1499. Get Cracking: Boost Your Health with Eggs

It turns out that eating eggs actually reduces your all cause mortality. A recent study on egg consumption says the more eggs you eat, the healthier you are.

Dr. Martin also discusses the cholesterol hoax from the 1970’s that vilified eggs because they contain cholesterol.



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a great start to your day. We sure appreciate you guys and more than you know, and always nice to have you on. Okay, so let's get back to headlines in health. We did that yesterday. I think we got to four of them. The more you're in the sun, the less chance you have of melanoma. How do you like that? The opposite of what they teach you. And again, guys, you know, my rule of thumb don't go burn in the sun. And then one of the most interesting things on vitamin D, we talked about actual numbers and that is if you can get your blood serum vitamin D, you can actually measure this. Reduces your risk of cancer by 70% and that's raising your. A lot of people ask me about this afterwards. Again, 80 ng/mL, in the United States, 80, okay? The sweet spot as far as cancer.

Now that's optimized guys and that number is 200 in Canada and that's nmol. Okay? Different measurement, but the Canadian number is two and a half times that of the American number for vitamin D when you get your blood work. Okay? Now remember in our book, Sun, Steak and Steel, okay? Don't forget, Sun, Steak and Steel, we got all that. Your vitamin D, all your B12, what those B12 numbers should be, your triglycerides, your HDL, how to look at your lipid profile file, okay? And like I said, I've been consistent. I never talk about total cholesterol or yada yada yada. When it comes to that, I'm not big on that. I'm big on what are your triglycerides, what's your HDL, and then you should be looking at your uric acid or urate numbers because they all have to do with metabolic syndrome, okay? If you can get your CRP done, your C-reactive protein, we talk about that. Your ferritin, how to look at thyroid, okay?

Because you're in the dark and oftentimes the doctor doesn't flag numbers because not necessarily out of range, but you want to know. You want to know because these are the most important tests for your metabolism, your metabolic, how you break down energy, and it has a huge, huge effect on your cardiovascular system, especially triglycerides and HDL. Metabolic syndrome. 93% of the population have some form of it and you don't want to be part of that and you can actually fix it with your diet. Then we talked about Wegovy and Ozempic and the major side effects of those medications, and like I said yesterday, they'll come back to haunt us. I believe, I really do. They'll come back when they realize the long-term side effects of those medications going to come back to haunt us. And chronically elevated blood sugar. We talked about glycation, we talked about aging, and this is one that we got the most response from yesterday. High cholesterol protects you from cancer. We got a lot of response.

Look, when it's live guys. Right now we're live. If you're on with me right now, it's live Facebook, but by noon there's usually between seven to 10,000 people that have viewed the podcast, they've seen it. So we get a lot more feedback as the day goes on, and I happened to look at it and a lot of it was on this one, high cholesterol, actually having higher levels of cholesterol protects you from cancer. So two studies yesterday, vitamin D, the sun and getting your vitamin D levels optimized. It's cancer reducing and so is high cholesterol, the exact opposite of what the world will tell you. The exact opposite. Get your cholesterol down. Well, your body needs cholesterol.

Okay, now egg consumption, this is another study, okay? Egg consumption and all cause mortality. The more eggs you eat, the healthier you are. Now remember, eggs are sort of having to come back a little bit, okay? People are not quite as crazy as they used to be. Now you have to understand, I've been around a long time, right? I saw the war on eggs happen, and if you think I get migraines today, you should have seen the migraines I got from listening to the stupidity about eggs. Okay, well, you don't eat the yolk because there's cholesterol in the yolk. You got to limit your egg. You know how many physicians told people to limit their egg consumption? Well, yeah, but you see, you got cholesterol, so we got to limit your eggs, and if you're going to have eggs, you can actually go to the grocery store today and buy egg whites. When I see that, guys, I got to tell you, I get migraines, I get migraines. Egg whites are better than the yolk. No, hello? What?

Egg whites have protein. Wonderful, but the yolk, that's where all the vitamins are, that's where the cholesterol is. It's in the yolk comes and the basics of nutrition, just studying the nutrient profile of an egg. Why is the world so stupid that time? Let's go back to the 1970s even let's it started a little earlier than that, but the cholesterol hoax I'm talking about, but go back to the 1970s, come back with me. People in general, like 90, I'm going to say 99%. I think I'm right. They knew nothing about nutrition. Today because of social media because 24 hour news cycles and whatever, people are much more interested. It's amazing to me. I always tell people this, why is our podcast so popular? I'm just a little guy. I'm just a little one individual who used to be in practice for almost 50 years. I'm just a little guy. How come our program is so popular? Why over the years have I sold probably a million copies of different books? Well, because people today are so much more interested in their health than they used to be.

