1492. Q&A with Dr. Martin

Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners.

Some of today’s topics include:

  • Pneumobilia
  • Bile salts
  • Macular degeneration
  • Cortisol & hot flashes
  • Licorice root tea on Reset
  • Urine albumin
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Numbness in left arm & leg
  • Endometrial ablation



Announcer:  You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.

Dr. Martin:  Well, good morning everyone. How are you? And once again, welcome to another live this morning. Really, really happy for those of you who can join us live. Of course, it's always our privilege to have you on with us. So good morning to you. Let's get back to the questions we didn't get done on Friday. So we are going to start with Patricia, with a zed. "Please share your thoughts on pneumobilia." Okay, so who's got that Patricia? Her 85-year-old mom. Well, pneumo, break it down. Pneumo with a P-N-E-U-M-O. Pneumo. That means error. So affecting your lungs. Pneumonia. Okay, pneumo biliary. Like the second word is bilia. That's bile. So what's happening? There's air in the bile duct. Okay, air got in there. Now how can air get in there? Well, it could be, look, there could be a few things. One of them could be a defect, but if your mom just got this at 85 years old, I don't think there's a defect there more that there may be some problems with the liver and the secretion of bile.

And what do you do about, well, look, I mean, I don't know if they're planning surgery. I wouldn't think so at her age. So they might put her on some medication. If she was my patient, I would have her on digestive enzymes to help with the secretion of bile. And remember when you take pancreatic enzymes, okay, because people ask me, I think somebody asked me, let me see. Lemme just see if I can find it. Yeah. Darlene, "how can I increase my bile salts, as I have Crohn's with extreme diarrhea and bloating." Well, Darlene, first of all, bile, you increase it. Where does bile come from? Your liver. Your liver produces it. Okay? And it's a combination of things like you even have some pancreatic enzymes that's involved in the bile. But if you keep your liver clean.

Let me suggest to you, Darlene, two things, okay? Two things. One, because of Crohn's, do the reset. You have no idea the results I got with people doing the reset, getting off all fibers, any roughage and any breads, any sugars for Crohn's and the difference it made. A lot of times put them in complete remission. And you want to be on digestive enzymes. I'd have you on bone broth and clean your liver because if your liver, Darlene is empty, if your liver is empty, how do you empty your liver? Get rid of all the glycogen that is there because of sugars and crappy carbs. And remember that because insulin is going to pack your liver with fat if you use insulin too much. And that only happens when you're eating a lot of carbohydrates or you're eating a lot of sugar. So it's amazing what happens to your liver when you empty it.

This is why we love the reset, okay? You see all the books back there? The Metabolic Reset, Sun, Steak & Steel with the reset diet. Why do we do that? Because it will empty, empty, empty your liver. One of the things that happen, and it happens rapidly, you can literally empty your liver within six days and then your liver will do what it's meant to do. Your liver does 600 things, but one of the most important things it does is it produces bile. This is why when even someone loses their gallbladder, and I bet you many women that are watching us this morning have already lost their gallbladder. Is that a death sentence? No. Of course it isn't. Because it's your liver that produces bile, not your gallbladder. Your gallbladder's a little reservoir for bile, okay?

So when you clean up your diet, you empty the liver and then your bile salts will really make a difference for you. Okay? And by the way, one of the salts, when you hear the word bile salts is sodium bicarbonate. Your body makes it imagine your body makes baking soda. Okay? We think we invented baking soda. No, God did. Your body makes it. It's part of your bile. Why is that? Because you want to raise the pH. So you got to understand that when food goes through your stomach, your stomach is so acidic. And so once that food starts into the small intestine, that's a duodenum, you want that bile to hit it and bile will raise the pH of your food. But all that works much better when you have an empty liver. An empty liver, not like your brain. You don't want to empty your brain, but you want to empty your liver. It's the greatest detox organ that you own. Your kidneys are a close number two. Okay? So thank you very, very, very, very much for that question. Okay? And that was Darlene and Patricia.

