Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and hope you're having a wonderful start to your day. And we sure appreciate you guys coming on, and thanks for that and good morning. Okay, let's get back to our questions. Let's finish up our questions here. Okay, Connie, where does Tick syndrome come from? Well, tick syndrome is when you get literally a tick. It's sort of an uncontrolled spasm. And what does it come from? That's a good question. Could be, I always look, sometimes the stuff shows up. Is it viral? Is it parasitical, a parasite? Who knows? Whenever I saw someone with an uncontrolled tick, I used to just like I did it with everyone. I looked for deficiencies, I looked at all the biomarkers and with ticks often, here's what I saw. Often, not always, often, they had low levels of magnesium, low levels of B12, low levels of vitamin D, almost invariably those three, they had leaky gut, gut, brain, gut nerves.
I don't know. They had leaky gut, usually fungus with that, leaky gut, even parasites. So Connie, I don't know exactly where it comes from, why Tourette's syndrome and whatever, stress over a long, yeah, they had high cortisol over a long period of time, ordinarily, and there may have been some exceptions to that, but those were the findings. So what did I do in my office? I always addressed the biomarkers, fix those and see what happens. I was really big on that. Fix the deficiencies, fix the biomarkers, get rid of inflammation as much as possible. I always recommended the reset, the change in diet a lot of times. And again, I was a result driven practitioner results. So that was my protocol. Test don't guess. Test don't guess, and then fix the deficiencies, fix the problems, and see what happens. Okay? And I got good results with people, very good results by doing that. Okay, Susie's asking, what can I do about visceral fat? Okay, okay, I'm going to show you. So folks, those of you listening to this podcast, you can't see what I'm showing here on live Facebook. I am showing five pounds of fat. It's taking up the whole screen. It's a foot long and six inches wide.
So when someone does the reset and goes, I'm frustrated, I only lost five pounds. I'll tell you what, when you're on the reset, you're going to lose five pounds of fat. And what's even more important, you're going to lose visceral. You know what the word visceral means around the organs? The viscera. Visceral fat is fat around organs, the most dangerous. That's why you can be skinny as a rake and be very unwell metabolically. And I am telling you that I've seen that a lot of times in my office, people that were very thin, but very unhealthy because what they didn't realize is they had fat in their liver, visceral fat. They had fat around their heart, they had fat around their stomach, they had fat around their pancreas. These are dangerous, dangerous places to have fat. That's called visceral fat. Okay, see that? Okay, six inches wide and a foot long, five pounds of fat. I had this in my office for years, and when I would show people this, it would blow them away. You are carrying at least that and we're going to get rid of that because this fat is an organ unto itself. Just having this in your body, okay? Your body doesn't go, oh, goody goody gumdrops. You got extra insulation for me? No, no, this fat is dangerous. Why? Well, it's an organ unto itself.
In a way it's dangerous because when this is present in the body around the organs, the organs, the body develops an inflammation because of it. The body sees this fat as a foreign object, and thus inflammation, the body goes into its ambulance mode. Ambulance is good unless it just never goes away. Okay, so when the body brings you extra cytokines and inflammation markers like enzymes and things like that, well, if you have an injury or a virus or a bacteria and you have an infection, that's a wonderful thing. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made unbelievable. But your body sees this as a foreign object. It's saying, what is this doing here? And it sort of sets up a response to it. And guys, this is a dangerous type of fact, very dangerous. And one of the ways you can find out if you have this inside without, you can't see it. Now, you might see belly fat and you might be skinny and still see belly fat. Well, there's an indicator, okay? That's one way. Look at your belly in men, if it's over 40 inches in women over 35, that's a biomarker for metabolic syndrome, meaning that you got some visceral fat underneath.
But here's another couple of things that you can look at. One, here's what happens. Almost invariably when you have visceral fat around your organs, your triglycerides go up and your cholesterol HDL goes down. That's upside down. You want your triglycerides to be low and your HDL to be high, you want cholesterol, okay? And by the way, this isn't cholesterol, okay? It looks like cholesterol. No, but guys, that's another way to find out if you've got visceral fat hanging around your organs, especially your liver, remember what insulin does? Insulin takes food and it stores it, okay? It's a storage hormone. That's why insulin is a growth hormone. It makes things grow, grow, grow, okay? And when you eat sugar, especially processed foods, especially crappy carbs, especially your insulin's got a big, big job to do because it's got to take it out of your bloodstream and it's got to store it.
Now, if you don't have enough muscle, your best place to store glucose as glycogen is in your pipes, in your bins, okay? You got bins, you got muscle, man. Oh man. The more we study muscle, it's an endocrine organ unto itself. When you don't have enough muscle, and this is a big problem a lot of times with skinny people or even obese people. I remember looking at studies for the wrestlers there in Japan, okay, they're huge, right? But metabolically, even though they're huge, okay? They got a lot of muscle. So metabolically, they're healthier. You look at them, they go, oh man, they're so big. They're so obese and that, but they have a lot of muscle. They're very, very strong. And that sort of saves their bacon, if you know what I mean. Metabolically, it saves their bacon because they're so strong. The problem in a lot of skinny people as they got no muscle.