You know because it used to be, and you guys will know this if you're anywhere near my age, you'll know this. At one time and one of the reasons that you have Latin, okay? When I was in high school, the nuns told me I needed Latin if I wanted to get into anything medical. I hated Latin, I hated it. I didn't find it all that difficult, but I said in my own head, I'll never use this. And when you get into anywhere post-secondary and you go into anything in medicine or whatever, you got to memorize stuff anyway. They just give it a big name. Why do they give it a big name so that the masses, the public, the average Joe, they're ignorant. Names don't mean anything. But today the world has changed. People want to know why, why are you giving me something? What is my blood work mean? What does that test mean? Doc, explain it to me. I love that. The word doctor means teacher, but usually medical, they don't teach you anything, generally.

You go back to the seventies in nutrition, you know who knew anything about nutrition? Very few people, when you think of how important food is, there's very few people, if you go back especially that knew anything about food. So what happened? The food industry, they went with the cholesterol hoax and they wanted you to eliminate butter. Butter. Look at it. It's yellow, it's fat, it's got cholesterol. I heard that a thousand times and I was like John the Baptist in the wilderness, you're crazy, eggs are good for you. The more eggs you eat, the better it is. A lone voice in the wilderness. There was very few of us telling patients, no, eat your eggs. Don't substitute butter with margarine. I hated margarine, but because people didn't know anything and doctors don't take one ounce of nutrition, they don't know an omega-3 if it slapped them on the side of the face. They don't understand nutrition because it's not part of their curriculum. Imagine that?

And you wonder why we have a crisis in our society today caused mainly, not only mainly by food and people, oh, well just eat and this is what I heard even in the seventies, and it's still going on today. Everything is good for you, just do it in moderation. True or false? Just do it in moderation. If you're going to load up your plate, when you load up your plate, fruits and vegetables are on the top of your list and grains, you need grains, you need fiber. No, you don't. You can have fruits and vegetables. You want to have some grains? I feel sorry for you, but you don't need it. How can there be anything negative about an egg? When you look at the hit parade, okay, and I talked to you about this yesterday. If you look at the hit parade of foods, okay, what's on the top? Meat, okay, the top, the top, top, top is meat. Again, in the category of meat, fish and steak and hamburger and liver, it's the best. Even poultry, okay? Even poultry.

You don't hear me talking about chicken that much, but if you take the nutrient profile, meat is always at the top, always at the top. Just based on, not propaganda, based on the nutrients that are in food. Guys, it's number one is meat. Number two are eggs. Okay? Eggs. They're a close second, and then it's dairy, cheese, okay? I put eggs first when I say my saying, eggs, meat, and cheese. But in nutrient profile, it's meat, it's eggs, and then dairy, because dairy has a little bit less nutrients than eggs do. So when you look at butter, you look at cream, you look at yogurt, it's very good for you, okay? Un, deux, trois, French, 1, 2, 3. And then you have fruits and vegetables. And within the plant kingdom, some are better than the others. When it comes to a nutrition profile, okay?

Guys, that my friend is science. If anyone tells you differently than that, because there's a huge agenda out there and you guys know about it, and that is to vilify meat and to less extent eggs because they're coming around on eggs like well, and thirdly, they're still vilified dairy. Dairy is bad news for a lot of people. They hate it. They hate cows. And now guys, why do you think part of climate religion is the hatred of cows? See, I'm getting a migraine again. I just can't get over the stupidity of our world. I can't get over it. And how the people go for it, okay? How they go for it. We had someone on, I think it was our private Facebook group the other day. It's the first time I've ever heard this, okay? There's a list out there, somebody, I don't know who did it, what guru did this, but they have high on the list of secretion of insulin, foods that need a lot of insulin, and they had meat, they had steak at the top. Well, guys, that's a bunch of bs. That's stupid. When a food has that much nutrient in it, you don't need a lot of insulin because it doesn't get broken down quickly.

