Dr. Martin answers questions sent in by our listeners in today's episode.
Announcer: You're listening to The Doctor Is In Podcast, brought to you by MartinClinic.com. During the episode, the doctors share a lot of information. As awesome as the info may be, it is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. It's strictly for informational purposes.
Dr. Martin: Well, good morning everyone, and once again, welcome to another live this morning and great to have you on. We thank you for coming on with us. If you can come on live, always a bonus for us. We appreciate our followers and those who can join us. We understand not everybody can thank you guys for the anniversary wishes. Much appreciated. 52 years, I'll tell you, there's going to be a special place in heaven for my wife putting up with me for 52 years. Okay guys, Dr. Martin, and this question is from Andy. Can you help me with chronic kidney disease stage five? Yikes. Right? Very advanced. Look, Andy, if I was you, here's what I would do if I was you. Take care of your kidneys, man. Okay? Now remember two things about kidneys. When you're advanced like that, look, you never give up, okay? You never give up.
Do everything you can. Two big things when it comes to kidneys, Andy, two big things. Drink water and lay off the sugar. Now, they're going to tell you don't touch protein and you got protein problems. Look, I understand why they say that. I just never found it to be the case. It's not protein that damages your kidneys. It's sugar. Okay? It's sugar. So those two things, man. Water, sugar, I like natal. If you were to take supplements, Andy Natal would be the best because it elevates your nitric oxide, helps with circulation even in the kidneys. And there's actually good studies with pine bark extract and kidney disease, okay? So that's what I would do. That's what I would do. Andy. Patricia with a z between oxidative damage and bad oil damage, which is worse. Well, look, oxidative damage is normal, okay? You're going to get free radical damage.
That's how you age. We oxidize. So it's part of the aging process, and what I talk about all the time is slowing that down to the extent that we, okay, I always make the argument, well, you can't completely slow it down. You can't stop it, but you can slow it down. Okay? So that's oxidative damage. Now, bad oil damage. I made this case years ago, okay? Years ago. I actually wrote about it in one of my books back there, but I can't remember exactly, and I think it might've been the metabolic reset or the one before that the damage of oils. Okay? The damage of oils is aldehyde damage. And here's what I talked about years ago. When you smoke, actually, you accelerate free radical damage. But one of the things with smoking is aldehyde damage in the lungs. And how many millions of people have died of lung cancer because of smoking, right? Aldehydes, it's an oxidative damage free radical type of damage. Very, very damaging in COPD and lung cancer. Now, what we found today, okay, because people got the memo about smoking, generally, I know there's people that still smoke and I don't know why they do it, but they do it. But at the end of the day, most people have got the memo about smoking. In my generation, when we were kids, my parents smoked. Everybody smoked. My older brother smoked. I went to school and people smoked big time.
It was almost rare if you didn't smoke. But even today, here we are in 2024, and you know what the number one cancer is today that kills you? Lung cancer. Why? Now, I don't know if you're going to hear this anywhere else, but I believe it's because of those seed oils and aldehydes from all those middle of the aisle, grocery store products that have those so-called vegetable oils in there. So if you're asking the question at the end of the day, Patricia, what's worse? Well, the seed oil damage is worse because oxidative damage, we all get it. It's part of aging. We're rusting out. Think of the apple. Cut it in half. What's going to happen right before your eyes? Oxidation? The same oxygen that you can't live without is the same oxygen that will wear you out and rust you out. Okay? I posted a picture in our private Facebook group.
That picture was taken on Rosie and i's wedding night. You can't recognize me. You probably could my wife, but not me. You go, who is that guy? I can't even recognize him. And what that is, is what you see here is free radical damage. It's oxidation, right? Look at the movie stars. What did I say yesterday? Some of them went from dreamboats to tugboats. True or false? Okay. Patricia's also asking, do digestive enzymes work to repair oxidative damage? No, not per se, because digestive enzymes will help break down oxalates, okay? But they're not going to repair the damage. That's not what they're for. You're better off with antioxidants to do that. My favorite antioxidant ever is navit ol. I mean, as a supplement, your body makes antioxidants. It's called glutathione that's on your side that protects your body. As we get older, you don't make as much.
And if you have fatty liver or your carbo holic and your liver is full of sludge, you're going to have trouble with that. Okay? And Patricia asked third question, does a negative effect of nuts if you eat EMC and then eat nuts? Is that negated it now? Not really. Okay. Now digestive enzymes would be good to break down the nuts even more and decrease their effect. I'm not big on nuts and seeds except flax seeds. I like flax seeds. Just look. I'm not saying you can never have that, but whenever I had anybody with any digestive issues at all, I would have them cut that out. They cut out salad and they cut out seeds and nuts, and the only seed I'd let them have is flax seeds. And I don't like flax oil, by the way. I don't like the oil. It becomes rancid very quickly.