Now that's terrible. Not only for osteoporosis, but it's terrible for their metabolic health. They got no muscle. They're thin as a rake, but they're not strong. If you're thin as a rake, get strong muscle is so good because it helps to regulate your insulin and insulin resistance. When your cells get so sick and tired of seeing insulin come around, that is one of the major causes of chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, autoimmune, and yada, yada, yada. Okay? So the question is asked, what can I do about visceral fat? Well, that took me a long time to get to that, but I wanted just to go over and explain to you the importance of understanding this whole fat thing. Visceral fat, organ fat, dangerous, dangerous, sets off the body's ambulance system that doesn't get turned off until you lose that visceral fat. What do I do, Dr. Martin?
Okay, let's go over it. I've written down how many? Seven. Okay, what do I do? Move, move. Movement helps walk. You can run if you want. You know what they're showing. Actually, one of the best things you can do is sprinting, okay, not jogging, but sprinting short sprints of about 30 seconds. I read a study the other day, even two 32nd sprints. Now listen, it's hard to sprint when you're my age, okay? I love sports, okay? And I still play old timers. Slow pitch. When you got to sprint to first base, you should see all the injuries anyway, so move number one, move now, number two, and I'm going to say this has to do with movement, but I can't emphasize guys this enough for visceral fat resistant training. Get strong. Get strong resistant training. Guys, you don't need to go to a gym. If you're in a gym, beautiful, and there's nothing better for visceral fat, the biggest muscles in your body or in your legs, get your legs strong.
Okay? Get your legs strong. Any of you golfers would know this expression, right? Drive for show, but put for dough, do you know that expression, golfers meaning you can hit the long ball? Well, good for you. But if you really want to be a good golfer, you better be good on your short game. Okay? So let me use this an analogy. I like to show my grandchildren grandpa's pipes. Okay? I said, these guns are illegal to cross the border with. Okay, see these guns, and I show them my arm muscles. Everything that grandpa does is funny to them. But when you really want to put for dough the best thing you can do in terms of muscles, get your legs strong, you got more storage space in your leg muscles than anywhere else. And the key for insulin resistance, and the key for visceral fat is get those legs strong. It'll help you, especially as you get older. It'll help you for mobility. It will help your back. It will help you for osteoporosis, like nobody's business is getting your leg muscle strong and walking's. All right? That's movement, but it doesn't strengthen the muscle, like resistant training or lifting weights or even using those bands. But get your legs strong. Get your legs strong, guys. That'll help you a lot. Okay? What else did I write down? Protein, protein, protein. Emphasize it guys. God gave us food and your best foods are made in nature with protein and fat, not fat and carbs, protein and fat.
That's the best fuel in the world. It's the best thing you can do for visceral fat inside your body. You want to burn that off. You need to eat right eggs. Eggs will never, ever, ever, you could eat a hundred eggs a day and you won't get any visceral fat from it. You can eat bacon and eggs and you won't get visceral fat. You get fat, you're eating fat. Look at all that grease. Dr. Martin, my doctor said to lay off the yolks. The yolks have got fat in it, but that's where all the nutrients are. And you never get fat from eating that fat. You get fat from eating the bad fat in the middle aisles of your grocery stores that are in everything that you can think of in there. Those bad oils that were made for your car and not for your body. You can buy that oil and put it in your car. Your car will work perfectly fine. Oh, Dr. Martin, what about safflower oil? Yeah, put it in your car. Put it in your car. Don't put it in your body. Your body don't know what that is. It's a foreign substance. Okay?
Good oils, guys. But guys, I'm telling you, eat more protein and fat the way we're supposed to. It's a much better fuel. The other one is sleep. Get sleep. Why? Because when your cortisol is high, you're making visceral fat. When you're stressed and you're not sleeping, the lowest hanging fruit for stress, the lowest hanging fruit that you can do is sleep. And when you're sleeping, man, you're actually burning visceral fat. You got to get into that sleep. And I'm not talking about sedation either, because a lot of people used to come into my office and they were sedated to go to sleep, but doc, I can't sleep without it. I said, you're not sleeping, you're sedated. Big difference. You're getting no repair. You're sedated. I know, but I got to sleep. Yeah, but you're being knocked out. There's a big difference there. Your body's not going into its repair mechanism.
Limit alcohol. Remember, the key is the liver for visceral fat. It's a big key. And you want to limit alcohol and limit fructose, high fructose corn syrup. Did you hear Robert? F Kennedy wants to change the sugar wants to tell Coca-Cola and cola and the other cola companies to change their sugar back to cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. I applaud that. I know I read some people they were commenting, oh, what difference does it make? It makes a big difference because high fructose corn syrup makes a beeline to your liver, just like alcohol. Where does alcohol metabolize liver? I mean, we've known that for thousands of years. Kids are getting cirrhosis, like livers fatty liver.