Debbie is asking about central vision degeneration, specifically macular. Listen to this word, telangiectasias. Who made these names up? Oh, I get a headache. Okay. I can't even say that word properly. Okay? My tongue gets twisted with the big names. Why didn't they keep it simple? Well, I'll tell you why. And they wanted everything in Latin too, and that's to keep the masses ignorant. Okay? Me, doctor. I was telling a guy the other day, I said, you know what the word doctor means? Teacher, okay, teacher, doctor. And the problem is they don't teach anymore, or most of them. They don't teach. They should teach so that you understand. So when you got macular, whatever you call it, remember my bottom line of your eyes, guys? What's the bottom line? You guys know this? What's the bottom line? Whenever I talk about your eyes, what's the bottom line? Circulation behind the eye. It's everything to the eye. It's everything to the lens. It's blood supply.

And that's why if you guys want to take care of your eyes, you need to start with getting rid of sugar because sugar is so destructive. We put an email out on Saturday, I think it was Saturday. What we did is we talked about how toxic sugar is. Sugar is toxic. Your body is dedicated. Isn't it amazing that your body knows that sugar is toxic, but the world doesn't? Moderation. You can have sugar. It's alright. Your brain needs sugar. Sugar, sugar. It's alright, brought to you by the food industry. No sugar's not alright. Why do I say that? Because your body will do everything it can to keep your sugar down to a little bit of a teaspoon of sugar in five liters. The last thing to happen to people is diabetes. Oh, I'm a diabetic. No, you've been a diabetic for years. I just learned, doc, I was a diabetic. No, you've been a diabetic for years. You just didn't know it because your body was getting rid of sugar. Still it didn't allow your sugars to go too high. But that doesn't mean you weren't already on the Titanic. You certainly were. You're not going to get away with extra sugar in your bloodstream. You can't. It's so toxic. It starts to destroy capillaries.

You know what capillaries are? They're the attachments between your arteries and your veins. And boy, you should see those things behind your eyes. And they're little, tiny little vessels and red blood cells have to squeeze themselves one at a time to go through, okay? But sugar destroys them rapidly. This is why diabetics have so much trouble with their eyes, with cataracts and macular degeneration and glaucoma. All of the above guys has to do with circulation behind the eye. And then what sugar does too. Okay? So it destroys capillaries. Didn't I tell you that? Yep. The second thing it does, it glycates. What's that mean? Glycation means the red blood cells get glycated. You can actually measure it. Hemoglobin is a protein, guys. Okay? It's a protein. It's in the middle of your red blood cell. You know what it does? It's there to attract oxygen every time you breathe. Okay? Your red blood cells go by your lungs and they pick up oxygen. It attaches to hemoglobin, but you know what else attaches to hemoglobin? Sugar and it ages the red blood cells. It glycates it, it ages it, it hardens it. That's what happens to your eyes, guys.

And so what is one of the best things you can do? Get rid of sugar. If you do nothing else, hey, I don't have any added sugars. Well, that's smart. That's very smart. And it's doable, guys. Okay, so got it? Eyes, degeneration. Eyes, and supplement wise, my combo of Navitol, which is pine bark extract and high DHA oil. I know I come back to the two things all the time, but I mean it because of the results that we get. Okay? You want good, healthy eyes? You want to stop your eyes from aging? Yep. You want to lubricate those blood vessels behind the eyes? Yep. You want to elevate your nitric oxide behind your eyes? Yep. Well then Navitol and DHA. That combination, I've been showing it to patients for years and years and years, and even to optometrists that will listen and to ophthalmologists who will listen, and family doctors who will listen. Get your patients on Navitol and high DHA for a lot of other reasons too, by the way. But eye protection. People ask me, doc, what about elderberry and other things that my eye doctor or my ophthalmologist are optometrists suggested? Yeah, it's all right, but good, better, and the best. The best is that combination of Navitol and DHA.