Okay, thank you for the questions, Patricia. Kate, my nephew, nine years old, keeps having multiple seizures. No one knows why. Okay? When he was young, he had multiple sinus and ear infections and put on many rounds of antibiotics. I've heard and read with kids and putting them on a probiotic can help. Well, you read, right? Put 'em on a broad spectrum probiotic. Kate, you can't get a better probiotic than our probiotic. You just can't because of the strains that we choose in the right form and the right amount clinically, when I gave out a probiotic and I did to kids, every kid should be on probiotics. By the way, everybody should be on probiotics. We live in a world that is so toxic. And what kid hasn't taken an antibiotic? You hardly ever medic kid ever that didn't take an antibiotic at least once in their lifetime, that wiped out all their bacteria. You got to replace that. So yeah, I'd put 'em on probiotic with a broad strain, broad spectrum, because the more strains you have, the more effective it is because different strains of probiotics can't do different things.
I would put them on for sure, and seizures like a lot of times what I found. Okay, kids with seizures could be the antibiotics. There's a real connection between your gut and brain. Fix the gut for sure. I'd have 'em on Navit, I'd have 'em on high DHA for the brain. Okay, Shelly, what are the reasons for miscarriages? Would it not be enough progesterone or too much estrogen? Well, the big one is progesterone. Okay? And over the years I got really good results with women who were miscarrying all the time and you had to balance their hormones. And when I got their progesterone levels up, a lot of them had a success. I got to tell you a funny story. A lady come into our office one time in the waiting room and the waiting room was full waiting to see me, and she said out loud, Dr. Martin got me pregnant.
And my staff said, well, he helped you to get pregnant. He didn't get you pregnant, but she was so happy. But anyway, we had a good laugh about that one. Okay, Cyril, what do you advise for long-term covid? Get your vitamin D levels up. Most people that suffer from long-term effects of covid vitamin DI was looking this morning, I should actually, I think I'll post it again. An article back in 2021, it was on mainstream too. Good levels of vitamin D, almost nobody would've been hospitalized during the virus. So if you have long covid, usually I found that your immune system is down. You don't have enough vitamin DI would have you on eggs, meat and cheese doing the reset. No sugar. Sugar puts your immune system to sleep. Steak stimulates your immune system. But the big thing is getting that vitamin D levels up to snuff.
I do the hammer, look, here's the hammer that I use for myself. First sign of a cold or whatever for me, 50,000. I use three days in a row of vitamin D with K two, of course. Okay, Eunice, is there any value to adding actual ground bones to bone broth? I dunno. I dunno. I dunno about the ground bones, but if you're getting any broth from that, you could add it. I don't know. I've never thought of it wouldn't hurt. I love bone broth. You guys know that It's the best collagen in the world. The best collagen protein in the world is bone broth. Fabulous. I've been using it for eons of years. Very high in L glutamine to fix your gut. All the amino acids and the nutritional profile is wonderful. Bone broth. Okay, I don't know. Somebody answered that person about ground bones.
I've never, I don't know, I can't even think of it, but somebody might know something. Okay, that was Eunice David, what does Dr. Martin think of methylene blue? Well, just about every week I get asked about it. And originally, here's what I knew about methylene blue. If you had cyanide poisoning, they give it to you. It's FDA approved. What else does it do? Well, it's an antioxidant. It's got benefits. I mean, when you look at methyl cobain like a B12, there's advantages to using the methyl cobain. I don't know. Look, here's me, okay? You've got to understand where I come from when you ask me questions, and I do it every week, but it's a good question, David. Okay? I always compare. You ask me about a product if I have experience with it and I know what it does and whatever, but here's me, I always compare it to what I know works.
And I say this a lot. You have good, you have better, and you have best, good, better, and best. Now, people might disagree with me about that and different things. They get good results with methylene blue. I don't know. To me it would be comparable to my nal. I like NAL better because in my opinion, until somebody shows me different, it's the best. It just has a long, long, long track record and research. It's hard to beat. I look at products and I compare them clinically. You have to understand what made us different at the Martin Clinic in a way is we had a real practice with real people and people came from all over the place to see us and I had to get results. Otherwise, what kind of a reputation would I had in practice? You got to fix. And my protocols, my treatment plans, my supplement plans to give people supplements, and I wasn't one to give 50 supplements to people.
I didn't do that, but I knew what worked and what didn't. And that was me in practice. So when you're asking me those questions and I get asked a lot every week, I'm going to, what about this product? Well, what about it? And there's no problem. If you want to take it, take it. I see no issue with it. But when I compare it, I'm sorry. I'm biased about that. Okay, that was David Kelly, my friend has prostatitis and antibiotics for two weeks. What are your suggestions? Well look for sure, for sure. I've treated prostatitis many, many a time. My protocol always included probiotics, oil of oregano, high vitamin D. Vitamin D is very good anti-inflammatory. Okay? And it really boost up your immune system. I would use navit even because again, opening up blood vessels into the prostate. So if you're on antibiotic, just make sure you're taking probiotics with it.
