fix it, and this is guys, I'm telling you in the brain, if you don't fix it, if you don't change course, one of the biggest things that bothered me, and it all came out in the summer of 2022, and we reported it here on the doctors in podcast, we reported it, and then I looked around to see if anybody else is reporting it.

Not many what A report mental health was turned on its head, if you can use that. Pardon the pun. Because what they found out is all the research, all the premise of Alzheimer's and dementia caused by plaques in the brain, it was all a hoax. What? It was a hoax. They used faulty data.

This came out in the summer of 2022. You heard it here. Faulty data. They were looking for plaques in the brain, and when they really analyzed it, they said, well, you're wrong. That was not true. That's not what causes Alzheimer's. And now we're going back to people who were given awards in medicine. They won Nobel prizes in medicine for saying that Alzheimer's was type three diabetes. Imagine that. That Alzheimer's was a problem of insulin resistance in the brain. It had more to do with food than plaques. What? Yeah, they reverted back to what we knew since 2005. I reported it on my radio show, but did it get a lot of ink? Nope. I mean, a lot of doctors heard about it that Alzheimer's was type three diabetes, but they were dismissed. It never hit the mainstream because the big pharmaceutical companies were spending a fortune to bring out medication that would reduce plaque in the brain.

They didn't want to talk about food. Guys. That's exactly what happened. And the summer of 2022 didn't finish there. It talked about bipolar, which is like an epidemic today, and I'm a Y guy. Why? Why? Why? And they gave us the answer. Diet is the primary Cause. These people are canaries in the coal mine. They had a sensitive system, and the overload of sugar caused a major factor in bipolar. Hello? What major factor? Summer of 2022. Again, buried. Why? You got meds? You got meds. And I don't tell people not to take medication. I don't do that. All I'm saying is what is the root cause? And then the third one was depression. Looking for love in all the wrong places in depression. What were they saying? It's an energy problem in the brain. The mitochondria food has a big effect on it. Swimming, guys, I use this expression.

I hope you like it. Okay? Your brain is swimming, okay? You're in the Atlantic. You're swimming. Have you ever done that? Maybe the Pacific. Have you ever done that? Can you drink the water? No, I can't drink. That's all. Salt water. Yeah. Well, how about sugar water? Your brain is swimming in a fuel that it can't use, uses a little bit, but when it's overwhelming, the brain insulin can't come in. Your brain develops insulin resistance, especially at the hippocampus level. And I say the hypothalamus too, but the hippocampus, hippocampus, hippocampus, whatever you want to call it. The memory center. The cognitive center, mostly of your brain, it's inundated with a fuel that it can't use. Your brain thrives with ketones, easily crossing the blood brain barrier. When you're eating eggs, meat, and cheese, you get a different fuel for your brain. That's what's happening. Mental health should have been turned upside down in 2022 for depression, for bipolar, Alzheimer's, and dementia. They haven't made a dent with their Medicaid. It's worse than ever. It's worse than ever. Depression is worse than ever bipolar, worse than ever. Alzheimer's. Number three, cause of death coming to a theater near you guys. Fuel food. We'll talk about the others. Tamara. Tamara, okay, guys, send in your questions with you info@martinclinic.com. Info at martin clinic dot, okay?

We love it. Okay guys. You guys are so unbelievable. Okay? Thanks for being the greatest audience. I'm passionate guys, and you guys just pump my tires. We get such good feedback. And don't be shy. Give us feedback, okay? Don't be shy. We love it. And you got questions. Don't be shy. info@martinclinic.com. That's the best place to send them. If you want to get answers, guys, okay? If you want to get answers, and especially if you want to be on our program on Fridays, okay? We appreciate it guys. We love you dearly. Talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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