Okay, thank you for the question. Let's get going because I will never end again. Okay, that was Debbie and Susan, "I am 62 years old. Could cortisol control be responsible for the return of my overwhelming hot flashes?" No. It should be the opposite. Okay, here's why. Okay, so you have Susan horrormones right now. You're out of balance, and maybe you were in balance and then you got out of balance and that can happen. The main reason that you get hot flashes, ladies, perimenopausal, menopausal, post-menopause. A lot of women, they get post menopause and they go, I don't have any more hormones. Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do. You just don't have 'em like you used to have them, but you still got them. You still got estrogen, you still got progesterone. You may not have it the levels you need.

Now, listen, this is what I find, Susan. When you get overwhelmed, hot flashes coming. It's usually because of high cortisol, okay? Not because of the cortisol formula, but high cortisol. You know why? Because high cortisol stress can come from a lot of different things, even from the environment, can stress your adrenals to secrete too much cortisol doesn't get turned off. You know what happens there? Cortisol, when elevated robs progesterone. If your progesterone goes down compared to the level of estrogen, teeter-totter, okay Estrogen, progesterone, estrogen may be coming down a bit. It's normal. But when progesterone doesn't stay equal, guys, if progesterone is not equal, and cortisol will rob progesterone. It will rob it.

So what happens? You get estrogen dominance, and then that will send you into a tizzy in terms of your hormones. It can, even in post menopause and the hot flashes can come back. This is why I love the cortisol control, because usually that really helped. What I would do, I'd get on our menopausal formula to dim out that estrogen. Menopausal formula, okay, we formulated it for two reasons, okay? One to dim out estrogen, cause we live in an estrogen dominated world. And the other thing in there is to elevate the progesterone, naturally elevate progesterone. Progesterone you need. It's the big balancer. And keep on the cortisol control because you got to get that cortisol down, okay? Thank you for the question, and that was Susan.

Sylvia, "is licorice root tea allowed on the reset?" Yeah, you can have tea. I don't know why you would want to have tea compared to coffee. I hope, Sylvia, that you're still drinking coffee. I feel sorry for people that like tea better than coffee. I read another two studies this weekend on the benefits of coffee. I'll bring it to you this week sometime. Every study they do, they find out more and more and more that Dr. Martin, they should have been listening to me 50 years ago when the world was saying, cut back on coffee. It's acidic. It's a diuretic. Caffeine, the terrible. It's no good for you. And man, oh man, oh man, oh man, okay. It'll destroy your liver and it'll destroy your kidneys. And bah, bah, I heard it. I never believed that. Coffee bean is one of the greatest gifts of God to mankind.

That bean is so full of phytonutrients, and the more we study it, the better it gets. So if you want to drink tea, okay, you can have a tea. You can have licorice tea. I don't care. Don't add any sugar and you'll be alright. And tea's alright. It's just not going to give you the benefits of coffee. And I know for a year you wouldn't believe the thousands of times I heard on my radio show, Dr Martin tea is better than coffee. I said, who told you that? Well, I saw it online. Well, I am sorry they're wrong and I'm right. And I say that humbly, okay, we love you anyways. Okay, Sylvia, we love you. Even if you love tea more than coffee, you can have it. Okay? You can have it.

Rosa, okay, your blood work shows urine albumin. So your urine tests when you took urine tests. I like urine tests, by the way. I love urine tests. In my office, I did blood tests and urine tests. You know what I liked about urine testing, by the way? I really liked the fact that you could see sugar in the urine much earlier than you're going to see elevated blood sugar in the blood. Urine was the way they used to test for diabetes. And I still think it's the best way, okay? It's the best way because when you're spilling sugar over, you're a diabetic. Whether your blood sugars are high or not, you're already, I don't know how many people, I'm not kidding you. In my office, I took out the strips, I got them right on my desk over there, and I said, you see this here? It turned a dark green. You know what that means? And I turn and look at them right in the eyeballs. You're a diabetic. And they'd look at me like, doc, I just had my blood work done. I'm not a diabetic. I said, yes you are. You're on the Titanic. You're in trouble, and you better turn the ship around. You hear me? They still love me. I was surprised by that.