And then for a couple of good months after really up your doses because you got to replace all that good bacteria that's going to be destroyed. That's the problem with antibiotics. Look, sometimes you need an antibiotic. I'm not against it. Just understand. You're always killing your friendly bacteria with your bad guys and you need to replace that. People say, well wait till you finish your antibiotic before you take the probiotics. I wouldn't do that. I have shown people over the years that it's better to take your probiotics even with your antibiotics and then double up. Some people even triple up their probiotics for a good month or two afterwards just to replace all that good bacteria. Then you don't get a fungus, you don't get a yeast. And by the way, in a prostatitis, especially if it gets chronic, you know what I found? They got fungus in there.
They have a yeast, not even the bacteria. That's the big problem. I'm talking about chronic prostatitis. Okay? That's why I love the oil of oregano too. Oil of oregal, antifungal, antibacterial, antibiotic, you name it. Okay? I love oil of oregal. Thank you very much for that. And that was Kelly and David. What could cause potassium levels to be above normal when kidney function levels are good? Well, that's good. If they're a little bit above, I don't worry about it too much. It could be heart. It could be because you're on meds. I don't know David, I don't know your specific case, but if your kidneys are working well, I wouldn't add too much more potassium. Look, you know what people, it's usually okay. Usually David, what I dealt with in my practice was low potassium and bananas do nothing. You need a lot of potassium, much more than you need magnesium almost.
Let's see, magnesium about eight times more potassium than magnesium is your daily requirement. Now, if your potassium's a little high, maybe just the way you are and if everything's good and you're feeling good, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I really wouldn't. What I would take David, okay? Because you have what you call the sodium potassium pump. Make sure you're getting enough sodium, okay? Make sure you're getting enough sodium. It's sort of the antidote to your potassium if it's high. And even magnesium. I like magnesium. Make sure you're getting enough of that and that should help. But I'm not too worried about it if you're not telling me you got kidney damage. Okay, that was David. Should I continue taking bone broth? I would. Yeah. It's got potassium in it, but I mean I would and I wouldn't be worried about that. Wendy, what does a woman in her sixties who is also taking bioidentical progesterone, okay, do they still need to take Dr.
Martin's menopause support? Well, look, that's up to you. Depends what your symptoms are. One, two, I'll tell you why. I like the menopausal support that I would add even with progesterone for me, if you're asking, it's got dim. And dim takes out those xenoestrogens from your body and you're exposed to it, Wendy, just like everybody else, we live in a world full of estrogen and xenoestrogens. So by taking dim, or if you want add flax seeds and you should be fine if you're, but I like our menopausal formula for that because we got dim. It's so good for you. Okay, that was Wendy Carol. I was hoping Dr. Martin can explain why iodine causes me breast pain. Well, the first thing I would say, Carol, and I don't know that for a fact. I am giving you ideas. You might not need any iodine, okay? And that's the reason why iodine is good for you, okay?
I love iodine. It's good for your thyroid. Your thyroid don't work without it, and your thyroid don't work without selenium. And if you're getting breast pain, when you take iodine, you might be low in selenium. You're not eating enough steak for selenium. I know you can get selenium in nuts, but it's not near as bioavailable as the selenium in steak. Okay? But those are some probabilities, Carol. Okay? Anything I take for this causes me breast pain. Well, I think too, I mean just on the idea of your breast pain, you probably got too much car. Estrogen, okay? You're too much of a woman. Is that possible? Okay. That's why I like dim. Dim it out. Okay, Sherry, want to sing? I want to sing Sherry, how does Dr. Martin feel about omega seven C buck thorn oil? I like it. Has some good research behind it.
And here's what I'm going to do again, Sherry, I'm going to compare it. I am sorry. It's the way I operate. It's good. It's a good oil, but you ain't going to beat high DHA oil. You just won't beat it. The higher the DHA, the more lubricant it is, the more bioavailable that oil is. Your brain is made up of DHA and you want that healthy fat. And there's nothing like DHA. Somebody else asked the question. Let me do it again because I might as well do it right now. Lori. My naturopath wants to see EPA higher in my fish supplement. You prefer higher DHA. What are the benefits of E-P-A-E-P-A has many benefits. You see, here's what it is, okay? EP, A and DHA are found in the animal kingdom. They are oils, omega threes of the animal kingdom. Okay? E-P-A-D-H-A. They're the most bioavailable of all your omega threes.