You want foods that burn, guys, the wood stove effect. Now, I used to use this illustration in my practice all the time, okay? The wood stove effect. I said to my patients, we're heating your house with a wood stove. Okay? Get it? Yeah, yeah, like the old days, okay? Or like your chalet or whatever, you got a wood stove. What's better to heat your house? Paper and twigs or logs? Well, Dr. Martin, it's a log. Well, of course. Why? Because it's slow burning. They last forever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got the answer. I said, you know what an egg is? It's a log. You know what a meat is? It's a log. You know what dairy is? It's a log. You know what grains are? Paper. You know what bread is? Paper? Why? Because it burns too fast. No, I'm not saying you can't never eat it. I'm not saying that, but just understand when it comes to fuel, think of the wood stove. What's better? Yeah, you might need a little paper in a wood stove and twigs to start the fire, but after that you ain't burning, you're burning logs, man. My overarching principle of all my teaching is nutrient dense food.

So that's why I talk about fuel, change fuels. When you do the reset, you are changing fuels. You see? Because a lot of people, even this month, we're still in January, thousands of you started the reset. Thousands, good for you. But the teaching, the number one teaching is you're changing fuels and every organ in your body is going to thank you when you change fuels. Okay? Yesterday I was on an airplane, I flew yesterday. I can tell you because I watch those jets are not fueled by the same fuel you put in your car. They don't go to the gas station and get 87 octane. Your car runs well on 87. Why? Because of the engine. Okay? And 87 is fine, right? Unleaded 87, okay? And everybody knows about gas today because you go get gas in your car and you do it, right? It's all pretty well self-serve, right?

But you see 87, oh, by the way, let's stop at a gas station in the jets. You don't do that. They bring fuel to the jet and they fill it up with those big tankers. But guys, I can tell you right now what's in there is called jet fuel and the octane of that fuel is so much higher than what you put in your car. It's jet fuel. And that's what your body will thrive with, if you give it EMC, it's fuel guys. And when you burn slowly inside your body, the little mitochondria, the battery packs within your cells, they release an energy called ATP, okay? And it all depends on what you eat. Mitochondria will work. You live on bread, they'll work, but they're not going to do well. You're going to be on the Titanic and it won't be long. And that's why we have crazy numbers of chronic disease, guys. Crazy numbers.

Here we are in a modern world. We got Elon Musk, we got Starlink satellites, and we think we're smart. And yet really the world is still crazy when it comes to food because they have it upside down. People are duped. Dr. Martin, what am I going to do about fiber when I go on the reset? Like fiber is the best thing since sliced bread, so to speak. Guys, the size of your stool don't count, okay? You don't get the big prize. You don't. No, you don't. Don't win anything because you've been brainwashed. Fiber by nature, it's insoluble. You know what that means? You don't need it. It's going to end up in the toilet. It's overrated. But I see people every day, Dr. Martin, I got to have my oatmeal. If I don't have my oatmeal in the morning, I'm not going to be able to go to the bathroom.

And in the meantime, because they've been brainwashed, their blood sugars are spiking up to Mount Everest. And now you need an enormous amount of insulin. Then it's the start of metabolic syndrome. And you do that for years and you're on the Titanic and people don't know why. They don't know why they're in trouble with their help, because they have their nutrition upside down. They were taught the pyramid. You know what? The world's pyramid of food, it's upside down. It ain't right. And like I say, I've been screaming about that for a long time. Okay? Now I got onto a real, I didn't even bring you the rest of these studies that I flagged. What did I tell you yesterday? 12? Yes. And I only got to egg consumption today. And all cause mortality.

Here's what it is by the way. The more eggs you eat. When they say all cause mortality, it's delaying the inevitable because we're all going to die. But all cause mortality means when you eat the right foods like eggs, you're healthier for longer. And there's no question about that. Okay, guys, are you sending your questions in for Friday? Okay. You know how to do that. You got questions, you might even have questions about eggs. Okay, you got a question? Send it in info@martinclinic.com. info@martinclinic.com. Now, lots of new people on all the time. If you don't get our emails, because emails, a lot of people, what they do is we send an email and they save it because we put a lot of information in our emails. Go to and you can sign up for the emails, go to martinclinic.com, martinclinic.com, and get our emails and tell everyone, guys about this show.

You're already doing it. I understand that. But you know how Facebook works. Facebook works by something that I don't understand. It's called algorhythms. The more people that tune into the program, the more Facebook shares it. You can share it and Facebook shares it. Okay? That's the way it works. And then you can go on our podcast and a lot of people do this. They relisten to shows or whatever. Remember, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. And you really get it so you understand it. And I try and keep it simple. Tell the people about The Doctor Is In Podcast. You see it right behind me here. The Doctor Is In Podcast on your favorite device. Tell everybody, okay? Tell everybody because it's educational, it just cements your understanding of nutrition. And guys, we try and make it where it's really important. Okay guys, I am going to finally breathe and tell you we love you again, and we'll talk to you soon.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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