Oh, I didn't even answer your question, Rosa. Okay? I didn't even answer your question about high albumin. Well, whenever you see high albumin in the urine, you're talking usually about liver and liver trouble. And if the doctor isn't too concerned about it, you might have fatty liver, Rosa. You got gummed up liver probably. Okay, so empty it time to do the reset. Okay? And it ain't because eating too much red meat, let me tell you that. Okay?

Okay. Hallie, "is it true taking too much magnesium because of B6 and it could cause peripheral neuropathy?" That ain't true. I've never seen it. Not once in all my history. You don't take magnesium for the B6. Is there B vitamins in magnesium? Maybe trace amounts. I never talk about B vitamins in magnesium together. I'm not worried about that. And peripheral neuropathy is never caused by too much magnesium. I've never seen a case of it. Now, I'll tell you what causes peripheral, Hallie. You know what causes peripheral neuropathy? Usually a diabetic. And again, you can get the peripheral neuropathy even before the diagnosis of diabetes. And usually that is a sign that, because remember, blood supply goes to nerve supply. Your nerves don't work without blood supply.

Nerves don't work without blood supply. So when the blood, your little capillaries and then your little vessels get damaged, that's peripheral neuropathy usually. Now you can have spinal damage giving you peripheral neuropathy either in your neck or your lumbar spine. But generally, yeah, it's diabetes or a sign, an early sign that your blood sugars are not in control properly. Okay? Do the reset. The other thing, anytime you talk nerve, I don't talk magnesium. I talk B12, vitamin B12. How many people are low in B12 and get peripheral neuropathy? Unbelievable. They're low in B12 because they don't eat enough red meat or they're not absorbing the B12. Big, big problem in our society today. Thank you, Hallie, that was a good question.

Ray. "I get numbness in my left arm and left leg tingling along the top." Okay, "so months ago was told high cholesterol, but I did not take any pills." Good for you. "Any suggestions? I don't want to have a stroke." But if you've got numbness in your left arm and left leg, left leg, ain't your heart, you got spinal problems, maybe. Look, I haven't seen all your blood work, Ray, send me your blood work. I mean, just because, what are your triglycerides? What is your HDL? Okay. I'm not worried about high cholesterol. I'm worried about what is your cholesterol is too low. But heart attack, you could get left arm numbness, but you ain't going to get it in your left leg. I think that's more spine. But again, I don't have enough of a history. I don't have enough information. Send me all your information at info@martinclinic.com. Okay, because, I can't give you a good answer without knowing more.

Kim, "what do you think of endometrial ablation?" Well, it's sort of a last resort because when you do ablation and they get at that endometrial lining, usually for endometriosis, it may be needed. Okay? If it's advanced, admit endometriosis, sometimes you have no choice. You start with an ablation and if you need it, you need it. But I would rather you start by dimming out your estrogen because you ain't going to get endometriosis without too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. That's guaranteed. Okay, thanks for the question. "Any risk or hormones that can affect it?" Yeah. Yeah, for sure, estrogen.

Okay, I think I got everything. And Joan, just to answer you, it comes back to Ray too. I had a massive heart attack and was told that it was am mid widowmaker and my cholesterol, everything was normal. Let me see that because I don't know if it was normal. Might be normal to your doctor, but abnormal to me. I look at those ratios between your triglycerides and your HDL, I'd really like to look at that. Again, info@martinclinic.com. Just so I can answer your question, if I would've got to you before the question, I said give me those numbers so I can see them. I can give you a better answer.

Okay, guys, we're done. Okay, we're done. So we got a great week coming. Okay, and already get ready, send your questions in, question and answer Friday coming up. Okay? But we got some good studies even on coffee. I'm going to encourage you guys. Okay guys, we love you dearly and sincerely. Okay? Sun, steak and steel, folks, sun, steak and steel.

Announcer:  You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!

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