Okay? So think of omega threes, like different cars on the road. Okay? You got Hondas, you got Kias, you got this, you got Ford, you got Chevrolet. Okay? DHA is the top, top, top of all the oils because one is bioavailability. And again, like I tell you what it does for your heart and brain, your brain's made up of that fat, okay? You want to be called fat head. It's a compliment. Okay? So EPA is very good. It's a shorter chain fatty acid compared to DHA, which is a the longest chain fatty acid. Okay? The longer the better. Now EPA is good, as a matter of fact, is it called vascepa? I think it is. This is a medication that will lower your triglycerides and it's all EPA very, very expensive as a medication. Well, you can imagine these people spend a lot of money.
I think it was an Irish company that patented this EPA and it lowers your triglycerides. It works okay. It's called vascepa. I remember doing radio shows on VASCEPA 10 years ago and I like it. I like EPA. We have EPA in our high DHA. We have EPA oil in there, but I disagree with your nature path. Yeah, I don't think your naturopath is telling you that she or he doesn't like DHA. They're just saying they want higher EPA. I don't know Lori, if you're using our supplement or not, but you ain't ever going to get, in my opinion, I have never seen one that has as much DHA as that we put in it. It's not an easy process, by the way to get that done. But again, your naturopath might be talking to you about that to lower your triglycerides, but hi, DHAA. Lower your triglycerides too.
Okay? That was Sherry Cliff. Cliff has benign prostatic hyperplasia. You got inflammation of your prostate, right? Yeah, and I do the reset. Good for you. I take one nal, good for you. 2D HA good for you. One probiotic, good for you. 4,000. I use a vitamin D. I do see an osteopath. I was told it's rare for men for my age to recover from this. Look, here's a couple of things I would have you think about Cliff. Okay? What makes things grow? What makes things grow? You really have sort of two and a half things insulin and you're doing the reset. And when you're past the reset, then eat, reset like the rest of your life. Cliff, the best eating is when you emphasize eggs, meat, and cheese. And you can have some fruits and vegetables. I got no problem with that. You can have some plant kingdom.
I wouldn't be too big on nuts and seeds, but I'd have you on flax seeds because it's going to lower your estrogen. Now. One lower insulin, it makes things grow. Insulin is a growth hormone. Two. Estrogen is a growth hormone in men. Prostate, elevated estrogen, not enough testosterone ordinarily. Okay, so get to the gym, vitamin E, stay on the reset. I would add some dim. Okay, take it by flax. C. Thanks Cliff for the question, Jennifer. Oh, by the way, lower your cortisol. Cortisol can pour gasoline on the fire of inflammation. Okay, Jennifer, I have extremely dry scalp. Okay? Not with a niche, but a dry scalp, dry scalp, leaky gut. You have fungus. Okay, Jennifer, you have a yeast. You have fungal out here. Where did it start? Gut leaky. Gut Leaky scalp and add oil. Lubricate, I love that. DHA and probiotic on your scalp.
You can add a couple of drops to a shampoo. I would add oil of oregano to kill that fungus. Okay, thank you, Jennifer. I appreciate it. John, is it true that vitamin D three supplements need to have magnesium to convert D three into its active form? No. I love magnesium. You need magnesium, but you don't have to take a supplement necessarily of magnesium to make vitamin D work. Okay? Vitamin D from the sun. Yeah, magnesium is there, I get it. But you don't need to take necessarily any extra to get your vitamin D to work so that you absorb it. I understand that in some ways that's not a bad statement, but you need magnesium for your body to work properly. I mean, magnesium is involved in about 300 things. Okay? Do you know me in magnesium? And to some extent it has a co-factor in vitamin D.
Yes, it does. But again, like, oh, I got to take my magnesium, otherwise my vitamin D is not going to work. I don't see it like that. I really don't. You can get in the sun and it'll work no matter what. That's how good the sun is for you and the vitamin D. You get 10,000 IUs in 20 minutes. But for your body to work properly for almost everything, you need magnesium and your magnesium levels. Most people don't get enough magnesium anymore. Not in the soil. If it's not in the soil, it's not in your diet. Okay? I've been talking about magnesium for 50 years. Good, good, good, good, good. Good question. Okay, so maybe let me just see how many more I have. Okay, well, you know what? I think I'll take these up on Monday and we can maybe even do something else with it on Monday too. We'll see if we get through, okay? Okay, so send in your questions guys. That's what happened here. People sent their questions into info@martinclinic.com. Sometimes they get seen on the private Facebook group, but it's better to be sure to send you questions in to info@martinclinic.com. Okay? Then for sure, we're going to answer your questions. Okay guys, we love you dearly. Talk to you soon.
Announcer: You've reached the end of another Doctor Is In Podcast, with your hosts, Doctor Martin Junior and Senior. Be sure to catch our next episode and thanks for listening!