It's the early stage of cirrhosis and they're getting it. They're not drinking alcohol. They're drinking soda with high fructose corn syrup in it. Don't drink juice to tell parents, don't give your kids juice boxes to go to school. Wean them on water because when they're weaned on water, they'll always love water until they're old enough to drink coffee. That's really good for you. Okay? Move sleep. Protein and fat limit alcohol resistant training. Talked about that already. Get strong guys. Move and get strong. Move and get strong eating window. Guys, you got trouble with visceral fat practice eating windows, okay? And the best one to practice is don't eat at night. Stop eating at night. Try and give your body a good 14 hours, 12 to 14 hours without eating. You have no idea how good that is for you and it's doable. Like six o'clock to six in the morning is 12 hours. You go to eight o'clock, you're at 14. You can have a coffee though, aren't you glad guys? Aren't you happy that I'm giving you good news all the time? You can have coffee. Just have a coffee, have a decaf at night. What? Yeah.
Okay have a decaf guys. I'm telling you, I am telling you, use those windows. Eat within windows. Keep your eating in these windows because you're giving your insulin a break. You're giving your pancreas a break. Not only your digestive system, you're giving a break, but you're giving your insulin a break. If you give your insulin. Remember what makes visceral fat insulin? You want to get rid of this inside your body. I'm showing again, the five pounds of fat. You want to get rid of that dangerous fat around your organs. That's what you do. That's what you do. Okay? That was a long answer, wasn't it?
Okay, Catherine, do you have anything to say about gluteal your glutes tendinopathy? Well, I got lot to say about it. What do you want to know? One of the things I found, Catherine, again, coming back to muscles of any kind, use them are lose them. A lot of people, they get tendinopathies and all this kind of thing. They really don't use their muscle enough and then they injure them or they get chronic conditions with them. And look, I love, in terms of supplement curcumin and inflammation formula, love that stuff. Doreen, wonder what kind of results I should be seeing with a prolapse after taking progesterone for two months. Well, again, if you get a bladder prolapse and it's coming down, you'll notice when it's working properly, you know what symptoms you're getting. Some women would get problems with dripping or whatever, and that got better. Things got better down in that part of the anatomy. Generally, I would say you know your body. So if you're seeing a change, it's working. Okay.
That's what generally I would say. Andrea, can you explain in more detail about children? 11 years old with type one diabetes? Well, type one is autoimmune. And I'm telling you, there was a huge connection in my opinion and studies that I've seen antibiotics with kids when they're little, they get leaky gut. You get leaky gut, you can develop autoimmune and comes later. And kids with type one is different than type two. It's autoimmune. Now, their pancreas isn't working. It's not insulin resistance, it's they're not secreting enough insulin. They need insulin to save their lives. But I'm telling you what I found over the years, if you fix leaky gut and you get them on a high protein, high fat eggs, meat and cheese, they got to be lovers of those foods because that's the best thing for them. Their insulin is not even working properly, and they do really well with EMC.
That doesn't mean they're not having fruit or whatever. I'm just telling you, the vast majority of their foods got to be from eggs, meat, and cheese. Okay? And they got celiac. Again, that's autoimmune. They got leaky gut. That's what started all of it. Was it antibiotics in their case? Maybe. I seen it a cazillion times. Okay. That was Andrea. And let me see, I think, well, I talked to John the other day answering the question about the kidney, dialysis and kidneys. Water, the number one thing for the kidneys, H2O, if you're on dialysis, will the reset fix your chronic kidney disease? Nah, nah. Are you going to reverse it? I haven't seen it, but still a good way to eat because you know what destroyed those kidneys? Sugar did. Generally, that's what destroyed it. Not salt, not protein, sugar. Okay, I think I'm done. Connie Angioedema, I'll tell you again, hereditary.
Yeah, some genetics, but you got leaky gut. I've never seen a case where they don't have leaky gut, leaky skin and where they get hives and all this and that. You got to start with the gut. Okay? And Annette, is castor oil compression good for shingles? Not going to hurt. Not going to hurt with shingles, I always go inside out. Okay. They're usually low in B12. They're usually low in vitamin D. They got very high cortisol, very high cortisol, got to lower that. But I'm not against using castor oil as a compress even on it. Some have said that really helped them. Good for them all for it. Okay, thank you. I think I'm done. Okay. Yes. I think I got everybody. I hope I did okay, guys, we got a great week coming up. Lots of good studies. Okay. And get your questions in for Friday info@martinclinic.com. Okay? Make sure you send them there because then we get them guaranteed and then I'm going to answer them guaranteed. Okay guys, we love you dearly. We'll talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!